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[FE8] 13th's Atheist Draft


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Order is

Shota Sigurd




My quick Predictions

Shota Sigurd: Franz, Moulder

PolterGhost: Vanessa, Ross

13th: Garcia, Neimi

ExiledWolf: Colm, Gilliam

I wonder how right I will be.

Considering my favorite classes are Myrmidon and Armor Knight?

Actually yeah, I'll take Vanessa.

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^remaining units; list in OP is outdated.

Edited by Shota Sigurd
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Natasha, I need the last available character before the big recruitment gap. Yes, all my characters are chicks.

Also, current status!

Map Prologue - 2/2

Seth kills everyone, hooray.

Map One - 5/7

Seth murders first axeman, rescues Eirika and moves under the lancer under the castle, to the right. Franz rescues Gilliam so that the lancer near the center of the map rushes at Seth. Seth swords mostly everyone in the face, except for the lancer that doesn't attack him and the axeman he fails to kill. Rushes boss with silver lance, kills boss, other enemies rush Seth and die. Eirika is dropped, then captures.

Map Two - 5/12

Not much to say. Vanessa is useless against axe guys, and Seth kills people. Ross died on the first turn, and Garcia took out an archer and an axeman with his mad skills as he ran around with his green shirt. Seth manages three kills in one round, two in another...he's a beast in these early chapters.

Map Three - 6/18

Gilliam and Moulder sit in their starting positions. Wall is rushed by iron sword Seth and Neimi, Eirika is rescued by Franz. Seth rushes next wall with silver spear, Vanessa draws the bandit away from the chests near Colm. Neimi and Vanessa kill bandit while Seth takes out a thief and another bandit. Neimi retaliates against an archer, vanessa and Neimi tag team the archer while Seth takes out the last three guys before the boss, with Eirika being dropped in the meanwhile. Seth rushes boss with iron sword, Eirika takes throne. Bye Seth, we had a good run. sob.gif

Character Level  Hit Points  Power  Skill  Speed  Luck  Defence  Resistance
Vanessa    2.39      18        5      7      12    5       6         6
Neimi      1.62      17        4      5      6     4       6         2

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