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Sohee bells are adorable! I had to include them also I'm glad someone noticed

Did you really have any doubt I would miss that? Others, not sure, but Me? come on now Sami, you know me better than that~

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Also people who watch my tumblr have watched me spam for days all sorts of reject designs but now I'm done and it was worth it because this lady's pretty killer.


And here's another quickie sketch


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i really like the costume design, especially the gloves, white (chinchilla?) coat and how her top is attached to the boots / leggings. pretty sexy.

i'm assuming the tattoos on the arms are related to the magic she's casting, which looks cool.

Edited by black op: skyfang
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Yeah I was going for some sex appeal to contrast my other character, who is one of my typical action girls. I wanted the coat to be like a white tiger and the tattoos are part of her shaman initiation.

I'm working on a thing, if anyone has painting advice I'm up for critique. Painting "realistically" is a bit of a weakness of mine after all.


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I think I can help with this a bit! I realize you're still working on this but I'll just point out everything I see 8D

Sooo, the whole thing is ripe with a good range of values except for the skin on the face. I think the nose/lips could use more contrast, as well as more shadow under the chin. The hair might actually be too dark, comparing to how her hair looks in other pieces you've done. The hair doesn't seem to be casting much of a shadow on her cheek either, when I imagine it would be.

The eyes are really big, and the wrist also seems a bit thick. Another anatomical thing I'm noticing is that the thumb is awkward, I think it's at the wrong angle maybe? Or it's too low, I'm not really sure, that's a hard one. I thought the neck was long as well, but then I realized that she's holding goggles, not a collar. The goggles don't read super well at the moment. The area still has a bit of anatomy weirdness though, I think, the way the hood is lying on her shoulder is a bit awkward, I think it's hanging too close to the side. More of it would be obscured because of the angle she's at, I think.

Something else is that the far part of the body in general seems too well-lit for the light source implied on the face, it's a bit distracting. The far part of the body also seems to have poor posture, like the far shoulder is probably drooping too much.

I'm interested to see where this goes though :3 I can do a paintover if any of this explanation is confusing

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So I went through your advice a bit though this is still WIP-y and some things I wonder if they're impossible to fix without ripping everything apart. But that's part of the learning process I suppose! The eyes being a little bigger is a bit of a stylistic thing but I did reduce them a little bit. I changed the pose of the arms a little bit too. The hair's still dark; honestly it's supposed to be dark but in other pics I make it lighter to stand out from the other characters. I definitely bumped up the shadows though.


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Hmm well I'm giving her Nose 2.0 at this point. I'll probably post it next when it's "done".

In the meantime, here's a hasty comic doodled after my last session of Shadowrun.


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I took on some commission work recently! (yay whoo money whooooo) I kinda messed up the legs but it seems like it worked out alright on the other end so maybe I'm just being too nitpicky as per usual (and also lax with my QA before I post things yaaaay)


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Yeah she's cool. The next image is big because I was too lazy to bring it into Photoshop and shrink it because of some layer stuff I didn't want to deal with [/grad laziness]


Edit: and I forgot this too


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