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Samias's Art Stuff


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Okay I'll bite, what are Ms.Greed Finger's powers? Also, it's good to see the guy with the slicked back hair again. It's definitely been awhile. Barely recognized him at first thought lol.

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The girl and her brother are two sealed halves of an ancient monster, though they maintain identities of their own. The girl is the body and her brother is the mind, so her brother swears he'll find something that will make her a normal human being. However, the methodology used might be just as cruel to the rest of the world as their unsealed form would be. As time goes on the girl becomes more violent and the guy just becomes more ruthless. And here's the brother in a way more complete drawing XD


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Hm, I've never seen Fullmetal Panic but he's definitely inspired by all the white-haired prettyboy villains of the world.

Oh boy I decided not to completely have characters floating in space even though I hate drawing grass XD It's another two of my OCs from some very, very old story that is not fit to ever see the internet again. It's a somewhat bigger pic than usual.


[spoiler=High res shot and a somewhat funny WIP stuff]



Samias is looking a little bit not all there XD

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I was challenging myself to draw more BG stuff though Faizel looks a lot younger here. I think it's because his eyes are much larger here, and his hair isn't totally as neat because I tried to draw it as a wet mess (and yet his clothes look okay? XD;)


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i really like the character with the baton, reminds me of cammy from street fighter for some reason. i can't decide if she's a military ninja type or a performer of some sort?

good luck with the job prospect !

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Thanks! I'll more or less find out how it goes next week. The girl is definitely more the ninja type, though as I was working on her I thought she looked a lot like Valentine from Skullgirls. It got dialed back a little but but she does look right at home in a fighting game. Also I finished that WIP!


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Its seeing stuff like this that makes me want to get into artwork as well. Especially with my cousins and the stuff they have done, but then I realize I just don't have the drive... How cool it would be to make your own stuff the way you want it to look instead of how others make it.

Thanks Samias for being an inspiration.

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That's Samias right? (What's she doing out in the snow? She looks so lost and desperate :cry: )

Also adding to Vorena's comments, it's true, browsing your work does make me want to do some art myself(FE10 splicing mainly), and sometimes I get a few outfit ideas as well, so thanks for that.

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Thanks for the awesome words, guys. I'm glad to be an inspiration to anyone. As for getting into artwork, it does take a lot of patience to improve but so long as you have fun drawing, it's worth it. I started by tracing off pictures in my old game guides before taking some cartooning classes. I'm pretty sure that in high school I tried to convince myself I didn't want to go to animation school because my style was so anime-biased but that's where I ended up after a few unhappy years doing other stuff. Ultimately, I learned to listen to the voice in the back of my head that told me to go for what I really wanted and that's how I ended up where I am today. Not everyone is going to do what they love as a career choice and not everyone wants to, but you should do what makes you happy.

And yes, that's Samias, out there searching for something out in the snowy plains. Good thing she's not too bothered by cold, otherwise that sleeveless shirt wouldn't be very comfortable to wear. I also scanned in some new rough pencil sketches done up in a slightly different style than the usual.



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Thank you~ I wanted to design something that might look good on a shirt but I'm so shy I'm not sure if I'll ever go through with it. Plus I'm so nitpicky about how it'll look in the first place x_x I coloured one with a very limited palette but I still think I'll make changes later.


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Was sketching while waiting for my bf to get off work. Sorry for the camera phone pic, I will do a scan when I get home.
Edit: And scanned!

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Oh man I've got two questions

1. what do you use to make your lines digitally (I've been doing a job where clean lines are a requirement and the pen tool is absolute suffering for me)

2. do you sketch out a rough idea first or do you just go straight for the lines? in that sketch it appears there's no erased underdrawing. I don't do it but it's a habit I reeeeally need to get into haha

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Now that I'm at home, I fixed the previous image so the quality's a lot better.

1. I use Paint Tool SAI when I do my lines, usually. I find the 100% hardness brush in Photoshop's default is still too fuzzy, and I haven't really found a good brush set that helps that problem either. I'll just use the non-vector pencil tool in SAI and work at a really high DPI so my mistakes are usually pretty hard to see. If it has to be really clean and even, then I'll pull out Flash and use the line tool and bend things into place. I hate Photoshop's pen, since it's much weaker than the vectors in Flash or Illustrator or even SAI (though SAI in reality doesn't have proper vector art). When inking with a non-vector method, if something is too wrong for my tastes, I'll stroke and undo until it is acceptable.

Generally before I colour something, what I consider "clean" is something like below, since once it's coloured and resized those types of mistakes are hard to see:

[spoiler=Some lineart of an old pic at full res]


As for 2. I sometimes do both. More complicated poses get messier with underdrawing, and same with dresses and other loose articles of clothing. I'll always draw limbs out underneath so I have a better impression of what's going on with the limbs. I actually have a tendency to clean up a little as I draw but will leave structure lines inside of legs and feet. Generally I find if a sketch isn't working and it's been erased too many times, I'll move on and maybe try a thumbnail, which ends up easing me away from having to do as much underdrawing because I have a plan in my head. On a computer I will go completely hog wild on crazy sketches though because I can drop a layer on top and go over it later. I've got some crazy early stage stuff below.




Generally once I have to think about composition, the messier things get. But if I do a standing pose I'm pretty confident of what I'm doing and just go straight for the lines.

Oh yeah, and I have some other pencil sketches which are less finished and maybe will get some PC treatment if I feel like it... maybe. Heh.



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Having ears that long has got to be downright inconvenient at times but that's elves/elf-like beings, I guess lol. Also I really like the designs on the last two characters in the post before this^ one. Please give them the PC treatment sometime.

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I left in some bad things but I just didn't want to spend any more time on this because I didn't want the time consumption to spiral out of control as I nitpicked stuff from some already wonky lineart aahhh

SAI is my program of choice but I heard Manga Studio 5/5 EX is also just as capable, since their overhauled the painting engine. Manga Studio 5 also has the advantage of having native Mac compatibility. Plus it's 64-bit unlike SAI so it should run better on any machine running a 64-bit OS (ie Windows 7 and 8). I have been thinking of trying out MS5 myself but I'm just used to SAI.

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✰o✰ i love this one...pls finish it someday!!

She's too cute, of course I had to work on it! I kept it a bit looser so I wouldn't stay up too late working on it like I usually do.


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