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[FE4-FE12] The Super Superdraft!


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Gotta keep going.

Chapter 5 - 3 turns (26)

Push through the gate. Wolt died, I didn't care.

Unit	T1	T2	HP	Str	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapon
Roy	4.17	-	21	6	8	9	9	6	1	Sword - D
Marcus	-	3.62	34	10	14	11	10	10	10	Sword - C, Lance - A, Axe - E
Dieck	9.10	-	30	11	13	11	8	7	1	Sword - B
Clarine	1.44	-	15	2	5	9	8	2	5	Staff - D

Chapter 6 - 5 turns (31)

Marcus leads with Hand Axes and everyone else followed behind. Roy got a decent amount of exp and Dieck got the bosskill.

Unit	T1	T2	HP	Str	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapon
Roy	5.23	-	22	6	8	9	9	6	1	Sword - D
Marcus	-	4.22	35	11	14	11	10	10	10	Sword - C, Lance - A, Axe - D
Dieck	10.49	-	31	12	13	12	9	8	1	Sword - B
Clarine	1.90	-	15	2	5	9	8	2	5	Staff - D
Dorothy	3.86	-	19	5	6	6	3	4	2	Bow - D

fuck chapter 7

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now the annoying ones

Chapter 7 - 9 turns (40)

I hate life

Unit	T1	T2	HP	Str	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapon
Roy	5.96	-	22	6	8	9	9	6	1	Sword - D
Marcus	-	5.31	35	11	14	11	11	10	10	Sword - C, Axe - D, Lance - S 
Dieck	12.28	-	33	13	13	12	10	9	1	Sword - B
Clarine	2.18	-	15	2	6	10	9	3	5	Staff - D
Treck	5.16	-	26	9	7	7	6	8	0	Sword - E, Lance - D
Dorothy	6.53	-	22	6	7	8	3	5	2	Bow - D

Chapter 8 - 16 turns (56)

See above

Unit	T1	T2	HP	Str	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapon
Roy	6.78	-	23	7	8	10	9	6	1	Sword - C
Marcus	-	6.91	35	11	14	12	11	10	10	Sword - C, Axe - D, Lance - S
Dieck	13.13	-	34	13	14	13	10	10	1	Sword - B
Clarine	2.84	-	15	2	6	10	9	3	5	Staff - D
Treck	7.18	-	28	10	9	8	8	8	0	Sword - E, Lance - D
Dorothy	6.53	-	22	6	7	8	3	5	2	Bow - D

also 8x 11 stats later

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Chapter 9 - 10 turns (77)

Chapter 10 - 9 turns (86)

don't remember these too well

Chapter 11 - 9 turns (95)

this was a pain but with all of the good chunk of the villages, tate and her squad alive (same with klein although he's not needed) I'm pleased with this clear.


A few questions.

1.) Who should get my robe, draco and wing?

2.) Should I promote Treck/Dorothy now, if not, when?

3.) Is it worth attempting to build Dieck's axe rank?

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Chapter 12 - 8 turns (103)

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Took an extra turn for Astohl to reach the door. Dieck promoted turn 1. Tate chugged durability boosters and was fed kills.

Chapter 12x - 7 turns (110)

Rush to the throne, Treck with Dieck, Marcus with Roy. He actually didn't double the boss but managed to bring him down with some help for Treck/Marcus anyway.

Chapter 13 - 12 turns (122)

Somehow Dieck killed Percival with a random Iron Axe crit when I was going to recruit him. Oh well...

Chapter 14 - 7 turns (129)

Thany drops Dieck and follows behind with Roy.

So uh, since 14x is stupid with it's random paths, can we have it free up to 20 turns?

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While I wait for a response, another Elibe game.


Chapter 11 - 6 turns (6)

Standard with the gem.

Chapter 12 - 4 turns (10)


Chapter 13 - 4 turns (14)

Marcus and Hector go south, Oswin gets the village.

Chapter 13x - 7 turns (21)

Money and experience? I'll take some of that.

