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Impact: Chapter 1


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Marcus took the makeshift earplugs and wadded them into his ears. It wasn't perfect (he could still hear better than normal), but things weren't overly loud anymore.


He sat up, shifting into a position that he could see most everyone from.

"So now what?"

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"Isn't it obvious? I'm offering my throat to you... if you wanted, I would be dead by now... because I trust you, Chanji. And I want you to trust me to, because if we don't, we might not make it out alive." Selena answered, keeping her head bowed to the girl.

And then the scream.

'... dy... ing... ?' Selena's head shot up as she turned towards the sound, and saw the previously injured girl now atop Cyrus, giving him CPR. Swiftly making her way over, Selena stopped next to the girl.

"What happened to him?!"

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"What happened to him?!"

"I-I don't know!" the girl squeaked, her voice pitching several octaves higher than normal and clearly panicking. "I just... I just woke up and saw him on the ground and his body was twitching abnormally and he's not breathing and it doesn't look like CPR is working and I don't know what to do!" Kayla sobbed and pressed on his chest a few more times. "I-I really don't know what to do at this point. Come on old man, please don't die on me now!" she forced more air into his mouth out of desperation.

Edited by Huang Yueying
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'.....Air, is that air? Someone's trying to save me I think. Why bother bringing me back, these guys don't care about me. Maybe I should just let go...... might be easier. No, no FUCK THAT! I'm not giving up that easy, there's too much left for me to do to die!'

Opening his eyes Cyrus saw the girl he had tried to help crying on his chest. '.....Hey, I'm not old! I'm only 22' Taking a breath Cyrus began to cough incredibly hard. Managing to catch his breath he croaked out "Is everyone ok?"

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"AHHHHHHH!!!! DON'T COUGH ON ME! EWW, THAT'S GROSS WHAT DO YOU THINK Y-- " Kayla freaked out as spittle flew at her face. "Wait, that means he's breathing again. OH MY GOSH HE'S ALIVE! THE OLD GUY'S ALIVE!!" she threw her arms around the guy and squeezed him tightly, not noticing the tingling as much anymore. "But dude, lay off the cigarettes, they're nasty and taste awful," she chided, making a face.

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"We're survivors of teh crash if you couldn't tell... Just calm down sir! We're trying to work things out."

"Work thi-... Aaagh, what the hell happened? But, anyway... Did you see a young girl, about 17 years old, with long red hair? I n-need to find her..."

He overheard the two men in front of him talking, one of them mentioning something about 'powers'. "Powers? Y-You mean whatever happened made h-him," he pointed at Janson, bewildered, "H-Heal? What the fuck..."

He walked backwards slowly, instinctively leaning against a tree, but he yelped, grimacing in pain as the large wound on his back came into contact with the wood. "You wouldn't happen to have any first-aid or anything, would you?"

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Did the lady really trust her, or had she just realized Chanji was harmless? The girl had no idea. “Um...” Truthfully, she wasn't sure what she wanted to do anymore. She had been so focused on getting away that she hadn't thought that far ahead.

Whatever short time she'd been mulling it over was cut short by Kayla's yelling and Cyrus's near dying. “Wait, he's ok, right?” she asked Kayla after his coughing fit. As much as she'd wanted him gone a moment ago, she hadn't meant dying gone.

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"Now? Now we go catch up with the others. They shouldn't be too far behind, and we desperately need food and water, shelter is a bonus at this point but I think these buildings will be enough." Janson started walking away before realizing Dustin had his leg injured. "Oh right. Do uh... Do you want a hand or something? I can help you walk if you want. And I guess with my body so fucked up as it is I can take any sort of monster this place wants to dish out, so you're fairly safe with me... Unless I get smashed under something in which case you should just run and leave me behind..."

