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[FE9] PoR Draft #33370

Ema Skye

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Well I almost had it...

and then one of the Stealing Ravens went for the defend point. I thought their AI only went for the chests, and nothing else. Guess I learned something today.

Maybe make people free to shove Ike in that chapter alone?

Or perhaps remove Mordecai's penalty to smite, but only on turn 1 and only on Ike.

Edited by Lucina
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I just realized, chapter 9 can be 4 turned in fixed mode if Tits decides to proc counter against Kotaff and with the Iron forge o_O. Sadly, Counter's activation rate sucks.

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Well I almost had it...

and then one of the Stealing Ravens went for the defend point. I thought their AI only went for the chests, and nothing else. Guess I learned something today.

Or perhaps remove Mordecai's penalty to smite, but only on turn 1 and only on Ike.

But that's why I drafted Mordy in the first place :( It devalues him.

Chapter 12 - 8/64 turns

Nice and easy chapter, Boyd's close to promotion and a little BEXP should be enough. Compared to the clusterfuck that is chapter 13, it's very welcome. >(

Chapter 13: Oh. My. God. Why. Astrid isn't the problem, the incompetent NPCs are. Smite Tits to the myrm -> defense gets captured because the loldier guarding the tile sucks ass. Don't smite -> Astrid dies. Fuck. I guess I won't have Volke get the killer bow chest on turn 1 then.

Edited by Executioner
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Chapter 10 4/51

Made an Iron Lance forge for Tits. What I did was have Tits rescue Ike and make a run for it. She can 4HKO danomill (the boss) with the iron lance. So she attacks an armor with it and stands in range of danomill and the armor. Danomill attacks her in EP 3 and the armor dies too. Next, she KOs him and gets the master seal and ike seizes. Mia and Soren survived thanks to Mia's vantage and teamwork. 1 more turn and they would have died though xD

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Executioner, welcome to my world on Ch.13. Whenever Astrid makes it through the turn, the escape tile gets captured from a bunch of 4% Crits. It's pretty much gotten down to reset until Titania can get on the tile, and Astrid can run onto my boat.

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Made a small mistake in the chapter 10 description. Tits first used the Iron Lance forge (10x2 since he used Steel Lance). He was down 22 HP then she attacked him PP with the iron axe forge for 12x2 damage due to WTA. If you are wondering how Soren and Mia survived, they obtained a door key, traded it around and Mia chokepointed while Soren stood behind her nabbing as little amount of kills they could.

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[spoiler=Progress so far]

Prologue - 4 turns

Chapter 1 - 3 turns

Had to restart because all six hits connecting on Ike when he just needs to dodge one to survive.

Chapter 2 - 4 turns

Chapter 3 - 4 turns

Maybe this is elementary for you guys, it took me a handful of tries before I got the positionings right. Also got a crit on the boss on turn 3 and had to restart.

Chapter 4 - 2 turns

Am I using Titania too much? Ike only got one kill.

Chapter 5 - 6 turns

Oscar ran out of the Iron Lance, which is not so good.


Ike 8.01

Oscar 8.49

Titania 3.70

Chapter 6 - 4 turns

I did a 5 turn first, but then realise that a 4-turn is possible with some exp loss.

Chapter 7 - 7 turns

Titania went left and up, Oscar up and then circled around the map. Ike slowly chipped at ranged enemies. Maybe I could have done better at this map.

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Chapter 13 - 7/71 turns

Finally. Titania and Boyd looted the top chests while Volke went around and got the bottom ones. Zihark shoves Volke on turn 1 so he can get the left chest, Rhys shoves Ike, Titania moves to block the defense tile, then Mordy smites Ike. Boyd just goes up. Promoted Boyd = gr9mazing.

Chapter 14 - 3/74 turns

Played around with a 2-turn with Mordy's smite and Titania dropping Zihark in boss range, but she came up short move wise. Volke got the spirit dust and also boxed in Rhys by the river so he wouldn't die to a fighter. Also promoted Zihark with the seal.

Chapter 15 - 4/78 turns

Volke goes right to get the statue frag. Sothe is deployed so I can grab the boots. Ike, Boyd and Volke shove Zihark (who's wearing the laguzguard), then Mordy smites him. Then Zihark goes up but doesn't full move so that Mordy and Boyd can reach him and shove/smite (it gives more move, basically) and eventually reaches Muarim, who gets critblicked with Zihark's killing edge. Also, Ike grabs a physic and Boyd grabs a shine, which I didn't know was there at all. Only lost like, 2 turns compared to the fliers. >__>

Chapter 16 - 4/82 turns

Tormod gets a fire forge named "Agidyne". Titania ferries Ike to the throne, Mordecai smites her twice. Boyd OHKO's the myrms near the start with an axe forge. :lol: I got none of the treasures and I didn't recruit Devdan, but it doesn't really matter now.