Chapter 14 - 4 turns (25)

Actually somewhat complicated. Marcus carries Oswin and rushes, dropping him in range of the south Cavalier turn 2. Hector kills the soldier near Erk so Lowen can rescue him, and drag him back to Merlinus to be recruited by Serra, and kills the Soldiers. Hector rushes south alongside Oswin and they kill Pirates. Marcus takes everything else.

Chapter 15 - 7 turns (32)

Erk gained a ridiculous amount of exp, and not much else.

Chapter 16 - 4 turns (36)

Marcus moves the cliff, Oswin rescues him. Florina take/drops Marcus over the cliff and Cantos away. Same deal for Hector, except without dropping him. Lyn and friends got the heavy spear and shopped. Wil missed a Myrmidon 3 times and almost died.

Chapter 17 - 11 turns (47)


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The craziest thing ever, that's what it is.

And SB, it's never been free before. I've never even heard of a request for it being free before. Get some more drafters to agree with you, then we'll talk.

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Chapter 17x - 3 turns (50)

Promoted Oswin. He's a bro. Florina talked to Fargus.

Chapter 18 - 3 turns (53)

Florina dropped Oswin to bosskill.

Chapter 19 - 5 turns (58)

Cleared out the center island, then Florina dropped Oswin close to Uhai, and 2HKOed him.

Chapter 19x - 4 turns (62)

Florina drops Oswin, drops him, takes Hector turn 3 and Oswin take drops. Oswin/Florina team for the bosskill, and Hector seizes.

Chapter 20 - 6 turns (68)

Held up for Legault because I might need him in Light, with this amount of units.

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Back to FE6 now.

Chapter 14x - 8 turns (137)

Yeah, I probably could have done better. But fuck this chapter. It should be free in future just due to the pure amount of bullshit it throws at you.

Chapter 15 - 5 turns (142)

Took an extra turn for Hammerne.

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Chapter 1 - 5 turns (5)

Passed up a 4 turn I could have got due to a movement proc to get the Life Ring for Leaf with Dagda. I fed him more exp instead.

Chapter 2 - 6 turns (11)

Not enough people to get the villages any quicker.

Chapter 2x - 19 turns (free)

Leaf became amazing. He got six levels. And procced move and build twice.

Chapter 3 - 6 turns (17)

<SB> guys

<SB> leaf ORKOed the chapter 3 boss

<SB> I'm scared

Chapter 4 - 18 turns (35)

All of my hate

Chapter 4x - 18 turns (free)

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu forgot Karin. Oh well.

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Chapter 21 - 3 turns (71)

No Paladin means I can't get a 2 turn. Unfortunately.

Chapter 22 - 4 turns (75)

I believe this was 4 turns anyway. Isadora takes Erk down to the boss and they team on him.

Chapter 23 - 4 turns (79)

Me=Lazy. Erk=Promoted

Chapter 24 - 2 turns (81)

Yay bosskill for Florina

Chapter 25 - 4 turns (85)

Lego goes south, Florina flies Oswin over the lake, everyone else guns for Pascal.

Chapter 26 - 11 turns (96)

Duhfend. Florina promotes.

Chapter 27 - 5 turns (101)


Chapter 28 - 15 turns (116)

Erk=A staves

Chapter 29 - 5 turns (121)

ERK FUCK YES. Erk rescues Florina twice turn 1, sending her as close to Linus as she can, so Isadora has a clear run at warp. Legault (still unpromoted because I'm stupid) helped guard Ninian, Erk killed the armors and nomads, and hammerned rescue. I swear to god he contributed probably more than Florina this map. Florina killed Linus with the Brave.

Chapter 30 - 3 turns (124)

Erk Rescues Florina, who rescues Hector and cantoes to the edge of Erk's range, so he can warp them next turn, Florina drops Hector and cantoes in front of Linus. She 2RKOes, Hector steps on the tile.

Chapter 31 - 11 turns (135)

why does denning have so much res

Chapter 31x - 5 turns (140)

wheee prep time

Chapter 32 - 4 turns (144)

Managed to get to the secret shop to actually get legs promoted.

