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The second batch of DLC

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I've bought and beaten it on Hard. There isn't much to say strategy-wise; just block the reinforcements and finish off the enemies. Be careful not to let Noire get hit - around her are two bowmen (one with a longbow) and the first batch of reinforcements, all of whom are likely to kill her if she lacks speed.

Place female MU next to the boss for a special conversation and avoid the fight altogether. You can do the same for male MU, but the conversation is much briefer and less touching.

Basically, Mark is reminded of his mother, and stated that his mother (supposedly turned into Gimle) is the reason he betrayed his comrades and became a villain. He talks a lot with female MU, exchanged comments on how they reminded each other of someone important, and MU even offered enemy Mark her tatics notebook. With male MU, his simply says he reminds him of the past and left.

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Ah, so you trigger the conversations by having them end their turn there, not by the regular command.

Decided to check the self-conversations with that in mind. Noire and Nn had conversations, but only one was talking, rather than two clones face to face, like in the double Cynthia screenshot from the trailer. Furthermore, while the double Cynthia conversation appeared to be from a similar location, it showed a conversation background, rather than the battle background seen for these conversations. So unless I'm mistaken... is that double Cynthia screenshot not even from this map, and possibly from a future one instead?

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So unless I'm mistaken... is that double Cynthia screenshot not even from this map, and possibly from a future one instead?

I'm kind of lazy to check the video at the moment, but do you know what time it appears in the video so we can compare the text? It's possible the one in the promo video was still a WIP and they hadn't decided on details like the background.

Also, some random story observations I picked up.

The future of despair occurs in another world, but I believe Lucina mentions the atmosphere is identical to her future, so it's probably close enough.

Naga mentions the fate of the world rests on the 12 children, which presumably doesn't include Mark. I got a bit lost afterwards, but I think the children are trying to initiate the Awakening Ceremony, which requires the 5 gems and the pedestal. I think there are 3 groups of children with (or looking for?) 2 of each item--2 groups of 4 with 2 gems and 1 group of 3 with 1 gem and the pedestal.

Meanwhile, I think Lucina is waiting for them or something. But yeah, it seems she gets ambushed at the end of episode 1 and Tiki tries to save her. I can't tell if Tiki's dead, but I have this peculiar feeling she'll come back as a boss.

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I'm kind of lazy to check the video at the moment, but do you know what time it appears in the video so we can compare the text? It's possible the one in the promo video was still a WIP and they hadn't decided on details like the background.

Double Cynthia is at 18:30 in that part two video.

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The two Cynthias don't actually talk to each other. The other-world version thought she is looking at a mirror, but for some reason the "reflection" looks much more refined. The playable Cynthia says she'll protect her, much like what Nn says.

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Double Cynthia is at 18:30 in that part two video.


It's the same conversation as I thought. They just altered the dialogue placement a bit. Originally it was line 1 and 2 in one box, now it's line 1, then line 2 and line 3 in one box. If that makes any sense.

Similarly, the the Naga scene in the trailer is the same scene as in the start of episode 1. It's funny how it's indoors in the final version and outdoors in the pre-release.

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Ooookay, this is the right thread.

FoD2 is out!

Boss is female Mark, of course, as a Dragonmaster with Hauteclere. I was able to get her to leave with a long discussion by putting male MU next to her, no surprise. Didn't get to check her battle music as a result, though.

Here, even more, it matters how much strength the children inherit from their parents: I had Wood and Azure with Str/Spd around 30, which on NM was enough to cut through all the Cavaliers attacking them with ease. They wouldn't have been able to move to kill the Archers, though, so that would've been an issue.

You really do have to move fast and get several flying characters across the chasms, because there are a bunch of enemies that will move right towards them, including an inconveniently placed Dark Pegasus that I decided to go after on Turn 1. Not sure what trouble it would've caused otherwise, same with the other enemies Mark fought off on the top after making it up there with a chained Lightning Speed. The enemies chasing Chambray and Brady mainly ignored the characters I sent over until I blocked the bridge on Turn 2 to keep any more of them from crossing, so there, as well, moving really fast is important. It was easy on NM with a limit-broken team, but might be a lot harder otherwise.

You also have to be moving fast on the ground to kill the two enemies right in your path where Chambray and Brady are headed, but that's not nearly as difficult.


I tried downloading SpotPass and didn't seem to get anything, other than some sort of notification that it's October 11. I couldn't figure out if it had anything to say, but there was something similar last week, as well. Something about a map. Is it just saying a map is now available?

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So this is it...

I wanted Gimle, but even more than that, I wanted some sort of closer. I don't like the 24-hour character release system, and the fact that they seem to be making the Villains team run on it for any new files forever is... ugh.


Hey, FoD3 was just announced! I was expecting UT4, but this is looks great, as well. 5-star map, of course, with Lucina, Selena, Jerome, and Loran. And Lucina's doing... something.

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That puts the total at 4 Challenge, 3 Future, and how many paradise maps? I'm thinking we'll end up with 12 max for this series of maps.

Three Resorts.


This doesn't add up. Looking at the known unannounced maps, we have one UT and two OWR. They're clearly repeating the core pattern they had with the Series 1 maps: the postgame maps are the backbone of the series just like the Talisman maps were, and the OWR maps are secondary just like the monster maps were. In other words, the Resorts have to be released alongside other maps. It wouldn't make any sense otherwise. But we only have one known non-Resort map left, and whatever is the final DLC, we can expect it'll be alone to emphasize it.

So in order for this to make any sense, we need to see at least two so-far unknown postgame maps - probably more. This leaves us with four possibilities:

1. There are more than three FoD maps.

2. There are more than four UT maps.

3. There are more than three map sets in Series 2.

4. IS is being very stupid.

Seems to me #1 is the most likely, since it doesn't make much sense for it to end here, especially when there's no mention yet of fighting future Gimle. #2 and #3 contradict the Series 2 announcement, and I'm really not sure how either one could work out anyway. #4 is the one that fits what they've said so far, but that then requires one or more of the following, all of which are completely absurd:

a) One or more OWR maps will be released on their own right before the final UT, after every other postgame map has been released.

b) One or more OWR maps will be released on their own after every single postgame map has been released.

c) Both remaining OWR maps will be released at the same time as the final UT.

Knowing that UT is harder than any map ever released thus far, none of these make sense if we assume that the OWR maps are relatively easy ingame maps like the first one, with difficulties somewhere in the ST/KvK/RvB area. If one or both remaining OWR maps turn out to be designed as postgame maps with difficulties in the LvD/UT/FoD area, possibility A could make sense, and maybe B if it was hard enough, but that's even more absurd than anything else. C just doesn't make any sense at all; we've never seen multiple maps in a series released simultaneously.

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The official site is a bit weird like that. They seem to take down the "seasonal" videos after a period of time.

I think, before the series 2 DLC video, there was a time when the 3~6 TV commercials suddenly vanished : /

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