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Starting Genealogy of the Holy War....help?


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Hoo boy, so i'm reading up on Holy War, as my friend who talked me into doing this said I should know about the love system a bit so i don't screw up. And well, I feel a tad overwhelmed. From the talk I hear, the vastness of the the very first map, the love system, hidden events... I'm afraid I'm going to miss things left right and sideways, and I'm paralyzed into not playing, thinking if I read up on it more, I can figure this game out. Only I'm going in circles, and was hoping someone could give me a few basic pointers so I can stop panicking, and actually enjoy this game lol. Any help is appreciated!

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Use everyone you get. Even if they're bad, you can deploy every unit you get to every map.

You only get a limited number of weapons throughout the game, but they can be repaired at any castle.

Units need the pursuit skill to double attack.

Villages take 10 turns to be destroyed, but you get less gold every chunk of it that is destroyed.

You can't trade weapons between characters without selling them and the other character buying them. Each character has their own individual stock of gold because of this.

Spam your best weapons generally as they can be repaired, and once a weapon passes 50 kills it gets the critical skill.

Talk events Other events

I'm not the person to ask about pairings, just know you can do the prologue without any regard for them. It helps if you know what classes the kids are though.

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1. Focus on the target, one castle at the time. You may just ignore everything but the way to the next castle to help with the vastness. Basically you may think that one seizing is one chapter.

2. Remember the hidden event that will happen next. Ignore the others untill that one is done.

3. After seizing a castle, check if there is events that got unlocked. If not, ignore untill the next seize.

4. Have a basic idea of who you plan on pairing and keep those pairs together.

5. enjoy the game without feeling overwhelmed

Edited by Kore wa Sho desu ka?
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Did ...did Sho just make a helpful post?

Because everything he said was dead-on right.

EDIT: In all seriousness, just forget to give a fuck and jump into it. What's the worst that happens, you find out you messed something up pretty bad and have to restart in Chapter 3? Ain't a big thing.

Edited by Mr. Sparkles
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EDIT: In all seriousness, just forget to give a fuck and jump into it. What's the worst that happens, you find out you messed something up pretty bad and have to restart in Chapter 3? Ain't a big thing.

No, that's awful advice for a newcomer.

Make sure not to listen to "don't take advice" stuff like this TC.

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No, that's awful advice for a newcomer.

Make sure not to listen to "don't take advice" stuff like this TC.

Because it doesn't work for you doesn't make it bad advice.

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Because it doesn't work for you doesn't make it bad advice.

Good thing that's not even the reason then! How about crapping on everyone else's advice, contradicting the purpose of the topic and potentially screwing over the TC, just to name a few?

Just go crawl back under your bridge and leave the advice-giving to people who actually GIVE ADVICE rather than telling people not to follow advice (For no good reason, might I add).

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What's the worst that happens, you find out you messed something up pretty bad and have to restart in Chapter 3?

No, the worst that can happen is (don't look bwb)


For advice, you can save before anyone moves at the start of each turn; make a backup savepoint at the beginning of the chapter, and when you seize a castle, in case things go wrong.

Remember, you're playing a game, not performing a set of chores; don't spoil yourself by getting too much info beforehand. The event links posted before are the ONLY guides you should use (they only give you items, so you can avoid even them and still finish the game). If you get wiped out on something unexpected, that just extends your playing time.

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Good thing that's not even the reason then! How about crapping on everyone else's advice, contradicting the purpose of the topic and potentially screwing over the TC, just to name a few?

Just go crawl back under your bridge and leave the advice-giving to people who actually GIVE ADVICE rather than telling people not to follow advice (For no good reason, might I add).

Seriously, kiddo? Do you practice being such a dipshit?

"Take it easy," believe it or not, is actually sound advice for a game like FE4. If you focus on the biggest picture possible (which the OP evidently is) you're going to get overwhelmed by the possibilities. What are the strictly best pairings? Nobody agrees on that, even now. If you're going to see as many events as possible, how does that factor? What about all those secret events? Naturally, you also have to remember to plan for <boss>!

The best way to deal with this overload of information is to do exactly what Sho said and just focus on the next castle and the next event. Don't worry about Gen 2, don't worry about whether your pairings are optimal, don't reset if you forget the Hero Lance. Just go for the next castle, the next event, until the game is over and you realize you've finished without any heartache.

Trust me, mate, I was there. I wanted to get everything. I worried about whether my pairings were strictly optimal until I realized that I was worrying way too much for a game and just played the damn thing and got on with it. My Celice didn't promote until Chapter 10 (I would never recommend that to anybody now) and somehow I still had fun. I reset FE5 three times before I beat it, and I still enjoyed the experience. Isn't that weird?

Now kindly back off, thanks.

