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FE9 Cutscene Voice Acting

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In FE10, the narrative voice overs before most chapters would have been okay if they had not been used so frequently...exactly what was wrong with the silent text based ones from FE9 that made IS hire a voice actor to narrate I honestly don't know. Ike was slightly better but still pretty terrible. Skrimir was okay, Shinon was okay. Ranulf sounded like he had a very bad cold. Zelgius sounded like a bad cartoon villain. Rolf, Mia and Mist were atrocious. Boyd's battle grunts sounded like they were recorded by a ten year-old kid playing fantasy warriors by himself out his back garden. The memory scene voice actors were okay, except for Deghinsea whose voice actor sounded as if he was trying to force it.

Hey...dont be dissin' on my nigga the Narrator! Srsly, that guy was awesome. Except once...he pronounced Geoffrey as Joffrey. ....YEEEAH No. Now i look at our buddy, Geoff and think of this fucker:



But Narrator is the bomb. He ruled.

Ike in RD sucks. He wasnt fantastic in PoR, but he took lessons on narm. His whole "Is anyone there? ANSWER ME!" is cringeworthy.

I loved Tibarn's voice until he did the "TO WING BROTHERS!" because thats just silly.

Zelgius's voice was fine i thought.

Skrimir's voice was amazing. One of the best actually.

Ranulf was ok. I thought it was fitting because the voice sounds so cheeky.

Mist.......i already expressed my anger there.

Sephiran's voice was....omg...i was so pissed. HE DOES NOT SOUND LIKE A SIMPERING FOOL! Seven hells...

Deghinsea's voice was hilarious. I loved it for pure ham factor. "GOLDOA WILL NOT MOVE!!!"

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And I thought Rolf's voice was cute...

Dude. He's, like, a strapping, sixteen-year old lad. Who has shot and killed multiple people and will very possibly go on to shoot and kill even MORE people.

FE9 Awards for Competence: Greil and Elincia (I haven't seen the laguz council thing, if there's VA in that)

FE10 Awards for Competence: Ranulf and Shinon.

Everyone else was shit. I do seem to recall Ike being markedly better-voiced in the sequel, though.

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Hey...dont be dissin' on my nigga the Narrator! Srsly, that guy was awesome. Except once...he pronounced Geoffrey as Joffrey. ....YEEEAH No.

The localization team went with literal romanization of the katakana, regardless of what the actual name might have been based off.


It IS pronounced Joffrey in JPN FE10.

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The localization team went with literal romanization of the katakana, regardless of what the actual name might have been based off.


It IS pronounced Joffrey in JPN FE10.




Hes gonna be Jeffrey for me. I cant think of the Lord Commander of the Crimean Royal Knights and all round nice guy being....JOFFREY.

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I know, me neither. I just don't like it pronounced that way. In one of my stories, I even had him go by Jeff while in disguise, cause at this point, he doesn't want to be recognized, and the person he was talking to noted that it could be a nickname "for that there General Geoffrey from the castle." xP

No way am I just gonna change that now. lol I liked that idea too much.

Edited by Anacybele
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Actually Geoffrey as "Joffrey" is correct anyway. It can be read as either Joff or Jeff, just as Stephen can be Steven or Stefan.

Actually...no, not where I come from. My mother's uncle is called Geoff, and he pronounces it 'Jeff' ( his full name might be Geoffrey, actually, not sure...my family is too big for me to know these things). Same goes from a family friend on my father's side, although he IS called Geoffrey. Seems to have been quite the popular name in the 30s and 40s. But never in my life (prior to playing RD) have I heard it pronounced 'Joffrey', although it's not possible to rule out someone misinterpreting the pronunciation based on the spelling.

Stefan is not pronounced the same way is Steven/Stephen either. It's pronounced Steff-an, with an 'eh' sound, not 'ee'. It IS a non-English variant of Stephen, though, much like 'Johann', 'Jan', 'Jean' etc. are all non-English variants of 'John' or 'Jon' Snow. 'Stefan' is a name found in some Celtic languages/countries (most notably Wales) and also in German (Germay/Austria) (quite odd seeing as Celtic and Germanic languages are nothing alike).

