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Fire Emblem 7 Marcus Under Probation Draft

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Have fun with SERRA Horace.

Zm will be rooting for you Refa =P

Except for the fact that Cam has her

Edited by Jedi
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thanks boron, fixed

everyone else dinner is a 2 hour affair

especially when doga and i have a night out on the town


Fair enough! Gotta have that awesome time.. Still the best name for a cat ever xD

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Because my early game is complete, I shall begin! My tactician is named Victor, and he has thunder affinity.

Chapter 11 - 6/6

I'm pretty sure this is standard.

Chapter 12 - 7/13

Did a little better this time. Hector soloed the north except for one lone pegasus knight, which Rebecca killed. She and Eliwood struggled to kill two bandits and an archer.

Chapter 13 - 12/25

Could've done this faster if Hector wasn't a useless turd who can't hit to save Eliwood and Rebecca's lives. At least I got Guy without a Matthew penalty and beat it faster than the previous chapter. Urgh ...

Chapter 13x - 7/32

Let's just say that I am REALLY glad that meatshielding is free.

Unit     Level    HP   ST   SK   SP   LC   DF   RS
Hector   08.77    26   09   08   07   07   11   02
Eliwood  07.12    22   09   09   09   10   07   03
Rebecca  03.45    19   05   07   08   05   03   01
Guy      05.32    23   07   12   13   05   06   00

Edited by Xin Li
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I will take Karel because he actually doesn't fail me. Plus, I'm sure he will be more useful than, uh, Renault.

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