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Mafia of the Manly Men

Excellen Browning

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hmm, alright

so right now

we have the following (in order of 'most clear'):


Camtech (virgin claim and obvtown)

Psych (roleblocker claim - seems solid enough and got redirected nonetheless)

BBM (rolecop claim, no cc's and maf silenced him)

Shinori (apparently he claimed? a quick ISO couldn't find it but it was like 4 pages so i could very likely have missed it

which, by process of elimination, leaves us with

Iris (process of elimination) i don't trust you because you disowned me

Paperblade (reasons stated)

i'd like a claim from iris (cps me if you'd rather not out it) at the very least

as for brad, i feel like he was softclaiming lynchproof here:

I'm not getting lynched ever, just an fyi.

but it's not for certain

no way to find out, then, except to

##vote paperbrad

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It's one of iris or psych but I'm also fine with lynching cam for virgin and then moving to iris and then psych since probable.

Lynch today 4-1

No kill

lynch tommorow 3-1

night kill 2-1

Lynch last person 2-0 gg we win.

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Imo lynch cam. No kills tonight

BBM inspects someone, one of psych or iris and we lynch whoever rolls as scum there. There shouldn't be anyway for maf to kill twice now since sk is dead vig is dead and our one shot vig is dead.

Therefore ##Vote: Cam

Unless BBM already has reports.

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Also, what about me is scummy exactly psych?

I had iso'd you earlier in the game, and you seemed really weird. Plus, you hadn't claimed. You soft claimed needing to find someone though, but no full role pm. Plus the others seem better than you.

Hey, shinori, remember that I told you in our cps the other day telling you that Helios contacted me saying he had inspected me?I am clear, get your stinking vote off me

I guess.

##Unvote Paper

Paper - Doublevote

BBM - Cop

Psych - Roleblocker

Cam - Virgin

Shinori - ???

Iris - ???

The thing that's weird is we haven't seen a doctor yet. Like, I'd expect one in a game with an SK and the mafia. We're also looking for the driver I suppose or something. I'm not quite sure what the last mafia could be.

Though what peaks my interest is Cam. His role hasn't been seen in mafia games here very often. All the others are pretty bread and butter, but then you have Cam. I get that he's inexperienced, but it's a pretty interesting fake claim. It could explain him not dying at night, as mafia wouldn't want to kill him, and he'd be unlikely to get lynched unless the town wanted to try it.

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as i said

i would not be opposed to lynching myself

but if we do i'd rather it be near endphase


it could be that iris is doc but we'll see


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Sorry guys, something happened in the middle of my post so it took a while to get out. Anyways...

Ugh, I didn't expect someone to have a killing ability with our vig dead, so I wasted my inspect on Kay, trying to make sure she was scum before we lynched her. I would probably have inspected Helios or Bizz otherwise, as they were looking the worst to me other than Kay, but they're both gone as well, so I don't suppose it would have made much of a difference.

Also, unless there are still two scum left (unlikely), Iris is almost certainly town, and the last scum role is not redirector either. And because the redirector isn't scum, Psych is not clear.

##Vote: Psych

First off, the hook on a player who didn't look all that scummy D1, other than the last-minute waffle, is weird. And then, he's pretty much sheeped all game, and for some reason, nobody's really called him out on it.

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i'm not opposed but don't vote me yet

i want to hear iris' claim and bbm's result

paper is there a reason you were rolefishing in our cps d1?

OC and noc aren't the same thing

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I got Iris's role on N1 despite the Kidnap (because while the role is called Kidnapper, it's really more like a Silencer because Kidnapper generally hooks). And her role matched with what she told me, and it matched with what happened on N1. I might as well out her role at this point so we can move off Iris- she's the Lightning Rod/Reverse Martyr.

I asked her on D1 to target Eclipse, so that when I targeted Eclipse as well, if I got results on Iris instead of Eclipse, she'd be clear. This was to get around a possible Tailor. And my results said that Iris (not Eclipse) was the Reverse Martyr, meaning that Eclipse didn't get Tailored either. And she also ended pulling Psych's hook onto herself- a good thing because it got us Strawman and Kay.

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