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[FE7]Knickerbocker Draft


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Karla-1.pngHello, my name is Karla. I dont actually exist and my bases are very bad. I also like really dumb, strong axemen with low bases.

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Karla-1.pngHello, my name is Karla. I dont actually exist and my bases are very bad. I also like really dumb, strong axemen with low bases.


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Woohoo, Lyn mode is finished.

Prologue 5/5

Lyn doesn't get killed. gg.

Chapter 1 5/10

Despite being in a nomadic tribe, Lyn doesn't have a horse.

Chapter 2 7/17

Clutch Glass crt to shave a turn.

Chapter 3 6/23

Florina rescue drops Lyn around while Wil and Florina basically fail at fighting.

Chapter 4 7/30

Wil helps set up kills for Florina while Lyn does everything. Didn't get the boss kill but whatever.

Chapter 5 4/34

Florina alternates between killing archers and ferrying Lyn. Lyn handles the boss while Wil takes care of a lone Brigand.

Chapter 6/38

Florina goes to the bottom switch while Lyn, Matt, and Wil push the top two. Matt finds a robe.

Chapter 7 2/40

Nils Florina for the ferry, Mani Katti Lyn for the finisher.

Chapter 7x 5/45

Wil handles the soldier and mage on the right side and passes the baton over to Lyn, who takes care of the cavalier. Nils then gives her a boost to get the mercenaries and enemy soldier. On the left side, Florina rescue drops people forward with the help of Nils, and her, Matthew, and Wil breakthrough on the left passageway. After Matthew scares the thief away by taking the hammer, Wil and Matt take out the two magic users, setting up Florina for the boss kill.

Chapter 8 5/50

For starters, Florina uses the angelic robe to help her durability up a bit. Then, Florina rescues Lyn and drops her onto a mountain with the help of Nils. Lyn kills some dudes on enemy phase then Florina and Lyn finish off the two archers the next turn. Wil kills the two mages in the north with Nils' helpand gets the lancereaver while Florina and Lyn cleanup in the bottom.

Chapter 9 3/53

Florina drops Lyn turn 2, Lyn kills Eagler on EP with a critical. (Took a few tries, but nothing outrageous.) Matthew, Wil, and Nils dick around near the beginning for exp.

Chapter 10 4/57

same spiel here. Lyn duels a few rounds against Lundgren with her lancereaver and manages to gain the upperhand quickly with a timely critical. All the others get some exp from random goons from around the map. Unfortunately, the energy ring is out of reach for Florina.

Ending stats: (Forgot to write them down so I'm going by memory :P)

Unit     Lvl   HP  Pow Skl Spd Luc Def Res 
Lyn     14.93  26   10  16  14  12  3   8    
Florina  8.65  28   8   12  15  11  4   6    Angelic Robe   
Wil      6.97  23   8   8   7   6   6   1   
Matthew  4.90  20   5   5   13  4   4   1    
Nils     2.76  15   0   1   13  11  5   5    

Florina B 46 W 25 L 4

She had her problems as a fighter, but was obviously invaluable as a ferry for Lyn. She also had some moments to shine in combat, including some useful Archer ORKOs and taking down Beyard.

Wil B 44 W 18 L 0

Pro chipper.

Matt B 18 W 5 L 1

Got the angelic robe and could fight random scrubs here and there which was occasionally helpful.

Nils B 5 W 0 L 0

Cut turns like it was nobody's business. Usually hung out with Wil after doing a farewell dance for Florina holding Lyn.

Lyn B 79 W 52 L 4

Definition of a glass cannon. Except against mages, apparently. She took out the bulk of the enemies and bosses but her defense caused a few retries.

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Prologue - 5/5 turns

Lyn does things.

Chapter 1 - 5/10 turns

Thanks for the Sain, he's pretty cool.

Chapter 2 - 6/16 turns

Yeah. Thanks for missing, Lyn.

