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Elibean Nights


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hello, im new here and i need some help. i played the last promise hack and loved it, i came across another hack called elibian nights. it looks like a lot of fun and i really want to try it but im having some trouble. i was able to get the last promise to work on my phone but not elibian nights, i like to play on my phone; its nice to have it in my hands than on the comp. can anyone help me with this? i'd really appreciate it

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Posted · Hidden by eclipse, January 21, 2016 - Slightly irrelevant now, sorry dude
Hidden by eclipse, January 21, 2016 - Slightly irrelevant now, sorry dude

Welcome to the Forest, Zero117!

I don't know much about how to resolve your problem.

But I'm pretty sure some people will be able to help you there : http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showforum=37

Have a nice day and enjoy your stay!

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Posted · Hidden by eclipse, January 21, 2016 - This post is here so that I will know what the hell I was thinking when I refer back to this topic three months in the future
Hidden by eclipse, January 21, 2016 - This post is here so that I will know what the hell I was thinking when I refer back to this topic three months in the future

Better idea: topic merge into Elibian Nights.

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hello, im new here and i need some help. i played the last promise hack and loved it, i came across another hack called elibian nights. it looks like a lot of fun and i really want to try it but im having some trouble. i was able to get the last promise to work on my phone but not elibian nights, i like to play on my phone; its nice to have it in my hands than on the comp. can anyone help me with this? i'd really appreciate it

Read this: http://feuniverse.us/t/guide-to-patching-rom-hacks-on-android/575 Edited by Arch
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Hi! I've recently started playing this hack and it seems great so far! Only, I can't pair Lyn with hector while all her other pairings work fine? Sorry if this was already brought up. Thanks and keep it up!

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  • 1 month later...

Hey everyone,

It's been a hell of a last couple months -- culminating in this hellish week, my family's house was robbed the day before I'd planned to move out into my own little apartment. The thieves took two guns, $400 from my little brother's cash stash, a New 3DS (with my copy of Smash), and, most importantly of all, the laptops that belong to my brother and I. That laptop contained all of EN's source code, and the most recent ROMs. I'm typically fairly careless when it comes to backing things up, and it's bitten me in the ass several times throughout the years. The most recent version of Elibean Nights that I've been able to uncover dates back to October, when FrenchFroodle LP'd the hack for FEE3. I've decided to release a patch of that version. It is still incomplete, with the last four months of my work essentially taken.

Here's the download link for the most recent patch.

Trust that I still have every intention of finishing Elibean Nights, but those efforts have suffered a significant setback. Unfortunately, the event source posted to GitHub is largely outdated, and disassembling the events would be a messy endeavor -- losing that source code means that there is no easy answer to the question of "how to move forward." This is all rather unfortunate, and I am still grappling with this tumultuous time in life. Just know that I am safe and finally living happily on my own. Thank you so much to everyone who has contributed to the development of this project. For several years now, it has been a labor of love -- and the support that I've received from my colleagues and fans has been absolutely invaluable.

From the ashes of what once was, new opportunities arise.


Stay tuned.

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Wow Arch. I'm sorry to hear about your losses. The most important thing is that you and your family are alright, but I feel the salt for being robbed of months of hard work (and many valuable items). Luckily you'll have your opportunity to make Elibean Nights the greatest FEXNA project ever.

Best wishes, bro.

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The fucking blows, man. Glad you're alright. Guess I'll be trying out this patch, and getting hyped for FEXNA. Definitely almost missed that, and it's really exciting. Was wondering how you got were limiting movement range. And realized you could've just set move to 0.

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Is it FEXNA? Please, tell me it's FEXNA.

Yup. I also suspect, when all things said are done, that I won't be the only developer to make the "conversion" either. Edited by Arch
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Well, hacks are very easy to play on mobile systems like phones. You just patch the rom the same way you would for a PC and from there it's literally the same as playing a vanilla GBA game. I don't think XNA has that kind of flexibility.

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Well, hacks are very easy to play on mobile systems like phones. You just patch the rom the same way you would for a PC and from there it's literally the same as playing a vanilla GBA game. I don't think XNA has that kind of flexibility.

It doesn't, at present, tho I'm honestly surprised no one has thought to at least attempt an android port.

Tho if we're wishing for XNA ports, I'd want one on Wii homebrew first tbh

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It doesn't, at present, tho I'm honestly surprised no one has thought to at least attempt an android port.

Tho if we're wishing for XNA ports, I'd want one on Wii homebrew first tbh

Probably because it's officially unsupported by Microsoft so no one really though to do so.