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Actually...no, not where I come from. My mother's uncle is called Geoff, and he pronounces it 'Jeff' ( his full name might be Geoffrey, actually, not sure...my family is too big for me to know these things). Same goes from a family friend on my father's side, although he IS called Geoffrey. Seems to have been quite the popular name in the 30s and 40s. But never in my life (prior to playing RD) have I heard it pronounced 'Joffrey', although it's not possible to rule out someone misinterpreting the pronunciation based on the spelling.

Stefan is not pronounced the same way is Steven/Stephen either. It's pronounced Steff-an, with an 'eh' sound, not 'ee'. It IS a non-English variant of Stephen, though, much like 'Johann', 'Jan', 'Jean' etc. are all non-English variants of 'John' or 'Jon' Snow. 'Stefan' is a name found in some Celtic languages/countries (most notably Wales) and also in German (Germay/Austria) (quite odd seeing as Celtic and Germanic languages are nothing alike).

Indeed. Geoffrey is an Anglo name if i recall. And its always been pronounced as Jeffrey. I think the latter is actually a simplified version of Geoffrey.

Stefan, yeah. I have a cousin named Stephan. Its pronounced "Steff-an". I have a cousin named Steven and its yeah...I also have known plenty of people named Stephen which is pronounced Steven. Mmmhmmm.

So i really do think the Narrator was going "well...this as literal as it gets..." and just went with it. Cuz, if it was supposed to be Joffrey in the beginning, why would the localizers confuse the hell out of western players and name him Geoffrey? They could have just..named him Joffrey. (like that little shit in ASOIAF....) But since FE is kinda medieval, they probably were all "Geoffrey fits!!"

I dunno.....

Hilarious since i pronounced all the names right before Narrator came along. Except Begnion and Sothe.

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It's FE. I remember reading about the shitstorm on FESS (before my time, but there were logs) about "Vlad" or "Brad"... and then they trolled with "Aran".

It's like "Belf" and the meme-ifed "Vergil"... Take it with a grain of salt.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I thought the acting was in and out... going FMV by FMV...

The first one in FE9 - the VAing was generally fine except Mist's

Second one - lol wut

Third one - Black Knight and Greil's were fine (though Greil's were awkward at points, "Ike, stay back!" is the line in question that was)

Fourth one - bamf

Fifth one - Ike's VAing was fine, Mist's first line was good, but "Ike, look, up there!" sucked

Sixth one - did the job alright, I thought


First - Micaiah's was weird

Second - Shinon's was fine, Titania and Boyd had good voices too (although they were grunts)

Skrimir and Ranulf and Zelgius had terrible voices, Tibarn's was good until he projected

Ike's voice acting in the scene where he notices everyone frozen was okay at best... the final scene's voice acting I thought was pretty good though. Yune got a little weird at points but that's it.

(I don't remember the FMVs in FE10 that well, or at least the order, I just know there was a lot of random ones)

Sephiran's voice was fine, but Zelgius' still sort of blew.

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Personally, I never really liked the voice actor they chose for Ike.... His voice just bothered me. It gets better in RD, but it's still there.

Edit: to Anacybele, Lethe mentioned that she used a knife to cut food into bite-sized pieces, and to start her oranges because of her weak fingers. Tibarn's knife might have the same purpose.

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Actually, for those who are saying the grunts and whatnot sound great, it sounds to me they didn't change those at all from what they sounded like in the Japanese version. Try comparing them, they sound exactly the same =D

Titania sounded exactly how I expected her to so it kinda pleases me the way they did her voice as well~ Oh and Oscar too. Boyd sounded a bit different from what I thought but he still sounded pretty awesome anyway =3

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Actually, for those who are saying the grunts and whatnot sound great, it sounds to me they didn't change those at all from what they sounded like in the Japanese version. Try comparing them, they sound exactly the same =D

Titania sounded exactly how I expected her to so it kinda pleases me the way they did her voice as well~ Oh and Oscar too. Boyd sounded a bit different from what I thought but he still sounded pretty awesome anyway =3

Yeah. I never heard the Japanese that i can recall but its probably the same because no lines were had. Boyd sounded great because he sounded like he would have. "RRRAAGAGHH! YEAAAAAAAAHHHH!" Boydening. In your FACE! Titania's was good too because very much like how she would sound. Oscar has "Hup...hup...HUP!" Which is pretty Oscar. I think the only people who didnt have voice clips were Soren, Gatrie and Rhys. If Soren had been voiced....I shutter to think what they would have done there....deagh.

