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Impact: Chapter 1


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Selena nearly ripping off her own arm was one of the most frighting things Cyrus had ever seen in his life. That metal that was covering her hands had spread up the rest of her body before vanishing didn't help his thoughts either. Her arm may have mended for the moment but she was on the ground now and there wasn't a damn thing Cyrus could do about it.

"Is she just passed out? Not dead?" He questioned

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Noise. Too much.

Marcus could've sworn it was impossible to be blinded by sound, yet the shrieking made him feel as if his head was simply splitting down the middle. His eyes watered, and the world went white. He staggered over to a tree, grabbed it for support and basically hunkered down clutching his ears and waiting it out. The earplugs were mostly useless they were so drenched but he didn't dare remove them.

And then it was done. Marcus couldn't really hear anything and he was in too much pain for anything to register.

Just before he lost consciousness, he heard gunfire and broken voices in the distance.

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He brought his knees up to his chin, sitting there and sighing. He couldn't cry. He wanted to, but everything had already gone to shit. He didn't want to make it worse than it already was. You've gotta be strong. You're one of the only normal people left! You've gotta help everyone else... He grabbed into Alan's hand, since he was so close, and pulled himself up. "I'll be alright. My leg still hurts, but the only thing that'll fix that is time. Mentally? I don't know how I'm going to be. But I'm not worried about me, right now." He staggered over to Selena, sitting down slowly onto his knees. "Selena, can you hear me? If you can, just... do something, I don't know." We've gotta find a way to save her.

"Is she just passed out? Not dead?"

"It seems like she's breathing, Cyrus," Dustin called over, unsure if she actually was. He just wanted to keep the man calm. There's no way that could've killed her. Painful, sure, but she's gotta be alive.


She didn't get to rest on her wounds, the monster grabbing her and pulling her up by her shirt. She simply stared at it, with tears and terror in her eyes. But then something amazing happened. It dropped her, just like that. Hitting the ground hurt, but at least she wouldn't end up dead. She tried her best to get to sit up, coughing up a little bit of blood. Why is this real? Why did the fortress crash? Why are there these monsters? Why do I have this power and why can't I feel my leg?! What's happening?! She had only really heard what the monster had done to dream guy, going wide eyed again as she saw what had happened. "No no no no... don't die please don't die! This is my fault, I'm so sorry please don't die...!" Her voice going shrill, she began to sob again.

Suddenly she heard screams of pain from that monster. "What...?" She looked over, and another woman had appeared, fighting against that thing. It was quite a scene to watch. The only scary part is that the woman sounded just like the monsters. And then there was the soundwave, which Amera felt all the way from her vantage point. "What is going on with the world? This shouldn't be real, but it is and oh god why..." She really hoped the other guy hadn't died. She was too scared of this woman, and needed someone to talk to.

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Dustin had begun to get up, it looks like there was no stopping him. Alan helped him to his feet, they'd need to work together on this one.

"I'll be alright. My leg still hurts, but the only thing that'll fix that is time. Mentally? I don't know how I'm going to be. But I'm not worried about me, right now."

"That's what I like to hear, but no going crazy with that leg of yours."

He followed Dustin over to Selena, she didn't appear to be badly hurt but she'd been through a lot - he wasn't sure how she'd cope when she woke up. He'd let Dustin lead on this one, his gut was telling him it would work out better if he did.

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There was no response from the unconscious woman, her eyes closed, and her breathing finally back to a normal level, though still quicker than one might expect of a person no longer conscious. The right arm still giving off restless movement, as Selena's face gave off slight, pained contortions at seemingly random intervals.

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His body, while it legitimately hurt him to even breathe, made him feel... calm at the same time. And then the girl started talking to him, the words a bizarre cacophony at the moment, but he had to speak up, however slurred and quiet he was. "I'm fine... please just... just trust me. I'll be fine... I'm not as normal as I look, I will recover..." And then Amera started flipping out again, Janson unable to really try to calm her down, he only smiled.

