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Rate the Unit: Day 61 - Pelleas

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'SEXY AS HELL 10/10'. Were there any in Tibarn's thread?

I have one word about Tibarn



Yes. Yes, there were.

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Stop putting bird crap in Pelleas' thread. . .ahem. . .

I feel really, really sorry for him, but that's mostly because he really wanted to be deployed during the latter part of Chapter 3. Thunder magic is welcome against dragons, and having him kick the everliving crap out of Izuka is amazing. He might be able to farm some experience in 4-2, but unless you sorta turtle in 4-5, he's not getting much of note. Oh, and personal Miracle's nice, too.

3/10 (bias point included because he amuses me greatly)

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Pelleas is pretty bad. He has low bases and the growth potential is kinda worthless with those caps. He can use siege tome's a little or become a decent healer when promoted, but thats it.

3/10 includes one bias point since I like Pelleas.

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Personally I'm glade he does that so I don't get to read his shitty opinions.

Anyway .5/10. A shit mage is a shit mage, especially when you join as a 2nd tier in Part 4.

Why do you constantly say this? As if someone on this site actually gives a shit about your self important post. You were acting like this in the Aeine thread (but we were on the same team so I hypocritically didn't care) but now I feel the need to bring this up.

Your posts are weary, stale and just plain not clever. Oh and you are ridiculous obnoxious too. Out of all the "veterans", "oldies", "pros" and experienced users I don't even have an iota of respect for you. I mean i've pretty much attacked everyone in the vicinity, including people I like, but I at least felt a shred of remorse doing that. Calling you out for the fraud that you are was just another day at the office.

Edited by Starwave
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You criticize people constantly. The difference is DS does it directly instead of passive aggressively. Seriously, you need to calm down and stop this whole crusade or whatever you see it as.

Edited by bottlegnomes
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Better than Tibarn 10/10.

On a serious note Pelleas is inaccurate as hell and has problems ever coming to doubling. 1.5/10.

Edited by Tyranel M
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Your posts are weary, stale and just plain not clever. Oh and you are ridiculously obnoxious too. Out of all the "veterans", "oldies", "pros" and experienced users I don't even have an iota of respect for you. I mean I've pretty much attacked everyone in the vicinity, including people I like, but I at least felt a shred of remorse doing that. Calling you out for the fraud that you are was just another day at the office.


Oh noez, some loser on the internet doesn't have any respect for me, better go kill myself now.

On a more serious note, you are far worse than I am about attacking people because while I'm blunt, at least I don't get worked up about irrelevant shit like whether or not some people think Tanith>Tibarn or whatever. You could argue I do too, but you're wrong. I only make like, one pithy comment and that's the end of it. You on the other hand go out on crusades where you insult everyone who disagrees with you in a whiny, self righteous way and refuse to shut the fuck up about it, even invading other topics.

For fuck's sake, we are rating pieces of data from a 2007 video game on the internet. It's not like we're going to be using these ratings for anything anyway so I doubt anybody except you gives a shit about me being a supposed "fraud" because I rated Tibarn a 5/10. I myself do not care that my children will have to grow up in a world where the average rating on this board for Ranulf is worse than the average rating for Soren.

So how about you stop being so butthurt hmmm?

P.S I fixed your grammatical errors. No need to thank me.

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Oh noez, some loser on the internet doesn't have any respect for me, better go kill myself now.

On a more serious note, you are far worse than I am about attacking people because while I'm blunt, at least I don't get worked up about irrelevant shit like whether or not some people think Tanith>Tibarn or whatever. You could argue I do too, but you're wrong. I only make like, one pithy comment and that's the end of it. You on the other hand go out on crusades where you insult everyone who disagrees with you in a whiny, self righteous way and refuse to shut the fuck up about it, even invading other topics.

For fuck's sake, we are rating pieces of data from a 2007 video game on the internet. It's not like we're going to be using these ratings for anything anyway so I doubt anybody except you gives a shit about me being a supposed "fraud" because I rated Tibarn a 5/10. I myself do not care that my children will have to grow up in a world where the average rating on this board for Ranulf is worse than the average rating for Soren.

