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Weed is good for you

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Crash, taking drugs is more analogous to taking part in potentially [dangerous] thrill-seeking activities than murder. Murder is planning to take a life, while taking drugs, sky diving, and a dog putting its head out the window while riding in a fast-moving car are all basically done so the participant can have what they hope will be a positive experience, in their own life. All of these can have unintended consequences detrimental to one's quality of life, but depending on the situation people can accept that responsibility and still live well, or simply chose to avoid it, and nobody specifically plans that anybody get hurt in the process unless they are also planning suicide or murder. People can hurt themselves and others by doing risky things, yes, but that's the purpose of regulation, to curb the possibility of harming someone in such an act- first an innocent bystander, then the person themselves.

I'd hazard a guess that somebody smoking some pot on the couch once in a while is probably not going to directly lead to that somebody or others getting hurt any more than watching tv, putting aside my own opinion on drugs.

The only way to know exactly how dangerous drugs are is to looks at the facts on them, say those a documentary on the subject might present.

No. Keeping your mind closed off to bad ideas is a good thing.

And it's perfectly fine to only listen to one side if that side is inherently correct. The real problem is that people feel free to anti-drug laws and sentiments instead of just accepting them.

Allow me to be serious.

If you don't want to watch a documentary that you think it might just be full of biased claims the equivalent of propaganda, that's one thing. But independent of sides in an argument, there are empirically observable facts, things which can be verified by independent sources who have no side to take, from which one may extrapolate further meaning. That doesn't mean a documentary can't present facts in a misleading fashion, or leave out something important which might be contrary (or complimentary!) to its message, but there's really no way to tell how to tell which of these a documentary is trying to sell you without somehow examining its content.

edit there were 3 pages fewer when I started constructing this damn fence of text

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As for tobacco, that's another evil plant that needs to go.

And I don't CARE how many times I hear it, there's NO WAY it's less harmful than coffee or alcohol, those are both legal.

And drug laws DO help! Legalizing drugs won't make them go away!


Nothing is ever black and white.

That won't help, people would still HAVE Weed and all the preexisting illegal stuff remains too.

America, 1920s, prohibition.

Drinking and smoking used to be an everyday thing in America, prohibition escalated the problem.

People are gonna smoke weed regardless. You can't stop them. Remember the prohibition in the 20s? All it did was to set up underground, unregulated "speakeasies" which people drank /anyway/, and unregulated shit is even more dangerous. So instead of some asshole drug lord getting the money, the government could take this chance to use it to tax the shit out of smokers and using that to do useful things to society and pay off that massive national debt America owes. Regulations could be put in place etc so that kids don't get hold of it. Keeps prisons less cluttered and policemen can focus on actual criminals.

But just make it illegal to smoke in public because the last thing I want is to smell that shit on the way to class like I already do regarding people who smoke tobacco. Urgh. Nasty smell.

Tobacco does have one or two health boosts...I think...

I never suggested they would. I know it would have to be a method that bypasses that.

Thank you. I still don't agree but I understand now, which is what I really wanted.

Rhetorical Question:

How are you not banned?

Does Tangerine love you?

Nooo Furet

Join us in taking over China instead

I'll supply arms if you give me back the island they stole from the Phillipines.

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Tobacco does have one or two health boosts...I think...

I'll supply arms if you give me back the island they stole from the Phillipines.

My lungs are bad enough as it is. I don't need foul-smelling shit damaging it even further when I'm just walking to class. And nothing good comes out of tobacco. I've heard alcohol in very moderate amounts are good for some old people but I'm not completely sure. Forgot the source.


I am not Stolypin Necktie. :U

also yay weed

Oh so you're Colonel_William_Guile

well that is fine I can have two sons named William

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I live away from the city. Long Island doesn't have that many smokers on the streets (or people on the streets for that matters) at least where I live, until you get to university campuses.

You know NYC isn't the only place in New York :V

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Oh dude you're in NYCish? Can you say if it's really worthy of the title "most expensive place to live on the planet," or is that just a more specific part of it?

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I'm not exactly sure of the expenses but property tax is in the 10k range and shit is pretty expensive here. I think upstate is cheaper than LI and NYC though, where houses get a lot less costly. You can probably get a house in most other states the same size of mine for 1/2-1/4 (or even 1/8 if it's really in the middle of nowhere!) the price. The rent is pretty insane too, if you rent instead of buy, and gas prices are about 40 cents higher per gallon than New Jersey's. I don't know if it's the /most/ expensive place but it's certainly pretty expensive to live in.

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I'm not exactly sure of the expenses but property tax is in the 10k range and shit is pretty expensive here. I think upstate is cheaper than LI and NYC though, where houses get a lot less costly. You can probably get a house in most other states the same size of mine for 1/2-1/4 (or even 1/8 if it's really in the middle of nowhere!) the price. The rent is pretty insane too, if you rent instead of buy, and gas prices are about 40 cents higher per gallon than New Jersey's. I don't know if it's the /most/ expensive place but it's certainly pretty expensive to live in.

I'm in Hawaii. I've seen some pretty horrific gas prices on the outer islands, and my rent is half my paycheck (and that's on the low side of things). Let's be broke together!

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