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Chapter 1: 24/35

Could've saved 2 turns if I'd had Fin sell the Speed Ring to Sigurd so that he could double Archers with the Javelin. However, my strategy involved Fin dodging a lot, so eh. And he wouldn't have been able to double Archers with an Iron Lance otherwise, so eh. Integ beat me by a turn, but he had the same amount of units as I did (Lex and Midir instead of Cuan and Fin), so it's not TOO bad.

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As I understand it, Noish is not allowed to fight, though you can still pair Brigid with him. Meanwhile, you can choose to not pair Brigid, taking Daisy and Asaello instead. Is that right?

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C2 = 28 turns clear = 63 turns total

yeah baby got fyoori and lachesis and a couple of adjacents for lachesis

C3 = 18 turns clear = 81 turns total

yeah baby got tiltyu and earth sword and a lot of lex adjacents and midir adjacents

also got the eight item glitch with sigurd. I think I know what causes it.

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As I understand it, Noish is not allowed to fight, though you can still pair Brigid with him. Meanwhile, you can choose to not pair Brigid, taking Daisy and Asaello instead. Is that right?

That's right/

And Cuan can still be used regardless of what Brigid does, I only put him in to make up the numbers somewhat.

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Chapter 2: 34/69

Blahhh Sigurd wouldn't sibling crit the Anphony boss and he had so much defence that the guys around Mackily just surrounded him. And I'm bad. But hey, it's still 18 turns better than when I first did it. Also, fuck whomever gave me Fin x Lachesis, he was useless the whole chapter because he had to stick beside her. And Holyn x Aideen bleargh even though I had them stand beside each other almost every single turn she's still more attracted to Dew.

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Chapter 3: 39/108

I actually could have finished this chapter on turn 17. However, I had to wait for 22 TURNS at the end for Fin and Lachesis to become lovers.

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also so this isn't a spam post:

Chapter 1: 21/32 turns

god this is irritating without another mount to do shit

Chapter 2: 26/58 turns

see above

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Chapter 3: 39/108

I actually could have finished this chapter on turn 17. However, I had to wait for 22 TURNS at the end for Fin and Lachesis to become lovers.


I'm actually stuck on C4 right now. Nobody in my brigade can take three hits from the first group of mages besides Lex (edit: and shi, natch /edit) so progress is utterly deadstopped. Also I didn't plan ahead to get Fury or Lachesis to promotion to my only option for patching Sigurd up is miss five move.


EDIT2: oh my god are you shitting me I loaded the save and adopted the time-honored "don't do anything besides attack with lex and fury" and everybody survived even midir what the fuck.

EDIT3: C4 = 30 turns clear = 111 turns total

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RIGHT C5 = 31 turns clear = 142 turns Gen 1 total

UNEXPECTEDLY I had to burn FIVE TURNS to get Midir to fuck Fury. This isn't a hard thing, man. Look at her. Had the Thracians not followed Sigurd, I would probably have been okay but I'm not willing to restart the chapter (and save byron again) just for that. Actually, I might not have been anyway because I would have had to break Midir and Fury's formation once the Thracians closed on them, so nevermind.

anyway killcounts


Including a 60+ Silver and a 50+ Hero Sword. Sweet. Rolled zero MAG for his entire career though - less sweet.


it REALLY hurt him to get glued to Tiltyu after C3.


Shame he passes nothing down to Delmud. Enjoy your Iron, kid.


holy christ he was worthless the entire game


she killed things? Somehow I promoted her...


gluing her to Noish REALLY hurt

and she was still mission-critical a few times


hahahahahaha as many as lachesis without the staff botting

OKAY THE BIG THING I WAS CURIOUS ABOUT: No Leg Ring on Sigurd. It makes the first C4 run an actual team effort, it makes the run to Zaxon a LOT more perilous, it makes the first C5 run an actual team effort, and it does very little to change the rest of C5. The one thing I REALLY DID NOT LIKE was no Rescue, no Sylvia, and no Leg Ring meant saving Byron was a complete crapshoot. I just had to save and reset over and over until I got the precise combination of enemies killed on Turn 2 that the rest attacked Lex or Midir and Midir didn't die. It was infuriating.

EDIT: It bears mention that I DID toss the Leg Ring to Ethlin so it was gone. Presumably Leg Ring Lex could have saved Byron.

OKAY on to the good half of the game.

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My Lachesis is level 18 at the end of Chapter 3 with the ELITE RING, so she should be able to promote in the C4 Arena and then buy the LEG RING. This is good, because I'm about to lose half my team. My team is now Sigurd, Lachesis, Holyn, Aideen, and Brigid. With Sidekick Midir trying to bang Brigid (because fuck it I'm not going to do another pairing that might require me to grind). And Holyn still stuck to Aideen, although HOPEFULLY they should start getting it on midway through this chapter so that Holyn can move one more space a turn and still not contribute actually contribute.

Someone on IP Chat also gave me the idea of pairing Levin and Fury so that I can pass down the HERO LANCE to Fee and she can make it available a chapter earlier. HERO LANCE!Oifaye in Chapter 7 GRARRRRR.

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1. Undrafted units may only: Recruit characters, initiate Talk conversations and special events that do not require the participants to be lovers.

some part of me wants to say that 'fall in love' is not on that list


Chapter 3: 17/75 turns

oh yay a dancer

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some part of me wants to say that 'fall in love' is not on that list


Chapter 3: 17/75 turns

oh yay a dancer

But what does the other part of you say? Haha, I doubt it'll make a huge difference tbh. You guys tell me if it's allowed.