So how about you stop being so butthurt hmmm?

P.S I fixed your grammatical errors. No need to thank me.

Didn't you say you were going to ignore my posts? Lol, I knew you were bluffing. You're the sort of person who never lives up to his threats. The type of guy to go down first in a poker game. Even if you had a full face mask, your shitty bluffs are too transparent. Oh and your shitty pic makes you soooooo clever. I bet you win the hearts of everyone with that type of attitude.

I wonder how long it took you for you to come up with that great wall of text. I mean you posted on my wall with "Tibarn sucks" so I kind of assumed you had the intelligence of monkey. No I was wrong, you're a little more than that, a smarmy git who thinks he's smarter than he actually is. If you can't understand why I get so worked up over RTUs and things like that, don't bother. Just because you play the "cool aloof guy" 24/7 doesn't make you any less of a loser (read: I don't consider anyone who posts in this site a loser) than anyone else. Yes I realize i'm arguing intensely about a game, but it's a game I'm passionate about. Am I any less human than the guy who argues feverishly over Harry Potter, or the girl who's life goal is to scrutinize (and argue) every detail in star trek? I'd think not. True, my obsessive behaviour about this might seem "rudimentary" for normal folk, but how many people are truly "normal." Someone's unremarkable in every way is "weird" to me.

PS: Thanks for fixing my grammatical mistakes, though apparently you missed some? One person corrects another person's spelling mistake but fails to catch them all? I read a book about that. Can't say I really care though, I really don't like you!

PPS: I dropped this issue 436 minutes ago, not my fault someone keeps stirring things when my guard is down.

You criticize people constantly. The difference is DS does it directly instead of passive aggressively. Seriously, you need to calm down and stop this whole crusade or whatever you see it as.

So does he somehow get a pass from being an asshole because he's a site veteran? What kind of backward logic is that. (lol don't you dare quote might mekkah statement I was being facetious). Whatever. I've calmed yesterday, again its not my fault others keep bring this up.

Edited by Starwave
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You could just stop responding if you're over it. DS bluntly insults people when they do absurd or stupid things, which generally deserve it. You passive aggressively and condescendingly attack people because their opinions are different than yours.

I've done stuff like that, too, like with Lord Raven in the Calill vs Tormod thing, but I wasn't condescending about it or insulting him personally, at least not nearly to the level you generally are. I also dropped it after the topic was over and even apologized to him for being suck a dick about it. You maintain this air of superiority and "justify" your insults by saying you're being "objective."

As for the grammar thing, I was clearly kidding around and giving DS a hard time. Again, you're blowing things out of proportion. My knowledge of grammar is a hell of a lot more extensive than most people's and what he missed was a rather small error that a lot of people don't know. I'm willing to bet you can't spot it either, so you really don't have any room to insult DS about it.

Edited by bottlegnomes
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Pelleas is your only Dark Magic user before Lehran, so he's your best user of it before 4-E-5. That means nothing. Pelleas shows up part way through a chapter, so not only are you forced to deploy him, you can't BEXP him, or give him skills before either, so you can't get him caught up in his first map. His speed is sub-par, getting doubled by Halberdiers and Warriors, and doesn't double anything. He can long range stuff with Fenrir, and you get another one before his next chapter, so running out of uses means little, and it does do passable damage (21 on warriors, 11 to sages). However, Sieging, and potshots are all he's EVER likely to be doing unless you baby him, as he has too low speed to double anything, and he isn't ever going to battle dragons without getting killed. If he does get promoted, he can reach SS in Dark, S in thunder and staves, so if you do take him to endgame he can serve as a backup healer, and get Balberith blessed so that Lehran can contribute in 4-E-5. If only he helped out in 1-E and 3-13, where he would have some use. 2/10.

Pretty much this, it's a spot-on analysis.

Also, that giant picture of HD(?) CD-i Link is amazing.

EDIT: Oh yeah, forgot something, if Dragonfoe is sent to the convoy in 4-3, then Pelleas can use it to siege dragons in 4-5, if you want to save uses on your other elemental siege tomes.

