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Another one down~


Well, the description I got was that he's basically a noble arse noble and a bit of an asshole.

Does he look like the annoying type you want to smack in the face? :P:


one of the eyebrows is bigger than the other!

and I think the pads on her shoulder are different? I dunno must be me though XD

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^ Er...whoops. I'll get back to that later. And yeah, I think it does look different...

I think someone already asked me how long I've been spriting but I forgot to answer. Um, it's been two years since I first started I think?

Don't really remember since it's been an on/off thing. I've had more time to practice this year, though.

That said, I'll admit I was downright horrible at first. 

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Another one down~ 


Well, the description I got was that he's basically a noble arse noble and a bit of an asshole. 

Does he look like the annoying type you want to smack in the face?   :P:

Oooh..he reminds me of...Daeron the Drunkard from the Dunk And Egg/A Song of Ice and Fire stories! Love it! Dat hair. hnngh.

Yeah eyebrow. other than that, fuck yeah!

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Another one down~ 


Well, the description I got was that he's basically a noble arse noble and a bit of an asshole. 

Does he look like the annoying type you want to smack in the face?   :P:

Yesssss dayum gurl

I'm not much of an expert on these things, but shouldn't his cravat be facing the other way given his body angle?

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Another one down~ 


Well, the description I got was that he's basically a noble arse noble and a bit of an asshole. 

Does he look like the annoying type you want to smack in the face?   :P:

Ehhhhhhhhh not really. It looks like the type where I'd stare and be like "pretty haaaaaaiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrr" XD

Your work is magnificent and it's been quite a while since I've seen topics have such a great start to them~ =D Well besides when a good spriter loses track of their other topic and starts a new one XD

I don't remember April being like this... or maybe he was always different towards me? *shruggy* But doesn't all trim look that light? XD But yes I guess a bit more shading could be used on at least maybe the left side of the collar trim. Maybe also the lightest shade on the strand on the bottom left~ It just looks like it would be covered in shade from the face or something =o

Besides that and what everyone else has said I don't really see anything else x3

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I'm not much of an expert on these things, but shouldn't his cravat be facing the other way given his body angle?
It should, and the second cravat shade should be darker, it is currently too light.

So that's what it was called  Yeaah, that makes more sense. 

Ehhhhhhhhh not really. It looks like the type where I'd stare and be like "pretty haaaaaaiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrr" XD

Your work is magnificent and it's been quite a while since I've seen topics have such a great start to them~ 

What if I make his face look something like Valter's--*shot*

But thanks :) And I'm probably like that too eheh... maybe that's why there's usually not as many problems with the hair since I stare at it so much~

Shade the mug on the left side everywhere, not just the face. Especially that blindingly bright trim...

Ehh. Now that I look at other fe8 mugs, the trim is a bit darker...well, thanks for pointing it out. 


Okay, a new one that I kinda got lazy on halfway through...and just started splicing things on. 


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Oh yeah that looks loads better. The cravat looks better and you fixed the eyebrow issue.

New Guy: looks like Davos <3 hes pretty great. My eyes are kinda bad so it could be me (again) but there looks to be a bit of jaggy shading on his scarf thingdeal. *shrug*

I really like that one!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Slow~ly getting stuff done...


This was based off of Agro's Briella sprite. Hair's probably...shaded unevenly?


Ehh...I originally started the first one for the splice comp, but then i kinda had one of those lazy weeks...

Then I went back to mess with that other guy. Mainly 'cuz his hair was bugging me...still kind of bugging me, but ehh. 

...I guess it's time to go find some more motivation? 

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The guy on the left, he doesn't have enough of the outline shade on his face. It looks off, being all the darkest skin color. The eyes look off to me too, what with them being straight, and Sain's face being tilted to (his) right. The cloak's end on the right looks a liiiitle bit off too. It kinda looks like it was taken from Pent, and he faces the camera. It looks inconsistent with the body and other end of the cape. Might just be me. The hair looks nice, though, especially the ponytail part.

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thecolors and shading of the face on the fist one look odd ò.O


this is the skintone you used; maybe the 3rd and 4th shades should be darker... ? I dunno XD

Oh, and I'd say you should use more of the darkest shade and a little bit of the outline color, since the skintone is supposed to be that dark

Also, adjust the shading on the forehead!

Edited by Ponih
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