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Rate the Pokemon, Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald Edition


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Skitty/Delcatty: 1.71

Oh good lord. It looks like Farfetch'd became a cat.

Delcatty has no stat over 70, which means it'll never really be super useful,or even really plain useful to begin with. It's movepool is massive and all,but it sucks at using those moves. 65/55 Offenses are worse than Farfatch'd's,and we know how much of a joke his stats are. Not to mention Skittys are a 2%encounter rate, so good luck finding one without wasting too much time (andeven so, Delcatty is a big waste of time). You've got to stick with this sillySkitty for four gyms, and it's 260 BST (which is LOWER than freaking Dittos).Then you give it a Moon Stone, and you get this awesome Delcatty who has a 380BST, which is LOWER than freaking Beautifly and Dustox!!!. And unlike them,Delcatty has no utility to speak of other than being a slave for Strength.Delcatty's some kind of cruel joke.

1 + 1 bias (Skitty's pretty cute) = 2/10 - I really can't see it asworse than Nosepass due to being better at attacking (which is what in-game isall about).

haha look at that a lame normal type. it's got pretty much zero going for itbesides fun with assist, even though it will never have the power to go intoit. you're better of using your moonstone on jiggly for a cool bulky normal,but even then you might want to rethink that.

pretty much no support to your team, that pure normal typing doesn't help,lackluster stats, too rare to consider spending the time it'll take to searchfor it then train it. i'll give it half a point because, uh, well it's notworth a 0. .5/10 final answer

Good for breeding baby wailmer and melting your brain, not much else besidesit. It's hard to find and not really worth finding considering how bad itsstats are.


oh crap I gave Nosepass a 2. Um.

1.5/10 with bias.

Can evolve pretty early into the game after the third gym, but the stats arebelow average. Can't really attack or defend very well. 2/10 for normal-typeSTAB, good movepool and (inaccurate) sleeping.

I'm going to give this +2 bias, because Spectakitty.

Good movepool, availibility, baton pass, etc.

+1 bias for Being badass

+1 bias for SKitty.

Erm... Not sure what to say on this one. I boxed Skitty as soon as I caught it,and I didn't even spend time looking.

However: Skitty's freaking adorable. And gets sleep, I guess? So +1 there.


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Zubat/Golbat/Crobat: 6.71

Yeah, underrated.

Poison/Flying means an awesome 4x Fighting resistance to Brawly. But Zubat'smain attacking moves, Leech Life and Astonish (no Flying STAB until Lv.21sucks) will run out of PP before taking down the gym, so it isn't really goodthere. Afterwards, Poison/Flying doesn't help at all against any of the cominggyms.

Crobat is faaaaaaast (base 130), and has pretty sweet offensive stats (90Atk/70 SpA). Sludge Bomb/Fly/Shadow Ball gives it nice offense, and the fourthmove can be pretty much anything. It gets better next gen though.

6.5/10 - One of those Pokemon that's nice to have around, even though itnever really helps you in the key battles.

Are you missing an 's'?

Anyway, Crobat is fine but its movepool is really bad if you try and get itearly. Later on, 90 base attack is a fine stat to use Sludge Bomb and WingAttack off but a slightly larger move pool would be nice. It can only reallyuse Sludge Bomb, Wing Attack, Steel Wing and Shadow Ball as a movepool, andthat doesn't really give the best coverage for three TMs worth. I guess itcould use Giga Drain but it's so weak off 70 Spattack you might as well justSludge Bomb whatever it is.



+1 bias for being one of my faves.


Pretty damn good, and if you give it the sooth bell asap, it'll probobly evolveat like lvl 24-25.

Also, Shadow Ball, Wing Attack, Steel Wing, Sludge bomb, CRay, Toxic+Sub, andGiga drain are all fun.

And if it gets a good high-power HP Physical!!!!

Damn, so underrated, I ****ing love this thing.

A little better than the FR/LG Zubat since it can actually evolve into itsthird tier form this time, and has access to Fly and Sludge Bomb. There mightnot be much competition for Giga Drain, but it's not the best candidate forShadow Ball since it's afraid of Psychic and unlikely to OHKO the big threats.You never really need it in any major battles and it's painful to get it to thepoint where it learns Wing Attack and evolves, but from there it's pretty goodat OHKOing generic trainers. So are a lot of other things though. 4.5/10

Crobat is very underrated. It does perform well, exceptions of Wattson,Liza/Tate and Steven.