Sephiran's voice was fine, but Zelgius' still sort of blew.

Sephiran's thing in the Massacre narration bit was...bloody awful. That bit where he sees all the dead herons and is all "OHEGH THE PAIN! THE CHAOS!!!" and stuff. I cringed. Big time. I never cringed with Zelgius spoke. He got a bit awkward at times, especially in his memory scene (the one where he reveals hes a branded.) but other than that, i found him passable to good.

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Edit: to Anacybele, Lethe mentioned that she used a knife to cut food into bite-sized pieces, and to start her oranges because of her weak fingers. Tibarn's knife might have the same purpose.

Yeah, but Tibarn's is kinda big, don't you think? xP

And I don't get why some people here don't like how Jason Adkins did Ike. I really loved it! And trust me, I know a thing or two about acting. I learned from reading a mystery that has a heavy focus on the main character learning to act so she can have a part in a live-action movie.

When you act, you have to think about it as if it's really happening. Whether you're live-acting or just voice acting. You have to clear your mind of everything else and think of nothing except what's going on in the scene you're filming. If you're supposed to be confused, think about being confused. It might even help to think of something that confuses you as long as it doesn't distract you too much. When you voice act, it also helps to change your facial expression to fit the line you're saying. For example, if your character is angry and yelling at someone, you should grimace angrily as you shout. It'll make you sound more legit.

Granted, I'm not saying I can act well myself, as I have little experience at it (though my drama teacher from school a long time ago did compliment me on acting out an optimistic personality once, lol), I just know this stuff. It actually takes practice to get it right.

But Jason Adkins made Ike sound real. I'm not saying he was perfect 100% of the time (Ike's line of "the lord of the forest...is...returned" could've sounded better, for example), but for the majority of the time, he did very well. When Greil was killed and Ike shouted "Don't...don't leave me... Don't leave me! Fatherrrr!" I wanted to cry. I felt sorry for the poor guy, and I could sense the sadness in his voice. I also dug Ike's lines at the final cutscene of PoR. He sounded really comforting and encouraging towards Elincia, just as he was supposed to. Though, when he asked "What's wrong?" that could've sounded a bit better.

Now Adkins got even better in RD. Ike going "Somebody please! ANSWER ME!" Ike really sounded desperate and frustrated, as he was meant to. I wished I could help him (and answer him, basically lol). This is what good acting is meant to do. It draws you towards the character. If they're upset, you feel bad for them, if they're frustrated or confused, you wish to help them, and so on.

I thought Skrimir's voice was epic too, as was Shinon's and Ranulf's. I also thought Rolf's voice was cute, as I already said. Oh, and Boyd was epic too. He sounded like he was saying "HELL YEAAAH!" XD

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Honestly, I haven't listened to all of them, but the only parts that were unintentionally funny to me was the Greil was all "pfft, it's not like I actually need a sword to beat you, I'm the man who taught you how to fight. COME TRY ME, HIIIYYYAAAAA..."

And then literally gets taken out in one blow like, 9 seconds later. Well, that and Tibarn's "TO WING BROTHERS!", was pretty silly as well.

EDIT: Don't get me wrong, I still think the scene was very effective and tragic, just...that really was not Greil's smartest move in hindsight. I mean, I know one of his hands was maimed, but...he could still at least use a sword...right?

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I don't think he could use one well enough to fight the way he used to. He had to use two hands to wield Urvan while Ike could wield it with one like any of his other weapons. And those wooden practice swords were likely light enough for Greil to be able to train Ike.

