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Whats your childhood video game?

Gold Vanguard

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Mines has to be Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2. Does two are the first games I ever spent the most time on. Whenever I got home from school I would play Kingdom Hearts. I looked up cheats, ask friends, etc. Then when KH2 came out I was joyed. I spent damn near 3 weeks playing that game. ah the good times. Aslo super Mario world.

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Sonic 2, Mario 3, Contra, TMNT the arcade game, my Mother and I played em together all the time and we got quite awesome at em

were my main 4 in my early childhood later Pokemon and Oh So many more I could list.

Edited by Jedi
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For me, pretty much every Sonic game (or at least the ones that I had at that moment), Soul Calibur for the DC, Soul Reaver and yeah, those are it. That's all I loved to play.

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Sonic the Hedgehog 2 I'd wager was my first game, others were Streets of Rage 2, Sonic 1 and 3 and eventually Knuckles (all those games I think my mom got for us XD), Risk!!! (the board game but my dad got the video game for it x3), and some racing game that I forget the name of (also what my dad got)

I think that is all. We had a Sega Genesis so that's what those are all for

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I played a lot of games back in the day and yet so many that were not... Such is life in not knowing what there is to experience for both joy and sorrow.

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Zeldas 3-9, Tetris, Star Fox 64, Pokemon, Mario Kart 1 & 2, Panel Busters, Super Mario Bros. 1 & 4 with 2 following close behind, Super Mario Land 2, Paper Mario, Super Mario 64, Super Mario Sunshine, Star Wars Episode I Racers, Super Smash Bros. 1 & 2, Mario Parties 1-4, and Sonic Adventure 2.

Throw a bit of Silent Service in there and you've got my list of childhood games.

Edited by Little Al
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Shining Force, for Genesis.

So much love for Guntz....so much love

Looks like you're the only person that did it right, according to the title XD

But anyway the very first game in my post is the very top game of my childhood so if I were to list only one it would be that =3 SoR2 is very close though~

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If I had to pick one and only one, I'd go with Earthbound.

If I can throw a few more on there, I'd include Zelda: Link to the Past, Super Mario RPG and Final Fantasy VI (back when it was Final Fantasy III).

I'd count Pokemon but I got it when I was like 12, all these games were much more of my childhood and less of my adolescence.

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My god, what are you, ten?

I used to play the entire trilogy on Amiga. The second game is the only one I've actually beaten I think, but the

of the third is stuck in my head to this day. Edited by Ike-Mike
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Some stuff on the MSX (can't exactly say which one was my first game, there were quite a few) and one of those Atari consoles. A short while later, I went the NES way and played some other stuff.

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Some stuff on the MSX (can't exactly say which one was my first game, they were quite a few) and one of those Atari consoles. A short while later, I went the NES way and played some other stuff.


Or Batman: Rescue the Ravin???

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Pokemon Blue was my first video game ever and I love it, but as of now the only nostalgia I have left is for

Shining Force, for Genesis.

So much love for Guntz....so much love

THIS (including the Guntz part~)

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My god, what are you, ten?

I used to play the entire trilogy on Amiga. The second game is the only one I've actually beaten I think, but the

of the third is stuck in my head to this day.

YES. I could never get passed the Fog level! Other games of my childhood include Sensible World of Soccer, Lemmings and Pirates.

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