The other woman, however, walked over to the other two, grunting and panting in pain, "Hey" She said, surprised her voice changed yet again... sounding much younger, in fact, "I don't know if he'll make it, I don't really have much on me to stop all that bleeding... But you seem fine, are you truly fine? What were those things?!" She wasn't remaining very calm and she took a deep breath and started over, "Sorry... the name is Wyuna, I just woke up from God knows what ever the hell happened.... up there. And I'm just wondering if either of you knows what's going on..."

Janson's head rolled over, a little pain surging at the movement. "All I know... is that there's another... another group here. If I'm feeling fine soon enough, or if someone can just patch this wound up and keep it closed... you know... no bleeding out, I'll be fine. I'm some sort of crazy.... starfish or something... I keep growing back, no matter how brutal or painful it is. See that... bite mark in my jacket? I got that.. not too long ago... from one of those weird monsters... it's all healed up already..."

"OK." she said, sounding like a man now, which freaked her out and cause Janson to cough painfully as he tried to laugh. "Look, I'll just... I've only got my hoody right now... So uh... If the girl can help out, I can patch you up real quick like, ok? It looks like we'll be ok, we've just gotta be quick when we move out..."

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"I'm fine... please just... just trust me. I'll be fine... I'm not as normal as I look, I will recover..."

"Okay, okay... okay..." He's smiling, so he's alright, right? Or maybe he's just trying to keep me calm. I don't know. WHY WASN'T THIS JUST A DREAM?! Sh kept freaking out, almost hyperventilating now. But she had to try to remain calm, to live, right? Even though the only thing she wanted right now was to just have life go back to normal. To wake up and go to school. No time to relax or wish for a change, the other woman walked up on them, causing Amera to jump.

"I don't know if he'll make it, I don't really have much on me to stop all that bleeding... But you seem fine, are you truly fine? What were those things?!"

"Am I fine? No! I'm not fine! I'm freaking out! I woke up this morning hanging outside of a window! I thought it was all just a crazy dream, so I started jumping from the top of the fortress and finally made my way down... I seriously would've died if I'd slipped... oh my god..." She didn't even want to start thinking about what those monsters were. Were they original people? She didn't care, they were horrifying and murderous. She shivered, trying to calm her breathing.

"Sorry... the name is Wyuna, I just woke up from God knows what ever the hell happened.... up there. And I'm just wondering if either of you knows what's going on..."

"Yeah, yeah, s-sorry... this is just a bit much. I don't know, I'm really sorry. And I'm A-Amera..." Janson kept talking, and he really looked like he was in pain. That just made Amera feel worse. It's my fault that this happened to him. I thought this was some stupid dream and now he's dying. I should have taken him seriously! She kept mentally beating herself up until Wyuna spoke again.

"Look, I'll just... I've only got my hoody right now... So uh... If the girl can help out, I can patch you up real quick like, ok? It looks like we'll be ok, we've just gotta be quick when we move out..."

Suddenly she sounded like a man, which was really off putting. Not her sounding like a man, but the sudden switch. "I'll help, just tell me what to do. Uhm... there is one problem though." She was still crying a bit, and her voice was shaky, but she brought herself to stand... on her left leg. "I can't feel my right leg. When I woke up and started moving form house to house up there, I found that I could jump really far. I think something happened to my legs. But... sniff... I can't really move them after I do that. And since I kicked that monster... yeah. It doesn't take too long for feeling to come back, but I don't think I can move for a few minutes. I'm so sorry..."

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"Look, just calm down. You said a few minutes and you'll be able to walk, right?" Wyuna was assessing teh situation as best as she could. "Let's rest up, let's figure out what we can do, and then we can move from there. Now, I see a box over there and I see you've got some guns on you, I'm going to assume you were out looking for this stuff, so let's make sure you can get it back to wherever." she said in Amera's voice, "But more importantly..." Taking off her hoody, Wyuna knelt down next to Janson, "Look, I'm gonna have to move you for a moment, just to get this under you, so... bear with me. Amera, if you would?

With help from the new girls, Janson was moved and unharmed as the hoody was tied over his gaping wound. "Whoo... Ah, thank you kindly... would have sucked to go out that way... Now, I do agree, we should still rest up for a little while... I'll be in much better condition and then we can, as you guesse dit, take that stuff back to the other group. I kinda left on a bad note but I do just want to help them... I often let my negativity out in the worst of ways, I swore out a guy trying to help and went off on another girl who was just scared... This world is sure as hell going to cull the weak if you will... Anyway... The name's Janson... Thank you for the help, both of you."