Edited by Executioner
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Idk what to do. I got a file of chapter 11 with dracoshield but no killing edge (zihark) and in the other, I got zihark (Killing edge) but no draco...what do?

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Jill murderface apprecites the Draco. Mia appreciates the KE but can do without it. I decided to keep the Draco.

Chapter 11 5/56

Mia stays put. Soren moves up and Ike shoves him. Tits parks in front of BK's door.

The Bow Knight went for Soren and died to the Fire forge. Mia killed stuff in the other side.

Turn 2, Soren kills a cavalier in the way. Tits kills the myrm in the way and cantos west with Iron Lance equipped.

Ike moves to the right of Soren and chokepoints there. He Kills stuff in EP. Tits too. And Mia's enemies

are split up due to her positioning. This allows her to get the Draco and make a run for it in turn 3.

Turn 3 tits keeps moving left. Mia runs. Soren and Ike move up but no in range of Zihark. Ike kills more stuff with Regal

Sword. Turn 4, Tits hammers knight. Ike and Soren move out of BK's spawn range. Mia keeps killing and running.

Last turn, Ike grabs the Killer Lance. Soren hits the boss for more fire WEXP. And tits arrives.

Unit	Lv	Xp	HP	st	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv		Support
Ike	13	72	36	11	3	13	14	10	10	4	Sword B		Soren C Tits C
Tits	7	94	39	15	5	16	17	14	13	9	Lance C Axe S	Ike C
Soren	14	16	24	0	14	15	13	8	3	15	Fire E Thunder E Wind D	Ike C
Mia	15	63	26	11	2	14	18	10	9	4	Sword B

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Chapter 12 8/64

Jill receives the Iron Lance forge, Dracoshield and speedwings from ike and she flies solo to the west. Getting kills. Tits Soren and Mia team up and take down everything else. Mia capped spd already and could double boss lol.

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Another dilemma! I have 3 chest keys, I need to save 1 use for the full guard. (sothe went too early >.>) Should I save that chest key use in chapter 13 or should I just try to grab the chest key in ch 16 and try to make it all the way to the full guard in time...? I might not be able to 7-8 turn chapter 13 with that chest key use anyway...also, I cant grab the boots in the desert because I dont have sothe FML.

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Chapter 17-1 - 3/85 turns

Said screw it, gave the boots to Boyd. He WENT UP, Titania killed something then WENT DOWN to kill the myrm reinforcements. Zihark WENT LEFT, Tormod WENT UP, Ike did nothing, Rhys healed, Mordy smited. Wow, I actually have a fully functional team. This doesn't really feel like a draft :P If only I had another pally/flier.

Chapter 17-2 - 4/89 turns

Boyd GOES RIGHT after being smited by Mordy. Tormod gets a few kills and Titania assists Boyd in clearing the way.

Chapter 17-3 - 10/99 turns

Defense chapter, got some really crucial kills for Tormod, who's near promotion. Also Volke stole some kills.

Chapter 17-4 - 4/103 turns

Boyd goes left with Titania with him, Zihark goes down and dodgetanks things to distract them away from Rhys/Tormod/Ike/Volke. Boyd attacks Oliver but whiffs both hits on player phase, but makes up for it by hitting both hits on Oliver on enemy phase.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   
Ike        1.00 40 17   7  19  20  12  16   9    
Titania   11.64 42 17   6  19  20  16  15  10    
Volke     17.00 30 15   0  17  17  10   8   3
Zihark     7.00 37 19   5  23  25  12  13   4
Boyd       8.00 52 25   1  20  21  12  13   7
Tormod     1.00 31  6  20  15  17  12   8  17
Mordecai   6.00 47 24   2  15  13  12  17   7
Rhys      10.00 24  0  14  10   7  12   1  18

dat Rhys

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About the boots, read the rules again very carefully. :P

I don't know about the chest keys, but I don't think using one more chest key will save a turn, so I'd probably save it.

Edited by Executioner
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That would mean the ravens would still try to get them haha so I would be 10 turning it.

Also, derp rules. But I doubt I can get Sothe to the boots in turn 2 without getting him attacked.

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Chapter 13 is so poorly designed IMO. Oh, that soldier near Astrid? Lets all gang up on him so he dies and expose astrid to the myrmidon! Thats a great idea IS!

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"Oh hey, let's give this guy shitty speed and defense so that the thing your supposed to defend gets taken on turn 1 before you do anything!"

Ive had that ^ thing happen like 5 times now. FUUUUUUUUUU

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