EDIT: Yes, Baldrick, but that can happen in Chapter 3 so what's your point? :P

EDIT2: Wait, can it?

EDIT3: I wonder if Crash is going to mostly ignore this and just go for the "ooh personal attacks" angle I sort of fed him from the first line. Let's see!

Edited by Mr. Sparkles
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EDIT: In all seriousness, just forget to give a fuck and jump into it. What's the worst that happens, you find out you messed something up pretty bad and have to restart in Chapter 3? Ain't a big thing.

I agree with this, aside from making sure you have everyone you want paired by halfway through the game. Reading through what you need to do throughout the whole game ruins some of the experience the game has, such as finding out one of the best plot twists in Fire Emblem if you were playing blind. Reading ahead about Tearring Saga has spoiled some aspects of the game for me (ie.Zeek). None of the secret events are absolutely required to beat the game, and the regular events can be looked up under a character's sheet to see who they can talk to. Play through the first game blind with the intention of pairing up everyone (look up the best pairings if needed), it'll be more fun that way.

edit: someone mentioned this, but being able to save before each turn is great. If you really want, make a save at the start of each chapter and save in a different file while going through it.

Edited by Davinatorman
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Remember, you're playing a game, not performing a set of chores; don't spoil yourself by getting too much info beforehand. The event links posted before are the ONLY guides you should use (they only give you items, so you can avoid even them and still finish the game). If you get wiped out on something unexpected, that just extends your playing time.

That's terrible advice too.

TC, use plenty of guides, all the ones you wanna.

The best way to deal with this overload of information is to do exactly what Sho said and just focus on the next castle and the next event.

Thing is, Sho gave REAL, non-harmful advice while you didn't.

Trust me, mate, I was there. I wanted to get everything. I worried about whether my pairings were strictly optimal until I realized that I was worrying way too much for a game and just played the damn thing and got on with it. My Celice didn't promote until Chapter 10 (I would never recommend that to anybody now) and somehow I still had fun. I reset FE5 three times before I beat it, and I still enjoyed the experience. Isn't that weird?

Yes it is, extremely weird. You must be a masochist.

Now kindly back off, thanks.


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ffs crash, did you read the first post? The TC says they are confused and overwhelmed by the sheer amount of info available, and worried that they'll miss out if they don't read up as much as possible. The advice here is good, general advice, but some mook will soon come in and recommend pairings or give plot details or something else to ruin the experience.

TC: Just play it ASAP. The game will be gentle for the first two chapters, and by then you'll be used to the mechanics. Try it relatively blind first, because you can't unlearn advice.

Edited by Baldrick
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Thing is, Sho gave REAL, non-harmful advice while you didn't.

Did ...did Sho just make a helpful post?

Because everything he said was dead-on right.



fucking read the parts of my post that you don't quote

I even bolded some to help your evidently lacking comprehension skills.

EDIT: You know what? Fuck it, I'm feeling belligerent tonight and Crash's bullshit is actually pissing me off.

That's terrible advice too.

TC, use plenty of guides, all the ones you wanna.

All the advice you've given on the matter is killing me. You're saying "spoil whatever you want to, use all the guides you want to" well no shit mate. I'm pretty positive the dude didn't need you to tell him he could do what he wants. At least my advice is sort of, you know, applicable (take it easy, take it easy; take a breather, take a breather.)

Anyway, you'd figure if the guides were doing him any good he wouldn't have asked us for help neh?

Yes it is, extremely weird. You must be a masochist.

omg i play videogaems suboptimally when i play for the frist time guys hold me



Edited by Mr. Sparkles
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just play the game

it is literally impossible to screw yourself over as long as you pay attention

the one tip is to pay attention to see who can talk to someone else

that's it

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omg i play videogaems suboptimally when i play for the frist time guys hold me

Blue alert! We have a suboptimal player here. Get him to the ER before he starts playing a game blind and accidently injures himself. Get me 100 CC's of walkthroughs, stat!

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I agree with this, aside from making sure you have everyone you want paired by halfway through the game. Reading through what you need to do throughout the whole game ruins some of the experience the game has, such as finding out one of the best plot twists in Fire Emblem if you were playing blind. Reading ahead about Tearring Saga has spoiled some aspects of the game for me (ie.Zeek). None of the secret events are absolutely required to beat the game, and the regular events can be looked up under a character's sheet to see who they can talk to. Play through the first game blind with the intention of pairing up everyone (look up the best pairings if needed), it'll be more fun that way.

