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The Pokemon Platinum Nuzlocke Challenge!



18 members have voted

  1. 1. Should the E4 Market not have the 2000$ limit?

    • Should be able to use ALL our cash
    • Should still be 2000$
    • Should be able to use more then 2000$ but not all

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The limit is endless on who can sign up this is just for fun. This is also to see who gets the least amount of Party deaths SO REMEMBER THE COUNT

Ok Nuzlocke will put the rules of this particular one [thanks BBM and SB for helping me decide]

If a Pokemon Faints you must release it or store it in a box [if you really wish to transfer that pokemon up or something]

You have to catch the first pokemon on a route if you knock it out, you cannot get anything in that route, so use Pokeballs wisely! If you find a duplicate of something you have already however the NEXT pokemon is your "first" for the route

Nickname all your pokemon please as it makes you more attached for when that unlucky Crit ends their lifespan.

trades are allowed for evolutions

Battle Style is put on "Set"

Pokemarts are allowed but ONLY 2000$ per town may be spent

Pokecenters are allowed

Giratina is banned but the 3 Sprites if you get lucky are allowed

Can use any items except Revive and revival items

Pre-Pokeball possible encounters [such as the fight you first have your starter] does count for the first route battle sorry

Anyone can sign up and i'll put your name here and your starter, [if you tell me your nicknames I'll put them in parenthesis next to the pokemon]

Later I'll put down your final teams when you finish, also tell me what other pokemon you have and what you nickname em, and who dies so I can cross them off

In the event you find a fossil for a town that has an Abra trade in it.. you must choose, Abra or said Fossil, I believe its Oregburgh

Sign Ups

1. Jedi -

Piplup [Falco] Starly [sora] Shinx [briggid] Budew [Rose] Psyduck [Daisy]

2. Serious Bananas -

Turtwig [Durian] Shinx [Loment] Psyduck [Follicle] Machop [Guava] Geodude [Gourd] Golbat [ Buizel [???] Buneary [???]

Ko'ed Pokemon = 1

3. BigBangMeteor -

Monferno [CrazyBBM] Starly [boron] Krickitot [Lol] Zubat [useless] Bidoof [slave] Shinx [bizz] Geodude [backup]

4. Shadowbreeze64 -

5. dandragon01 -

Turtwig [???]

6. Konnor97 -

Chimchar [Johnny] Bidoof [Doofinator] Psyduck [The Duck] Zubat [Dracula] Geodude [brock] Machop [Da Choppa] Onix [Rocky] Shellos [Jerk] Chingling [Chingle] Geodude [Geodudette] Shieldon [unbreaking] Burmy [bitey] Starly [star]

Ko'ed Pokemon = 9

7. Cyron -

Turtwig [Argon] Bidoof [Hm Slave] Shinx [banzai] Abra [Anna] Onyx [Obsidian] Ponyta [Ares]

8. ZM457 -

Turtwig [Jedi]

9. Bluedoom -

Piplup [Levi] Bidoof [slave] Staravia [stell] Budew [Murph] Luxio [Chimera] Machop [Hulk] Buizel [Levi #2] Cascoon [Poppy] Bronzor [Timer] Ralts [Maid]

Ko'ed Pokemon = 1

10. Shota Sigurd -

Prinplup [???] Luxio [Dew] Starvia [???] Machop [???] Bidoof [???]

11. StrawSloththeSawSlothStraw -

Chimchar [ Galbhan] Starly [Duladann] Bidoof [Kaitan]

12. ExiledWolf -

Guys.. I'm thinking of just updating the OP when you lot [or me] finish the Elite four this is getting a little tedious to edit every couple mins haha, keep track of your losses ect please?

Edited by Jedi
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Progress update 1:

Started game, payed SB $10 million, got Piplup, beat SB, nicknamed Piplup MOtochika, learned how to catch Pokemon, got Ginchiyo the Shinx.

Dawn sucks at Nuzlocke challenges, getting Bidoof. At least Wally got Ralts




Lavender Town:


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Update number 2:

I fight through the route where I caught Shinx with relative ease, until I come across the Burmy trainer. He crit Ginchiyo dead, so one is down. I head to route north of Jubilife and catch Nene the Budew.