"It's no problem." Again with the voice change. "I just... can't understand what's going on with my voice... I assume by your hair color you've been changed too. All I know is I'm not too happy with this. My voice... I can't believe I've lost it..."

"I understand, some lose, some gain, but I'm going to say right here... right now, you've got a place in this world, don't you ever forget that, okay? You give in to any sort of... Any fucking depression, I'll beat it out of you, I'll give you something to be depressed about."

"That's... interesting. Making threats while you're almost bleeding to death. Now, save your breath and get some rest." She gave him a pat on the shoulder and then turned to Amera, "I say we just recuperate for about... oh, ten minutes or so. Youre leg should be in tip top condiion for walking, and I'll try to pull out all this glass... Honestly, if you could help with that it'd be much appreciated..." Gingerly holding out her arm in front of her, Wyuna winced as she started taking out the obvious larger shards in her arm.

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What the hell what the hell what the hell WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING

The lady in front of him... there were no words to describe what was happening to her arm. He tried his best to avoid whatever was coming from her arms, jumping away from the spikes. One gave him yet another cut on his arm, but it wasn't deep.

The lady had fainted, and Kaden joined Dustin in taking care of her. "I-I know I'm gonna sound like an ass, but... t-that was her p-power? Her arm... does that to her?"

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Having managed to shakily get up on his feet and stumble over to Selena, Cyrus took a seat next to her and answered the guys question "Yeah, it seems like her hands can change into pretty much anything...But that.... that was just horrible. She was in so much pain, so scared. Nobody deserves that kind of thing to happen to them."

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"Yeah, it seems like her hands can change into pretty much anything...But that.... that was just horrible. She was in so much pain, so scared. Nobody deserves that kind of thing to happen to them."

C-Charlotte... If that were happening to her, I c-can't... Urgh...

He tried to look away, motioning towards the tarpaulin instead. "E-Erm... I'll see if I can do anything with the tent. S-She'll need a better place to rest." He got up, grabbing some moderately sized branches, trying to fit one of them so it would hold the tarp nicely.

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Kayla was no stranger to gory injuries; being the granddaughter of a surgeon tended to steel one's nerves when it came to gruesome accidents. However, Selena was no ordinary patient, and that was definitely not an ordinary injury. The girl could hardly comprehend what happened, and even she couldn't bear to watch what Selena did to herself. As much as she wanted to tell Dustin to stay down and take it easy, the words wouldn't come out. She remained fixated on the unconscious woman on the ground, wondering why she reacted the way she did, how this metal... infection was spreading, and if there was anything she could do to help her.

"I-I know I'm gonna sound like an ass, but... t-that was her p-power? Her arm... does that to her?"

Timidly, she inched closer to Selena and crouched next to her. "I think it's made of some sort of... metal... thing... and she seems to have free reign over its form, according to the others. She completely zonked out when she touched me earlier, since I pretty much radiate electricity now." She took a deep breath and placed her hand on Selena's, wondering if it would do anything.

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As the others continued discussing, not quite sure what to do, Selena remained unconscious, her body still giving off pained cringes and her arm still fidgeting. As Kayla reached out and grasped her hand, a noticeable jolt sparked between the two of them, the point of contact between the two shifting into a conductive metal to accommodate, as if on instinct.

With this jolt, Selena's eyes fluttered open, if but for a moment, before shutting again.

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"Y-Yeah, Kaden... it's like Kayla said, it's some sort of metal infection, or something." He didn't want to think about it anymore, pulling himself onto his leg and limping over to a tree. "I'm just... gonna spend some time writing while my leg gets some rest. Sorry for being unable to help with the tarp." He took the notebook he'd found out from his bag. The pen that Kayla had given him, she said it was about half empty? More than enough to write for a bit and calm his nerves. He wished he had a pencil though; something about writing with something natural made it feel better to him. So he started writing, just trying to take his mind off of he world around him.