Actuall y reading through can only help you, these games are often full of nasty surprises so playing blind will only ever screw you over (In this one we have Diadora, Cuan, Ethlin and Fin leaving in Gen 1. You're knackered if you leave important stuff on them and someone playing blind would probably not psychically know to take stuff off them).

ffs crash, did you read the first post? The TC says they are confused and overwhelmed by the sheer amount of info available, and worried that they'll miss out if they don't read up as much as possible. The advice here is good, general advice, but some mook will soon come in and recommend pairings or give plot details or something else to ruin the experience.

That's not ruining the game experience, that's actual good advice unlike "PALY BLIEND 4 TEH SURRPRAIZ".



fucking read the parts of my post that you don't quote

I even bolded some to help your evidently lacking comprehension skills.

I saw them, they're irrelevant. It doesn't matter whether you agree with him or not.
EDIT: You know what? Fuck it, I'm feeling belligerent tonight and Crash's bullshit is actually pissing me off.

Same to you and your cronies, with the added righteous indignation at you for potentially screwing over an innocent newbie.

All the advice you've given on the matter is killing me. You're saying "spoil whatever you want to, use all the guides you want to" well no shit mate. I'm pretty positive the dude didn't need you to tell him he could do what he wants. At least my advice is sort of, you know, applicable (take it easy, take it easy; take a breather, take a breather.)

The same goes the other way, playing blind can be done without starting a topic about it.

omg i play videogaems suboptimally when i play for the frist time guys hold me

There's a difference between suboptimal and screwing uo thrice.


No, you!

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I saw them, they're irrelevant. It doesn't matter whether you agree with him or not.

How is agreeing with advice irrelevant?

No, you!

No. You stop. You're just making things worse for yourself.

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it is literally impossible to screw yourself over as long as you pay attention

paying attention = 'paying attention to the information that is available in the game statscreen'


'pay attention when there's a talk conversation waiting to happen'

if you do that you will have shanan for 2nd generation and you are LITERALLY unscrewable

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Actuall y reading through can only help you, these games are often full of nasty surprises so playing blind will only ever screw you over (In this one we have Diadora, Cuan, Ethlin and Fin leaving in Gen 1. You're knackered if you leave important stuff on them and someone playing blind would probably not psychically know to take stuff off them).

You should probably spoiler tag the character stuff. Besides, the example you brought up is pretty bad.

(don't read if you haven't played through the game)

Not only do the items that Cuan and Ethlin have transfer (and Diadora has nothing of use roflroflrofl), but none of the stuff they take are absolutely necessary to require to beat the game. Oh no, you missed out on a hero lance for 3 chapters? End of the world stuff right there

Nothing in this game is worth spoiling over, since the game is completely beatable even if you miss all the events and secret events. The only thing I can think of that's worth spoiling in order to help the player is Fe5's chapter 4 (partly because it happens really really early), but that's it.

edit: I read through your Fe5 thread, and I gotta say, why would you map out the entire game before even playing it? At that point you might as well watch a walkthrough of the game instead of playing it. Don't do that to other people, man.

Edited by Davinatorman
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Actuall y reading through can only help you, these games are often full of nasty surprises so playing blind will only ever screw you over (In this one we have Diadora, Cuan, Ethlin and Fin leaving in Gen 1. You're knackered if you leave important stuff on them and someone playing blind would probably not psychically know to take stuff off them).

Actuall y reading through can overwhelm you with information like, I dunno, what happened to the OP. There is literally nothing so important as to fuck you over forever that you can throw on Deirdre, Cuan, Ethlin, or Fin.

That's not ruining the game experience, that's actual good advice unlike "PALY BLIEND 4 TEH SURRPRAIZ".

I'm sorry that you literally cannot conceive of what we're saying.

Nobody is saying "you should play blind and be surprised!" except exactly one guy (dave). The rest of us are saying the only thing he's going to do by meticulously researching everything is to either turn the game into a spreadsheet (DID I GET X AND Y OH FUCK DID I) or overwhelm himself with sheer information. How can't you understand this? Should I use smaller words?

I saw them, they're irrelevant. It doesn't matter whether you agree with him or not.

I'm sorry, since when did "listen to this guy, he's right" count for nothing? Did you want me to spend time typing up exactly what Sho said so that you'll give me credit?

Same to you and your cronies, with the added righteous indignation at you for potentially screwing over an innocent newbie.

1: "my cronies"

do you think that these people are only agreeing with me because it's me? answer honestly.

2: As Cam has said, it's extremely difficult to screw yourself over totally in FE4. You have to actually think about and plan how to screw yourself over. This guy isn't going to do that. And what if he does? Is it really so bad to have to restart a game? Have you been raised in such a hugbox that "i lost because i sucked" is a totally foreign concept?

The same goes the other way, playing blind can be done without starting a topic about it.

So all you're saying is that "you might be right i might be right we cannot say"

Yeah, good game man. Except I have the added benefit of maybe this poor chap just needed a little assurance. Hey, OP, no worries mang! You got this shit!

