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Radiance Slumbers

Freohr Datia

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Sorry, everybody that is going to be on, the time they start appearing is on the 3rd chapter (or is planned to be so, so far)

The main idea is that demons are taking over! This is in a continent to the east of Tellius. It is called Zerat. You know how there are mountains east of Tellius? I'm going to pretend that that makes it hard for people to pass through. So my story will take place here.

So there is a country that is causing havoc all over the place with demons taking control of people and destroying stuff and the country who's controlling them is gonig to take control over the world. But there is a group who's out to cause an end to the threat and will do what they can to help the helpless people.

This story will include characters from PoR + RD (since it's east of Tellius).

Chapter 1: Betrayal

Ameryll was sitting at the entrance inside a castle. The castle contained many rooms that were homes to many. One included a friend of Ameryll's. They had just known each other because it was an old friend of her mother's, who they had recently found her in a town nearby. Now Ameryll was sending a message. Plus her friend, Ninevla, said she'd have some food she'd give them.

"There she is!" came an exclamation from nearby.

Ninevla came to her. Ameryll waved.

"You must be tired traveling so far. Come, I'll bring you to my room."

"Thanks!" Ameryll said, for she was right.

Ninevla took her through the hallway she came from.

Too bad this castle is so big! Ameryll thought as they walked through passageways. She was tiring.

Ameryll looked through the rooms. She had never been here before.

"Oh yeah, Mother said that she'd be able to get the stuff you bought sent to you because my brother could ride his horse and have a wagon attatched to it."

"Really? Oh that's so sweet of him."

Ameryll was wondering to herself why Ninevla wasn't tiring herself, considering her age. Then something distracted her from her tiredness.

"Hey," she said, pointing. "What's that room?"

Ninevla looked towards the room she was indicating. "Oh, that contains all of the weapons. This castle has to have some defence to it. We have quite a few warriors in this place."

"Could we look inside?" she asked. She was looking forward to a rest anyway. One thing Ameryll wanted to do soon was to become a fighter.

"Of course."

They walked inside. Ameryll was amazed at the sight. There were weapons filling many shelves. Amazing!

Ameryll studied what they had. She didn't know much about weapons she could use. Though she found that as a big disadvantage to her being able to learn.

But there was something happening behind her that she didn't notice as she was looking. Ninevla saw a shadow flash across the wall into the room that wasn't lit, so she saw it easily. She turned around. Whoever it was was running pretty fast. It was there, then gone. She shrugged and turned back to watch Ameryll. She will be a great warrior...

She saw the shadow again. She turned and saw a shadow standing in front of her. Before she could do anything, she remembered no more.

Ameryll continued looking and wondering what she wanted if she did end up fighting. The sword looked pretty interesting to her. Suddenly, arms encircled her and she was held under Ninevla's grip. One hand covered her mouth so she couldn't make any noise. She looked up into a face... that she didn't recognize... It was in a distorted face of a madwoman. What's she doing?!?

Then she spoke in hoarse whispers. "Finally, I can do what I've been set to do! Your body will soon be covered in red! And my master will be very pleased!"

What? Ameryll found her scary. Her face was very much like a monster.

Ninevla pulled her with the strength Ameryll had no idea could exist in a woman so old. She took her out of the room and carried her through the hallways.

She betrayed me! She must've been planning this in the beginning! She didn't really have food for us! Ameryll struggled to get away from Ninevla. She was too strong.

Soon they ended up in a room, which must've been hers. She tossed her inside. Ameryll got up and turned to see the wicked smile on her face. She cackled evilly and then shut the door.

"NO!!!" Ameryll said as she tried to get to the door. It was locked.

"You will never escape from here," she cooed in a devilish voice. "You will not escape your doom!"

"NO!!!" she yelled again. She pounded the door. She desparately scanned the room and found the window. She ran towards it. She tried to open it... It wouldn't open.

Ninevla seemed to be gone, for it was very quiet. Ameryll sunk into her bed. She was almost in tears.

Then a thought occured to her. How can an old woman kill me? I'm in much better condition than she is... But then, she held me so strongly... It was unbeleivable.

Ameryll sat helplessly. She feared what would happen next.

Okay, that was the first chapter. Hope it was enjoyable.

