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Maybe Cammy's a dirty cheater and has the Leg Ring on Celice.


let me load a savestate i might have remembered my turns wrong

EDIT: okay it was 28 turns forgive me

with clever positioning you can get celice from darna to alster in four turns with KnightRing!Leen

Edited by Camtech
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let me load a savestate i might have remembered my turns wrong

EDIT: okay it was 28 turns forgive me

with clever positioning you can get celice from darna to alster in four turns with KnightRing!Leen

you liar you

never again will you be trusted


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oh nooooooes you'll never believe this one

chapter 9: 17/207 turns

i usually do better but bah

in case it's not obvious i decided not to carpool (even though that might've been faster - there's no traffic in that lane ever)

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That run's fine with me, especially since now you can't use Rescue.

Chapter 8 - 14/208

Lana bought the Elite Ring, since with it, 10 Warps and 2 Libros get her to level 20.

Warped up to Lenster:

Julia + Leen (dance) on turn 1

Celice on turn 2

Patty on turn 3

Lackhe on turn 4

Oifaye and Lester walked up themselves, while Celice and Julia wiped out Ovo's squad. Julia, Oifaye and Patty cleaned up while Celice killed the mage sisters (who attacked Celice from melee while he had a Hero Sword :/) and Skasha stayed on guard duty. Using Leen, Patty intercepted Faval just after he crossed Murderbridge, and using him, Celice, Julia and Oifaye, I ripped through the guard and killed Blume. Lester got the Power Ring village, then went back towards Lenster to help Lana spam Warp. Lackhe couldn't keep up with the pack, so Lana Warped her to Conote to pick up a couple of villagers. Meanwhile Celice and Oifaye sprinted into Thracia while Faval and Patty played with dragonknights; Julia ran back towards Lana to Return her on the last turn so she could promote and clear the Arena.

Chapter 9 - 16/224

Celice stormed out; with Oifaye and Lester's help, he cut a path through Hannibal without killing him (forgot to pass down Sleep Staff grr) and seize Luthecia. The other kids chilled at the base killing dragonknights, and Oifaye drew Hannibal towards the base. Corple Returned using a Return Ring and recruited Hannibal just as Trabant bit the dust and a couple of turns before Celice reached Gru. Lana Warped Corple to Luthecia to get some money, and Skasha and Oifaye to guard him. After Celice seized, she Warped Leen to turbo boost Celice, and Julia to give Celice res. Celice stood just outside Areone's range on turn 14 and killed most of his flunkies. The next turn, he ran past Areone, ate a counter on the EP, and seized the next turn.

Another chapter? OK.

Chapter 10 - 19/243

First order of business, give Warp to Corple so Lana can be Warped. 2 turns to Chrono Trigger, rescue + sylvia is amaz. They get Oifaye to knock off the dark mage in Celice's way to Radiohead, then Celice performs an epic solo run to Milktoast, smashing Ishtar's skull in along the way, all the while the others are hanging at the first castle. Once Celice conquers that, Corple Warps a bunch of dudes to help out and continues villaging and children saving. Celice gets Tyrfing, Rescued by Lana, and needs 5 hits from 8 attacks to not waste turns on Alvis, but goddamn it takes a lot of arena deaths with Lester + Broken Bow to make it happen.

Edited by Baldrick
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and needs 5 hits from 8 attacks to not waste turns on Alvis, but goddamn it takes a lot of arena deaths with Lester + Broken Bow to make it happen.

Good to know hard and blatant and unabashed RN abuse on Alvis is a thing we share. Brofist.

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okay i lied i did redo c9 to get corpul because i haven't done c10 without rescue in forever

18/208 turns - positioning fuckup cbf'd to fix it

chapter 10 - 17/225 turns

swapped the leg ring onto corpul (sylvia passed down bargain ring) and just emulated horace

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Good to know hard and blatant and unabashed RN abuse on Alvis is a thing we share. Brofist.

He's such a scrub. I had about 70% accuracy on the fucker and Great Shield has 30% chance to activate so I should hit him about half the time but he dodged/shielded both attacks about a dozen motherfucking times. And he has Nihil so I can't use my 100-kill Hero Sword on him.

Chapter F - 23+3/269

I actually made it to Freege in 11 turns thanks to Lana + Leen, but then I hit the fucking wall. Using the snipers as blockades, I managed to get the pegasi sisters attacking Celice at melee but then Celice could not kill Ishtar, and fuck me she has a Barrier Ring so Lana can't Silence her, so he had to double back and double-team her with MOTHERFUCKING LESTER. (He weakened her with the Killer Bow and somehow he survived a hit and she didn't crit or Continue). Oifaye died because I left the Hero Lance equipped and he got crit by a sniper. Then it turns out Faval can't survive Areone's group unaided, and I didn't find out until everyone had moved that turn except Faval, so I either had to restart the chapter or take a Hawk penalty.

Once Celice got through, things were simpler, Leen and Lana followed him once most of the DW were dead. Then Celice killed Manfloy, talked to Julia, she got Narga, Lana broke Rescue trying to make this all happen quickly enough, she killed Julius, Celice seized, the end.

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Doesn't he? Faval had 75 avoid, and was facing ~50 hit from Gungnir. My level 13 Shanan had 92 avoid, so he wouldn't have done much better.

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Yes he does.

I tried it out, and he isn't attacked. I guess Areone forgets he has a leadership bonus and WTA somehow.

Celice - 153

Oifaye - 53 last time I checked

Julia - 26

Skasaher - 43

Lackhe - 24

Lester - 46

Lana - 7

Faval - 17

Patty - 25

Leen - Pacifist

Corple - Pacifist

So, without LRC, Celice... still wins comfortably.

Lackhe was mostly the same, a bit weaker and faster than usual. Skasaher had the same effect, but greater (and also had Holsety in his inventory)

Lana was Lana

Lester was actually a little better than Midir!Lester from what I remember of the latter.

Faval was awful.

Patty was not terrible with a magic sword.

Leen was Leen

Corple was Corple

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