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The first music album you ever owned


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[spoiler=YOU ARE NOT PREPARED]220px-Millennium_cover.jpg

I think I owned others before it but this is the oldest one I can think of off the top of my head.

Also it was really Kitty's but who gives a shit we share everything and the album is still good.

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[spoiler=YOU ARE NOT PREPARED]220px-Millennium_cover.jpg

I think I owned others before it but this is the oldest one I can think of off the top of my head.

Also it was really Kitty's but who gives a shit we share everything and the album is still good.

fuck I did not expect that

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Hell yeah a fellow Linkin Park fan!! But my first album was the Final Fantasy 10 soundtrack.

Oh! If game soundtracks count, Lunar 1, Lunar 2, and FFV/VI's soundtracks, but those came with the games and I didn't buy those games for the soundtrack.

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Not even shitting, I was a pretentious asshole even in grade 6!

(Also, we played the climax of Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity, in band and I got obsessed, and found it in a second hand store on the band trip). First album I bought with my own money = 3=, I still rock the fuck out with Uranus, the Magician, Neptune, the Mystic, and Saturn, the Bringer of Old Age all the time.

Edited by Maji
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[spoiler=YOU ARE NOT PREPARED]220px-Millennium_cover.jpg

I think I owned others before it but this is the oldest one I can think of off the top of my head.

Also it was really Kitty's but who gives a shit we share everything and the album is still good.


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[spoiler=YOU ARE NOT PREPARED]220px-Millennium_cover.jpg

I think I owned others before it but this is the oldest one I can think of off the top of my head.

Also it was really Kitty's but who gives a shit we share everything and the album is still good.

Does that count? I got the album for myself, bro.

Regardless, it's still the first I bought.

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