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Ema Skye

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But Asaello costs turns and does nothing of value. If you say "They'll have one less unit than everyone else" (Even though they won't, because I'm not recruiting him), I'd like to point out we have two less units because Aideen and both her kids' subs. I'm not complaining about that, all I want is consistency in the rules.

Knuckles brought that up before the drafting started, to which I said something along the lines of "too bad". As for regards to the freebie, there was discussion between myself, Refa and Horace regarding what to do in that case, which was "free Ch.6 sub of their choice". If they didn't draft the character, why should they be penalized in terms of unit count? That's the difference.

Not to mention, the way you phrased this:

makes it sound like they can choose Laylea.

I'm OK with them getting a scrub like Dimna or an axe brother, but the simplest solution is to just ban him.

They get a Ch.6 Sub. They aren't getting Laylea or Hawk.

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Knuckles brought that up before the drafting started, to which I said something along the lines of "too bad". As for regards to the freebie, there was discussion between myself, Refa and Horace regarding what to do in that case, which was "free Ch.6 sub of their choice".

I wasn't aware that you had discussed it beforehand.

If they didn't draft the character, why should they be penalized in terms of unit count? That's the difference.

Technically we all drafted Asaello, but your draft, your rules.

Edited by Baldrick
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P: 13 turns clear = 13 turns clear

midair died to bring you this clear

and to bring fin the speed ring

some unfortunate enemy positioning cost me a turn

C1: 22 turns clear = 35 turns total

haha ayra astra'd sigurd

but he lived with 1hp


also baldrick you didn't pick me as a teammate because you wanted to win did you?

C2: 30 turns clear = 65 turns total





but i got the bargain ring and the knight ring and the fursuit ring

C3: 17 turns clear = 82 turns total

i think i've consistently lost every map by 2-3 turns relative to horace

also failed to get the restore staff :D no way will that bite me in the ass

C4: 25 turns clear = 107 turns total

it didn't

but you know who is a mofo






also tiltyu cleared the base arena

she's level 15 right now

C5: TWENTY-FUCKING-SEVEN turns clear = 134 turns total

roughly ten sodding turns spent keeping holyn and tiltyu together

hell, if I'd been perfect about it (wasn't quite) it still needed 48 turns to pair the two

fuck that

fuck it forever

couldn't even exploit jealousy or osmethne ;/

ok kill counts

SIGURD: 173 kills

FIN: idk

DEW: 10 kills

AIDEEN: 2 kills

HOLYN: 16 kills (nice job getting shown up by TILTYU you fuck)

TILTYU: 20 kills

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also baldrick you didn't pick me as a teammate because you wanted to win did you?

Naw I picked you because you are the coolest gen 1 player and do awesome stuff like

got the bargain ring

I thought it was impossible with our team

fursuit ring


C5: TWENTY-FUCKING-SEVEN turns clear = 134 turns total

I expected something like this would happen when I saw we got Tiltyu.

But I forgive you because I have the awesomest Tinny.

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C6 17/17

Relive get! Johalva recruited! Idiot Schmidt tried to cross the mountains, then turned back at the LAST ASDF SECOND instead of attacking Delmud who was in range. What is this. I didn't want to replay, so Johalva has no Hero axe and he'll be Julia's little beat-up stuffed teddy. Celice reaches level 19.

C7 29/46

Gave Delmud the Hero sword, on account of Daisy gives Celice another one anyway. This will bite me on the final turn when I need all 4 hits to connect with Blume at 80% hit rate. Luckily there is such a thing as map save. So the Scrub Squad heads for Melgen...and Celice catches up to finish off what they can't. Then the Scrub Squad heads for Alster while Celice goes up to Darna. Lynn joins and Celice heads down...just in time to help out clearing the last of the Alster troops after Linda's recruitment. I guess this is why they're the Scrub Squad. Julia got captured sometime during the battle for Melgen, but it's okay because I have Nanna now. Linda clears the Arena by Wrath abuse; Daisy got lucky with the Sleep sword and cleared 3 levels; so did Lynn thanks to Prayer; Nanna uses the Return ring and clears the Arena. Wahoo. Missed the Shield ring by 1 turn though.

Lynn cost me SO DANG MANY turns but then Linda didn't cost any at all because of that. And I had Celice moving basically max range every single turn and Darna is just so far out of the way argh. She'd better make up for her recruitment. Horace, what on earth did you leave on Corple anyway? I'm still missing a ton of stuff.


