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[FE11] Something something something draft


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Chapter 6 – 10/48

I tried to get the killing edge from the thief but he got away.

Chapter 6x

I send Jagen to the north to kill most of the enemies while the others stay south.

Chapter 7 – 8/56

Head straight south cutting through the enemies and defeated their general. Also I made Wrys into a Mage.

Chapter 8 – 7/63

Damn I forgot to buy another Rapier for Marth.

Chapter 9 – 7/70

In my head I was thinking, “The characters I am currently using, how long will it take for them to level up more when I try to beat the game in a fastest time possible.

Chapter 10 – 10/80

I received the master seal but I didn’t get Hauteclere.










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Chapter 11 – 11/91

I manage to get all the items and defeat all the enemies.

Chapter 12 – 10/101

I have no idea how to get the boots in a fast amount of turns.

Chapter 12x

Another chapter down with the same number of units I have recruited. But the next two chapters I will have Catria with me.

Chapter 13 – 5/106

This chapter tells you to rush in and seize the area.

Chapter 14 – 10/116

Well I finally got Catria and defeated the enemy. Now we move on.

Chapter 15 – 5/121

I sent my units to the castle while others are meatshielding Gharnef.

Chapter 16 – 9/130

I promoted Ogma and Darros in this chapter and I did ok.











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Chapter 17 – 4/134

I wish I went to the secret shop but I didn’t have enough time. But at least I got the VIP card. And also Vyland is now a paladin.

Chapter 17x

Cleared it with no room for error.

Chapter 18 – 7/140

We knock the enemy dead but I didn’t get the Mercurius.

Chapter 19 – 7/147

I’ll give Catria a few more experience until I promote her to Dracoknight, but I did pull through the chapter.

Chapter 20 – 7/154

Man what’s with these sevens. Anyway I took out all the enemies and I beaten another chapter.

Chapter 20x

I finally got Ymir recruited and I have Catria promoted. Now I have to finish this draft with my units.

Chapter 21 – 4/158

I came in there and hit them hard and easily defeated the boss.

Chapter 22 – 8/166

I expect to get a crit. From Vyland or Catria against the boss but I didn’t, so I have to take him our regularly.

Chapter 23 – 7/173

I was surprised that the real Gharnef was near the stairs and I have to use some of my units to get in with Marth so he can seize.

Chapter 24 – 5/178

I made Catria clear some enemies before she takes on the boss and a few to clear the path for Marth.

Chapter 24x

Arrgh, I was gonna get Excalibur but I got Aura instead. But there’s no time, I have a draft to finish.

Endgame – 7/185

Geez another chapter I finished in seven turns. But it doesn’t matter I head straight to finish Medeus thanks to Vyland and Catria.

Total: 185


Marth – B: 141 W: 82

Jagen – B: 163 W: 93

Wrys – B: 61 W: 33

Ogma – B: 152 W: 90

Darros – B: 147 W: 77

Julian – B: 65 W: 21

Vyland- B: 146 W: 82

Wendell – B: 33 W: 21

Catria – B: 68 W: 50

Ymir – B: 21 W: 10

Nagi – B: 2 W: 1













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  • 11 months later...

I wanted to do a draft with my Nintendo DSi XL, so I stole this one! From Passive (Aggressive*) Knight, no less!

Prologue 1- FREE (19 turns)

I abused the power of throne healing so Marth could get more EXP. He had 19 Iron Sword uses by the time this map was done, lol.

Unit     Class           Level       HP ST MA SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Marth    Lord            03.03       20 06 00 05 08 09 09 00  D Swords
Prologue 2- FREE (8 turns)
Not really much I can do to give Marth more EXP, so what he gets is what he gets.
Unit     Class           Level       HP ST MA SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Marth    Lord            04.94       21 07 00 06 09 10 09 00  D Swords
Prologue 3- FREE (12 turns)
Another solo with me tossing as much EXP to Marth as I possibly can. Next chapter'll be easier to do that! I have Jeigan, but he didn't really do much.
Unit     Class           Level       HP ST MA SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Marth    Lord            07.13       24 09 00 07 10 11 09 00  C Swords
Prologue 4- FREE (14 turns)
Marth will now break the game over his knees. Also just realized I forgot to put Jeigan for the last one, whoops! Although I think he only got like 6EXP for chipping a fighter once on that map.
Unit     Class           Level       HP ST MA SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Marth    Lord            09.27       26 10 00 09 11 13 10 00  C Swords
And then I ragequit on Chapter 1. So bad!

*May not be true

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Chapter 1- 5/5 turns

I hope this chapter couldn't be 4 turned. Anyways, Marth rushed, Sheeda did some bro chip (and dodged like a ridiculous amount of 70%s, it was so HAX...and unnecesarry, don't blacklist me!), Doga did something, and Jeigan did most of the work despite being worse than Marth in like everything but RES and weapon ranks and AWESOME.