Chapter 32x - 1 turn (145)


Final - 5 turns (150)


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Female Myrm

Name: Fury (imagine she's in FE5 and dismounted. Probably should have used Karin but I don't like her as much.)

Past: Orphan

Present: Strong

Future: Humanitarian

Prologue 1 - 2 turns (2)

Didn't intend on this happening. But when I dodged the first soldier I took the chance and killed Jagen turn 2.

Prologue 2 - 2 turns (4)

Lured both Cavaliers turn 1 with Fury. Ryan shoots Rody, and Fury heals up so Luke can suicide on her.

Prologue 3 - 3 turns (7)

I think I 2 turned it before but for the life of me I can't remember how. I think it was unreliable anyway so 3 with Luke taking the bosskill is fine with me.

Prologue 4 - 2 turns (9)

Ryan and Shiida kill the near soldier. Wrys moves above Shiida and heals. Rody attacks the other soldier from above. Fury kills the Archer, Luke moves next to her. Athena attacks Fury. A mook suicide on Fury, Rody continues his fight with the soldier, Wrys heals Fury, Shiida and Ryan assist Luke in taking the bosskill. Fury kills the last guy after healing from Wrys.

Prologue 5 - 2 turns (11)

Cavaliers duo the far hunter. Athena kills the south brigand while Ryan and acts as bait for the hunter and the thief. Fury kills the east brigand, Wrys and Shiida move. Myrms and Luke bosskill, everyone else teams the last 2 enemies.

Prologue 6 - 1 turn (12)

Draug and his pals didn't even get to move before I killed them.

Prologue 7 - 3 turns (15)

Gave Shiida the bosskill for some reason. Fury could have probably made better use of it.

Prologue 8 - 3 turns (18)

Yeah idk what feeding her the bosskill did she died anyway. Fed kills to Marth and Draug.

Chapter 1 - 6 turns (24)


Chapter 2 - 6 turns (30)

Arran chases down the Lady's Sword, Fury takes it and knocks wyverns into KO range for anyone on the team. Got Cord, the silver cavalier was a fuck though.

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Prologue - 11 turns (11)

Jungby (5) - Sigurd rushes Jungby, Cuan follows over north, picking a few guys off as he goes.

Evans (6) - Sigurd goes solo again because Cuan is near death. Lame. Midir gets the speed ring village.

Chapter 1 - 22 turns (33)

Sigurd buys a Javelin, Midir sells the Speed Ring and Cuan purchases it after clearing the arena.

Genoa (4) - Sigurd and Cuan kill something, Midir acts as bait and the others conquer just in time to save Midir's life, via Javelin chip and Silver Sword.

Marpha (6) - Ayra, why can't you just cooperate and not come back for me? I'm perfectly fine moving to you instead. Got Aideen conversations.

Verdane (12) - Damn I hate this forest. If it's not Jamka it's the stupid archers at the end that Sigurd couldn't double with the Javelin that screwed me over by about 2 turns. Cuan went for a village and Midir killed a bandit running after the undrafteds.



Chapter 1 - 6 turns (6)

Use bait, feed Cain kills. No Lance usage as I NEED armorslayer for chapter 6 this time. Also Wrysssssssssssssss

Chapter 2 - 4 turns (10)

Playing aggressive was the key to success. Shiida grabbed Castor in a fairly risk free way iirc.

Chapter 3 - 6 turns (16)

I hate the boss, and the chapter in general. Oh well. Forgot to save Julian so no Rickard =/

Chapter 4 - 7 turns (23)

Castor Merc, Draug/Cord Pirate. Screw those cavaliers and archers, but what's done is done.

Chapter 5 - 5 turns (28)

Kill everything around the boss then the boss himself with Mage Wrys doing most of the work on him.

Chapter 6 - 10 turns (38)

Couldn't go faster without any deaths. Jagen went Bishop, Draug went AK to chokepoint cavs. Missed the robe but running for it with Cain would have made bosskilling impossible.

