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YouTube is acting up for me.


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Actually as far as I've heard that if you're using Firefox then the most up to date flash is the opposite of what you want because it hasn't been working and I guess the best thing to do is go with the previous version instead. Either that or don't use Firefox? I've been using Firefox and when Flash started messing up on me I just downgraded my Flash x3

And if you don't use Firefox and don't have the most up to date Flash then upgrading it will probably help =3

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Actually as far as I've heard that if you're using Firefox then the most up to date flash is the opposite of what you want because it hasn't been working and I guess the best thing to do is go with the previous version instead. Either that or don't use Firefox? I've been using Firefox and when Flash started messing up on me I just downgraded my Flash x3

And if you don't use Firefox and don't have the most up to date Flash then upgrading it will probably help =3

Was it the 271 update that caused Firefox to do weird stuff again? I know there were issues when Firefox 14 was released a bit back.

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Was it the 271 update that caused Firefox to do weird stuff again? I know there were issues when Firefox 14 was released a bit back.

Oh wait there's a 14 now? I had whatever couldn't work with 13 x3

But yeah I don't think it was that then heehee

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I'm on the latest Firefox with the latest build of flash and I have no problems aside from a slow Internet connection. Try deleting Youtube cookies and clearing your cache.

I'm sorry I had only just found out that it was a different version from the latest after all XD

But yeah someone else said clear cookies earlier too, that could be it...

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Thanks everyone, I'll check this once I return!

Youtbe is pissing me off. They warned me about unproper video on a 2 seconds video of mine were there were two anime girls saying stupid things. What the fuck is wrong with that? Are they on fucking crack?

Could you please not derail my topic to whine about something irrelevant?

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Youtbe is pissing me off. They warned me about unproper video on a 2 seconds video of mine were there were two anime girls saying stupid things. What the fuck is wrong with that? Are they on fucking crack?

Just mirror that shit man. Solves all problems. I think. I haven't bothered to even try making any videos after my first one was deleted for copyright infringement.

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It didn't seem to work, I deleted my cookies (I accidentally delted all of them! :sweatdrop: Though I'm still signed in on here and YouTube and YouTube still has my video history. :mellow:) and apparently according to the Flash website I have the latest version, it says that Chrome updates automatically and the browser itself doesn't say it needs to update either.

On that note, since I don't seem to have mentioned it already, I'm on Chrome.

EDIT: Actually it signed me out now that I restarted the browser, I'll go check YouTube now.

EDIT 2: Nope, it signed me out but it's still acting up the same way! :|

Edited by CrashGordon94
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It didn't seem to work, I deleted my cookies (I accidentally delted all of them! :sweatdrop: Though I'm still signed in on here and YouTube and YouTube still has my video history. :mellow:) and apparently according to the Flash website I have the latest version, it says that Chrome updates automatically and the browser itself doesn't say it needs to update either.

On that note, since I don't seem to have mentioned it already, I'm on Chrome.

EDIT: Actually it signed me out now that I restarted the browser, I'll go check YouTube now.

EDIT 2: Nope, it signed me out but it's still acting up the same way! :|

Can you take a screencap of the videos before entering full-screen, and then take one once you recreate the issue?

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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Sounds like yet again , a problem has arisen due to Firefox.

Switch browsers to like, Safari. :p

Edited by Elieson
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Can you take a screencap of the videos before entering full-screen, and then take one once you recreate the issue?

Not really, it's not something that would show in a static image I'm afraid.

And it cannot be a Firefox thing, I'm using Chrome. I might try checking it with IE though.

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Okay, will do.

But before I do, if I end up having to reinstall Chrome, is there a way to recover my bookmarks?

Yeah, if it's anything like Firefox (if I remember right, it actually is very similar), it'll ask you if you want to remove your configurations. I recommend saying yes, because the issue *might* be due to any configurations you may have changed (doubt it, but there's a possibility), but you could say no and keep almost everything.

And of course, the easier option, back up/export your bookmarks:


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