Edited by Venusaur
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You could just stop responding if you're over it. DS bluntly insults people when they do absurd or stupid things, which generally deserve it. You passive aggressively and condescendingly attack people because their opinions are different than yours.

Sorry, in case you forgot i'm a human being, and humans tend to respond (sometimes violently) when they're insulted. I'm not the type of person to ever let an argument go unless it's clearly one sided. Ok, not only is the bolded the most absurd thing ever (i've seen DS undeservedly attack MULTIPLE users) the logistics of it piss me off. It's clear from your overall post that you like this user a lot which is cool, i'm a fanboy of a few users on this site myself, (I mean the first paragraph alone...) but to me (and a few others) I fucking hate it when someone insults someone with catch all statements, and then nobody calls him out on it. Before you cry foul, i've been reprimanded for insulting users multiple times and it's usually been an extension of these acursed RTUs threads. I've seen T_S ninja attack users on a whim with ad hominem attacks (http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=30171&view=findpost&p=1828498). I'm not the only one's who's condescending and you know it.

I've done stuff like that, too, like with Lord Raven in the Calill vs Tormod thing, but I wasn't condescending about it or insulting him personally, at least not nearly to the level you generally are. I also dropped it after the topic was over and even apologized to him for being suck a dick about it. You maintain this air of superiority and "justify" your insults by saying you're being "objective."

Whaaaaaaaaaat? Pfft No I don't. Nope, not gonna lie it's all true.

As for the grammar thing, I was clearly kidding around and giving DS a hard time. Again, you're blowing things out of proportion. My knowledge of grammar is a hell of a lot more extensive than most people's and what he missed was a rather small error that a lot of people don't know. I'm willing to bet you can't spot it either, so you really don't have any room to insult DS about it.

You're missing the point. He ended up correcting my post to get one last jab at me, and I called him out on it. It's as simple as that, my response was made in retaliation, I couldn't care less if someone makes a mistake with their grammar.

PS: For someone with such an extensive knowledge of grammar you made an awful lot of grammatical errors in those paragraphs.

(i'm just joking, lord knows i make tons and tons of them)

PPS: If you wanted to end this situation you shouldn't have made yet another post about it!

Edited by Starwave
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As for the grammar thing, I was clearly kidding around and giving DS a hard time. Again, you're blowing things out of proportion. My knowledge of grammar is a hell of a lot more extensive than most people's and what he missed was a rather small error that a lot of people don't know. I'm willing to bet you can't spot it either, so you really don't have any room to insult DS about it.

I'm curious now. All I can think of is that 'pros' has a different spelling to how I think it is.

And Starwave, just... lol. Stop bitching and just get out of these threads if all you're gonna do is bitch about Tibarn allegedly being underrated. Nobody gives a fuck except you.

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Since I don't feel like addressing the rest because this isn't going anywhere:

PS: For someone with such an extensive knowledge of grammar you made an awful lot of grammatical errors in those paragraphs.

(i'm just joking, lord knows i make tons and tons of them)

Aside from the suck instead of such, which is a dumb typo that I missed, what?

I'm curious now. All I can think of is that 'pros' has a different spelling to how I think it is.

Your posts are weary, stale and just plain not clever. Oh and you are ridiculous obnoxious too. Out of all the "veterans", "oldies", "pros" and experienced users I don't even have an iota of respect for you. I mean i've pretty much attacked everyone in the vicinity, including people I like, but I at least felt a shred of remorse doing that. Calling you out for the fraud that you are was just another day at the office.

The commas should be inside the parentheses. Punctuation always goes inside parentheses. Like I said, it's a pretty minor thing. Though I am curious about what you mean by the spelling of pros. How have you seen it spelled?

Then there's how anal I am about Oxford commas, but that's not actually grammatically incorrect.

On a completely off-topic point, are you still working on your FE7 balance patch?

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The commas should be inside the parentheses. Punctuation always goes inside parentheses. Like I said, it's a pretty minor thing. Though I am curious about what you mean by the spelling of pros. How have you seen it spelled?