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Probably, unless there are some people that want to actually port their game to some sort of cartridge... Don't know why they would though.

someone did this for TLP and it doesn't even save properly. RIP. can still play it on my 3DS though using a GBA emulator

in all seriousness, that's really unfortunate Arch. sorry to hear that. I was in a similar situation once upon a time and just decided to disassemble the events and recreate whatever I needed/go from there, but it did make things a bit more difficult than I'd have liked. I was fortune that my patch wasn't too far behind but not having any documentation or anything was pretty awful, which is why I now try to back-up as much as I can...

anyway, gl with whatever you plan to do from hereon out. It'd be nice if EN finishes some day, finished products are a lot more fun than unfinished ones, IMO, and I'd like to play it when it's done.

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Damn Arch that sucks you lost all that work, but at least you and your family are safe and sound. Thats definitly a blessing.

Secondly, I finally got a chance to play this after following it for some time and i was blown away by it. Blazing Swords my favorite Fire Emblem and seeing these characters get endings and not just disappear into nothingness, is just so special to me. And the dialogue, incredible. Thank you Arch for making this masterpiece of a romhack and for connecting FE6 and FE7 in such an awesome way. Seriously, FE7 is my favorite game and playing this hack is like im back in 2003 being introduced to the series all over again. Cant wait to see what you come up with next.

I do have a question tho. I know the game isnt technically complete, especially with your recent loss of data, but does the bonus content work in the current patch? Or not until the final release?

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I know that BwdYeti has discussed the possibility of android/IOS ports in the past, so we'll cross that bridge when it comes. It's always nice to be able to take these games mobile, after all.

Until then, I'll be focusing on my return to development with FEXNA. I want "Elibean Nights: Final Draft" to be better than anything I could have accomplished with a ROM hack. It's always been something of a sandbox, an ongoing experiment -- now, I've got a fully-equipped laboratory. I'm hoping to add more achievements, more bonus content, and a codex (among other things). Perhaps I might even create a few new maps to play. Igrene's Tale still needs to be completed, and I had work-in-progress concepts on a small story for Astor. There's also the possibility of doing a sea chapter starring Fargus (maybe I could even add a Kraken boss or something?), and a story fleshing out the relationship between Athos and Nergal has also been considered in the past. It might be interesting to write a tale starring one of the FE7x cast members, as a homage to Yeti and all of the assistance he's given me with resurrecting EN. Wouldn't want to get too crazy with adding new tales, but it'd also be a nice way to inject some new life into the project. As always, the floor is open to any ideas.

I've recently acquired a replacement laptop (after maxing out a credit card in the process, lulz; hopefully that rental insurance check comes through soon enough), and I'll begin experimenting with FEXNA in earnest once I manage to get an internet connection in my new apartment.

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Skills? Will you be following some of the other mechanics of FE7x as well? (i.e. WTA/D of Bows depending on range)

Of course, I'll be using FEXNA's skills system and adhering to its mechanics. I'm also considering doing some sort of "personal skills" (ala Fates) for the main character of each tale. Following up on something I'd been doing with EN recently, I'd also like to add some type of formal system for handling equip-able items (like the stat boost items, Iron Rune, Delphi Shield, etc.). One thought was to add an "accessory slot" that you can only change/remove when moving the unit, or to treat "hold items" (what I'd been calling them) with a special indicator and have the game process the first one in the unit's inventory (although that could be more susceptible to trade abuse).

And yet you'll never let Florina be straight, will you? XD


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Of course, I'll be using FEXNA's skills system and adhering to its mechanics. I'm also considering doing some sort of "personal skills" (ala Fates) for the main character of each tale. Following up on something I'd been doing with EN recently, I'd also like to add some type of formal system for handling equip-able items (like the stat boost items, Iron Rune, Delphi Shield, etc.). One thought was to add an "accessory slot" that you can only change/remove when moving the unit, or to treat "hold items" (what I'd been calling them) with a special indicator and have the game process the first one in the unit's inventory (although that could be more susceptible to trade abuse).


Still won't stop me from headcanoning HectorxFlorina

Fates style personal skills sound awesome, tho that might very well be coming from my Fates Conquest fanboyism.

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Fates style personal skills sound awesome, tho that might very well be coming from my Fates Conquest fanboyism.

If anyone wants to help brainstorm, this is what I've got currently in my design doc.

Eliwood -
Merlinus -
Hector - Capture - You all should know what this does. (maybe add an achievement for capturing both bosses?)
Lyn -
Rath - Commando - Terrain def bonus added to dmg and *1.5 for def; same with terrain avo and hit/avo.
Kent -
Pent - Prestige - Grants unit the ability to achieve multiple S-ranks.
Louise -
Raven -
Priscilla -
Karel - Bloodlust - Adds (Max HP - Current HP)/4 to dmg.
Jerrot - Stalwart - Adds Wgt/2 to dmg when enemy initiates attack.
Legault - Hurricane - Avo/Dod +20 when enemy initiates attack.
Zephiel - Charisma - All units within a 3-tile radius receive +10 hit/avo.
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