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What should we do with Jill and Marcia in FE9?


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Like, what is the best course action? These are the options off the top of my head:

1. Ban them

2. Place a bunch of more limits and test them further with these limits to see if other draftees can feasibly beat them. Like, no boots on them, no shoving, no master seal, no BEXP, things like that.

3. Make Tanith or one Marcia/Jill free.

So, what do you all think? I personally want to try #2.

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I like number 3, because the only time Jill really makes up for her recruitment costing turns is her late game performance. Having a second flier who does rather well at the lategame does somewhat lower Jill's value. But Marcia alone saves at least 10 turns before we even get Tanith though (1-2 in Ch.11, 6 in Ch.12, 2 in the desert, and about 2-3 in Ch.17), so we'd probably still have to do something about her.

I'd want to try a free Tanith draft, and see what effect that has. If it really didn't make much of a difference, then I'd suggest further testing (#2).

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Marcia is the only real problem. I personally think Oscar > Jill.

A big problem is that Marcia is almost guaranteed to get Makalov since Mak just costs too many turns for anyone else to recruit. A Haar has a similar case with Jill but its not as bad.

FE9 is just hard for drafts. I think changing the # of drafters needs to happen too. Probably 4 drafters would be best.

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Marcia is the only real problem. I personally think Oscar > Jill.

A big problem is that Marcia is almost guaranteed to get Makalov since Mak just costs too many turns for anyone else to recruit. A Haar has a similar case with Jill but its not as bad.

FE9 is just hard for drafts. I think changing the # of drafters needs to happen too. Probably 4 drafters would be best.

Ive had the opportunity to use both Jill and Oscar. And I can say for certain that Jill>Oscar by a lot. Like, by 13 turns. Marcia beats him by a lot too, more than Jill.

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You just gotta make smart picks after the 1st round.

How about this: 4 drafters, draftable Titania (free until Chp 10), free Tanith for Chp 21, and Marcia's 2nd pick must be Makalov?

I think that would work well for balance.

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You just gotta make smart picks after the 1st round.

How about this: 4 drafters, draftable Titania (free until Chp 10), free Tanith for Chp 21, and Marcia's 2nd pick must be Makalov?

I think that would work well for balance.

How would draftable Titania work well for balance? And Marcia Jill would still win anyway due to Chapter 12, chapter 15 and chapter 17-2 +17-4. I doubt they are beatable without these harsh nerfs. Im not even close to beating my Jill TC with oscar in the ghost marcia draft and I think I have a good team barring the no-flight problem.

Edited by Ghost Marcia Drafter
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I wouldn't take Titania 3rd. I was thinking Marcia, Jill, Oscar, Kieran+Tanith. Something like that, although I could see people taking Tits 3rd.

Jill does nothing in 12 and Marcia only saves 2 turns. They Save only 4-5 turns in all of 17. Maybe take away their initial Bexp dump, and only give them 50 per chapter?

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I wouldn't take Titania 3rd. I was thinking Marcia, Jill, Oscar, Kieran+Tanith. Something like that, although I could see people taking Tits 3rd.

Jill does nothing in 12 and Marcia only saves 2 turns. They Save only 4-5 turns in all of 17. Maybe take away their initial Bexp dump, and only give them 50 per chapter?

Without tanith free, their flight still makes them save turns later on. Correct me if im wrong, but I tried your 6 turn strat for 18 and couldnt do it due to no flight even though I got there in time. It needs a flier, so thats one turn shaved by marcia/jill that u didnt count. Then theres chapter 20 in which they save another turn over Pallies. Chapter 21 is incredibly flight-biased but u said to make tanith free there. 23 they save turns over pallies there too, if not, they sure as hell make it easier to do. 24 is tied. 25 is another one where flight shaves turns. 26 is tied. 27 too. 28 is flight-biased too. Even endgame is flight-biased where its like, a 1 turn difference. In your ideal draft setting, one of the players will be left with no flight, other than like, haar but, lets face it, haar is a bad pick. You have to wait for Jill to appear in blood runs red, have to risk a penalty in 23 to recruit him and then theres his spd issues...

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With only 4 drafters There would be alot more balance though. 3 drafters get a flier (Marcia, Jill, Tanith) and then there is Janaff and Ulki who come in the same Chapter as Tanith. Without the initial Bexp dump, Marcia wont be strong enough to clear 12 any faster, and neither Marcia or Jill would be tough enough for the 2 turn of Chp 15. Hell, promoting them in time for Chp 17 would even be tough without using a seal. Actually Tanith wouldn't need to be free, since only 1 drafter wouldn't have a flyer, and that drafter would have Oscar who saves like 5 turns before Chp 12 + the turns spent recruiting Marcia or Jill.

I think it would be alot more balanced. I just cant host any drafts to test it out.

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