Chapter 6x - 20 turns (free)

Spent time building weapons ranks. Cord and Draug hit D axes, Castor hit C bows, Marth C swords and Cain D lances. Jagen also built a ton of sword rank. Marth is still at base str =/

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Ch 1 5/5

Typical Rush strategy also got the Brave Axe

Ch 2 5/10


Ch 2x --/10


Ch 3 7/17

Forgot Warp.. OOPS

Ch 4 17/34

Did surprisingly well and the guards didn't spawn on top of my green units so HUZZAH

Ch 4x --/34

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Someone else make progress ._.

Chapter 7 - 8 turns (46)

Stalled Marth a little because I needed him to kill a cavalier. Jagen tanked a Ridersbane somewhere somehow with 1HP. Cain bosskilled.

Chapter 8 - 5 turns (51)

Everything gets easier from here, Cain is solid (aside from -1 def) and everyone having actual weapon ranks makes chapters like this a breeze. I meant to suicide Shiida recruiting Roger but she somehow lived. Cain and Jagen teamed the boss.

Chapter 9 - 5 turns (56)


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Chapter 10 - 8 turns (64)


Chapter 11 - 9 turns (73)


Chapter 12 - 7 turns (80)

1 space short of the boots so I bought some swords.


Chapter 16x - 11 turns (165)

Went back for a Restore staff. Tate completed her last level by attacking Dorothy.

Chapter 17 - 10 turns (175)

Winging it

Chapter 18 - 6 turns (181)

I think

Chapter 19 - 5 turns (186)


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P: 4

1: 3

2: 4

3: 3

4: 2

5: 6

6: 5

7: 8

8: 8

9: 5

10: 7

11: 5

12: 8

13: 10

14: 2

15: 2

16: 5

17-1: 2

17-2: 3

17-3: 10

17-4: 1

18: 6

19: 2

20: 2

21: 6

22: 1

23: 6

24: 4

25: 4

26: 5

27: 4+1

28: 4

F: 2

Total TC: 149

If you need an explanation for a chapter, let me know.

Having both Jill and Kieran made this an easy run, once I got out of the early game (Ch.7 will always be painful hngggg). Tormod kinda took the spot as the third MVP due to seige bombs, and was crucial for quicker clears of Ch.20, Ch.22 and Ch.27. Mordecai takes the spot as the fourth MVP due to Smite utility, shaving off several turns throughout the game. He was very helpful in Ch.16, Ch.17 (all parts) and Ch.21, and he really helped make up for the lack of a rescue staff. Titania was the early game crutch, and I don't think I could've done this run without her, even after the early game. Due to how incredible the team of Marcia+Kieran+Tormod+Titania+Mordy is, everyone else didn't do a whole lot. Nephenee did little bits of helping by shoving Ike, and while her combat was never bad, she didn't fight a lot of enemies. Ike was in a similar boat, and he was mostly fed BEXP in second tier (although he'd have some combat if he were ever dropped by a mount). Lucia was late game filler and didn't do much outside of killing things in Ch.25 when Kieran and Titania couldn't.

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Current Standings:

1st: Lucina (20 pts)

2nd: Serious Bananas (12 pts*)

3rd: Silver Harpoon (9 pts**)

4th: Jedi (0 pts)

Kopfjager (0 pts)

*Once Sharpy provides sufficient documentation; 10 pts otherwise.

**Once Sharpy provides sufficient documentation; 0 pts otherwise.

I am very interested to see how this plays out...

Oh, and Franz is banned. Just so y'all know. Damned errors... I am definitely getting a backup host next time, if there is a next time.

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Must... finish... FE... 6...

Chapter 20 - 6 turns (192)

I hate sleep staves.

Chapter 20x - 8 turns (200)

Fa OHKOes walls so op

Chapter 21 - 14 turns (214)

Tate had to backtrack for boots.

Chapter 21x - 9 turns (223)

Boots to Treck, Dieck, Lalum and Roy.

Chapter 22 - 12 turns (235)


Chapter 23 - 7 turns (242)



Chapter 24 - 16 turns (258)

Malte and Durandal have 2 uses left. SoS has 3. Fuck.

Final - 1 turn (259)

Roy gets danced and kills Idoun.

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