I love his attack and speed. Ends up VERY fast, but move pool is pretty smalland doesn't end up covering much in the end.

Crobat is quite fragile as well. So I'd say 7/10.

+1 bias for being a favorite. I think it's an interesting concept, and looksway more badass than Golbat. Though I like its sleeker designs as opposed tothe weird wide/fat ones.

Pretty much everything everyone else has said here. I have a soft spot forpoison types, and Crobat's one of the few flying types I absolutely love. Kudosto making Zubat worthwhile. 7/10

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Tentacool/Tentacruel: 7.36

5/10. Stuck with worthless garbage for attacks until level 25, when it learnsBubblebeam, and you can't catch higher level ones to circumvent the horriblestart until you get the Good Rod.

ZM watches Chuggaconroy too? :D

It's basically like Zubat. Both are uber common, both have terrible movepoolsuntil the mid twenties (where they get Wing Attack or Bubblebeam,respectively). Only difference is that Tentacool here has an advantage overFlannery.


Really hard to train and only mediocre attacking stats, like Zubat, butTentacruel gets a mildly better movepool with Surf and Ice Beam.


Bad if you get it early on, but has good stats, even moreso when it evolvesinto Tentacruel.

Mediocre movepool and offences though.


Comes early, and is useful against mid-lategame Important Battles.

But training it early on is like Ralts 2.0, except that Ralts gets a StabConfusion with alright special att.

but hell, I remember that one episode where they attacked a city, and all thatjazz.

And +1 bias for being 'cool.


Once the training speed bump is over, it gets awesome really fast.

Its offence is okay (for STAB Surf alone), I guess, and it's fast enough.Nothing special about him though, since he lost a noticeable part of hisspecial attack during the special split. 6/10

Can cop a lot of special hits and fight back.

But is stilll good and can beat up Flannery.

Etc. I should have voted earlier.


Always loved Tentacruel, but I kind of have a soft spot for water types alongwith my usual Rock/Ground/Steel love.

Tentacruel was fun to train when I used it, and I kept it around for quite sometime. Loved his Sp.Def, and(I don't know if this was available back in R/S/E),but Barrier made it an especially fun tank to use.

8.5+1/10 for a total of 9.5/10 for being such a badass.

Like said before, it is like Zubat when first obtained; stuck with lulzyattacks until LV25, where it gets Bubblebeam.

But hey, at least it gets an edge over the other for having Surf and Ice Beamaccess; and can smack Flannery's face any day.


But since it's often a regular member in my Water-type party; I should give anice bias point.


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Sableye: 6.14

no weaknesses 10/10

he trolls brawly, and is good against norman, but his stats are kinda bad for past midgame


completely and utterly ruins brawly. so clutch in that one battle if you choose to use him, but pretty bad afterwards.


Clutch against Brawly... and that's about it. Probably the best Brawly clutch though.

4/10 - Only nice for one battle, even if its an allstar in said battle.

Can't die against Brawly but will take many minutes to win, so I'd argue you're better off using Wingull or Taillow in there. STAB Shadow Ball is good against Liza and Tate, as well as Phoebe, and it actually has access to Calm Mind and a decent enough special coverage via TMs, but not the best stats to make use of any of it. It's also good against Norman's Slakings but once again, there are faster ways to win there. You'll always find use for this chap, but he will only slow down your progress. 5/10


+1 bias.


Makes early-mid game easier, with it's immunities/resistances and all that jazz.

Trolls Brawly and Norman a bit too!

Kinda like fe6 Marcus.

I remember using Sableye. It was the thing that won against Norman. Then I ditched it because of lack-luster defense.


Sableye is great.

Brawly can't do shit against it, and it's great up until after the sixth gym, where it starts to become mediocre. Of course, it can still have some fun against Tate and Liza and maybe Phoebe, but it's moveset isn't the greatest. Shadow Ball is basically it's best bet if you want it to do some major damage.

5/10, +1 bias for being amazing in my Sapphire file. 6/10

Whew...that's all the ratings. People are now free to post here. Thanks to Espinosa for helping compiling all of these quotes! They'll be two Pokemon tonight, since I missed out on yesterday's. In case you don't miss rating a Pokemon, I suggest watching this topic.

