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THE COMPLETELY UNOFFICIAL "Which Generation is the best?" TOPIC



60 members have voted


    • Generation 1: Red, Blue, Yellow (green) [GB]
    • Generation 2: Gold, Silver, Crystal [GB/GBC]
    • Generation 3: Ruby, Sapphire, Fire Red, Leaf Green, Emerald [GBA]
    • Generation 4: Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heart Gold, Soul Silver [DS]
    • Generation 5: Black, White, Black 2, White 2

    • Generation 1: Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle
    • Generation 2: Chickorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile
    • Generation 3: Treeko, Torchic, Mudkip
    • Generation 4: Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup
    • Generation 5: Snivy, Tepig, Oshawott


  5. 5. BONUS: First verison, second version, or third version?

    • Red, Gold, Ruby, Diamond, Black
    • Blue, Silver, Sapphire, Pearl, White
    • Yellow, Crystal, Emerald, Platinum, Black 2/White 2

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This is the most important poll on these boards. Vote wisely and post your reasons if necessary.

EDIT: Some of you people think that THIS is more powerful than Arceus. I am disappointed very pleased to hear of this.

Edited by Lightli
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To begin, I might as well explain MY votes.

BEST Generation: Gen 3 marked the point wherein things were most balanced. Types were equal, tons of strategies were viable, and we got the best Pokemon ever (read: the broken that is Kyogre)

BEST Region: Hoenn, outside of a bit too much water, is the best by far. How many places have an active volcano, a desert, a city biult on treetops, and a town built on rafts? Enough said.

BEST Starters: It's either Gen 3 or Gen 4 here, and GEn 3 is the one with the fighting chicken and Mudkip.

MOST POWERFUL/BROKEN: Came down to a coinflip between Nephenee and Kyogre. Kyogre lost.

BEST VERSION: 3rd is best for obvious reasons.

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Gen 3


Johto because it has Silver and Silver is my favoritest rival ever

Lugia because Lugia's song is amazing and that movie was like the movie of my childhood

Second/third versions

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Gen 3 has always been my favorite since I played it

Kanto has the most memorable starters

I liked the region of Johto

Also I had those exact versions Red [cept I had Yellow instead of this one], Gold, Ruby, Diamond, Black

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I honestly thought that Gen.3 would be my favorite.

And then I played Black 2. It's easily the best game in the series. There's so much content in the game, and you have so many options for your Pokemon. It's really a phenomenal game, and I really encourage anyone with an interest in Pokemon to get it.

or White 2 because they're basically the same thing.

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Gen 2 because my favorite back in the day was Gold/Crystal.

Cyndaquil, Chikorita, totodtile- because theyre the best. Specially cynda.

Kanto- because its where it all started.

Kyogre- because hes the most used uber in smogon for a reason.

Third games- because they tend to be very polished and enjoyable.

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Generation: Second.

Because of the huge amount of nostalgia. It's shared with the first generation, but it wins over the first gen. cause of two regions.

Starters: Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle.

The only starters where the decision is really hard each time anew. In every other generation of starters, there's at least one I don't like.

Region: Hoenn.

All other regions are temperate while Hoenn seems more tropical. It's the region with the most special and unique places.

How many places have an active volcano, a desert, a city biult on treetops, and a town built on rafts? Enough said.

Oh, and I like the water.

Most powerful: Sunkern of course. Why? Because of reasons, that's why!

Version: Second.

Random vote. I don't really care.

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Generation : 1

My Nuzlocke earlier this year was extremely entertaining. While each generation added a few nice things (such as time, physical/special split, INFINITE TMs and whatever 3 added), I think the one that started it all is still the best despite the unbalance. I also like the creepy factor in the game as well.

Starters : Gen 1

I would've picked Gen 2, which probably has my favorite starter in Totodile, but Chikorita is retarded. Gen 3 was nice as well, considering all starters are/were good competitively at some point.

Region : Kanto

Honestly they all have their good and bad points, and none of them really stick out the most to me. Hoenn or Unova could easily be there too.

Powerful : Gen 1 Mewtwo

I liked my set of Psychic, Ice Beam, Amnesia and Rest back in the day.

Version : Second

I played more of the first ones but owned more of the second ones.

Edited by Dio
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Best: Gold/Silver/Crystal, for nostalgia and the awesome music. Not the remakes, though; music was awful there.

Starter: Generation III. All three are interesting, unique, and likable. Generation I are the most iconic, but II's are underwhelming (Except Chikorita), and IV and V have terrible starters.

Region: Hoenn. It's the most interesting and unique; aa great change after all the original Kanto exploration.

Most Powerful: Magikarp, no competition.

Best Version: I've always prefered the first set, except for Saphire. And screw Black/White; I'm not bothering with those.

Edited by Swordsalmon
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Generation 3. Has enough plot and isn't too short.

Generation 3 again because I liek Mudkips.