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But it'd still put a lot of pressure on your arm to keep parrying someone's sword strokes, wouldn't it? And even so, I would think that if you have no choice but to use an axe against a sword user, you're better off just running away...or maybe Greil was afraid the Black Knight would follow them if he didn't fight him?

Honestly, the whole scene in general always confused me. It was almost as though Greil knew that he and the Black Knight had some unfinished business that needed settling, but, Greil didn't know who he was initially. And yet he's acting as though he's heading off for a fight when he's sending Ike to the fort so...I dunno, that always confused me. And I still don't understand why Greil didn't just turn and run when it was clear just how outmatched he was.

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I just think Greil really thought he could beat the Black Knight, no matter what weapon he used. Also, there was no way Greil could've known that the Black Knight's armor was blessed. Also, Greil might not have known who the BK was exactly at first, but he probably did know that he was one of the people chasing him, and Greil wanted to fight him in secret to protect Ike and Mist and the others.

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Yeah, but Tibarn's is kinda big, don't you think? xP

And I don't get why some people here don't like how Jason Adkins did Ike. I really loved it! And trust me, I know a thing or two about acting. I learned from reading a mystery that has a heavy focus on the main character learning to act so she can have a part in a live-action movie.

When you act, you have to think about it as if it's really happening. Whether you're live-acting or just voice acting. You have to clear your mind of everything else and think of nothing except what's going on in the scene you're filming. If you're supposed to be confused, think about being confused. It might even help to think of something that confuses you as long as it doesn't distract you too much. When you voice act, it also helps to change your facial expression to fit the line you're saying. For example, if your character is angry and yelling at someone, you should grimace angrily as you shout. It'll make you sound more legit.

Granted, I'm not saying I can act well myself, as I have little experience at it (though my drama teacher from school a long time ago did compliment me on acting out an optimistic personality once, lol), I just know this stuff. It actually takes practice to get it right.

But Jason Adkins made Ike sound real. I'm not saying he was perfect 100% of the time (Ike's line of "the lord of the forest...is...returned" could've sounded better, for example), but for the majority of the time, he did very well. When Greil was killed and Ike shouted "Don't...don't leave me... Don't leave me! Fatherrrr!" I wanted to cry. I felt sorry for the poor guy, and I could sense the sadness in his voice. I also dug Ike's lines at the final cutscene of PoR. He sounded really comforting and encouraging towards Elincia, just as he was supposed to. Though, when he asked "What's wrong?" that could've sounded a bit better.

Now Adkins got even better in RD. Ike going "Somebody please! ANSWER ME!" Ike really sounded desperate and frustrated, as he was meant to. I wished I could help him (and answer him, basically lol). This is what good acting is meant to do. It draws you towards the character. If they're upset, you feel bad for them, if they're frustrated or confused, you wish to help them, and so on.

I thought Skrimir's voice was epic too, as was Shinon's and Ranulf's. I also thought Rolf's voice was cute, as I already said. Oh, and Boyd was epic too. He sounded like he was saying "HELL YEAAAH!" XD

I guess you could consider that a valid argument if you ignore the facts that he mumbled too much (mostly in PoR), did the battle grunts poorly, and his accent was awful.

Then again, you can't really expect too much from someone whose primary profession is supposedly an athlete, and had never before done anything involving acting or voice acting (IMDB shows a couple of unknown films and shorts since FE).

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When Greil was killed and Ike shouted "Don't...don't leave me... Don't leave me! Fatherrrr!" I wanted to cry.

I wanted to cry too. Except it was for how horrible it was. You can have your own opinion, but I think that voice clip is notorious for the community of an example how NOT to sound when your father is in your arms dying.

Now Adkins got even better in RD. Ike going "Somebody please! ANSWER ME!" Ike really sounded desperate and frustrated, as he was meant to. I wished I could help him (and answer him, basically lol). This is what good acting is meant to do. It draws you towards the character. If they're upset, you feel bad for them, if they're frustrated or confused, you wish to help them, and so on.

Lip synch. "They're statues" doesn't fit with the "ittai" when his teeth show up. Even if it kind of did, it was mumbled.

FE9 and FE10 are notorious in this community for not being the best example of voice acting.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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