It was almost scary, getting spoken to in her own voice, but she helped this woman, Wyuna, give dream guy a quick patch job. It was still hard for her to work with all that blood coming out of him, stifling her crying. This was a lot to take in, but what good would going crazy do for her, or these two? Luckily it didn't take that long to wrap her sweater around him.

"... This world is sure as hell going to cull the weak if you will... Anyway... The name's Janson... Thank you for the help, both of you."

"N-No problem, Janson... it was my fault anyway, so I don't want you to die." The two started talking again, Amera unnerved by the continuous voice changes, Janson seemingly trying to cheer up Wyuna. He didn't seem very good at it, but she got the message. During their little talk, Amera was starting to get feeling back in her leg, the muscles finally calming down. She decided to try and stand on it, feeling some pain, but nothing that would stop her from walking. As long as where they were going wasn't too far away.

"I say we just recuperate for about... oh, ten minutes or so. Youre leg should be in tip top condiion for walking, and I'll try to pull out all this glass... Honestly, if you could help with that it'd be much appreciated..."

Despite being able to stand, it was painful, so Wyuna's suggestion wasn't about to be scoffed at. "Alright, I'll just... I think I can help with that, sure." The shock value of all this blood was already beginning to diminish on her, trying to slowly pull a few of the pieces out. "So, uhm... Janson, Wyuna..." she wanted to talk about something, the silence was getting to her, "who were you both, on the fortress?" That's a good topic to start on, yeah.

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Kayla yelped, withdrawing her hand out of fear and pain. "That was freaky. Way too freaky. Did she just... she did didn't, she?" She looked around at the others, wondering if anyone else saw that she suddenly opened her eyes for a moment. "D-Did... any of you guys see what? Am I imagining things? Clearly, this isn't a dream but... I could've sworn that she opened her eyes for a second. Please tell me I'm not going crazy." She blew on her palm, trying to soothe the burning sensation and trying not to fidget.

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"No I saw it too, might just be a flutter though" Noticing she was blowing on her palm Cyrus questioned "Did you shock yourself when you touched her? Heck that may have caused it for all we know"

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"Did you shock yourself when you touched her? Heck that may have caused it for all we know"

"Yeah..." Kayla sighed. "It seems that I'm always shocking people unless I'm consciously trying not to. And, well... if I'm shocking someone I also get shocked in the process. It might seem like an awesome power, but it seems more troublesome than it's worth." She sighed and showed her palms to Cyrus. "See? My hands are both still unnaturally red, and it hurts to use them."

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"I was training to be a policewoman before this crash happened. I was ready for it physically and mentally but... I don't know why, I guess I made enemies or something, but there was a lot of people telling me not to go through with it." Sighing and cringing as she pulled out tinier shards painfully, "I gave in to the pressure and kinda... stopped trying. It's pretty disheartening listening to my friends tell me I should give up on my dreams, you know? So... I quit that and never really got a chance to try anything else since that destruction happened so soon. And now." Pulling another shard out and grunting. "Now I've gotta try to figure out how to get my life back. There's gotta be a way to get that city flying again. I'm gonna find it... As much as I kinda hate it at the moment, it is my home..."

"Heh... I suppose that's true, but I really never thought of it... as a home... Family ignored me, my friend was executed by the very police force you... tried to join, and I just got fired from my most recent job..." Groaning but not in pain, "I had to drop out of school since I couldn't afford it, which is fine in my opinion... I think I'm smart enough as it is, and I'll... Well, I'll learn as I need to learn, you know?" Resting a little more comfortably, he was feeling much better than he was mere moments ago, still drained though. "Anyway, bottom line is... I didn't amount to much. Which is why I didn't wanna go out... like that."

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It looked like they had finally removed most of the glass, Amera listening to them talk to each other. They seem like okay people. They've both had some tough lives, but I guess they're better for it, right? "I, um..." her tears had finally stopped, calm now that she was talking to people, "I was just going to school, y'know? Just... seeing where I fit in. I liked sports, liked history. Well, certain parts." She reached into the back of her pants and took out her revolver. "Guns. I think they're pretty amazing, y'know? Their construction, their design, the way they work. I think it's so intriguing! I had a pretty good collection of them up there," she pointed to the fortress as she spoke, "but I could only really carry this. I doubt I'd ever find any ammo either. It's a really old model. They stopped making these things centuries ago. I dunno if it'd even work. And I can't use it. Janson saw that earlier when I tried to fire one..." She realized she'd been rambling, turning a little red. "S-Sorry. I get worked up other these things. My leg's feeling a bit better now, if you two want to get moving."