Scrub Squad will be handling the army next to base. Since I have no Warp, I'm going to run Celice up to defend Len* with Nanna. Then I'll try to skate him through everyone else on the way and I think I'll have to fight Ishtar too. Sigh. Linda is level 14 after the Arena clear though, so with a bit of luck I'll get her to promotion next chapter.

EDIT: Stats? What stats? I don't even have an image upload account on anywhere.

Edited by Kiriane
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I thought it was impossible with our team

Sigurd nailed the seize on Anphony with ONE TURN left on the Village and Fin trundled over to grab the Ring.


I expected something like this would happen when I saw we got Tiltyu.

But I forgive you because I have the awesomest Tinny.

The good news is, the extra time let Tiltyu promote (yeah it happened, she murdered the thracian squad) and then she leeched Holyn's 40k dosh to buy more shit on top of the, uh, 25k I think dosh she had herself. Therefore, Tinny!

Edited by Mr. Sparkles
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Chapter 2- 31/64 turns

To Heirhein- 10/43 turns

With some better positioning and/or Cuan/Fin I probably could have gone for the 9 turn, but as it is, 10 turn isn't bad. Sigurd rushed forward, talked to Lachesis, then made his way to uh...Berdo? Ethlin followed behind him, with Lex of course, Ethlin doing some returning early on and helping a lot with the healing. Lex was bro in combat, although he wouldn't mind a Pursuit Ring to make himself even more amazing. Ayra didn't do much, same goes for Diadora.

To Anphony- 6/49 turns

This...could have gone a lot smoother. Oh well! Sigurd and Lex take out the majority of forces, with Ethlin rushing in the end for some emergency healing (after being healed herself by Diadora). Ayra is still doing nothing. Also Ethlin got Elite, so good.

To Mackilly- 9/58 turns

I really got to learn how to do this chapter quicker. They wouldn't attack Lex which made things uh...kind of annoying; it'd help if I had someone slightly less indestructible so said person could draw all enemies towards him/her. Ayra actually came up later on, killing a few enemies here and there, although she didn't come out of it unscathed. Ethlin continues her romp through the villages with Diadora at side.

To Augusty- 6/64 turns

It would have taken less longer but it seems I aggroed the enemy horde too early. Oh well! Ethlin is at promo level, sadly Ayra is not (although I have ingenius plan to get her there next chapter), and Diadora is sadly leaving my team. For shame.



Hahaha, Ethlin beats Sigurd in practically everything, what a chump he is.

Chapter 3- 19/83 turns

To Madino- 4/68 turns

Ethlin is beating SIgurd in literally every stat except HP (which is a decently significant amount, although really it should only matter for Reptor), Luck (by one), And a nice DEF lead of 4 (Pretty bro). Anyways, Ethlin, Sigurd, and Lex rush up. Ethlin then Returns Sigurd back home so he can rush to Sylvail while using the amazingly wonderful Return Ring herself.

To Sylvail- 5/73 turns

Ayra was so bro. Took most of the Cross Knights on (I wish she dodged a little more though but oh well). Ethlin was also the best~.

To Orghall- 10/83 turns

Sigurd rushed to the pirate boss, while Ayra killed all of the pirates and Lex helped. Ayra also got the +3 STR village, Ethlin the +1 DEF one, and I prepared all of Leaf's future equipment. No Light Sword, but them's the breaks.


Chapter 4- 31/114 turns

To Thove- 16/99 turns

Motherfucking Dew. Sigurd basically killed everything because if he didn't, Dew would be attacked and take a penalty. Also Ayra and Lex should really get around to falling in love, I would abuse Jealousy, but I really don't think that's needed, and fuck effort.

To Silesia- 10/109 turns

Bumrushed with 3 characters, what strategy? Lex and Ayra really should get around to that baby making thing, but while they're at it, they help some chillds and kill some dudes. Ayra is too bro.

To Zaxxon- 5/114 turns

Sigurd rush, everyone else, hold off the enemy!


Chapter 5-

To Dozel- 5/119 turns

Hero Sword has crit, fuck bitches.

To Phinora- 10/129 turns

Turns out that when SIgurd is basically soloing the maps, he runs out of money fast. Had to have him visit both villages so he could buy the Knight Ring and get minimal uses on Tyrfing (which he had to fix because dumbshit Sleep Staff goons). 4 use Tyrfing so pro~. Also fucking Dracoknights cost me turn, but Ayra (who was way better than dumbshit SIgurd and Lex...god if I have to hear "Urgh...sorry I was horrible" or "Please let me die in pieces" one more time...) killed all of them. That Prayer Sword is so bro.