Chapter 3 - 5/21 turns

I have no idea what's supposed to be a good turncount so meh. But Sain is <3

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*Didn't know Erk needed to be recruited in order to get Priscilla*

Oh well, here's my final playlog and unit stats before it all goes to waste when I reset. :(

Chapter 11 6/63

Standard, so no red gem. :(

Chapter 12 4/67

Matt, Oswin, and Hector handle the top and Marcus gets the bottom and boss kill. Lowen sells Eliwood's Rapier. (Wow, that thing is worth 3000G?!)

Chapter 13 5/71

Marcus ferries Hector and kills stuff in the way. Wolf beil and Marcus's handaxe does Boies in. Stupid archer got in Hector's way and delayed me a turn. >:(

Chapter 13x 7/78

I clumsily used units as meatshields and kind of moved my units around randomly. Yet, none of my meathshields died, Marcus got the 5000G, and Oswin got the bosskill so I'm fine with it all.

Chapter 14 4/82

Marcus carrying Oswin go straight left to take out the horde of enemies over there. Hector takes out the two starting soldier while Matthew heads down towards the pirates. Due to some lucky crits and 2 str gains, he actually handles everything there, including the Cavalier, without Hector getting to help. Oswin and Marcus get out their ranged weapons to weaken that pesky nomad and help take out Erik, and then they clean up. Marcus amazingly survives the chapter at 2 HP.

Unit     Lvl   HP  Pow Skl Spd Luc Def Res 
Hector   6.94  24   11  7   8   3   10  2    
Marcus   3.44  31   16  15  11  9   10  9     
Oswin   12.78  31   14  10  6   5   16  4   
Matthew 11.24  25   8   7   16  8   5   3

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Prologue 5


Ch1 6

If only Kent could double, Kent got boss kill and 1 spd and hp and maybe something else.

Ch2 6

Kent got str skl and spd on first lv up, enough to double glass, unfortunately lyn didn't have the movement for a 5 turn clear, Kent didn't get spd, but I can't remember what he got.

3 5 or 6

Kent killed everything and I sold a bunch of weapons to get an extra iron sword, no gold village.

4 7(or is it 8 for the defend)

Kent killed the middle the boss and the merc reinforcements and lyn got Dorcas and protected his wife.

5 6

Kent killed everything, except an archer that lyn got, flo picked up items and sold them all for 2 javs.

Edited by HongLei
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Woot! LHM Complete (Well, actually, its been complete like a few days ago, but reporting it now lol)

Prologue- 5/5: Pretty sure this is standard

Ch.1 5/10- No Cav duo may have hurt, but I still completed this in 5 turns :3. Lyn got +str, spd, skill, and Luck in 2 level ups.

Ch.2:6/16- Lyn pushed through, chipping the wall. She actually critted Glass, but she would of finished him off EP so it didn't really matter. She killed the wall in 3 turns with the Iron Sword, killed bandit blocking her way, then Glass, then seize

Ch. 3: 6/22- No Flo,means no rescuing the money village. Didnt sell any weapons cause Lyn had Kent's Sword, and the MK to keep her busy with crits

Ch.4: 7/29- Standard Def. Chapter; Recruited Dorcas cause he was in my way of getting more kills, and sold his Hand axe, the rest of the team was all copped up in Natalie's room.

Ch. 5: 6/35- Finally got my second unit; Erk. He basically chipped damage, killed some dudes blocking his way, and shopped a bit for an iron sword. Lyn critted Bug with her MK (No surprises there)

Ch.6: 5/40- Rath helped unblock the first trigger; Matt got the Energy robe. Erk got the bottom door, and Rath killed the soldier guarding the Trigger. Lyn critted the boss (yet again) and Flo stepped on the switch

Ch.7- 2/42- Flo was free for this right? Well Flo rescued lyn, Nils danced, and flo dropped Lyn towards the forest tile, avoiding the Shamans. Erk and Rath derped around the starting position and killed the shaman and shopped. Lyn ORKO the boss

Ch. 7x- 7/49- Rath got through the blocked room with the chest and killed the thief. Erk killed the cav, soldier and mage reinforce. Lyn rushed towards the boss. Rath and Lyn comboed the boss

Ch. 8- 6/55- Rath went Left towards the lancereaver village and killed the enemies there. Lyn and Erk went south and with Nils help killed the Ballistae. Rath rushed East and down with Nils to help. Erk was able to solo the Reaver weapons section and the boss with only 1 hp left after killing the boss.

