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Super Smash Bros Universe Mafia


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Oh yeah i noticed that on my skype as well. Happy b-day.

Also, I can definitely see Prim's points on Scorri but I can't quite decide if she's the best lynch target. I voted sb cause I found it weird that he only mentioned 2 of the 3 people on the stage with his massive one useful post this day phase but I don't know if that's even something to go on about or not. Let me go ISO scorri and reread this whole prims/scorri debacle.

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I will let that exchange slide just this once because from what I can tell, nothing of substance was said.

However, if anything like that happens again, there will be deaths.

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Dear Folgore Pink,

You are Sheik.


The persona Zelda adopted to escape from Ganondorf. She completely hid all traces of her Zelda identity and appeared to Link as the last member of the Sheikah tribe. She taught Link essential ocarina melodies and then vanished in an instant. She didn't appear very often--rather, she would show up to support Link in crucial situations.

During the night, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X – Tracking USER". Using your stealthy nature, you will track the target over the night, determining who that person visited that night.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.

Here's the role PM I promised Marth.

I'll get to what Excellen wanted, but I don't know how to ISO (nor do I even know what it means), so if someone could tell me how to do that, that would be swell.

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@Folgore Pink: iso means reading someone's posts in isolation. So like, if I iso'd you I would use the forum search function to search your name in the mafia subforum and then read only your posts. That helps you focus on a particular player so small things don't get lost in the noise of the whole thread.

There's also a fancier way to do it where you search only the one thread; the link is posted in the tips thread on the main mafia forum (it's one of the pinned threads). I usually just do the basic search due to laziness lol.

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Prims: Tunneling was perhaps not the best word. I was leaving, and was frustrated with work. What I was trying to say was more along the lines of most of the things you've said about me have been based on meta reasons with Bizz and then claiming I'm echoing and bandwagoning. From where I stand, I've seen from you a lot of posts that when taken seriously seemed to be calling to instantly kill me without letting me talk and such, which made me mad and suspicious. When I found out that you were joking, I backed off some because I knew at that point I was letting my emotions get in the way of properly playing the game. Also, it really sucks to come into a game where 25+ pages have been already posted, immediately get called scum for stupid meta based reasons on the previous player, and basically have no hope of getting caught up when every time you try five new pages get posted. So yes, I've been trying to catch up. But it sucks. So no, I may not have the best reads ever, but I'm trying. I really am. I will admit to reading what other people are saying and basing some of my opinions off of that instead of trying to reread for the third time because it turns into skimming really quickly, and so I don't learn much anyways. But, that's not where all of my votes are coming from. I have reread twice. And while I don't have the best knowledge of what happened D1, I have been getting reads today. But it's really hard to care about this game when it seems like every time I try and form an opinion you come in and claim I'm scum for not having original enough opinions and for other meta reasons. As it turns out, I did find your behavior in SG scummy. It doesn't quite count for much though since I *was* scum in that game, but in my opinion, calling for a vig to shoot someone like this is scummy and also rude. And also your comments about the votes and how they better all vote me are the exact type of thing I was calling you out for on N1 where you're trying to tell the town to follow you and not ask questions. If that's you not being serious, STOP. It makes it really hard to tell when you're being serious when half the time we're not supposed to take your comments at face value.

I'm voting Bananas because I honestly think he might be scum and the fact that he has literally contributed nothing to this day phase. Those are my reasons. What does it matter if other people hold those reasons to? Heck, I think it's a good thing if the town shares reasons for voting someone. It, in my eyes at least, makes it more likely that the person we're lynching is a good target.

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@Scorri - I agree that some of Prims' posts have been strange, and his meta reasoning about Bizz is weak. However your replies to him have not been too good either. You've mostly relied on emotional arguments and on trying to throw blame back on Prims. Like, your last post actually made me see you as more scummy rather than less.

If you are in fact Town, then I would suggest not paying as much attention to Prims for now and focusing on what's happened D2. You've read the thread twice, reading D1 more will probably not be amazingly productive, you can always iso people if you need their D1 stuff. And there was a lot of fluff on D1 anyway. Your posts about Proto and SB are okay--you look least scummy to me when you AREN'T focusing on Prims. Perhaps post some thoughts about all the claims that have happened--Elieson posted a list of them a while back I think. Yes, Prims has been suspicious of Bizz/you since N1, but not that many other people are focusing much on you so you don't need to do so much defending.