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I like it a lot. It's very detailed. Almost like reading an actual book. *waits patiently for more.*

Thanks, but you're probably going to have to be really patient. I probably won't have more till tomorrow. :(

So im guessing that the SF members will be saving Ameryll?

... I'll put this in spoilers, if people don't want to know until it's on.

One will be saving her (and more) and then they meet up with the rest.

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Keep it coming! The first part was great! *pats Freohr on the head*

lol, I feel like a dog! :)


So, the rest of my story shouldn't be ready until tomorrow. Sorry if it seems too long... Especially if my dad won't let me on tomorrow... :(

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Well, one may appear in this chapter, but I've made it so long that I'm not done, so I'm going to separate this into separate parts (hopefully only 2). Here's more.

Chapter 2: The Escape

Ameryll sat in her bed, sulking. She had no plan on getting out. The only way she could think of was to try getting out once Ninevla opened the door again, but it obviously wouldn't work. She wouldn't be dumb enough to not block it before she closed it.

It had been... well, Ameryll wasn't sure how long it had been so far since Ninevla left her. Her guess would be close to a half-hour.

She heard footsteps approaching. She looked to the door. She really hoped that it wouldn't be Ninevla. This was the only door in the hallway for whomever it was to come through. She waited.

She heard a click, so the door was being unlocked. The door opened.

"Here we are. Go on, go inside," a voice said... It was Ninevla. It took only seconds later for Ameryll to see whom she was talking to. It was a boy.

She's forcing him to stay in here too?... Then she saw that Ninevla wasn't forcing at all. She's acting like an innocent, fragile old woman! Just as she looks to be!

Not long after the boy entered, Ninevla did so herself and shut the door, but not quick enough to arouse suspicion from her guest.

"Why, hello Ameryll! Nairen, meet Ameryll, and vice versa."

Nairen nodded politely, but was taken aback when Ameryll said, "So you're going to kill him too?"

"My dear girl," Ninevla said, with her eyes opened wide innocently, "why would I ever do that?" Before Ameryll spoke, Ninevla said, "Ignore her attitude, Nairen. I think she's just mad because I spilled all the honey so she had nothing to eat for lunch."

Nairen smiled at the silly suggestion, but Ameryll was angered even more. "Honey?!? You say you're going to kill me, and you say I'm mad because of honey?!?"

Nairen's expression became solemn, now, and said, "Listen, I think you're accusing the wrong person here, and -" he added, raising his hand to silence her as she tried to say more," - just look at her! She's too weak to hurt you. And I've known her for a long time, she's not the type to hurt anyone. She could've said she would, but she wouldn't -"

"Oh, nonsense, Nairen, I wouldn't even say I'd kill her... Or anyone!"

"Well... yeah... She wouldn't threaten anybody."

"Well that's exactly what I thought until she forced me into the room and locked the door!"

"Ameryll - is it? - you've got to be mistaken about this."

Ameryll sat there angrily. Ninevla wouldn't admit it, and Nairen wouldn't accept it.

"Well," Ninevla said, "I'll just leave you two together. I'm sure you'll get along well."

Ninevla left and shut the door. Such a nice boy! She thought to herself. Then she grinned. It's almost a pity that I have to kill him.

She locked the door slowly as not to alarm him.


Ameryll was just staring at her feet. She didn't look up. She didn't look up.

She's very troubled right now, Nairen thought to himself. He felt sorry for her. He had a feeling that she had more reason to be mad than just a honey spill.

"Ameryll," he said, crouching down, trying to make eye contact with her, "explain to me what happened."

"What's the use?" she asked, keeping her feelings withdrawn. "You wouldn't believe me anyway."

"Maybe I won't," he said. Then he paused, hoping that'd help his next words take effect. "Maybe I will."

Ameryll remained silent, thinking to herself a long time. He had a feeling that it worked. Finally, she said, "Fine..."

First she explained how they knew each other just recently, and how she was a friend of her mother's. She explained how she came to visit today. They passed a room with many weapons. Ameryll wanted to look inside.

Nairen listened sympathetically as her voice started trembling in fear and rage as she started explaining when Ninevla turned against her. She talked about how the appearance of the woman took on a scary look, and evil. She talked about what she said to her - "I remember these sentences perfectly." - and trapped her in this room.

"And that's it... before you came."

She speaks so honestly, but it's so hard to believe!

"And if you don't -"

"I do!" Nairen said earnestly, which wasn't a lie.

