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Have you ever been critical hit by a 1% chance?

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This thread's description bugs me. If someone's been hit by at least 100 attacks that have a 1% crit rate, statistically, the expected number of times they would take a 1% crit is at least 1, making this no surprise. It's not really a matter of luck: it's a matter of playing the games enough for something a bit unusual to end up happening.

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Never happened to me, I am too lucky for that. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif.

Only been criticalled about 10 times? And most of the time the crits don't kill me.

Edited by GoldenEmblem7
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My first time on Ephraim's route (so actually my second playthrough of FE8 at all), the chapter when you fight Vigard at the capital of Grado: already restarted various times because of berserk staff or I missed Rennac or chests... I finally made it to Vigarde, got everything I wanted, nearly beat him... when he 1%critted falco knight Vanessa. I was so mad that I decided to just let her die.

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This thread's description bugs me. If someone's been hit by at least 100 attacks that have a 1% crit rate, statistically, the expected number of times they would take a 1% crit is at least 1, making this no surprise. It's not really a matter of luck: it's a matter of playing the games enough for something a bit unusual to end up happening.

But that's not how it works, statistically. The game first calculates hit before calculating crit, so unless all of the attacks were 100%s, it should not happen in 100 attacks.

Also this is assuming the numbers are truly random, which they're not; I suspect the actual chances of getting a 1% crit RN are much lower than the basic odds would tell us.

Edited by Refa
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Can't remember any special 1% crits right now (beside the obligatory arena ones in FE7 lol)

but they do happen to me... a lot...

One thing I remember very well though...

PoR, knight Gatrie blocking the way of one enemy hellebardier

enemy had arounf 57% accuracy, 2% crit and was doubling gatrie, but with laughable dmg

... Gatrie would easily survive even a double-critical from the enemy

and I was like: lol, 2% crit and a double-crit in one single fight, likely not going to happen...

guess what? enemy turn: double-crit!


I was rather annoyed... then I recognized I couldn't heal Gatrie this round...

well Gatrie would survive even one more critical and a normal hit...

so... 2% crit? double-crit in one single fight yet again? not very likely....


I thought....


(critted 4 times in a row with 2% chance and around 57 accuracy.... *rage*)

I have a rule for myself regarding Fire Emblem games...

If the game CAN kill you, it will shit on the odds and DO so....

(I remember my Amelia getting owned by 4 skeletons once...

the skeletons had accuracy rates of 3%, 4%, 7% and 11% ... hit ratio - displayed hit! - hit! not crit chance! and they would only kill amelia if all 4 of them would hit.... guess what....)

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Haven't seen an enemy crit with a 1% chance, but I've seen my own characters crit with that percentage. In fact, Boyd did in my current playthrough of PoR. :P

I've also seen enemies crit with 2% and higher.

Edited by Anacybele
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