Gotta say Johto, just personal preference and nostalgia.

Rayquaza is fucking broken.

First I guess. I like Gold. :3

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Gen 4, because it made my favorite series even better. :3

The Hoenn starters are my favorite, 'cause unlike all the other regions it has not a single Mon that I hate to use.

Johto is my favorite region, of course. It's so fun to explore, especially with my favorite Mons running around behind me.

Magikarp is da best. Legendaries beware the wrath of the 'Karp.

Third versions~ My first Pokémon game was Crystal, and they're always my favorites of the installments. :3

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Best Generation - Gen 2 all the way


-Mad nostalgia

-The pokemon introduced were truly awesome

-Johto and Kanto Regions


-Your Rival was actually a rival

-Plotwise, it could have ended the entire series - by defeating Red (yourself from Gen 1) at the end of the game, you essentially complete the cycle of pokemon trainers rising to prominence and falling, adding a sense of both finality and futility in continuing.

-Did I mention Shuckle? Cause Shuckle.

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Best Generation: Gen 2, I enjoyed those games more than any of the others. Purely subjective.

Best Starters: Had to choose between Gen 2 and Gen 3. Decided to go with Gen 2 because Swampert looks ugly whereas Gen 2 final starter forms look pretty cool.

Best Region: Heonn, without a doubt. It had a lot of interesting areas and even the cities had cool ideas behind their design (Pacifidlog, Fortree, Sootopolis, etc). Then you have stuff like volcanoes and deserts...

Most powerful/broken: Kyogre. Play a Uber game on PO and try surviving a Specs Water Spout without using something immune to Water and you'll understand. Even Pokemon like Chansey and Palkia, with their ridiculous SpD and 4x resistance respectively, still feel noticeable pain, despite being able to "counter" Kyogre.

Best Version: I seriously have never, ever, thought of this before, and this is the first time I realized that I generally prefer the second version. Lugia > Ho-Oh, Kyogre > Groudon, Palkia > Dialga, and I seem to have slight preferences for some of the second version non-cover exclusives like Latias > Latios.

I think this is a very good poll.

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I see the result poll for The Most Powerful/Broken and I laugh so hard who is the best XD LOL LOL LOL

*Shocking moment when :

Magikarp used Splash.

Arceus's feel headache see splashing Magikarp and.......fainted.


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Generation III, because everything new after this, is essentially an addendum to stuff introduced prior and during this: GEN I introduced all of the staples of the series, as well as Pokemon itself. Gen II gave us the Special Split, Breeding, Day/Night, Genders, things to do after finishing the E4 and the champion. Gen III introduced Abilities, double battles, weather. Gen IV onwards, everything new that has been introduced could've been in Gen III: New Pokemon, New Moves, New Abilities, New Regions.

Generation I Starters: Nostalgia.

Kanto, because I hate Hoenn and Unova and don't care about Johto and Sinnoh.

Gen I Mewtwo, because Psychic-type was broken beyond belief, and Mewtwo had the est stats out of any Pokemon. Otherwise Arceus.

Third Versions, because they merge the good things about first and second, and add new things to them too.

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BEST Generation: Voted Unova, even though I feel gen 3 more or less ties with it. Both have awesome stuff- but Gen 5 had awesome music, cooler graphics and gameplay.

BEST Region: Hoenn of course. It really felt like you were exploring a lot and I dunno, nostalgia.(emerald was my first game ever)

BEST Starters: Gen 2 starters. I love treecko in Gen 3, but swampert is just ok and I hate Blaziken. However love feraligatr and Typhlosion and the way they can break the game in HG/SS. And at least Meganium looks cooler than Sceptile.

MOST POWERFUL/BROKEN: Dialga. I like steel types and this one is a dragon as well! AWESOME!

BEST VERSION: 3rd because its basically the improvement of the first two games.

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Generation III, because everything new after this, is essentially an addendum to stuff introduced prior and during this: GEN I introduced all of the staples of the series, as well as Pokemon itself. Gen II gave us the Special Split, Breeding, Day/Night, Genders, things to do after finishing the E4 and the champion. Gen III introduced Abilities, double battles, weather. Gen IV onwards, everything new that has been introduced could've been in Gen III: New Pokemon, New Moves, New Abilities, New Regions.

Just pointing out that Gen IV's physical/special split was quite a significant improvement to the game mechanics. Not only did they make more sense (unlike physical Shadow Ball and special Bite) but they also completely changed the viability of many Pokemon for standard play (e.g. Gyarados and non-Lati@s Dragons getting non-Flying physical STAB).

Gen I Mewtwo, because Psychic-type was broken beyond belief, and Mewtwo had the est stats out of any Pokemon. Otherwise Arceus.

Psychic was broken in Gen 1, yeah, but Mewtwo's BST was given to every cover legendary except Groudon and Kyogre, who get 670 (close enough), but have the most broken abilities.

Edited by Luster Purge
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