Lavender Town:



RIP, Ginchiyo. You were a brave soul. She actually was Sassy but whatever.

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Got Piplup from the Prof, named it Falco, had an epic battle with a withdrawing Turtwig, also my Rival is named REFA

I met a Bidoof on the first route so.. no pokes from there for me!

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Progress update 3:

Beat SB, would've caught a Starly if Nene didn't Return crit, got to the cave and caught Zubat. At Oreburgh now.




Nene II-Zubat

Lavender Town:


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Jubilife city got a Starly on the way named it Sora, beat my rival again after more spam of withdraw

Got a Shinx on that route named it Briggid


Falco: 10

Sora: 6

Briggid: 4

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Progress update 4:

Went to the Mine and caught Kai the Geodude. went up north and caught Hideyoshi the Ponyta and fought the Gym. Nene sweep, but Kai made a noble sacrifice to let Nene live.




Nene II-Zubat


Lavender Town:



Edited by Shadowbreeze64
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No change, you can EASILY get by with 2000+what you find. That and a few of us have started already.


Starter was Turtwig (Durian) who beat BBM easily. Route 202 catch was Shinx (Loment). Went north, crit my catch, but caught a Psyduck in ravenged path (Follicle). Beat BBM again, Abra teleported away. Didn't find anything in oreburgh gate. Got Machop in 207 (Guava) and Geodude in the mines (Gourd). Trained a bit, went to fight Roark, Follicile took on Geodude and Onix before getting crit by Cranidos. D: Gourd walled the fucker as I wasn't willing to risk another death.


Durian (Turtwig) - Level 12

Loment (Shinx) - Level 11

Guava (Machop) - Level 11

Gourd (Geodude) - Level 11

Never Forget

Follicle - Level 4 to Level 11, fell to Roark's Cranidos.

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Verity- Starly got crit by CrazyBBM.

Route 201- Ran into a pokemon before Pokeballs were available.

Route 202- REFA the FEMALE SHINX was caught.

Route 204- Budew got crit by CrazyBBM.

Ravaged Path- HORACE the BOLD PSYDUCK was caught.

Route 203- SLAVE the FEMALE BIDOOF was caught.

Oreburgh Gate- RESERVE the MALE ZUBAT was caught.

Oreburgh Mine- SHIN the FEMALE GEODUDE was caught.


Current Team (this will list only the pokemon I am training)

CrazyBBM the Monferno (level 15)

Refa the Shinx (level 10)


Horace the Psyduck (Died at the hands of Cranidos at level 12)

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Well, bad news. I left my DS open accidentally while I went to eat, and it ran out of charge. I hadn't saved either, since my plan was to keep it on the whole time so I wouldn't lose my save file. So I'll have to restart.

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I shall join this.

Unfortunately I'll need to deal with a crap translation ROM since I couldn't find a nice english ROM to download, but oh well.

Hopefully I won't get stuck with those annoying Bidoof/Bibarel. Ugh. >.<

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Route 203 yielded Budew named Rose

Route 204 yielded Shinx [which I already reported]

Ravaged Path had Psyduck named Daisy..

I shall now grind a little to get these girls up to speed for dat Rock Gym

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Caught a machop. Named it Hulk.

Also, Budew seems so easy to train at this part of the game, haha EDIT: Caught a Shinx name it uh... Chimera. Also caught a Zubat, but I'm not using it. Call it Batrat

Edited by Bluedoom
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Post #4: Chimera evolved! Stell evolved! Murph will evolve when I use her tomorrow in the morning, I'm sure of it!

And... I caught a Buizel in Valley Windworks. Levi #2!

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My piplup got critted by rival's(Manix) starly. Awesome. Bye bye Levi.

YOWCH, sorry man. This may get a little rough

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Progress Update 5:

Made it to Floroma, caught Ina the Shellos, bought 2 Super POtions and 3 POkeballs, and fought Mars. Zubat died to Hideyoshi, and Purugly was taken down by Nene with Stun Spore.




Nene II-Zubat



Lavender Town:



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Woo, Gardenia almost wiped me out. I have two pokemon left. The ones who died from here were Johnny, Rocky, Geodudette, Chingle, The Duck, and Jerk. My only two left are Unbreaking the Shieldon and Doofinator the Bidoof.

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