Unit     Class           Level       HP ST MA SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Marth    Lord            09.57       26 10 00 09 11 13 10 00  C Swords
Jeigan   Paladin         02.00       23 07 01 10 08 01 09 06  B Lances D Swords
Draug    Knight          02.00       20 07 00 03 04 02 11 00  D Lances
Caeda    Peg. Knight     03.00       16 04 01 08 14 11 07 06  D Lances
Chapter 2- 4/9 turns
Marth rushed to the goal with no abandon, really the worrying bit was getting the people around him to live rather than well, him himself. Sheeda managed to nab the boss kill, since apparently Jeigan didn't 2RKO with throne healing. Cool beans. And Doga took the enemies near the start, sadly he didn't have time to kill the last thief :(.
Unit     Class           Level       HP ST MA SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Marth    Lord            10.17       27 11 00 10 12 14 10 00  C Swords
Jeigan   Paladin         02.31       23 07 01 10 08 01 09 06  B Lances D Swords
Draug    Knight          03.50       20 07 00 03 04 03 11 00  D Lances
Caeda    Peg. Knight     04.33       16 04 01 09 15 11 08 06  D Lances
Chapter 3- 5/14 turns
Nothing complicated, just a good old fashioned rush, with Sheeda clearing enemies out of Marth and Jeigan's way because Doga is too slow too (don't worry, now that I've got reclass, hehehe, he'll be amazing). Jeigan kind of needed a dodge on the boss phase, as even at full health, he could only take 3 out of the 4 attacks. Thank god for map saves, haha. Sheeda actually had to feed the kill to him on the next turn (again, thank god for map saves).
I haven't really been killing off any of my units...I guess this was something I should've done, but eh, too lazy. Maybe on Chapter 4.
Unit     Class           Level       HP ST MA SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Marth    Lord            10.32       27 11 00 10 12 14 10 00  C Swords
Jeigan   Paladin         02.96       23 07 01 10 08 01 09 06  B Lances D Swords
Draug    Hunter          03.60       20 07 00 05 10 03 03 00  E Bows
Caeda    Peg. Knight     05.25       16 04 01 09 16 11 08 06  D Lances
Chapter 4- 6/20 turns
Surprisingly easy, this one usually gets me for a loop. Hunter!Doga was pretty bro thief killer, if I do say so myself. And Caeda killed boss and...procced Strength?! AMAZING. Sadly Marth is ever so slightly off from being able to use the Silver Sword as soon as he got it. :(
Unit     Class           Level       HP ST MA SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Marth    Lord            10.47       27 11 00 10 12 14 10 00  C Swords
Jeigan   Dracoknight     03.47       22 08 01 11 09 02 11 03  B Lances E Axes
Draug    Hunter          04.94       20 07 00 06 11 03 03 00  E Bows
Caeda    Peg. Knight     05.25       16 04 01 09 16 11 08 06  D Lances
Matthis  Cavalier        02.60       20 05 00 02 06 00 07 00  D Lances E Swords
Chapter 5- 4/24 turns
Not too shabby, just had Meatshield Guard do their thing and draw the dangerous enemies (archers)...and every other enemy away too! As for the rest of the enemies, uh...Jeigan killed the cavs on turn 1, and then I made use of Wendell to kill some generics (actually, I think only Bord, I gotta step up my game next time), and Sheeda ORKOed boss. Simply too easy! Made use of undrafted Frey to buy me 5 Javelins...I'll need them where I'm going (ooooooh, scary).
Unit     Class           Level       HP ST MA SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Marth    Lord            10.62       27 11 00 10 12 14 10 00  C Swords
Jeigan   Paladin         03.83       24 07 01 11 09 02 09 06  B Lances D Swords
Draug    Hunter          05.44       21 07 00 06 12 03 03 00  E Bows
Caeda    Peg. Knight     08.78       17 06 01 11 17 14 09 06  C Lances
Matthis  Cavalier        03.10       21 06 00 02 06 00 07 00  D Lances E Swords
Chapter 6- 6/30 turns
Marth, Jeigan, and Sheeda go round and round. Somewhere along the way, Sheeda had more DEF than Jeigan, which cause enemies to attack him instead of her...not sure if that was helpful or detrimental honestly. Matthis and Draug attempted to kill all of the thieves, although they missed the most important one of all (Angelic Robe thief), so it's debatable as to how successful they really were. At least I got the other Master Key, that's gotta come in handy...right?
Chapter 6x- FREE/30 turns
Actually finished this chapter a bit early (13 turns), as I was too lazy too grind on the boss and Jeigan got a lucky crit and I sorta just rolled with it.
Unit     Class           Level       HP ST MA SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Marth    Lord            11.69       28 11 00 11 13 15 10 00  B Swords
Jeigan   Dracoknight     05.51       23 08 01 11 09 03 12 03  B Lances E Axes
Draug    Hunter          08.08       22 10 00 07 14 04 04 00  D Bows
Caeda    Peg. Knight     10.23       18 06 01 13 19 16 11 06  C Lances
Matthis  Cavalier        06.34       24 07 00 03 06 01 10 00  D Lances E Swords
Rickard  Thief           01.95       16 04 00 02 09 00 03 00  E Swords
Chapter 7- 6/36 turns
Super easy, thanks to no surprise reinforcements. Sheeda and Jeigan and whoah, Doga was actually bro in killing off all the winged creatures except the aforementioned Sheeda and Jeigan.
Unit     Class           Level       HP ST MA SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Marth    Lord            11.84       28 11 00 11 13 15 10 00  B Swords
Jeigan   Dracoknight     05.80       23 08 01 11 09 03 12 03  A Lances E Axes
Draug    Hunter          10.03       24 11 00 07 16 05 04 00  D Bows
Caeda    Peg. Knight     11.59       19 06 01 13 20 17 11 06  C Lances
Matthis  Cavalier        07.02       25 07 00 03 06 01 11 00  D Lances E Swords
Rickard  Thief           02.33       16 05 00 02 10 00 03 00  E Swords
then i got bored, till next time
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