Oh, and please speak up if I made any mistakes. Thanks a bunch.

Edited by ZM456
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Yay, it's all ready. You should link to posts in the OP instead of threads, like it used to be.

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Mawhile 1/10 for Intimidate.

Aron 5/10 for being solid, despite shit typing and late evolution and shitty exp gain

This, plus bias for Aron makes 1/10 for Mawile and 6/10 for Aron. Mawile actually comes earlier in Ruby, so 2/10 for it.

Edited by BigBangMeteor
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Mawile gets 1.5+1 bias = 2.5/10 - It's pretty bad, but Steel-types are useful in taking down Norman. Even though it has terrible stats, its Steel-typing gives it lots of opportunities to come in. Intimidate makes its bulk better than you'd think. It's not lasting to the late game though (drop it after Norman).

As for Aggron, it too has the steel-type. However, that Rock-type lets it down a lot. Rock Tomb is as good as your getting for Rock-type STAB, and you've also got to rely on the incredibly hit-and-miss Iron Tail (75 accuracy is not what you want to rely on). While Aggron has an impressive base 110 attack, its got the two aformentioned STABs as well as: Earthquake, Aerial Ace, Return and Focus Punch (which is terrible in-game). Earthquake and Return are the only ones worth seriously using due to their consistency. It has a massive special movepool (Surf, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Solarbeam, Dragon Claw and Flamethrower), but a 60 base Special Attack stat makes using those moves incredibly difficult. While it is an iron wall against Norman and Winona, its terrible to rely on lategame with all of the Water-types roaming around, and Earthquake is pretty common in the Elite Four. Oh, and you're stuck with Aron until Lv.32 (which is probably Norman's gym), and you'll be using Lairon until Lv.44 (Wallace's gym). This dude takes forever to evolve. I'll give it a 4-1 bias= 3/10. It has a lot of problems (low special defense, low speed, terrible STAB, terrible lategame, mediocre physical movepool), and not a lot of benefits (lots of physical bulk, lots of resistances, Norman utility and... that's about it).

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Mawile - 2/10.

Steel typing, although rare, is a great type. Combine it with intimidate. You got yourself something usable... for a while.

Aron/Lairon/Aggron - 4/10

Again, Steel type. But with the added Rock onto it, makes it want to cry.

Defenses are great.

A little slow though.

Great movepool. Shitty Special Attack to use it.

It's a little better in higher generations, just at the moment, not really.

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What a strange Pokemon. It's a pure steel-type but doesn't get any STAB - neither naturally, nor by TM, nor by breeding even. Its TM movepool is nevertheless quite rich, including such moves as Flamethrower and Brick Break, and it has a decent enough physical attack for the physical moves it learns. Learns Crunch, which won't be very strong but has its uses. Intimidate and very early Fake Tears means one could catch Mawile in a very specific plan for clearing the game, never really training him seriously but just using him for misc support. 3/10


Has a mediocre earlygame where he's lacking good, accurate means of dealing damage to the opposition and accuracy issues carry over to Aggron as well (using Iron Tail and Rock Tomb). Gets an unnecessarily extensive special movepool as Aggron. His typing combined with defences is a sword of two ends, as he is capable of taking very strong attacks that it resists, and multiple 4x weaknesses can cripple it easily. Useful against Winona, Glacia (especially in Emerald, where only Walrein has a water-type move) and various other parts of the game. Slow and has no means of setting up. 4.5/10

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Not rating Mawile.

4/10 for Aron. Good defense, but because of its lack of good, accurate ways of dealing damage, raising it can be a pain, considering that Iron Miss and Rock Tomb are its best STABs.

Edited by Golden Cucco
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So many low scores for Mawile, makes me sad.

Mawile - 10/10 for being my favorite Steel type. Bias +3

It does what it does decently and its TM pool is nice, being full Steel means being resistant to most of the latter half of the Leaders, and the E4. Intimidate is nice to have, and so is Hyper Cutter. All I game of course.

Aron - 8/10

Pretty cool, access to offensive Steel moves. Aggron is pretty strong and it a fortress.

Wasn't disappointed with either, no sir.

Edited by Emerald Knight
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Never used Mawile.

