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Rate the Chapter: Day 3 - 1-2

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Let's just go with HM.

:dry:Honestly, people here have to remember not everyone plays that fucking mode! D:<

This chapter is kinda ehh. In NM and stuff, its an escape chapter with a turn limit. Luckily here, we got a Nolan on our side and hes a murdering fool. He can take on a lot of the baddies without a lot of danger. Unlike Eddard who blocks axes with his face. Leo is lol and Micaiah has to stay back and heal. Overall not too hard but not really a lot of fun. The first part of the chapter kinda introduces chokepoints for newcomers. You cant really go slow in this one because time limit. But since all yer guys save Nolan are kinda still in the assy range, its also not a good idea to speed through it too fast.

EM is a defeat boss and its even less fun.

2.5/10. 3/10 bias because Moldy Onions.

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I never really liked this chapter very much. In easy mode, it's laughable because absolutely nothing can touch Nolan. It's a little better in NM in teaching about point formations and enemy pincers, though I'm still not a big fan of the chapter. It's another escape chapter, with a time limit this time. There are houses here, but I don't think the vulnerary is worth the short detour. If you don't push forward and try to turtle, the DB will probably die even before the time limit rolls around from the turn 7-8 reinforcements.

4/10, because at least you get Nolan.

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Chapter 1-1: Unit variety, enemy variety, houses to vists, somewhat interesting terrain: it's a nice chapter. It's tactically limiting on HM (where it's basically a forced Nolan solo with Micaiah chip).


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Chapter 1-2 introduces elevation differences and treasure chests, which keep this chapter fresh. Unfortunately, this chapter also introduces Sothe, who trivializes all of the enemies in this chapter. Couple that with the odd chapter objective and layout and you get a mediocre result.


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I hope this is still open for 1-2.


Hmm...new thingy...ledges and +50hit and +2extra dmg while above them, quite good and useful, yet...somehow dangerous for us. New Light Tome for Miccy, Thani! Bonus damage against horses and armored units is really good for her, since she can easily OHKO them, get more kills and have a better chance to grow. This chapter tells us that Miccy has an opportunity! There's also an Energy Drop that has bunches of candidates like...no...wait, wut? Almost every DBer, but whatever. Wing Edge! 1-2 range for Eddie/Zihark/Meg, but crappy hit rate and crappy dmg but maybe an extra kill ^^'. Okay this is almost everything you get in this chapter.

Wait I'm missing the most important part O_O! Huh? Who's there? Is it you, Marcus? NO? Wait, green hair? Knives? OMG! Sothe! You ORKO almost every enemy, except one or two soldiers, with a Bronze Weapon?! 18Str, 14Def, 20Sp and Skl! This is just what the DB needed. A Support with Micaiah (+2dmg, +8Hit, +15Avo) and a Bond with her (+10Crt), just great. No need of keys/lockpicks, just Steal Skill and Guard when RNG shines upon you and protects Micaiah.

Herp, now Laura. Base level Facepalm_emote_gif.gif, Base Stats X_X, Wtf Growths but...you only get 11EXP per PP by now :(, you can't even get +1EXP from engaging combat because every single enemy OHKOs you or ORKOs you. Pretty bad. Anyways, priests should just be supporting allies and using staff, not exposed to combat o_O. GOGO Laura, ARRIVE!


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