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Ana's Updated Sprites


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Time for Ike to give us a sexy show. :D


Done for his 10th anniversary this year. ^^ (even though it's still two months early, lol. I couldn't resist.)

I've seen people draw Ike shirtless before, but not sprite him this way. So I took my Ike mug and worked off of it. I had to alter the neck a bit to make it work, but oh well. I used Dieck as well as pics of muscley guys for reference. This is also my very first attempt at a half-body.

I did both a headband and headbandless version because Ike actually has a few scenes in my main FE fic where he's shirtless, but also without his headband. So I figured I'd tackle that now so I'd have the mug when it's needed for the comic series. And of course, Ike's headband kinda defines him. lol So I had to also have a version with him wearing it. XD

Edited by Anacybele
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His abs look pretty drawn on and the definition on the biceps is way extreme. the torso under the pecs is pretty flat looking too. Upper third looks pretty good. I'd lighten up the shading a lot on his near arm.

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Yeah, I don't know how to draw abs. Even while looking at pictures of them, I just can't make them perfect. xP

What are pecs? I forget. The human body has way too many different muscles. lol

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Well it's a lot better than I could do. Awesome.

And I have a joke that the headband almost never comes off. So he sleeps in it, and...romantic romps in it, everything off but the headband xD Which is fine, because Elincia or whoever would find that sexy lol. Maybe he even showers in it.

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Heh, in my headcanon, PoR Ike wears it to keep his hair out of his eyes (it IS kinda long right up there on top of his head), but he got so used to wearing it that he still wears one in RD even though he's gotten a haircut since then (it's shorter there). So basically, he just wears it because he likes it and is used to it. lol

But I guess for you it's like Link's hat? XD

Pecs arent the area that cover the ribs.. Maybe the higher ribs/ sternum?
Pecs are the chest muscles

Oh, huh. Thanks for pointing that out.

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Looks better. Feel like more of the lightest shade in the torso would make more sense... Like... I dunno why is his torso so much darker than the rest of his body?

...not a bad job on the buff Ike though.

Edited by TheErrantShepherd
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Looks better. Feel like more of the lightest shade in the torso would make more sense... Like... I dunno why is his torso so much darker than the rest of his body?

...not a bad job on the buff Ike though.

I tried to add more of the lightest shade, but it just kept looking silly. ._.

Thanks, though!

Abs are too uniform. Real abs dont look like that.

I have no idea what you mean by "too uniform," but I looked at more references and pretty much copied them. References for eight-pack abs, that is.

Anything else to say? Like, did I do good or bad on my first go at a half-body or anything?

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when he means uniform he means they look really fake/ similar

topmost abs tend to be smaller and the bottom ones tend to be longer. The outline is really thick which also makes it look samey/ not so great.

Abs tend to on a whole be shaped like an oval, Ike looks like he has a box on his stomach. You only really get square-ish abs if you're on steroids/ 10000% muscle.

in terms of how you did, i guess its okay. Its nothing really special for being a half bod and pretty safe (no clothes. infinite references)

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My apologies, but I don't see the box shape or the top abs being the same size as the other. I know abs aren't box-shaped and I know the top abs should be smaller. This is what I was going for.

And not the response I was hoping for, but there's nothing I can do about that. I mean, I wasn't expecting anyone to say "OMG AMAZING" but yeah.

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Okay, I played around with the abs and torso a bit more anyway, trying to keep in mind what was said here. I looked at more references again, this time Googling "abs" instead of just "muscles." I also realized that I put Ike's belly button too low as well. lol


Better? :P

Edited by Anacybele
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I feel like his entire torso is too short and his shoulders could be wider. Right now his head feels too large for his body, which as the head is reasonably sized for a GBA sized mug the body needs to be bigger.

Also, the bicep should not be differentiated with such a dark line like that. It's better to show its definition with bigger chunks of shading. You should probably also pay attention to the lighting: since gba faces are lit on the right from our point of view, it's important to keep the light source consistent. If you don't mind, I drew a rough reference here regarding the anatomy and the shading (very roughly) on the arm, though the lighting issue also applies to the rest of the body as well. It seems like he's lit from the right on his face, but the left everywhere else, which creates an inconsistency.


It's not a bad effort, though. I can see that you have improved, and here's hoping you'll improve further in the future!

Edited by Thor Odinson
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If I make the shoulders any wider, it likely wouldn't stay consistent with my original Ike mug. I did change the neck shading some, but not drastically. Widening the shoulders would be more drastic.

And thanks, but I don't plan on editing this any further. I've started using the headband version as my avatar, and I wish to move on to something else now. I apologize that you've wasted your time.

Edited by Anacybele
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Oh yes, I certainly will. Because I do want to be better at drawing muscles, since I also would like to draw a shirtless Frederick someday. lol As well as some of my OCs who also have a muscular build to some extent. They vary though, they don't all look like Ike. :P I might actually go back to this Ike sprite in the future after all though. In fact, I usually do go back and touch up old sprites.

And your advice should be sound too, because aren't you an expert muscle artist?

Edited by Anacybele
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