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Ana's Updated Sprites


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Yeah, then ask for examples or pics if it doesn't make sense, or well move on I guess... agree to disagree? Just you know try not to take things personally. Most posts on these forums are meant to try and help, not attack... Hard to hear criticism sometimes especially if not worded tactfully... But hey, if we only listen and learn from those who say what we wanna hear/speak a certain way we miss out on opportunities to learn and grow.

Anyways. Keep working at it, nice to see you making some progress.

...geez, can you tell I'm working to be a teacher/counselor? :p

Edited by TheErrantShepherd
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What is the name of that color limiter/mugbinsert program? Keep seeing it being talked about as a way to check for extra colors...

Photoshop/paint shop have color counters too to fix that issue of leftover clone colors.

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Usenti is used most often for that IIRC. FERecolor works as well for counting colors, and also lets you edit colors individually without needing to manually recolor them.

And according to the handy dandy color counter, there is 32 total colors where there should be 15

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There, no more pointy jaw, if nothing else

You also have a fuckton of leftover colors in the face and hair especially. There are bits in the armour trim too.

Ugh, I guess I missed more pixels than I thought when I originally made this mug and recolored the spliced parts... Can you guys point out where the stray colors are? It's true, there shouldn't be a total of 32 colors in this.

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Ugh, I guess I missed more pixels than I thought when I originally made this mug and recolored the spliced parts... Can you guys point out where the stray colors are? It's true, there shouldn't be a total of 32 colors in this.

if you can't be bothered to find the colors why would any of us want to do it

--Pick your 16 colors (including outline and background)

--Use the Eraser method to change each color you want to a random other color

--The unchanged pixels are your unwanted colors, fix them

--change random colors back

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Obviously you would want to make a copy of the sprite before you do it, but that is one of the best ways to go about it. Making a sample of the odd colors out would help pick them out easier when going to fix the colors too

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I just requantize in Usenti or GraphicsGale; Ain't nobody got time for playing hide and seek with stray pixels, as the kids say.

You can also make your 16 color palette at the beginning of a sprite to save you a little trouble. Or just pull the palette of what you're splicing and replace as necessary.

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Even if your mug may have more than the 16 colors in your plans, it is still good practice, good habit to try to limit your colors to avoid potential stray clone colors and also to challenge yourself.

It also helps develop an eye for and skill in making colors and palletes... So yeah, its definitely recommended to try as there are always little tricks you can do to try and get under the limit. Like utilizing the same color for lightest skin tone and whites of the eyes, or using one of the darkest shades within the armor/clothes as well as in the skin tone for anti-aliasing.

Another tip is to use shades for multiple colors... Like if you have a grayish shade within a blue color scheme... It could also be used in a green color, or Greg... Or whatever might work... Try things out and you might figure out some cool tricks. The base mugs do it all the time.

...I gotta find a link to that Usenti now to try it myself. XD

Edited by TheErrantShepherd
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Yeah, even if your characters have more colors, it's always a good idea to try to limit your palette to 16 or less to give you a better idea of how you can distribute your colors. And even if you still want to use all the colors you want, it's still a good idea to use usenti every now and then so you don't have a bajillion colors like on Leyon.

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I made a Freddy sprite for practice and the match game contest. :3


I also wanted to challenge myself since Freddy has some pretty complex armor and such. As he says himself "hmm. A challenge"! ^^ I love him to pieces, so he was the perfect subject! I used the Sacred Stones Great Knight as my base.

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I made a Freddy sprite for practice and the match game contest. :3


I also wanted to challenge myself since Freddy has some pretty complex armor and such. As he says himself "hmm. A challenge"! ^^ I love him to pieces, so he was the perfect subject! I used the Sacred Stones Great Knight as my base.

Holy crap, that is amazing!

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I made a Freddy sprite for practice and the match game contest. :3


I also wanted to challenge myself since Freddy has some pretty complex armor and such. As he says himself "hmm. A challenge"! ^^ I love him to pieces, so he was the perfect subject! I used the Sacred Stones Great Knight as my base.

I think this is the best battle sprite ive seen from you. However, it may be my eyes cuz they are kinda bad, but the horse's neck armor looks kinda pillowy.

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Oh, thanks guys! ^^ I hadn't made a battle sprite in a long time either, so I'm glad I'm not rusty there!

Yeah, the horse's armor was really tricky, those ridges, errg. xP

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Oh, thanks guys! ^^ I hadn't made a battle sprite in a long time either, so I'm glad I'm not rusty there!

Yeah, the horse's armor was really tricky, those ridges, errg. xP

The gorget/throat guard on the horse is my favorite part. Reminds me of cataphracts.

I'm inclined to agree with Loki - This is your best battle sprite. (Though it's not 16 colors, cheater).

Edited by Siuloir
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It's not? Well, I wasn't really paying any attention to the number of colors I used, just trying to match it well with Frederick. xP

Let me see how many colors it has. Thanks though! :3

EDIT: I counted 24 colors. Well, it's not the most I've used. lol And I still like how the sprite came out anyway. :P

Edited by Anacybele
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