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Why don't any of the new DS/3DS have a GBA slot?

Gold Vanguard

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I mean l love my GBA games and like to play them from time to time(Mostly Pokemon.) I mean come on Nintendo how can we "Catch them all" if we can't get Pokemon from the hoenn and kanto regions?

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Well, here's my personal theory.

When the DSi came out in 2008, Nintendo figured that GBA games were out of the loop (though why they made HG/SS with Pokemon GBA compatimilty idk), so they dropped the slot in favor for the internet connection and smaller size.

I hate the lack of GBA slot, which is why I haven't upgraded my DS.

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This is an unfortunate trend that has been following video game consoles nowadays. Only the original PS3's were backwards compatible (a dealbreaker for me personally). As said previously, dropping the extra hardware for increased portability/functionality seems to be preferable. I still have my fat DS from way back when, and only plan on upgrading when FE13 is localized here in the states.

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GC and Wii (PS1, 2, 3) use different technology to play the games. Even though the discs look the same or similar, they are just as different as the GBA and DS and 3DS are from eachother.

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The Wii is also much cheaper now. I remember when I bought mine for like, almost $200... Still, I wouldn't trade backwards compatibility for just "improved hardware".

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I still have my DS Lite and I have a 3DS too, so I can play whatever I have, really.

But I'm pretty sure the reason that 3DS' don't have GBA slots is because the GBA games are well... old. No idea why newer DS' don't have them though, a random discountinuance of the GBA slot is silly to me.

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Do you think the WiiU should have an N64 cartridge slot or something? Jesus.

Yes, quite clearly. What would Nintendo be thinking if they didn't have one?

Also the Wii U will (likely) have a Virtual Console things for all games up toN64. I might guess they'd go GameCube as well. Nintendo said that GBA games wouldn't appear as downloadables for the 3DS. how long before they go back on that do you think

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The 3DS one doesn't have it because that shit's old as hell man. Do you think the WiiU should have an N64 cartridge slot or something? Jesus.

Well they keep making new pokemon games with the abblity to trasnfer GBA Pokemon. Unless they remake the GBA Pokemon games then no. Also the Wii U should have a freakin Nes cartidge.

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I don't own many GBA games, although soon I'm planning on buying the US FE GBA ones, so it might come in handy. Good thing I still have my DSlite on me.

Edited by Melonhead215
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Well they keep making new pokemon games with the abblity to trasnfer GBA Pokemon. Unless they remake the GBA Pokemon games then no. Also the Wii U should have a freakin Nes cartidge.

B/W doesn't allow transfer from the GBA games. The only way to get them from gen III -> V is to transfer them to a gen IV game and then do it again to V.

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By the time the DSi came out, most stores stopped stocking GBA games. To be fair, if you owned GBA games in the first place you would own a GBA or DS phat/lite to play them with. Systems break down over time but Nintendo was clearly showing that it felt the GBA era had passed and it wasn't worth the manufacturing money to continue with the GBA slot. For hardcore legacy gamers, system repair is always an option (albeit an expensive one).

With the 3DS I'm not missing the GBA slot too much because I have Ambassador games, GB and DS games. For GBA games I pull out my DS Lite or my GCN with a GBA Player attached to it or an emulator since they run so easily on a PC. I'm much more concerned about my DS back catalogue because the number of great games I haven't played to death is far more abundant. When I go to the store, there is absolutely no more section for GBA games, but the DS section is still significant. With the Wii, I still see a small section of GCN games, too, though it's slowly trickling away and out of sight.

And at least Nintendo does support DS games on the 3DS, since the PS Vita isn't compatible with the PSP at all. Even the PSOne Classics didn't work on the Vita at launch. Oh, and my PSP wouldn't let me play my own bought, downloaded games without regular sign-ins to PSN. Thanks Sony, that made my 11 hour plane trip so much fun where I couldn't play Final Fantasy or Threads of Fate.

Edit: That's not to say I endorse phasing out backwards comparability. Especially with disc-based mediums. It doesn't make any sense that the PS3 can't run PS2 games. I can just see why a cart slot for a "dead" system would be taken out.

Edited by Samias
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Games for old systems, once replaced, fade out at a speed relative to how well they sold. GBA did well, but the DS was replacing it pretty quickly.

I've still got my GBA SP because it's awesome. I use it to play my older versions of Pokemon, and Sacred Stoners.

It becomes even more of a problem once systems start using different cartridge sizes, etc.

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Games for old systems, once replaced, fade out at a speed relative to how well they sold. GBA did well, but the DS was replacing it pretty quickly.

I've still got my GBA SP because it's awesome. I use it to play my older versions of Pokemon, and Sacred Stoners.

It becomes even more of a problem once systems start using different cartridge sizes, etc.

I see, the GBA era live it life and faded away in video game dust. Also off topic but is that a Red Gyarados is your avatar?

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I see, the GBA era live it life and faded away in video game dust. Also off topic but is that a Red Gyarados is your avatar?

I think the GBA games are still going strong, although I think the scene is shifting from cartridges to emulation.

And yes, it is a Red Gyarados.

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Beep boop please define sarcasm, this terminal does not understand your response.

Also Poe's Law.

Since he noted the existence of N64 VC games in the same post, it seems somewhat unlikely that Poe's Law is an advisable axiom in this instance.

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Since he noted the existence of N64 VC games in the same post, it seems somewhat unlikely that Poe's Law is an advisable axiom in this instance.

I will destroy everything that you have ever loved so help me god D:<

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