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"Yeah I can't imagine that can feel too good. I don't think there are any burns on them though" Cyrus said looking at Kayla's hands.

Giving a glance to where Selena was on the ground he spoke "We should probably move her under the tarp or something until she wakes up. If we're lucky all she needs is rest."

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"We should probably move her under the tarp or something until she wakes up. If we're lucky all she needs is rest."

"Mmkay," Kayla agreed, "but how are we moving her? Am I just gonna grab her legs while you lift her torso or something? And how is this sleeping thing going to work? Will the tarp even fit all of us? What if we find more people? Will some of us have to sleep outside? Oh, but we'll also need people on watch! So I guess that solves the space issue, but how do we know who takes what shift? Can we even make a fire, since it'll be really hard to keep watching without one, anyway?" she blabbered, holding Selena's ankles together.

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"Yeah, carrying her like this should work" Cyrus said as he lifted Selena up from under her arms "I doubt everyone is gonna fit under that thing at night, but the girls get to stay in there before we guys do. Who's gonna take watch can be found out when everyone is back I guess, but thankfully with how many people we have shifts can be short."

Giving a grin he continued "And don't worry about fire, as long as we can get some wood and tinder I can handle the rest."

Edited by Eail
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"Hmmm... I might be able to spark a fire or something," Kayla mused. "Don't count on it, though. I don't even know how this stuff works. We might set way too many things on fire, so we're gonna need to have contingency plans. Anyway, we need to move that Marcus guy, too. He's pretty zonked out. Think it'll be okay if we put him under the tarp, too? I don't want people stepping on him. He seemed like a nice enough guy, y'know?"

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"A history buff, eh?" Wyuna smiled, "I like that... not many people care about the past, and to be honest... I wish we knew more. I mean, look around you." Wyuna held her arms out wide behind her, "We were told this place was barren, lifeless... devoid of sentient life, and then the moment I wake up and explore it, it's... TEEMING with life! Plants, creatures, all of that..." Sighing, Wyuna stood up, looking Janson over. "You gonna be ok to move, big guy?"

Sitting himself up gingerly, Janson could definitely feel a lot better, his cheeks flushed again and his wound, while still fresh and painful, felt like it was healing rapidly, the itching sensation driving him kinda nutty, "I'll be fine to move, just don't leave me behind... I don't think running will be good but thankfully I don't think there's much inbetween here and the camp. It's pretty much just uh... North? I think it's north of here, that direction."

"that's more North East but... close enough." Wyuna responded in his own voice."

"Close enough, yeah. Look, I know where the place is, just head thataway!"

"Whatever. I'll carry this box and this... Cane? Not gonna ask.... And we'll head 'thataway'. You can make it too, right Amera?"

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Listening in on Kayla and Cyrus, he spoke up, "I can keep watch. I'm not gonna move for a while, so I might as well." He kept on writing afterwards, still trying to flesh out the ideas in his head. Maybe Janson can help me keep watch... wait, where is Janson? "Kayla, Cyrus, have you seen Janson?"


"Now that you mention it, it is pretty weird..." She looked around a bit, taking the place in. It was green. Very green. Which was something they never taught in history class. "Why would they lie like that? I mean, living on the fortress was nice, but if the world was fine to live on, shouldn't we have... moved back down? Weird..." She didn't dwell on it too long, as she finally stood up. Her leg muscles were still a bit cramped, but she could stand, probably walk.

"Whatever. I'll carry this box and this... Cane? Not gonna ask.... And we'll head 'thataway'. You can make it too, right Amera?"

"Y-Yeah... though, if it's not too much trouble, could I take your shoulder? My leg's still cramped. I don't want to be a burden and collapse halfway through, or something." She wrapped an arm around Wyuna's shoulder without really waiting for a response, figuring it wouldn't be that much trouble anyway. "So, Janson, lead the way." He said he was with another group... I wonder how many people there are?

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