On a completely off-topic point, are you still working on your FE7 balance patch?

You mean the punctuation marks, right? ... Okay yeah I knew about that, it just passed completely past my ... eyes. FAKE EDIT: knowing how I just wrote 'obscure' I guess for me it depends on the context. Someone saying something says "This," said Dave, but some concept tends to just get exclusive focus. So idk. I'm probably wrong, grammar isn't my forte :p

I haven't seen pros spelt differently, but I was open to the possibility that everyone was doing it wrong all this time because of something 'obscure'. ... Proes?

I'll get it done at some point when I have the inclination. I haven't forgotten it, at any rate.

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<br style="color: rgb(7, 55, 2); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(239, 255, 240); ">And Starwave, just... lol. Stop bitching and just get out of these threads if all you're gonna do is bitch about Tibarn allegedly being underrated. Nobody gives a fuck except you.

I stopped talking about Tibarn passed page 1, and I only brought it up in the first few posts. If you've been paying at all, that's not what's being discussed here at all. Stop being lazy with assertions and do your homework next time. I've been trying to drop this for ages, but people keep cherry picking my posts.

Omg Starwave, just stop. Really, just stop...

Since I don't feel like addressing the rest because this isn't going anywhere:

Aside from the suck instead of such, which is a dumb typo that I missed, what?

DS bluntly insults people when they do absurd or stupid things, which generally deserve it.

You referred to people as "which" instead of using who or whom, words that are usually used as relative pronouns referring to people in modern English. However, I can't think of grammatical situation where which is used as a relative to refer to a person(s). It's really kind of jarring since you said you had extensive grammatical knowledge >_>

Guys, just ignore Starwave. Save all the arguments for the end of this RTU.

There are times where I just want to smash my head on a desk, repeatedly. This is not one of those times, however, I'm only responding to users who are responding to me about things that should have settled ages ago.

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You mean the punctuation marks, right? ... Okay yeah I knew about that, it just passed completely past my ... eyes. FAKE EDIT: knowing how I just wrote 'obscure' I guess for me it depends on the context. Someone saying something says "This," said Dave, but some concept tends to just get exclusive focus. So idk. I'm probably wrong, grammar isn't my forte :p

I'm not sure what you mean by the bolded sentence. If you mean what I think you mean, quoting something that doesn't contain the punctuation point, like a sentence from a book or post, it still has the punctuation point is still inside the quotes. It's an even more minor thing, and people are confused about it a lot, but, at least from what I've learned, which is hopefully right, since it's been told to me by people who have doctorates in English, it should be right. For example:

Say there's a quote that is "Dave likes ice cream and ponies." If I want to quote just part of it, it would be, "Dave likes ice cream." What I think you're talking about is "Dave likes ice cream". Like I said, I'm not completely sure, but I don't think that's correct.

I haven't seen pros spelt differently, but I was open to the possibility that everyone was doing it wrong all this time because of something 'obscure'. ... Proes?

Okay. That makes more sense. As far as I know, pros is spelled like we're all used to seeing it. Now that I think about it, the only other way I could think of it would be one of the things that generally pisses me off about the internet, adding an apostrophe (ninja'd). Since it's a contraction of professionals, it might be spelled pro's, since those letters are being taken out. Think ma'am from madam. I have no idea though.

I'll get it done at some point when I have the inclination. I haven't forgotten it, at any rate.

Cool. I'm really looking forward to trying it out, if I can ever figure out how to patch on my stupid mac. I would have been :cry: if you'd dropped it.

You referred to people as "which" instead of using who or whom, words that are usually used as relative pronouns referring to people in modern English. However, I can't think of grammatical situation where which is used as a relative to refer to a person(s). It's really kind of jarring since you said you had extensive grammatical knowledge >_>

Which is referring to things, not people.

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The way that your worded here it seems like he's saying that the absurd things are worth insulting people over. It's bad grammar either way (note, I am NOT insulting you). I guess I got confused; too ambiguous and vague.

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