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The second batch of DLC

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FE7 - Lyn, who isn't the main character, was included

lol. Again. Your whole argument rests on something you take as fact. Like last time. People aren't seeing it.

Because Lyn IS one of the THREE main characters. She's also the FIRST one. They saw ample enough reason to give her DLC.

Calling "bullshit" and bellyaching about it isn't gonna do anything besides show that you can't move on.

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as someone who played their first fe as fe7 the 'first lord' that comes to mind isn't eliwood, it's lyn

While FE7 isn't the first FE game I played, I agree that I think of Lyn before Eliwood. I also actually enjoyed Lyn's mode more than I did the main story, for reasons I don't understand. I think it was the smaller cast, or the slightly less serious story, or something. Anyway, I tend to think of Lyn's mode and the characters from said mode before anything else relating to FE7.

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Lyn is the first main lord you see when you start FE7. As the tactician she is the first one you see. Who cares if she isn't the "true lord" like you said? She's on the cover. She's easily relatable to the player's My Unit, who is the refined result of the tactician that befriends Lyn. The tactician was the prototype to My Unit/Avatar. Lyn also gets more recognition just from sheer "WHO IS THAT!?" from Brawl.

Fire Emblem is a niche fanbase. Lyn is more easily recognizable to someone outside the fanbase. Ask someone about Eliwood who isn't an avid FE player. "Who the HELL is that?" "Roy's Father". "Okay". His SON gets more recognition because he was the one who appeared alongside Marth when Fire Emblem recognition took off elsewhere outside of Japan.

Again. Money.

People have been saying it over and over to you: Deal with it.

This is literally the EXACT OPPOSITE of your argument in favor of Stahn. I know there's differences, but come on! It's the same core idea and you're taking the opposite stance, why? Just because Roy and Lyn appeared in other media doesn't mean Eliwood needs to be thrown under the bus; there were plenty of spare slots later on. Plus being the first character you see doesn't matter that much. Is Dunban the main character of Xenoblade Chronicles because he's the playable character for the first 10 minutes? Is Asbel's 11-year old form more iconic than his 18-year old appearance because of Tales of Graces' child arc? Neither of these make any sense, especially since this argument apparently didn't work for Sigurd vs. Celice.

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[10:08:39 PM] AstraLunaSol: rey there was no dancer dlc

[10:08:41 PM] AstraLunaSol: be mad


[10:09:18 PM] AstraLunaSol: |D

[10:09:56 PM] Lumi: Rey go post that

This is literally the EXACT OPPOSITE of your argument in favor of Stahn.

My argument for Stahn:

*He's there. Deal with it.

My Argument for Lyn:

*She's there. Deal with it.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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[10:08:39 PM] AstraLunaSol: rey there was no dancer dlc

[10:08:41 PM] AstraLunaSol: be mad


[10:09:18 PM] AstraLunaSol: |D

[10:09:56 PM] Lumi: Rey go post that

The class needs to work on males too, and have them do the exact same dance as Olivia, in the same outfit. And it needs to come with Eliwood, Hector, and Sigurd wearing it.

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Oh man, so much mad coming out of this thread.

I actually think this Katarina art is fantastic and way better than Katarina's FE12 OA. Definitely my favourite art out of the female characters. It's ironic everyone wants the artist to have done all the art when everyone complained the in-game art was too fanservice-y

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Oh man, so much mad coming out of this thread.

I actually think this Katarina art is fantastic and way better than Katarina's FE12 OA. Definitely my favourite art out of the female characters. It's ironic everyone wants the artist to have done all the art when everyone complained the in-game art was too fanservice-y

I know the trick to that!

[spoiler=The Trick]

The two groups are made up of different people! Bwa Ha Ha Ha Ha!

(I actually liked pretty much all of the Awakening artwork.)

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Stop arguing about nothing guys, lol. Take it to PM if you can't bring yourself to stop.

-obnoxiously constructed post-

Uhhh, notify a moderator instead of making obnoxious posts like this next time too.

Edited by Tangerine
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Guys! Seriously, relax. You are all arguing over pretty much nothing. If you want to continue your squabble then do so privately, but stop doing it here.


Ninja'd by the fruit...

Edited by eCut
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That artwork is fantastic. I think it's easily the best of the DLC characters, except for perhaps Ephraim.

I was kind of expecting Jeigan as the reward unit to get more Archanea representation, but Katarina is a pretty cool alternative.

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Strength Cry

Speed Cry

Defense Cry

Rainbow Cry

Dark Blessing

That's one hell of an 応援 command. That's... freaking convenient.

Just reclass her to bride and have her learn Love Cry and you'll have her crying all day long to your units and have their performance boosted as a result. XD

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This may seem kind of selfish, after we were already supplied with her in-game portrait and her official artwork so quickly, but does anybody have a picture of her battle model? (I know it's basically generic, but I'd still like to see it if it's not too much trouble.)

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This may seem kind of selfish, after we were already supplied with her in-game portrait and her official artwork so quickly, but does anybody have a picture of her battle model? (I know it's basically generic, but I'd still like to see it if it's not too much trouble.)

Despite having, probably the only 3DS Capture card in this community... I'm slow when it comes to DLC...

And Vincent has me tied down with getting all the confession CGs. :P

Might be a while if you want that HIGH QUARITY DESU GRANDMASTER CONFUZZLED MOE battle model.

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Despite having, probably the only 3DS Capture card in this community... I'm slow when it comes to DLC...

And Vincent has me tied down with getting all the confession CGs. :P

Might be a while if you want that HIGH QUARITY DESU GRANDMASTER CONFUZZLED MOE battle model.

No need to rush; it's not a big deal. Just keep doing what you're doing and upload some more Let's Play videos and I'll be happy.

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Katarina looks great. This is a nice surprise; I wasn't expecting any more DLC characters. But I hope there's more in the future, as unlikely as it seems. I...I just...I can't let Joshua go. He's too fucking awesome. Why isn't he here? WHY? :Joshua: :Joshua: :Joshua:

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Katarina's art is actually good for a female DLC character. That is a legitimate surprise! I approve! Mostly because it means I won't have to use DLC!Micaiah if I want more varied dark magic users, since Katarina has Dark Blessing.

And damn, I want to find out what Gangrel's conversations with Emmeryn and Inverse is about. It legitimately interests me.

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