To Veltohammer- 11/140 turns

Well, that was obnoxious. Stoopid Reptor.

And that's it for Gen. 1! Team review time.


Saved all of the turns, basically soloed Chapter 4, yeah he was amazing and rammed 4 of his stats, why you ask?


Bro throughout the whole game, although his uber DEF did hurt his enemy phase in quite a few places. Also wow, I wish SIgurd or Ayra had his magic.


Also amazing! Saved all of the turns also with staff use and sibling crits and being actually fantastic at fighting in Chapter 3. Shame she didn't stay longer, I really needed more staff users on this team.


The best thing ever, suck it haters.


I liked her supermagic and Warp while it lasted...

Also, Sharpy, here's your starting party. And save.


Looks pretty OK for Chapter 7.


Wow, Celice is a scrub.


Celice even loses out to Skasaher, wow.


Oifaye is also amazing, making Celice the worst person on the starting team until Amid.

Well besides the face that Celice has Leg Ring and will become the best thing ever in Chapter 7 but who cares about that it's all about base stats apparently and nothing else.


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Annoynymous just looks even weirder.

C8 15/61

Celice runs up to Len* to defend it with Nanna. Light sword + Magic ring = 1RKO Javelin knights. He reaches Conote on turn 9 after killing Ishtar and Asaello. So much wasted time! Meanwhile, the Scrub Squad handles (after a few false starts) the army making its way toward Alster. They catch up after a bit. By which I mean Celice has long since forged on ahead and Nanna hangs around waiting for them. A quirk of the AI has all the Dragonsquads headed for their respective target castles, instead of hanging around to attack Celice, who consequently has a more-or-less straight path down. I do not get to pick up the Thief ring, it being several turns out of position. Linda and Johalva pick up civilians, Nanna uses Return, Daisy gets another village, Celice seizes.

C9 after arena

Johalva promotes. He might actually be able to do something now with bows. He also has pathetic skl, but can afford the ring for it and nobody else really needs that. Linda promotes. Warp get! Nanna and Delmud promote. Inventory management occurs. By which I mean Lynn gets the Knight ring and becomes 1.5 times as useful! The Elite ring, meanwhile, is sitting in the shop just waiting for Corple.

Celice has 16 spd and 9 res and is level 29. Fun times, man. Fun times.

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Goddammit CR

Now I cannot unsee it.

So, all I have to do to win is beat Kiriane by 24 turns. Simple enough.

Chapter 6 - 19/19

...26 turns.

Whatever, at least I have Beautiful Invincible Resire Julia now.

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You have Resire Julia. I hate you.

C9 11/72

4 turns to Luthecia, get Corple. It took 3 tries from the beginning of the chapter (the save after the Arena, anyway) to get a run where Hannibal follows Johalva up to the main castle instead of hanging around or going back into castle. Meanwhile, Nanna returns everyone and Delmud kills Altenna+squad to recruit Hannibal. On the very next turn, Celice (still moving at max range every turn) captures Grutia right at the edge of his range. Awesome! Corple warps Oifaye, Delmud and Daisy - not in that order - to his hometown and they pick up 5/6 villages. Yay. Took a few tries, but eventually I got Celice through to Thracia without engaging him in a duel with Arion. More yay. Julia leaves the team with her 13 use Relive at level...10 or something. She'll most likely be susceptible to Silence from either of my staffbots, anyway, who cares.

Oh yeah, Celice has 10 Res now. I'm holding a save at turn 8 in case my memory is wrong and I have to get the Julia conversation, which would add a turn to my C9 count for a total of 12. Is it even possible to go below 11 in C9? If so, how?


Daisy + Sleep sword = Arena level 6 reached. I am okay with this. Nanna and Linda reach level 30. Delmud, Oifaye and Johalva clear the Arena. Celice, as usual, just leaves the Arena for healing-on-the-go.

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If it makes you feel better I have no idea how to accurately spell anononononoymous.



Linda reach level 30.


Also the staffbots in C10 and F have 16 MAG. Tyrfing adds more than enough to give invincibility to the ones in F, but for Celice to have immunity to the C10 gauntlet he needs 11 RES + Barrier Ring.

Edited by Mr. Sparkles
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