Ch.9- 5/60- I could of done this faster, but i wanted Rath to get a level up. Lyn was able to crit Eagler on turn 3 and seize on turn 4..... But Erk and Rath both got level ups.

Ch. 10 7/67- Florina ferried Lyn downwards and had to stall out the boss because her durability is crap. Had to eat vulneraries and dodge the knight and cav. Rath and Erk were able to get the energy ring village and Rath used it. Erk got the Angelic Robe and Lyn mode Finished!!

Edited by Exiledwolf
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Crap I thought it gave me my tc after lm, I'm going to guess, but I forgot to check.

6 6?

Kent got the bottom with flo triggering the switch, lyn and Matt took down the upper passage

7 2

Flo dropped Clark Kent in to kill the boss

7x 6?

Didnt break the wall Kent just destroyed their army

8 7?

Lyn got the reaver and Kent destroyed their army, and the reaver!merc was packing kryptonite giving Kent his first death via a crit so I had to start over.

9 4

Wally and protected Nils and Kent ferried Lyn to the boss, Kent easily bested his old mentor with the reaver and iron sword.

10 7

Flo ferried Superman and Lyn to take on the boss, Lyn actually watched superman win, and Flo got the ring and I spent an extra turn to use it on Kent. Wallace cleared a path for flo.

68ish turns give or take a few.

Name   Lv    Hp  st   Sk.  Sp.  lk.  Def.  res. 
Lyn didn't really keep track, dropped so irrelevant
Kent   17.?? 28? 15  15  15   6    6     6 energy ring
Nils 2.10   21 dont know others got the robe
Wallace base general

Edited by HongLei
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Uh this might be stupid, but for the units that are drafted, do you have to recruit them even if you can beat the chapter in earlier turns? (i.e Karel)?

No draft ever forces you to recruit drafted characters unless the rules explicitly say so. So you can skip Karel.

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Okay, I'm all caught up!

Prologue 5/5

Lyn does her thing.

Chapter 1 5/10

Lyn does her thing and gains 2 strength along the way.

Chapter 2 7/17

Lyn breaks wall and Glass.

Chapter 3 5/22

Florina recruits Wil and takes care of the merc. Wil rescues Lyn and drops her into the forest, putting her in a good position to take out most of the enemies. The pesky brigand destroys the village while Florina is getting an archer, but with some teamwork between her and Wil he doesn't slow anything down.

Chapter 4 7/29

Lyn kills tons of brigands, recruits Dorcas, then kills a ton of brigands and the boss. Wil and Florina kill a couple mercs/sort of guard Natalie.

Chapter 5 4/33

Florina ferries Lyn, who kills the boss. Florina and Wil take care of the leftovers.

Chapter 6 4/37

Wil passes the door key to Florina, who handles the bottom switch alone. Matthew and Lyn take care of the boss, chest, and other switches easily.

Chapter 7 2/39

Florina ferries Lyn for bosskill.

Chapter 7x 5/44

Wil handles the enemy mage, then lets Lyn take care of the right side. Then, everyone else heads towards the boss. After Wil gets both magic users in enemy phase, Beyard dies to a combination of Wil, Matthew, and Florina.

Chapter 8 4/48

Florina rescues Lyn, Nils plays, Florina drops Lyn in bottom forest, where she takes out tons of enemies. Then, Lyn goes downright to take care of the boss and company while Florina and Wil take care of the mages. Florina rescues Wil, heads downward, and drops him towards the Ballistae archer while she goes to take on the enemy soldier reinforcements. In the meantime, Nils gets Lancereaver.

Chapter 9 3/51

Chapter 10 4/55

Florina drops Lyn, who Lancereavers Lundgren to death once again. Matthew, Wil, and Nils just hang out at the top.

