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Starting Genealogy of the Holy War....help?


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I'll just add that it's probably more trouble than it's worth to get Leaf the Pursuit Ring, so Jamka's definitely the better option if nobody else wants the Pursuit Ring.


Granted, this post would be spam if I left it at that, but seriously. Dew.

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I think Jamka has all around better stats than Midir does (except maybe skill) and since he and Aideen have similar movement it's easier to stick them together. Both Jamka and Midir get the Hero Bow and have similar skills they can pass to their kids. I think the biggest reason people suggest Aideen/Midir over Aideen/Jamka is because Jamka can't pass down Pursuit to Lester while Midir passes it down to Lester and Lana.

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20% higher Strength growth and Continue in exchange for 10% Speed/20% Skill growth and Pursuit.

With higher Strength and a Hero Bow and Charge AND Continue he doesn't really *need* Pursuit, it's kinda overkill. You can throw it on him anyway via the Pursuit Ring.

Skill kinda sucks with Jamka but it's not like the Skill Rings are hotly contested.

EDIT: Also depending on how much you care Jamka passes down like way more Luck growth than Midir.

EDIT2: 18:52 - Doga: hero bow negates continue ;/

how don't i know these things

Edited by Mr. Sparkles
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Minor nitpick, but Hero weapons cancel the Continue skill. Midayle is probably still better.

you ninja you

yeah without continue I'm inclined to agree now

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I saw several people mention that you'll miss out on Holsety if you're not careful. Actually, I'm like 80% sure that after you recapture Silesia in C4, Sigurd and Levin have a convo (can't remember who initiates it) where Sigurd tells Levin at the end to make sure to visit Lahna, as it's very important. So if you pay attention to talk convos, you won't miss Holsety either.

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Sparkles, I am having a LOT of fun having finally jumped into this gem. This is some of the most fun I've had with a fire emblem, with the HUGE maps and what not.

I am still going back and forth over Jamka/Midir for Aideen, but I figure one of them will fall for her before I need to get the hero bow, and both will make for good parents.

Right now? I'm stuck. STUCK! I never thought I'd see the day. I'm on chapter two, trying to seize the third castle (Mackily in my translation). It's guarded by a bishop with the sleep staff, 5 ballista's, and a LOT of troops guarding the one sliver of a passage leading to them all. I've tackled this problem for the last two hours, but i'm just being picked off by the ballista's while my best fighters spend their turns asleep. it becomes a war of attrition, and i keep losing units. thing is? I find this to be GREAT. I love the challenge, and i've played this scenario over and over, trying to figure it out, and love the challenge it is giving me. i need some sleep i think, so i'll sleep on this problem for now, but man, i am loving this game :)

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If you're having trouble with that, try making a line through to the enemy boss with all your units, and have Sigurd attack (and most likely kill) the boss, then seize afterwards. Siguard can capture castles the same turn he kills the boss, and capturing the castle there will get rid of the ballistae. Also, if you still have the silence staff from Diadora, try using that on the boss too.

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I'm glad you're having fun with the game. ^^ I wish you luck coming up with a strategy for the third castle.

I went with Jamka/Aideen on my first file, and really liked the results. I'd recommend that one.

EDIT: The above poster has a good plan.

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Otherwise, you can trigger the armies early with a mounted unit, then stand back out of range of the ballistae while they run down to you. I recommend Sigurd or Cuan (or promoted Lex), because 1 extra movement square and they're durable enough to take multiple hits while luring people out.

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Hello all, me again!

Thanks for all the tips for the battle! I ended up warping a force back to the home castle, and sending them straight north up the mountain path, and had them take out the ballista's that way while my main force fought the army in the pass. I had forgotten about my silence staff, but that plan worked well, so thanks to those who suggested it.

I have more issues, though, as what would be a post from without asking something? :)

One, i've encountered two seemingly minor conversations that didn't translate well in my patch; a conversation with the neutral mackily solider, and then an odd not listed when I had Elthin warp Aideen to the home castle; it said something like "Aideen teleports to lover Midir" which was true, as midir was at the castle, but I haven't seen anything like this before or since, and didn't know if that was too it as it looked weird. Anyone know more about these?

Second, I'm FINALLY on chapter 3, and the guides i am using to make sure i don't miss anything are telling me to take anything important off Diedre/Diadora, Cuan, Ethlin, and Fin. Now it's spoiler free so I don't know WHY of course, but I've played enough games to know that usually means they are leaving the party for some time. I'm assuming they come back, as other wise shouldn't i put items on Cuan/Ethlin to pass down to their kids?