Aggron is in my top 5 favorite pokemon evolution lines ever, so auto+1 bias. I'd give 10/10 for bias if I could. Anyway, it has more defense than anyone could ever hope for, and an attack stat that rips through the opponents. As much as I like it, i'll admit it has flaws. First of all, it gets headbutt and metal claw early on, which is good for non-gym leader battles. Brawly mawls it, and low special defense isn't too good for Wattson and Flannery. By Norman, Aron should be lagging, but that's usually where it evolves for me, and trivializes your daddy. Winona can't do too much either. Lisa and Tate's Solrock and Lunatone get one-hit if you have an Aggron by that time, and aren't too hard otherwise, and Xatu shouldn't be too hard if you don't miss. Wallace/Juan wrecks it. At least there wasn't a ground gym? it does decent against Sydney except Craudaunt, and Glacia's Glalies, and not too bad against Drake. Then comes the champ... if it's Wallace, don't even bother sending it out. If it's Steven, it's facing its own kind, so not too bad. All in all, great early game outside of gyms, through mid-levels when all of your other pokemon are evolving and it's stuck as an Aron, that hurts, and even Lairon won't be great at that time, but Aggron is statistically good. It has no special attack, and most of its stab is inaccurate, but Metal Claw isn't too bad, and with Rock Head and Double Edge or Earthquake if you feel like it, it can still pull off OK coverage. I hope it'll do better in B2/W2. I still don't think it's all bad, thanks to it's outstanding physical defense and great attack. Too bad it's slow and has low special defense. Including bias, 8/10 He's pwning in my current run, and I named him Armageddon.

Edited by I don't play for turns
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Ratings are now over. Tallying the ratings for Mawile and Aron/Lairon/Aggron right now.

Next Pokemon is Machop/Machoke/Machamp.

EDIT: Question, should I link this post in the OP for Mawile and the Aron family? I don't think I need to compile anymore quotes.

And Emerald, I counted your rating for Mawile as an 8/10.

Edited by ZM456
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I'd link the post that started the ratings for Mawile and Aron instead of the one that ended them. That way people can read the ratings afterwards.

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The demand for a fighting-type is high in RSE, and while Machop misses out on helping with Wattson, where his help would be appreciated, he still comes on time for Norman's gym. It's a good way of managing resources to get Machop to lv. 28 for evolution and then trade evolve into Machamp right before facing Norman. You'll probably be OHKOing Slaking(s) with Revenge without any need for Bulk Up setup or making use of Guts, though the former does help with withstanding Facades. Being a fighting-type helps during the story too, with Team Aqua's members running plenty of dark-types, though Machamp is noticeably slower than Blaziken (you either have him or don't) or Medicham (late availability), and lacks Breloom's priority to outspeed some of them, so it'll be taking hits. Faces stiff competition from Breloom, Blaziken, Medicham and Hariyama, all of whom have some advantages over Machamp. For example, Hariyama (a quickly growing MAKIT in RSE) could abuse Norman's Slakings badly by switching in and using Fake Out on the odd turns, punishing them on the next one. Still, if you train it and take it to the E4, it will prove useful against Sydney and Glacia there, and it's generally useful throughout the game. 8/10

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Machamp in this game is better than FR/LG.

It says hi to Norman, and then has problems with Winona and Tate/Liza.

Otherwise, same situation as Makuhita, similar speeds, Machamp has less bulk but nice attack.


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The demand for a fighting-type is high in RSE, and while Machop misses out on helping with Wattson, where his help would be appreciated, he still comes on time for Norman's gym. It's a good way of managing resources to get Machop to lv. 28 for evolution and then trade evolve into Machamp right before facing Norman. You'll probably be OHKOing Slaking(s) with Revenge without any need for Bulk Up setup or making use of Guts, though the former does help with withstanding Facades. Being a fighting-type helps during the story too, with Team Aqua's members running plenty of dark-types, though Machamp is noticeably slower than Blaziken (you either have him or don't) or Medicham (late availability), and lacks Breloom's priority to outspeed some of them, so it'll be taking hits. Faces stiff competition from Breloom, Blaziken, Medicham and Hariyama, all of whom have some advantages over Machamp. For example, Hariyama (a quickly growing MAKIT in RSE) could abuse Norman's Slakings badly by switching in and using Fake Out on the odd turns, punishing them on the next one. Still, if you train it and take it to the E4, it will prove useful against Sydney and Glacia there, and it's generally useful throughout the game. 8/10

This can be my vote.

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