"... Okay then. Plus she's most likely got you here to do the same thing."

Nairen stared, aghast.

Ameryll - even though she was still looking down at her feet - must've caught his expression, for she soon said, "Go check the door, then you'll believe me."

Nairen did. It was locked.

"And then the window."

He went over to the window and got the same effect, just not locked, but stuck. He couldn't help but feel fear rise in him.

"I - it can't be. I can't believe her!"

"It'll do you no good if you don't."

Nairen turned and walked back to the bed. He stopped suddenly as he saw Ameryll's face wet and shiny.

Oh no! Nairen hated it when girls cried.

Nairen sat on the bed beside her. He couldn't think of anything to say to comfort her. After a moment's silence, Ameryll said, "I - I'd trusted her th - this whole time." Then she looked up to Nairen, making contact for the first time. "I could never forgive her for this!"

"... I'm sorry..." Nairen said.

"Don't be," she said. "It wasn't your fault."

They sat there in silence for a while. Then Ameryll said, "So now what happens to us?"

Nairen looked and was pleased to see Ameryll could control her tears now. He told her, "We're going to get out of this. Whatever she has for us... we'll escape."

"You can't know that," Ameryll said.

"Don't worry about it. I will do all I can to accomplish that whether you will or not."

"Well, of course I'll try to get this to happen! It just can't be stated that it will happen."

"I know... But -"

"Shh!" Ameryll said, holding a finger for silence. "She's coming back."

"What? How do -"

"Shh..." Ameryll repeated. She looked expectantly at the door. Nairen imitated what she was doing. He couldn't hear anything. He almost jumped in surprise as he heard the door slowly unlock. Then the door opened and Ninevla stepped inside."

"Hello. Ameryll, I was thinking that maybe I should take you somewhere special since you -"

"Stay away from me!" Ameryll said, getting up and backing away. Nairen noticed by each word she spoke, she was slowly edging closer with each word she said.

Nairen also got up and shielded Ameryll from Ninevla. He said, "She doesn't want to go, so leave her alone."

Ninevla stared at Nairen, surprised. Then she turned to Ameryll and said accusingly, "So you've brainwashed him haven't you?" Nairen noticed a hint of anger and annoyance in her voice, which was what he needed to convince himself of whether Ameryll was right or not. Then she continued in a softer tone, "Ameryll, I'm really a nice person. All I want to do is to - "

"Kill me!" Ameryll hissed.

"Enough nonsense!" Ninevla said, no longer in the nice voice Nairen was used to. He felt the fear Ameryll had when she had heard it.

She raised her hand. Then Ameryll stepped out from behind him. She walked forward... in a funny way. It looked like an undecided type of posture.

Once Ameryll said, "What's going on?" Nairen knew what was happening. He grabbed Ameryll and tried pulling her away from Ninevla. She was hard to pull. An invisible force was holding her.

"Leave her alone!" Nairen repeated. Then he felt a strange source of energy surround him. Then he was thrusted to the right and was held against the wall. He struggled, but couldn't move.

"Stop it!" Ameryll yelled.

Ninevla made an evil laugh. Nairen was frightened by the new expression that overtook her face.

Once Ameryll was close to her, she went over to the door and opened it.. Ameryll unwillingly walked outside and Ninevla followed. She shut the door and locked it. Then Nairen was released.

And that is part 1 of the 2nd chapter.

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such suspense OMG can't wait

lol, thanks!

Plus, sorry it took so long for me to get more! I had a mini vacation and when I came on yesterday, I spent all of my time getting info for this. Plus, my dad didn't give me much time on.


... He didn't move. There was no need to. The door was locked and Ameryll was gone. Even if he managed to bust it open somehow and chase them, Ninevla would do what he thought not possible again. When she did what she did, Nairen could think of only one possibility: she was a psychic! He couldn't think of anything else to explain it, believable or not.

Nairen got up and paced the room. I told her we'd get out of this!... and he was staying in the room doing nothing! He should be doing all he could to get out and try to stop Ninevla, whether trying was all he could do or not.

He walked over to the door. He didn't have what might've been enough strength for this... but he had to try.

Nairen took a couple steps back, and then launched himself at the door. The only thing that recoiled was Nairen. He didn't stop, though. He stepped as far back as the bed, and tried again. It didn't work. Nairen backed away again, but paused.

