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Samias's Art Stuff


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Yeah I struggled not to put her in some B&B pose. Also I got more ref and stuff so I could make her outfit better~ I am a bit further than this now and am shading it slowly but surely. Maybe it'll be done in the next century between school assignments...


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Guest meibum

I really like your art :)

such a great style to it and nice colours (:

you have a unique talent;

you can draw both males and females well.

I'm impressed.

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You should bring to life something with Extremity Fist/Asura Strike. I could see you putting perfect detail in the body and form with such a powerful blow sort of move.

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It's a dragon stone that Tiki's holding and also oh jeez I think the stress is getting to me because now I have Tiki in space with rainbow projections???? XD


Also some more sketches I did as warmups in class:



Edited by Samias
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It's a dragon stone that Tiki's holding and also oh jeez I think the stress is getting to me because now I have Tiki in space with rainbow projections???? XD

Works for me :)

Also, I should have figured it was a dragonstone but for some reason my brain just keeps going 'flower, flower, flower-'. Great work just the same.

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It's a dragon stone that Tiki's holding and also oh jeez I think the stress is getting to me because now I have Tiki in space with rainbow projections???? XD


i dont like tikis outffit in awakining but the picture is quite good. needs more rainbows...

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Gonna catch up on responses now that I get a decent amount of time to sit in front of a computer that isn't for work reasons!

I really like your art :)

such a great style to it and nice colours (:

you have a unique talent;

you can draw both males and females well.

I'm impressed.

Thank you! Over the years I find myself thinking that what I thought was great talent in my younger years was not talent at all, but with hard work and a lot of practice I got better. I wouldn't say I'm uniquely talented, but I like drawing more than anything and I had a lot of help from the people around me who push me out of my comfort zone. Plus I try to go to life drawing every week to study anatomy. I used to overwhelmingly draw girls.

You should bring to life something with Extremity Fist/Asura Strike. I could see you putting perfect detail in the body and form with such a powerful blow sort of move.

I want to but every time I try it seems to come out badly? But I haven't tried in awhile so maybe I'll get around to drawing RO Samias in her champ outfit.

Oh that infinite method looks super interesting. OAO

How does it work though?

I draw all the figure 8's first and then I step back and try to fill in the 8s with different designs. Sometimes it's the backbone of the design, other times it's a detail, sometimes it's just one body part.

i dont like tikis outffit in awakining but the picture is quite good. needs more rainbows...

The official art actually has the slit on the side ridiculously high but I toned it down a little. I like Tiki better than Nowi at least!

Also I decided to take on the 30-Day OTP Challenge and we'll see if I can keep up with all the other work on my platter. Here's the challenge. And here's day 1: Holding hands! I drew off-model Ike and Soren from memory and it went... well... XD...


They're recognizable? The faces are a little derp though XD when I reduced the colours I totally lost Soren's blushing face though.

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They're recognizable? The faces are a little derp though XD when I reduced the colours I totally lost Soren's blushing face though.





all of the yes.

though ike does kinda look like hes wearing a shaggy monster or something on his head. try spikeing it a little bit more.

other wise i love it. especialy how sorens looking at ike's hand like it's the best day ever.

looking forward to more of this.

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I thought the person on the left was Roy lol

But I like it, especially the variation in the eyes, and the way you captured Ike's solid structure and Soren's frailty with their gestures. I noticed that you don't use a lot of dark colors though, is that just a stylistic choice?

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Yeah Ike seems... off XD I think I made him too friendly looking by drawing his hair too poofy.

I noticed that you don't use a lot of dark colors though, is that just a stylistic choice?

I usually don't go too dark because my monitor has a bad gamut for dark colours. I like black and yet I don't have many characters who use a lot of dark colours as well. Typically I'll stick to the mid-range and lately have been forcing myself to grab more saturated colour since I also have a tendency to desaturate things if I don't.

Also OTP challenge day 2 and 3 are done! I drew my OCs this time though I have been super busy so it's actually like... XD... QUALITY DIPS



Edited by Samias
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I was away all day yesterday so today I had to play some catch-up... but heehee I got to draw N :t:

[spoiler=people makin' out]



Also I have a bunch more random sketches!



Edited by Samias
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Nooo, beanstalk guy! You are my favorite!

The real question is which of those two he is crushing on

That smooching picture is beyond adorable, too. The varying line widths for the characters' facial features, hair, and necks draws your eyes right in.

Lovely as always!

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mage guy is totally crushing on the sheer manliness of his friend

Also thank you for the compliments on the smooch, I haven't really done anything like that in awhile so it was fun despite me rushing things along. Speaking of rushed...


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Yaaay more rushed stuff. I've been sick and today was just a bad day in general where everything seemed to go wrong. However I squeezed this one out. I started it a little early since yesterday's didn't take me as long, which is pretty much the only reason I'm finished.


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Thorlokis :O

Out of curiousity, are those your OCs as ThorLoki or Thor's just being a genderbend here? Either is cool.

(though if latter, Thor feels kinda short considering Aesir women are still like 6 feet tall)

Edited by Ezio Auditore da Firenze
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They're my OCs Faizel and Karyna's cosplaying, except Faizel is basically Loki already. The only difference really is his hairtenna sticking out and his skin colour if I coloured this! Faizel went with movie Loki while Karyna's was dead set on comic Thor, but Faizel just couldn't go for the garish green. That's basically the unwritten back story and not just me being too lazy to be consistent. Yep.

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Glad you picked these two for the cosplay and shopping bits. That first shopping pic is just XD Faizel's all, "I look good and you know it." It looks like they're in front of an actual mirror in the second one(especially with those expressions lol).

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When I saw that prompt I knew it HAD to be Faizel. He's too fun to draw being completely outrageously narcissistic. Anyway, I actually caught a cold on top of having a lot of homework so these next too are like... well... I mentioned a quality dip on some of those last ones but this is like... the next level of unfinished. Including having a half-finished pencil sketch overlayed with an even less finished sketch of everyone else who was supposed to be in the picture.

[spoiler=Apparently hanging out means having a group hot spring trip for the Greil Mercs + Ranulf (sfw)]tumblr_muji5a2CEU1qixsfqo2_1280.png


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