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okay so i'm scared

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when i go on walks


this guy sometimes follows me in his car and tries to make moves on me and one time he actually was getting out of his car to try and talk to me and he kept telling me about how much he wanted to get to know me and he's offered free dinner/breakfast and I'm taken and I feel like one of these days he's going to follow me to my house and i'm flipping my shit right now because i keep hearing sounds outside fuck fuckf cufkcufrkcuk

i'm taking different routes to and from home now help me .__.

Edited by adiosToreador
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OH AND ONE TIME HE WAS LIKE "why are you walkign away are you afraid of black people"


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Idiots like these who stalk women make me feel bad about myself as a man because I belong to the same sex.

This is a glorious quote. I approve so much.

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i'm afraid to sleep

and like it doesn't help that i've been having SEVERE paranoia issues, they've gotten so bad i sometimes hear voices at night and i can't be outside in the dark at all and now i'm going to be afraid to be outside in the first place

i don't even feel safe in my own house and my mom and sister are both at work and i'm alone help

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Sounds like a scary neighbourhood. D:

Be careful.

This isn't the only time it's happened, either, and I live in a better area than some. But it's never happened like this ;_;

My neighbor told me he would walk with me more often so that helps

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That's really unfortunate... Well, carrying a pepper spray around with you should make you feel a lot safer. A lot of it is in the mentality, so if you can calm down I'm sure you'll feel much better.

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That's really creepy. Try biking or something so you can definitely go faster than him.

also inb4 title gets changed to frickin or freaking or some other thinger.

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Umm...i would suggest a buddy system kinda thing, but you said your neighbor already is gonna help you out there.

As far as being safe at home, do you have anyone who can join you while you are home w/o your family?

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you're just a racist slut

im mexican

and i love all ethnic groups


i just thought it was rude that he threw the racist card at me and that's also a bad sign

i mean why the fuck would you even say something like that

what if i advanced on someone and was like "you're only afraid of me because i'm mexican"

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Manix, I can't help it. Eclipse and I are the honorary SF mom and dad (and Clipsey doesn't even have kids o.o).

Bizz, another suggestion, though I know it might b be difficult for you, is to offer passive retaliation (i.e. a polite "back off", etc) while with a group of people. Also, you have every right in the world to report a guy like that to the local police. All you need is a somewhat accurate physical description and his car color/type or license plate number.

You can ask to remain anonymous for obvious reasons, but benefits lie in both scenarios.

Sometimes people need that sort of thing to make a difference. it's the most practical way to stand up for yourself, without putting you in a potentially dangerous situation with him right there.

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Manix, I can't help it. Eclipse and I are the honorary SF mom and dad (and Clipsey doesn't even have kids o.o).

I am aware of this, and there's nothing wrong with that at all. It's good of you to be so concerned.

I thought JB was clipsey's kid? Or was that my imagination? *shot*

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Oh derp, I forgot about JayBee's kinship since he moved to boaring school.

And Manix, I definitely don't mind being SF Dad~

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