"What was that?"

"I don't know," a panicky voice replied. "Someone must be trying to break in!"

"We must report this - "

"No!" Nairen whispered, and ran to the door knocking to get their attention. "Hello?"

"Wait!... Down here... Hello?"

"Hey, I'm locked in here!" Nairen said, speaking quickly, but slow enough for them to understand. "Could you get me out somehow?"

"A - are you and in - intruder?"

"What? No!"

"... I don't r - really like that answer..."

"Desard, don't be stupid. Listen to him! He's only a boy - " Nairen was slightly angered... This boy happens to be pretty good with a sword... and bow! - " and if he had any weapons, we have our own with us! We could easily - "

"Will you just let me out of here?" Nairen interrupted. His patience was wavering. What's happening to Ameryll right now?

"Um... Well, okay, but... where do they keep the key to all the rooms again?"

"I don't know. Hey, little guy, do you know where they keep 'em?"

Nairen groaned and almost banged his head on the door in annoyance. He thought he had a way out!

"... I think that was a no."

"A no to what?"

Nairen jumped away from the door and almost fell onto the bed. Did she... do it already?

"U - um... Ma'am, is this your room?"

"Why, yes it is."

Nairen went back to the door and yelled, "What did you do to her?"

There was a long silence, and then one of the men asked, "What's he talking about?"

"I think he's just talking about this girl I brought to sword training and he though the teacher holding the sword was going to kill her. Don't worry, Nairen, she's not dead!"

Nairen hoped that she really meant it when she said the last part, so he didn't question everything else she said... Then he slapped his forehead. That's exactly what she wants me to do! He stayed silent nevertheless.

After a while, one of the men asked, "So... what's he doing in your room?"

"Never you mind," Ninevla said. "I'll take care of the boy, you two just go back to your own business."

There was a long silence, and then Nairen heard footsteps that, over time, faded.

Without warning, Nairen fell onto the bed and couldn’t do anything else. The door opened and Ninevla stepped inside.

"Where is she? Is she still alive?"

Ninevla grinned widely, saying, "You'll see soon enough!"

Curse this woman! He wanted to know now, not "soon enough!"

Ninevla made him get up and he walked ahead of her and she shut the door, locking it even with nobody inside.

They went in the direction that lead to the entrance. But when they reached it, they continued through the hallway across the room. As they did, Nairen noticed someone who had entered followed through the same passage. He tried to call her over. His mouth wouldn't open and he also couldn't make a noise. Ninevla!

Ninevla kept their pace normal and wouldn't let it be ruined by Nairen.

Maybe if the girl had to follow where they were going and saw inside where they were going and noticed Ameryll (because she was most likely bound or... sleeping...) then she could either come to help, or go call for help.

Nairen was upset when she eventually turned to follow another corridor that went left.

Not long later, Ninevla halted him to a room on the left of the hallway. She opened the door and, instead of walking him in, he was tossed onto the ground. She shut it and locked it with another key.

Nairen got up and was amazed at how large the room was. Then it was shattered as he spotted Ameryll... surrounded by about five large beasts. He remembered learning about them one day. They were called rubcurn. Rubcur was the singular way of saying it. They came to the height of people when standing on two legs... One thing they ate was people. They weren't attacking Ameryll yet because they were chained. She couldn't leave the circle because the rubcurn could still move far enough to block her way.

Out of the corner of his eye, Nairen saw Ninevla raise both hands. He heard a clink and saw all of the chains unlock and fall onto the ground. They all leaped to Ameryll.

"No!" Nairen said, running over to her.

One jumped onto her and held her down. One of them noticed Nairen coming. It turned and went for him. He skidded to a halt. The rubcur didn't stop, though. At the last second, Nairen dodged it.

Then he heard one shriek, then another following it. The first was from Ameryll (which made Nairen cringe). The second was the rubcur on top of her (now lying to the side). Ameryll had a wound on her left arm. The rubcur had a wound. Then he saw a girl who had come from a different direction from the doorway, but then Nairen saw another door, on the opposite side of the room from the other door... It was the girl following them earlier!

Nairen heard a growl from behind and got ready for it to attack... But it was looking at Ninevla. Ha! She didn't expect that didn't she?

Then she raised her hand again, and then it turned towards him. She's controlling it!