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Turning his head to the side Cyrus let out another series of coughs "I think I'm all right, really tired though." Glancing up and down at the girl hugging him Cyrus noted there was no more wounds on her. "Huh, I guess I really can heal wounds with my hands......... And I'm not old dammit! I'm only twenty-two"

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"I completely forgot about food, holy crap. How're we gonna handle that for a group this big?" He started thinking about it. With all this foliage hanging around, I'm sure there are some plants that we could eat. We'd just need to know if they're edible. He didn't want to lose himself in thought too far, there were other things to worry about. "Oh right. Do uh... Do you want a hand or something? I can help you walk if you want..." "Oh, I can walk. I just can't run. Don't think I'll try to push it." Janson went on a bit, but Dustin just laughed. "I'll fight if I have to. I'm no pushover; I can throw a good punch or two," he shadowboxed for a second as he joked on. "Don't think you're alone in this. You won't get left behind. Let's go, yeah?"

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"Geez, Cyrus, way to freak us all out, huh?" Selena chided with a sigh, placing her hand on the shoulder of the girl who had performed CPR.

"Good job ki-" Selena was in the middle of saying, before she felt a sharp jolt in her hand.

'I can... feel something? It feels like... electricity...?'

The charge appeared to be concentrating in her metallic hand, as Selena looked on in awe.

'... perhaps I can...'

That same tingling sensation, faintly present under the stronger shock in her hand as it shifted, and she received confirmation in her head from the system she had crafted.

'Energy containment successful.'

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"Actually I think the healing did that. I can fix people but it depending on how injured they are it can take a huge amount of energy from me. Like when I got rid of your fever earlier, that only took me out for a few minutes." Cyrus said as he attempted to get up. Only to make the shocking discovery that he couldn't feel his legs.

'Oh god no, please let this just be temporary. I'm as good as dead if I can't walk!'

"Guys....... I can't feel my legs"

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"And I'm not old dammit! I'm only twenty-two"

"Shut up, you're older than twenty so that makes you old by default!" Kayla yelped, wiping her tear-stained face with her sleeve. The pretty red-haired lady was about to praise her for a job well done and put a hand on her shoulder when she felt as if something was getting sucked out of her. Luckily it was only brief, but it was a sensation that seriously unnerved her and sent chills down her spine. "Just what was that? I hope it was just my imagination." She sat next to the old guy in a daze and snapped out of it when he said,

"Guys....... I can't feel my legs."

"H-Hey, I'm not THAT heavy!" Kayla panicked again. "Oh gosh, I sure hope I didn't do this to him..."

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Selena didn't even notice Cyrus' words, as she was still focused on her hand, still in an awed state.

'How did... is she generating electricity herself? Could this be her... change?' Selena wondered to herself, unsure of anything anymore.

'Energy containment successful'

'How am I... I didn't think it would actually work... I'm... storing energy? Like a battery?'

'Energy containment successful'

'So... I really am a... weapon...'

'Energy containment successful'

Selena was dumbstruck, her eyes growing hazy once again as her consciousness drifted away momentarily, her hand still set on the girl's shoulder.

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[block of dialogue from alan]

Caliban pondered the question, and realized that he needed this man to help him survive. He wasn't as young as Caliban was, but he obviously had something in him. Caliban nodded and said, "Sure. We can travel together. Maybe we can find others. Looks like everyone here's dead... Shame."


The gunshot sound made Caliban jump. "Looks like we've got a lead on survivors!" He said, as he ran towards the sound. "Coming, Alan?"

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Cyrus had his mind racing as to the possibilities before just deciding on the most obvious and logical reason for his legs not working

"I think it's because I healed you, my body used up so much energy to fix yours that my legs are shot for the moment. If what I think is right I should get feeling back eventually, no telling how long though" He finished with a sigh. "Man, my power has a pretty steep drawback."

Noticing that Selena seemed to be out of it based off her eyes and expression Cyrus asked "Hey Selena are you all right? Your pupils look dilated. Is the fever coming back?"

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"Then lets go, the longer we're separated, the higher our chances of getting killed by God knows what..." A whee bit bitter, Janson started walking towards where the others were, only worrying about what he'd be eating mostly. "Maybe we can find some place in this world that's inhabited by normal people...?"

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"An entire colony of me sounds pretty weird. Everyone would be sitting down and writing. At least it'd be quiet." He enjoyed being able to joke with someone. Everything had been terrible so far. This felt really good. "Hey, Marcus, make sure to keep up." And so he followed Janson along, but he didn't want to just walk. "Hey, Janson... who were you before the crash? What did you do? Did you have work, or go to school? Sorry if this seems random or intrusive, I just... figured we should all get to know each other at some point, if we're working together." Better than working with complete strangers. The pain in his leg twitched again. "Dammit... I hope Cyrus is up for a bit more of his magic when we meet up with them..."