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I'm very solidly against it. There was once an actual rule preventing undrafted units from getting married for exactly inheritance's sake, but it was lost sometime around when we decided to relax it for the purposes of Gen 2 (since there's nothing to inherit who cares).

EDIT: Something about pairing Aideen off for the express purpose of passing Warp down through Lana was the reason it was banned, iirc. Also C6 in 28 turns clear = 28 turns total with a lot of just walking straight up.

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the other part of me says that it's most definitely not on that list

Chapter 4: 22/97 turns

mahnya dying fast helped a lot

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Chapter 5: 26/123 turns

i hate you for dewtiltyu

i hate you for dewtiltyu

i hate you for dewtiltyu

i hate you for dewtiltyu

waiting around for 7 turns for dewtiltyu was painful

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waiting around for 7 turns for dewtiltyu was painful

5 turns for me

hahahahaha suck a dick suck a dick suck a dick caaaaamtech

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C7 = 27 turns clear = 55 turns total

goddammit motherfucker I got Leaf to 19.68 by the end of this but there was no more xp for him to hog.

If I restarted from chapter save I could nail it but I'm not willing to.

C8 = 16 turns clear = 71 turns total

oh well footleaf was still very good at helping with his leg and knight rings

C9 = 19 turns clear = 90 turns total

perhaps not optimal but I'll accept it given that I got all of the Restore staff, Tornado, the Barrier ring, the Cel/Julia +RES conversation, the Prayer Ring, AND Altenna. Altenna and the +RES convo each cost me one turn by my reckoning.

(also fucking yesssss i killed arion with leaf and tornado he tried to run away but i hunted him down and ended him)

(or not cos julius but w/e)

EDIT EDIT woop woop woop

C10 = 18 turns clear = 108 turns total

this was GOOD but not INCREDIBLE

LEAF hit the magic RES number to not get Slept w/ a Ring. FEE hit the same. CELICE is at the requisite number to not get Slept REGARDLESS OF TYRFING OR RING. That made things REALLY nice.

EDIT EDIT EDIT woop woop woop

F = 21 turns clear = 129 turns Gen 2 total

julia 1rko'd that dickhole right in his face

charisma gave her a smashing 91% hit

and celice was out of stars range (could have repositioned him with rescue but w/e)

that was probably the most fun final chapter I've ever had


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271 turns grand total, whatever

was weird to not have leg ring celice

I kinda liked it.



yah bitches

dat ressssssss




leg ring meant he OUTKILLED CELICE

this is my FIRST DRAFT EVER to not have celice as #1



if he can work with sodding MIDIR as a dad, we now have proof that sety is literally impossible to screw up

(hint: he did work with midir as a dad)



okay you know what? Lex!Delmud is actually kinda beastly. I threw him the second Hero Sword for kicks in C8 and he actually did some things with it. I nearly gave him the Leg Ring instead of Leaf for one chapter (9) but I'm glad I didn't because Leaf killed Arion.

STILL this is the first good experience I've had with Delmud.



noish!arthur? fuck you.



he spent a lots of time not doing anything



I seriously think Julia might be one of my most favorite units in FE period.



okay whatthechrist guys she was useful. I have no regrets about spending the one turn she cost me.

She helped Fee lure Palmark in 10 (saving God knows how much time) since moving him two turns closer to Cel means a MUCH shortened trip (Leaf Rescued him straight back to Alvis once he had Tyrfing) so that was pure turns saved there

then in F she went to Dozel and just pissed all over Meng and her sisters. I mean it was fucking brutal. I loved it. Then she went north and just had her way with a few of the dark knights BECAUSE SHE COULD.

so yeah that was a unique and entirely pleasant experience.



I don't want to talk about it.


2 KILLS (this is not a joke)

the only thing worse than noish!arthur. grats.



she was better than jeanne

she was better than fucking jeanne

do you know how hard it is for me to say this

lexxlachesis otp goddamn

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Yeah Lex x Lachesis is actually a pretty good pairing (Lex is just a good father), but so is Lex x Tiltyu, and I figured that Noish x Tiltyu would be more brutal than Noish x Lachesis. But you don't get to fuck me for giving you Noish x Tiltyu, because fuck you I had to wait for 22 turns for Fin x Lachesis.

Also, hahaha Arthur has more STR than MAG.

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You're welcome.

Someone on IP Chat also gave me the idea of pairing Levin and Fury so that I can pass down the HERO LANCE to Fee and she can make it available a chapter earlier. HERO LANCE!Oifaye in Chapter 7 GRARRRRR.

Yeah, that's not allowed. But you get it back in chapter 7 anyway.

Chapter 1 - 23/34

First two standard. I sent Aideen to the beach so she didn't have as much ground to traverse, and my TC doesn't get blown out; it seems to have worked.

Chapter 2 - 32/66

Of all the chapters in FE4, this one will always have my undying hate. Saved the Bargain Ring, but Sigurd was too tanky and Voltz's knights didn't suicide, blocking me and delaying the 50th kill. Luckily, I had snagged the Hero Lance at the first castle to kill the fat bastard. Then I had to warp to Evans because I didn't recruit Lachesis, and when I recruited her, the cavalry was close enough that Eve and friends went running off. Didn't get within range of the ballistae, fortunately. Sigurd had to do everything himself because Jamka and Ayra went off to build love points, Alec was glued to Aideen, and Azel and Diadora are useless.

Chapter 3 - 19/85

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