There's a difference between suboptimal and screwing uo thrice.

I never screwed up thrice. I actually screwed up once and got bored the second time, and the third time was my glorious LP. It just sounded more fun that way.

No, you!

I just wanted a separate quote here to ask: did you actually ever play FE4? Honestly curious.


if you do that you will have shanan for 2nd generation and you are LITERALLY unscrewable

this alone is enough to get you every single holy weapon except holsety and every single broken character in the game w/o guides

you're admittedly not given much of an indicator about holsety iirc

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Nobody is saying "you should play blind and be surprised!" except exactly one guy (dave). The rest of us are saying the only thing he's going to do by meticulously researching everything is to either turn the game into a spreadsheet (DID I GET X AND Y OH FUCK DID I) or overwhelm himself with sheer information. How can't you understand this? Should I use smaller words?

Imo playing the game blind while only knowing the absolute necessaries (ie love system) is much better. Even all the stuff I asked about Tearring Saga is technical character stuff. Would Fe10's Part 3 Daein plot point have been as significant and great if you knew about it from when you started the game?

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Imo playing the game blind while only knowing the absolute necessaries (ie love system) is much better. Even all the stuff I asked about Tearring Saga is technical character stuff. Would Fe10's Part 3 Daein plot point have been as significant and great if you knew about it from when you started the game?

While it's a fine point, there's a difference between spoiling story and spoiling gameplay.

EDIT: To expand on this and make it a little more explicit, there's a difference between knowing "deirdre leaves in chapter 3" and knowing why it is that deirdre leaves in chapter 3.

Additionally, I doubt that anybody on this fine fellow human being created serenes forest toy game forum site doesn't know about the "big twist" in FE4 anymore, especially with all the dudes floating about with nonchalant talk about "Generation 2" and such.

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Maybe I'm just talking personal experience, but the first time I played Fe4 I sure as hell didn't know about the twist and it was sure as hell awesome. I just don't want to hopefully spoil it for others, even if they do probably already know about it.

edit: about the Deirde example, I dunno, I guess I just think otherwise. The example I'll bring up is Zeek, who

I learned early on that he betrays, but I'm not at the point of the game where he does, so I don't know why. Even if I don't know why, I still know Zeek betrays you, so I try to use Zeek as conservatively as possible, as opposed to if I didn't know he betrays you, I would probably have soloed the game with his "I destroy everything" ass. That affects gameplay for me.

Edited by Davinatorman
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Maybe I'm just talking personal experience, but the first time I played Fe4 I sure as hell didn't know about the twist and it was sure as hell awesome. I just don't want to hopefully spoil it for others, even if they do probably already know about it.

I honestly think you're an anomaly here. Were you actively posting/reading here when you played FE4 for the first time? How long ago was it?

EDIT: For reference, I had accidentally osmosed the big major plots twists before I had even decided that I was going to play FE4 someday.

EDIT2: ...incidentally, it's my clickhappiness like that that spoils twists in games I haven't played yet. Go me!

Edited by Mr. Sparkles
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just play the game

it is literally impossible to screw yourself over as long as you pay attention

the one tip is to pay attention to see who can talk to someone else

that's it

Actually it's perfectly possible to pay attention and still screw yourself over. This advice might apply for something like Pokemon Snap but not here.

How is agreeing with advice irrelevant?

Because it holds no relevance to the issue at hand?

You should probably spoiler tag the character stuff.

And screw the newbie?

Besides, the example you brought up is pretty bad.

(don't read if you haven't played through the game)

Not only do the items that Cuan and Ethlin have transfer (and Diadora has nothing of use roflroflrofl), but none of the stuff they take are absolutely necessary to require to beat the game. Oh no, you missed out on a hero lance for 3 chapters? End of the world stuff right there

You could have given Diadora an important Staff or something and just because it's not permanently lost or utterly essential stuff doesn't mean losing it isn't a problem.

Nothing in this game is worth spoiling over, since the game is completely beatable even if you miss all the events and secret events. The only thing I can think of that's worth spoiling in order to help the player is Fe5's chapter 4 (partly because it happens really really early), but that's it.

Plenty of things are worth spoiling over and even if they're not necessary they're still helpful. Lex's Hero Axe and Arden's Pursuit Ring come to mind.

edit: I read through your Fe5 thread, and I gotta say, why would you map out the entire game before even playing it? At that point you might as well watch a walkthrough of the game instead of playing it. Don't do that to other people, man.

Because planning in unconditionally good! And I hate that "lul u might as well watch a playthrough" crap, it has no basis in reality! Even if you plan EVERYTHING you still need to actually do them.

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