A follow up to that, are there any suggested items i pass down onto kids? I'm likely using the following pairs:








and obviously, Cuan/Ethlin and Sigurd/Diedre(Diadora).

With Cuan and co. leaving, possibly for good, I am starting to plan this out, and was wondering if there are any recommendations /suggestions. Any input is appreciated, as always!

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The "Aideen teleports to lover Midayle" thing (a conversation occurs when lovers enter castles) hasn't been translated yet. In the patch previous to this version it was just garbled text.

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Fin returns. Cuan and Ethlin pass down items: note that Ethlin may only pass down swords and rings, while there are no restrictions on Cuan's items. You do of course lose them until the children return. Remove everything important from Diadora, you don't get anything back, although the items that aren't Gen 1 exclusive will show up in their appointed Gen 2 places.

Your pairings all work well.

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Second, I'm FINALLY on chapter 3, and the guides i am using to make sure i don't miss anything are telling me to take anything important off Diedre/Diadora, Cuan, Ethlin, and Fin. Now it's spoiler free so I don't know WHY of course, but I've played enough games to know that usually means they are leaving the party for some time. I'm assuming they come back, as other wise shouldn't i put items on Cuan/Ethlin to pass down to their kids?

A follow up to that, are there any suggested items i pass down onto kids? I'm likely using the following pairs:

Take everything off of Deirdre right now. I mean everything. Sell every single one of her items (except the circlet, can't sell that) and give her money to Sigurd before he leaves the base castle.

Ethlin, Cuan, and Fin's items are going straight from the end of this chapter to Gen 2, so only leave items you won't mind not seeing until Chapter 7. Like was said earlier, there's nothing in the game that's so mission-critical that you'll just DIE if you don't have it, but.

I strongly recommend taking everything off of Cuan, though. His inheritor gets a stupendous lance (automatically) and really doesn't need any rings or anything and also comes later.

As for passing items down, some strong things:

Pursuit Ring (did you get it?) to Ethlin. Bargain Ring, too, if you managed to secure that. Nobody else really loves the money like Leaf does.

Stat rings on the units you like now; chances are pretty good if you like them now you'll like their inheritors more.

Otherwise, just throw good weapons around. Note that you'll have some funniness with Lex, 'cause he won't pass any of his axes down. If he didn't get the Silver Blade, it's probably best to mostly not worry about his inheritance. It's also worth noting that Tiltyu's Tron book won't get passed down to her daughter and Thunder really sucks, so you might want to shuffle a Wind tome or something to the dear (her daughter for the record starts with C/B/B Wind/Fire/Thunder under Azel).

I think that's it.

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Otherwise, just throw good weapons around. Note that you'll have some funniness with Lex, 'cause he won't pass any of his axes down. If he didn't get the Silver Blade, it's probably best to mostly not worry about his inheritance.

If she's only on Chapter 3 now, she hasn't seen the Silver Blade yet. Shagaal #2 has it.

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Well, since you're doing LexAyra anyway, it's not like Ska needs any sword besides Iron Blade and if you really wanna give him a nice sword just stuff all the good swords on to either Sigurd, Beowulf, or Ayra and he should be able to buy it off of Celice/Delmud/Lakche come chapter 7. So unless you really wanna get that Silver Blade to Ska by chapter 6 or something, which is totally unnecessary, Lex's stuff is fine as is.

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Crud. Quick question. The love machine that is Fin (who is messing up my pairings) doesn't give points once he leaves, yes? So if I stop goofing around in chapter 3 and finish it quick, he will stop making the ladies fall in love with him from across the battlefield?

Second question. I read the calculations page on how parents stats help children's, but i understood little of it. In general, how big a difference does this make? I mean, is one point either way going to change anything, or is it closer to a 3/1 ration, or 10/1 ratio? I don't need a complicated answer (as math and i don't get along) I was just curious to how this worked in lay man's terms.

Edited by bookwormbabe29
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If you're on an emulator, and you don't mind a little cheating, you can always set up your lovers right now with some action replay codes, especially if you're dead-set on a certain pairing in the first place. The relevant codes should be over at GameFAQs. That should prevent Finn--and anyone else--from mucking up your love desires.

Personally, I never noticed much parent-to-child stat gifts. If there's an impact, it's minimal for the normal player; the growths/skill sets are a much more powerful deciding feature.

Edited by Celice
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I'm on chapter five now, and Cuan and Ethlin... I can't save them! I have been trying for an hour to do so, and I can't do it! I looked up a guide for tips....and well, it flat out said it can't be done. I'm so ANGRY. I LIKE these people, and now i have to stand by and watch them die?! That just ticks me off royally. I am NOT happy now.

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