You still seem somewhat scummy to me right now because you've posted mostly defense and some list fluff up to this point and your defense has mostly consisted of saying Prims is being a jerk, but I consider other people scummier and would be okay with waiting on you and seeing if your play improves D3.

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Yes, I'm aware I'm not playing well right now. I'm also extremely tired and not in a great mood. So. That combined with subbing in being not the greatest thing for being informed means I'm not on top of my game. And I was trying to focus on things other than Prims, but apparently that makes me scummy to. So apparently I just can't win. But, I'll try and move past that for now. Thanks Subi.

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My thoughts on claims:

The three pokemon I've talked about, but I'll mention again. I'd be surprised if two or all three of them were scum. My current bet is that they're all town, but I could see one of them being scum just to mess with us. I seem to recall a Pokemon mafia game where all three legendary birds were in the game and two of the three were town, but one was scum. So maybe it's something like that. But, based on those claims, I'd currently assume Proto, psych, and Marth are town.

Tracker is an interesting claim. It's most helpful to town, but I guess I could see it being a scum role? I dunno. It seems like a legit claim, but I guess it doesn't assure us of alignment. Combined with Impy's play, I'd say I'm still slightly suspicious.

Eclipse as networker has apparently been confirmed. Yes it doesn't give us any idea about alignment, but to me that just seems like a town role. It allows OC which is most helpful for town in my eyes. I'm currently viewing eclipse as tentative town.

Redirector is a typically scummier role, but it can be town. The Night X missing is a little weird, but I could see that being a host mistake. I don't really know what to make of Shinori right now, I'm kinda hoping to see some more from him before the end of the day.

Once again, the role booster has been claimed to been proven, though it's still unclear since Subi has a day ability. However, the claim in association with Straw's more active playing so far lead me to believe he's town, simply because FMPOV role booster like that would be OP to give the mafia since they could continually boost their own powers, which could only hurt the town.

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If that's you not being serious, STOP. It makes it really hard to tell when you're being serious when half the time we're not supposed to take your comments at face value.

learn to read between the lines? if it's not obvious when i'm joking or not (it typically should be) you can just ask

i 100% seriously believe that the vig should shoot you tonight because i expect you to flip scum. this is not a joke.

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It's hard to read tone over the internet. And it'd really be nice if we didn't have to ask you every other post if you're being serious or not. Please, can you try and not post things that would cause us to have to ask that?

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I never once thought he was joking.

Hence lies part of the problem, I would think. Because he's said that some of what he said was joking.


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well usually when people say things like "i am 100% confirmed town, sheep to me" or "vig i want these 3 people dead by tonight" it's obvious hyperbole

typically the sentiment is there but people aren't supposed to actually listen to the commands

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So aside from discussing Prims and his jokery, I'm pretty sure phase end is like 3am my time and I will be asleep hours before that. Right now SB has four votes I believe? Next largest wagon is Iris at two. Iris said a while back she would return later to post stuff, but apparently she's having internet problems? No idea where SB is. And I think quite a few people still aren't voting.

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hey instead of arguing over whether or not me being facetious is scummy (it isn't even if you think it's unnecessary) we re-read levity / scorri and vote that playerslot out of the game for being scum

this is totally serious, i want everybody who hasn't to go do that and explain why she's not the best lynch available

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i'm not really feeling irislynch

iris is one of those people who will lurk regardless of alignment and it's frustrating but you can't really fault them for it. right now she just seems to be having trouble keeping up with the game

the transition from scum!subi to notaninterestinglynch!subi is weird though yeah, she should elaborate on that when she gets back. i don't think she looks tunnelly though

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hey instead of arguing over whether or not me being facetious is scummy (it isn't even if you think it's unnecessary) we re-read levity / scorri and vote that playerslot out of the game for being scum

this is totally serious, i want everybody who hasn't to go do that and explain why she's not the best lynch available

I have already said that I consider others scummier. But in any case, if you want people to do this it wouldn't kill you to go iso other people's lynch choices. Why is Scorri a better lynch than SB or Iris?

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Prims: Bizz/scorri have at least tried to contribute, albeit not to the absolute best it could be.

On the other hand, SB has been generally unhelpful throughout the whole game, because of D1 reasons and that during today he's not contributed anything even remotely notable at all.

