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Never hosted a Mafia here, quick question

Are Dethy's popular here? Yes? No? Yes?


And as such, it is time to host a Dethy! Because hosting a Mafia is 1,000 times more fun then playing in one!


"In this version of Mafia, the game only has cops and mafia. Each cop has a certain sanity level, be it paranoid, naive, insane, or regular.

Paranoid cops will always get a result of mafia when they investigate someone.

Naive cops will always get a result of pro townie when they investigate someone.

Insane cops will always get the reverse role of who they investigate (ie if they were to investigate a cop, they'd be read as Mafia and vice versa).

While the regular cop is the one we're all familiar with.

If you are a cop, you are not told what your sanity is.

So, in this version, the mafia tries to fit in with the cops and make false accusations. Lynching goes as normal, although it is typically not done until enough information has been presented. Also, when a character dies, their sanity level is not revealed."

So yeah, I'm sure Dethy's have been done, but for all you whiners asking, that's what is it.








It was a normal day for Capcom characters again, the dead ones were fading from existence except in BS crossovers to show "CAPCOM STILL CARES!" while the ones that were alive were getting milked to death in terrible games! Then a little 8-bit explosion happened

*Insert explosion sound here*

"What was that?"

"Sounds like some sort of plot device using the death of a character..."

"But who?"

On the ground, there he was Megaman's remains were there, how there were remains from an explosion is a very solid question, but screw you, I know what I'm talking about.

"Who could have killed Megaman!?"

"I dunno, the same company that killed Darkstalkers, Clover Studios, Bionic Comman-"

"Ok, but it's Megaman, this shouldn't happen he's an icon to gaming! He's known by tons of gamers and has a large fanbase devoted to him!"

"Buddy, this is Capcom. Do you really think they care about what the fans want? Like a bit?"

"Of course! They put... Rocket Raco-"


"OK, Well you know what? Let's just kill each other! That'll solve all the problems!"

They nodded their heads in agreement, because let's face it, it makes more sense then the Gem system, or Disk Locked DLC, or 5 exclusive characters, or a god awful battle system, or not putting in a mascot in a large scale crossover, or making the canon ending DLC, or announcing a game 1 month in development and before it's greenlighted, or not localizing anything ever...

I'm butthurt.

Deal with it.

Edited by Esaka
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...Que jumper.

You know, Rein Strider is right....you kinda do need to wait your turn >:/

Edited by Elieson
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DETHYs are popular here, but not in the forum. Since there are only 5 players and it doesn't take long to play, it's usually better to have them running live on irc, instead of waiting for X to come online with his report. If you want to host DETHY, it would be better if you can join us on irc and host DETHY games whenever there are five or more of us online willing to play.

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