It leaped towards him and he jumped out of the way again. He turned around to face it. He backed away, not daring to turn his back on it... Then he noticed Ninevla was close to him. It he took her off balance, she wouldn't be able to control it anymore. He slowly backed away a bit more, and then attacked Ninevla (though he felt really bad about it). He was surprised, though, once he ended up underneath Ninevla instead of on top. She wouldn't let him go, for she was the one who forced him underneath her.

Nairen looked to see that the rubcur stared at them, unsure which one to attack. Ninevla lifted him and held him in front of her. The rubcur stared for a bit, then approached, interested. She's offering me to the rubcur!

Nairen struggled to get out of her grip, but her hold was very strong. He could never think of a woman at her age having so much strength. He watched helplessly as the rubcur continued closer...

... Then it fell as a sword was struck through it. The girl took it out and prepared to attack again as it lifted itself back up.

Nairen looked over to see the rest of the rubcurn all dead. In seconds, the other attacked and the girl parried and finished off the last one.

Seeming frightened, Ninevla released Nairen and tried to escape, but the girl was quick. She quickly raised the blunt side of her sword to knock her down. She walked up to her, now backed against a corner, and pointed the tip of her sword at her neck.

"Leave her body! Now! You're trapped and if you dare try take control of me, I'll kill you before you get the chance!"

Nairen sat there, confused of what she was talking about. Then he noticed what she was planning on doing, and got up to try stop her.

"Wait! Don't - " he stopped. He felt a strange type of energy... and Ninevla was the source of it. Then it disappeared. Ninevla crumpled to the ground, unconscious.

Then Nairen remembered Ameryll and looked for her. He saw her, lying on the ground.


As he reached her, he was blood covering her. He checked for a pulse, worried. He sighed as he found one.

He jumped in surprise as a voice from behind him said, "I have a vulnery for her, but that's all I've got to help. I'll have to take her to our healer."

"I'll come with you."

"I intend on doing that," she replied as she pulled out the vulnery. She gave it to Ameryll, and then said, "The problem is that I doubt my pegasus can carry both of you."

A pegasus! He'd never seen one before. "That's okay, you could take Ameryll. I have a horse that I'd rather not leave behind."

The girl nodded in satisfaction. Then she raised Ameryll and said, "Now let's hurry, before it decides to take control of someone else."

She hurried away, and Nairen followed.

"Before... huh?"

"The demon! We need to hurry before it gets somebody else!"

Nairen didn't say anything else... Did a demon take over Ninevla? It must've been the reason why she had done such incredible things, if not impossible. He knew she was a good person!... Until she was acting bad...

The pegasus was waiting just outside the entrance. Nairen's horse, Sceath, was nearby.

"I'll fly low enough for you to follow me," the girl said.

Nairen mounted his horse. The girl got on the pegasus, holding Ameryll in front of her. The pegasus spread its wings and lifted off while Nairen followed her.

Nairen looked back to the big castle. He wondered what would happen to Ninevla. Once she woke, she'd be surrounded by bodies of dead rubcurn.

... But he wouldn't worry about that. Right now, he would need to worry about Ameryll, and would follow their rescuer.

Meanwhile, he wondered what lied ahead of them.

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Cool. But I have one question. What do Rubcur look like?

I don't want to sound like a perfectionist, but the proper term would be rubcurn...

lol, I don't have a very good way of explaining them or else I would've put it down, but... They stand like people! I know that!... um... they don't have fur either... they have a slim figure, and they don't look like they have much flesh so it's very easy to see stuff like rib cages and spines and so... Their skin color is sort of tannish. Plus they have no problem walking on all fours... Their eyes are completely black and they have long claws and teeth... Wow, this a much better explanation than I had yesterday... I guess that's it for now.

I was also wondering, has anybody figured out who has come up as the rescuer? I didn't put down the name. I bet the person I used would know if she saw this.

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Wow, very dramatic and action-y! Great job! *pat* Hm, I have no clue at all who the rescuer is, so I'll just take a random guess....Des?

... I'm not sure if she even volunteered to be in...

*goes to check list*

Nope, she isn't in this. Though if anybody that hasn't gotten in this wants to join, I'll still take in new people.

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*falls over* XD, awwww. I can't guess anymore, so....*checks list*.......*facepalms* Oh, can't wait for the next chapter, you're a great writer!

Thanks! :) :) :)

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