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The P stands for pairings.


1. This draft is for 4 players.

2. Sigurd, Deirdre, Celice, Oifaye and Julia are free for all to use.

3. First, the mothers are drafted, and their children come with them. Example: Drafting Ayra gives you Ayra, Lakche and Skasaher.

4. For the previous mother picked, each drafter picks a father. Those two must be paired. Ethlin, being bound, will not require a father pick. Example: Player 2 chooses Arden. Player 1 gets Arden, and must pair him with Ayra.

5. The order of women drafted is normal, 12344321. Their lovers will be drafted in the order 23432114. (So Player 2 pairs Player 1’s first mother, 3 pairs 2’s first mother, etc.)

6. Then, the order of drafters is flipped, and there will be another round with the mothers and the remaining 7 fathers. Obviously, you can’t draft the same woman again. Well, you can, but you'll be three units short.

7. All non-children characters in Generation 2 will remain undrafted.


1. Undrafted units may only: Recruit characters, initiate Talk conversations and special events that do not require the participants to be lovers.

2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, giving Charisma bonuses, using the Give command, or participating in Lover/Sibling criticals.

3. Other and Neutral units may do as they please without penalty.

4. Arena use is allowed and encouraged.


1. Non-holy weapon users (Noish, Ayra etc.) have a 3 turn penalty per unit per castle.

2. Holy weapon users (Levin, Shanan etc.) and Dancers have a 7 turn penalty per unit per castle. Example: Using Noish (if undrafted) en route to Jungby results in a 3 turn penalty. Once Sigurd seizes Jungby, you take another 3 turn penalty if you use Noish while en route to Evans.

3. Using the Give command is a special 12 turn penalty.

4. Sigurd or Celice having the leg ring from chapter 4 onwards results in a 200 turn penalty

5. Failing to make the correct pairings results in a 500 turn penalty


1. Generation 1 units may lose a bout in the Arena and then die to an enemy while unequipped to prevent them getting married. The enemy must have no other friendly units in his attack range and must finish the character in a single round.

2. Briggid, Claude and Tiltyu are free to use in Chapter 3.

3. Dew may lower the bridge in Chapter 4 if undrafted. He may not perform any other disallowed actions without penalty.

4. Leaf, Fin and Janne are free to use in Chapter 7.

5. Shanan is free to use in Chapter 7 until Yied is seized.

6. Midir is free to be attacked after Jungby is seized.

7. The draftee paired with Cuan may fall in love with any of the 10 eligible bachelors. He is still considered undrafted in any other context. If you do not pair her, the appropriate substitute children are free forever.


Integrity: (Ethlin, Leaf, Altenna), (Noish/Tiltyu, Arthur, Tinny), (Midir/Fury, Fee, Sety), (Lex/Lachesis, Delmud, Nanna)

Baldrick: (Jamka/Sylvia, Leen, Corple), (Azel/Briggid, Patty, Faval),(Alec/Aideen, Lana, Lester), (Levin/Ayra, Lakche, Skasaher)

Camtech: (Ardan/Fury, Fee, Sety), (Claude/Ayra, Lakche, Skasaher), (Beowulf/Sylvia, Leen, Corple), (Dew/Tiltyu, Arthur, Tinny)

BigBangMeteor: (Holyn/Aideen, Lana, Lester), (Fin/Lachesis, Delmud, Nanna), (Ethlin, Leaf, Altenna), (Briggid, Patty, Faval), Cuan, Daisy, Hitman of Connacht

Edited by Baldrick
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this also sounds stupidly broken because only two people can get sylvia and leaf (as opposed to normally when you can split up sylvia, leaf, rescue!lana and laylea)

Edited by Camtech
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this also sounds stupidly broken because only two people can get sylvia and leaf (as opposed to normally when you can split up sylvia, leaf, rescue!lana and laylea)

Not quite, because each mother is drafted twice. So there are two Ethlins and two Sylvias.

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...Oh, I SEE.

So everyone gets two mothers.

wait that means that you could potentially get Ethlin AND Sylvia if everyone else is stupid

edit okay i'm playing with horace and integ never mind

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You probably wouldn't get both EThlin and Sylvia though, because the order is reversed the second time you draft the mothers. So if Integ and Baldrick get Ethlin and Sylvia the first time, we'll get them the second time.

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So as far as I can tell (please correct me if I'm wrong) my first pick is to be a mother for myself, and the SOYO part only kicks in for menfolk?

EDIT: This will probably make an embarrassing amount of sense when the time is > 0700 but bear with me >>

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So as far as I can tell (please correct me if I'm wrong) my first pick is to be a mother for myself, and the SOYO part only kicks in for menfolk?

EDIT: This will probably make an embarrassing amount of sense when the time is > 0700 but bear with me >>

Yeah, mothers are picked for yourself, and fathers for other people. So you get a mother only now, and your first SOYO pick is delayed until you get left with Briggid whoever hasn't been picked. I'll be able to explain better when we reach that point.

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(kids are impossible to screw over at least)

Don't worry, I am planning on giving you a magic father so that they can better use Magic Swords.

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yaaaay :3

Claude - hardly affects lakche and res means >gg status staves

Levin - speeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed also magic swords

Ardan - inheritance and partial def growth

Fin - Prayer I guess? worst part is that it forces me to ditch his stuff

Alec - Inheritance and nihil

Azel - magic swords + astra ftw

Jamka - chaaaaarge and odo fixes skill

Beowulf - see jamka + inheritance

Dew - sol and amazingness

Noish - hahaha

Holyn - hahahahaha

Lex - if you give me him i will slap you

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well with leg ring on celice literally nobody except rescue leaf and/or sylvia will help me with ltc

okay i missed that

nobody will help me with ltc except like leg ring dancer or leg ring leaf

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