Unit     Lvl   HP  Pow Skl Spd Luc Def Res 
Lyn     15.61  25   11  15  16  10  6   7    
Florina  7.77  28   7   11  13  10  4   6    Angelic Robe   
Wil      6.51  23   8   8   8   6   5   2   
Matthew  5.29  21   5   5   14  3   4   0    
Nils     2.55  15   0   0   12  10  5   5    

Lyn B 83 W 56 L 4

Florina B 39 W 24 L 0

Wil B 33 W 15 L 0

Matthew B 18 W 5 L 1

Nils B 5 W 0 L 0

Chapter 11 6/61

Nothing special.

Chapter 12 4/65

Hector, Oswin, and Matt get top in 3 turns. Marcus gets boss on 4th turn.

Chapter 13 5/70

Bought some javelins and handaxes while kciking some butt.

Chapter 13x 7/77

Defend chapter. Oswin destroys Puzon easily.

Chapter 14 4/81

Oswin and Marcus to the left again, Matthew and Hector (after he kills the two soldiers) down. Wolf Beil to a cavalier on enemy phase delivers the final blow.

Unit     Lvl   HP  Pow Skl Spd Luc Def Res 
Hector   7.48  24   11  7   5   4   11  2    
Marcus   2.61  31   15  16  12  8   10  8     
Oswin   14.42  33   15  11  9   4   15  3   
Matthew 10.84  25   5   9   17  7   6   0

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11 6

Hector went left

12 5

Hector and Marcus ftw

13 sucks

I don't get another unit until Clark Kent so I'm in the process of learning how to visit Merlinus's village, not letting my other units get attacked, and still clearing in a reasonable amount of time.

Could I get a definition of meatshielding, because I really wanna know what I can and can't do with all my useless forced units.

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Chapter 4 - 7/28 turns

Sainstomp with Dorcas on the side.

Chapter 5 - 5/33 turns

Sain so clutch. Serra attempted to heal things.

Chapter 6 - 5/38 turns

I'm assuming Matthew is supposed to be free for this chapter, not 5.

Chapter 7 - 2/40 turns

Yay free Florina. Drop Sain, profit.

Chapter 7x - 5/45 turns

Sain GOES UP, OHKOs walls and doesn't afraid of anything.

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Chapter 15 7/88

Joke chapter?

Chapter 16 5/93

Florina tries carrying Hector, but passes him to Marcus. He drops Hector, then one rounds Bauker with a Silver Lance. Both of the villages are visited.

Chapter 17 11/104

Since Hector is SLOOOW (and Oswin is lightning fast), I have Heavy Spear Oswin take out Bernard, which slows things down a little since both Priscilla and Florina don't like getting attacked while rescuing. Wil gets the chest key from an enemy archer to get the top 2 chests, while Matthew handles the bottom two.

Chapter 17x 4/108

Lyn and Oswin destroy everything with a little bit of help from Wil and Hector. Axes and bows are a no-go for Florina, so she takes a more indirect route, which at least allows her to get the Sleep Staff. Oswin promotes after the chapter.

Unit     Lvl   HP  Pow Skl Spd Luc Def Res 
Hector  12.08  27   13  10  6   7   14  4        
Oswin    1.00  40   18  14  14  5   20  8    Promoted at level 19   
Matthew 13.28  26   6   11  19  9   7   1
Lyn     19.66  27   15  17  17  12  7   10    
Florina 10.34  31   8   13  15  12  4   8    Angelic Robe   
Wil     10.65  26   9   11  11  8   6   3

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13 7

I'll take it, only Hector and Marcus make this level suck

13x 7

I believe defend ones like this count as one extra right, guy, and one of the fighter meatshields died to make Kenneth's level more likely.

14 4

If I can get this with only Hector and Marcus everyone should be able to. No Merlinus to allow the close soldiers to chase hector and Marcus killed Erik's army and Serra recruited Erk for money and levels towards Keneths.

15 7

Marcus killed the boss on t2, and the level was about over at this point let the thief get the axe then killed him.

Edited by HongLei
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