That explain why? I'm not seeing that playerslot (Bizz/scorri) to be town right now, but I think SB looks far worse right now.

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i'm not really feeling irislynch

iris is one of those people who will lurk regardless of alignment and it's frustrating but you can't really fault them for it. right now she just seems to be having trouble keeping up with the game

the transition from scum!subi to notaninterestinglynch!subi is weird though yeah, she should elaborate on that when she gets back. i don't think she looks tunnelly though

I'm not complaining about her lurking, I know she always does that. Just saying it makes iso'ing her much easier. In any case, given that she did not have any suspicions D1 but me, parked her vote on me all of D1, and contributed almost nothing to discussion, I would say she was tunneling. Look at her vote on Eclipse at the end--she had no opinions about Kay, Eclipse, or Folgore Pink prior to iso'ing them at the end of the day for the sole purpose of putting down a useful vote. If at the end of the day you have no opinions on players who have been discussed multiple times throughout the day you are doing something wrong.

And then come D2, bam, she's not suspicious of me anymore.

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Okay sorry about my disappearance. I kinda got my computer privileges..."revoked". Anyway...

Ok so stuff I'm gonna say right now:I totally trust Psych and Proto and I think they're town. I didn't say anything earlier because I didn't want to say that Proto has an upgrading possibility, but anyway, I'm gonna say that I'm the third guy of the trio which starts as vanillager and can get a role upgrade.Also I'm gonna confirm that I'm not Pikachu or Squirtle, and I don't think Squirtle exists. I'm Piplup.

This seems weird, as well as that Role PM. There's a difference between a Role that can upgrade and what appears to be mine and Proto's role. Yes, Piplup is an assist, so if I see someone like Isaac or Lyn then sure, I'll take Marth's claim a bit more at face value, but at the moment I feel like Marth might be scum trying to fake claim and get in on the Pokemon bandwagon and they used him being upgraded as an excuse for a mafia member to visit him in case of a watcher.

I do agree that Prims seemed fine earlier, but he's since been weird.

Also what's up with the Bananas wagon? I haven't been paying attention to it, because I don't see why he's scummy and I don't really want to vote him.

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Okay sorry about my disappearance. I kinda got my computer privileges..."revoked". Anyway...

This seems weird, as well as that Role PM. There's a difference between a Role that can upgrade and what appears to be mine and Proto's role. Yes, Piplup is an assist, so if I see someone like Isaac or Lyn then sure, I'll take Marth's claim a bit more at face value, but at the moment I feel like Marth might be scum trying to fake claim and get in on the Pokemon bandwagon and they used him being upgraded as an excuse for a mafia member to visit him in case of a watcher.

I do agree that Prims seemed fine earlier, but he's since been weird.

Also what's up with the Bananas wagon? I haven't been paying attention to it, because I don't see why he's scummy and I don't really want to vote him.

I recall Marth saying he had a Pokemon role back when Proto first claimed. So he didn't come up with that only after both you and Proto claimed, at least.

Also I don't know that much about Smash Bros but I know my character is not a playable character; he could be an assist or a trophy or something, I don't know. So I can confirm that non-playable characters are in the game. Also, Psych, I thought your role could potentially upgrade? And that's why you went to the Mushroom stage, all the sun?

You could iso SB's posts, but he was a bit suspicious D1 (odd suspicion on Blitz, did not vote until prompted multiple times, was suspicious of Marth but failed to ever vote him) and he's barely said anything today. I think that's the main reasoning for the wagon on him.

Your thoughts on SB, Scorri, and Iris, please, since I believe those seem to be our current possible lynch targets. Unless someone has someone else in mind?

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This seems weird, as well as that Role PM. There's a difference between a Role that can upgrade and what appears to be mine and Proto's role. Yes, Piplup is an assist, so if I see someone like Isaac or Lyn then sure, I'll take Marth's claim a bit more at face value, but at the moment I feel like Marth might be scum trying to fake claim and get in on the Pokemon bandwagon and they used him being upgraded as an excuse for a mafia member to visit him in case of a watcher.

Shadow (Shinori's claim) is also an assist. So how about that?

also remember that this isn't just Brawl, so there easily could be other roles present, like Shadow and Piplup

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So I'm probably going to bed in about 30-40 minutes, and will not be around for phase end since I'll be commuting into work at that point. Since I'm one of the main wagons, I'm going to ask this now. Do you want me to claim?

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