Edited by seph1212
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"Quiet... Yeah..." Janson absentmindedly replied, not caring too much what the guy said. If he kept himself busy, Janson wasn't going to mind, until... "You wanna know about me...? sure why not. I dropped out of school, got a shitty job as a repair man, got fired today. Who was I? I was nobody. My family doesn't care, I honstly hope they all died in the crash. My family didn't even try to console me when my friend was murdered by the police for daring to speak out, for daring to want to know what was going on down here on this planet. If you ask me... and don't take this the wrong way..." turning over to Dustin, a slight smile on his face, "I'm almost glad this all happened. I hit rock bottom, so I had nowhere else to go, this just evened the playing field I suppose, everyone else gets to be like me for a chance. Let's see how you all deal with unfair treatment..." The bitter sinking in again, he resumed his walking.

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"That... sounds pretty terrible, yeah." Dustin couldn't believe Janson's life was that bad, and was a bit unnerved by the how happy he seemed at the crash. But it could be a good thing, couldn't it? We get to live without rules in a cool new place. A... cool new place with monsters that used to be people who want to eat us. Alright, never mind. But maybe we can still make something of it. "As for me, I was just a college student. Took some general courses, enjoyed writing stories-- though you probably know that with how often I've mentioned wanting a pen, haha... I found a notebook after I woke up, a blank one, but haven't gotten the chance to put anything in it." Stop droning on about your ridiculous stories, man. "As for family on the fortress... I didn't have any. Parents were dead, had no siblings. Any extended family never contacted me. So I guess I didn't have anything tying me there. Janson, you might be right. This... this crash might've been a good thing."

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"I think it's because I healed you, my body used up so much energy to fix yours that my legs are shot for the moment. If what I think is right I should get feeling back eventually, no telling how long though"

"I'm really sorry! Though honestly, just stopping the bleeding would've been good enough. You didn't have to go through that much t--" another wave of dizziness hit Kayla, "--to save me. Woah, that was weird. Everything's spinnyyyyy~"

"Hey Selena are you all right? Your pupils look dilated. Is the fever coming back?"

She looked up at the lady and poked her arm. "Hey lady, you okAAAAAAAAAAAYEEEEEEEEEEEE!!?" The same sensation of having something sucked out of her came back and she jerked away, losing all bodily contact with her. "Wh-What was that? What's going on?"

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Words. Empty words, just sound waves that entered the ear. Selena's body had stopped any attempts to decipher them into something understandable, as she remained dazed, her hand still atop the girl's shoulder.

'Energy containment successful.'

That was when she was pushed off of the girl, falling to the ground behind her without any sort of reaction, Selena's eyes still hazed over and staring to the sky, sparks dashing across her metallic hand.

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"Looks like we've got a lead on survivors...Coming, Alan?"

"Yeah, I'm coming... that shot didn't sound too good." Alan replied.

Whatever it was, something had been fired. Alan would have been surprised by the fact somebody had a weapon but, considering that the world had just about ended, he could let logic slide on this one. That flower girl from earlier still bothered him, but he figured that could wait for later. The other group soon came into view, but were still some distance away.

"Hello! Is everybody OK! There are two of us... we're not too badly hurt!"

That was all he could call out... how did Caliban run so fast? "Ha! Pull it together, old timer, you've still got some energy in you!"

Edited by Folgore Red
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Oh, thank goodness he was alright. Well, aside from his legs apparently. Chanji was still relieved. And then, Selena fell over. “Ah! Why is everyone passing out?” She waved a hand over the woman's still open eyes. No response. “Did... did she die? Her hand is covered in electricity or something..." Oh my God, was she electrocuted?

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'Electrocution? Could that possibly have come from this girl? That might be her power.'

"She's just dazed Chanji, and I think I know why it happened."

Looking at Kayla, Cyrus asked her "Have you noticed anything different about your body since the fall? A slight tingling maybe? Because if what I think is right you may have a power like I do."

Edited by Eail
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