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So, I saw this conversation about Paris...


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Indeed, the game and endings support this yet the shipper without anything to support their cause feels that Ike should be with Elincia despite all evidence to the contrary, instead of Soren. It's a shame, I feel bad for those that can't withstand what is canon before their non-canon fanfic pairing.

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Indeed, the game and endings support this yet the shipper without anything to support their cause feels that Ike should be with Elincia despite all evidence to the contrary, instead of Soren. It's a shame, I feel bad for those that can't withstand what is canon before their non-canon fanfic pairing.

And so this pigeon flaps off proudly into the sunset having believed wholeheartedly he had taken the best dump on the chessboard that day...

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I remember there was a topic about this sort of thing on Gamefaqs, I jokingly suggested that Ike had genderbent!Soren, which actually had a few supporters. :lol:

That's always your suggestion/solution. Just admit already.

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The only thing it fixes is that they wouldn't need a surrogate to carry on Ike's legacy. They're still happy even if Soren is but a man.

I remember there was a topic about this sort of thing on Gamefaqs, I jokingly suggested that Ike had genderbent!Soren, which actually had a few supporters. :lol:

Hm? Well, Soren can use magic and magic can do many things... I'm sure if Ike asked Soren to become a woman than Soren would find a way because he always does his best to make Ike happy.

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That's always your suggestion/solution. Just admit already.

No it isn't, didn't you see the word "joking" in there?

To be fair, Female Soren solves everything.

And the idea seems to appeal to you, given your avatar change. :lol:

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The truth never becomes stale for eventually all must embrace it!

Ike just ran back to Daein for some Micaiah tail. Descendants.

Soothe already has that covered, Ike would never hurt his friends or have an affair with an already accounted for lover. Which is why Soren is prefect for him since Soren will always place Ike before any other.

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Soothe already has that covered, Ike would never hurt his friends or have an affair with an already accounted for lover. Which is why Soren is prefect for him since Soren will always place Ike before any other.

Who is Soothe. Also, no. Ike and Soren are bros, not lovers. So uhh, my pairing > whatever you're trying to shove down my throat

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I prefer Soren/Aimee.

He calls her beautiful, guys.

And so this pigeon flaps off proudly into the sunset having believed wholeheartedly he had taken the best dump on the chessboard that day...

This is probably my favorite line I've read in this thread.

Thank you.

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[ike + the unknown mother + soren + paris the descendant] can work a lot like

[asbel + cheria + sofia + the great grandson] in tales of graces, possibly.

Asbel and Sofia have an incredibly important bond (but it's non-romantic/non-sexual), Asbel marries Cheria in the end, Sofia (who doesn't age) spends her time with their descendants.

Although it depends on what Soren feels towards Ike's descendants, assuming that it is positive... then Soren can possibly be like ToGSofia, and watch over Ike's descendants. It would even also ease the most tragic part of the Ike-Soren relationship, which is the fact that Soren would outlive Ike; instead he'll have the descendants to trust as well.

*starts rambling*

However, I can easily also imagine (especially if they ever make a third tellius game set in a distant future that gives branded more sceentime), that at one point after Ike's death, Soren would leave Ike's descendant's sides as well, for the final option of the branded village where Stefan (as seen in the supports) makes clear that Soren will always be welcome. Also, because Soren wouldn't have to fight, "Soren never used his talents for anyone but Ike" epilogue would still hold, and the journey with Ike would still have been able to have happened. Paris, or someone else in Ike's line, would probably be an important character in that game as well. He may or may not be successful in convincing soren/some branded kids to join his army.

//making wild guesses now lol

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I would prefer that Ike's daughter got together with Soren, or Ike's son got with Soren's daughter. But that's beside the point.

Seriously, can this topic be closed now?

@Piko: That was actually a pretty good read right there.

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Who is Soothe. Also, no. Ike and Soren are bros, not lovers. So uhh, my pairing > whatever you're trying to shove down my throat

Soothe is the only one that she shows any interest in and gets with. Unlike the others its forced down the hardest as canon.

And yes, Ike x Soren is canon. I don't see Ike packing up and leaving with any of the girls or anyone else for that matter. Nope, just Soren his one true love! Don't be jealous that no woman can withstand Ike's love.

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Soothe is the only one that she shows any interest in and gets with. Unlike the others its forced down the hardest as canon.

And yes, Ike x Soren is canon. I don't see Ike packing up and leaving with any of the girls or anyone else for that matter. Nope, just Soren his one true love! Don't be jealous that no woman can withstand Ike's love.

Excuse me, but how is that pairing Canon? He has an ending with Ranulf as well and so far i've never heard intelligent system say which pairing is canon.

Just currious, but do you think Roy/Lilina and Eliwood/Ninnian are cannon too?

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No, Ranulf doesn't go on the same journey as Ike. Only Soren makes mention that they're traveling together forever while everyone else is left behind. No one else has that, for it was always Soren for Ike.

IS expects their fans to not require hand holding. Just like how Elincia x Geoffrey is canon, they couldn't heave spelled it out any harder. But since this is a FE game they had to include non-support endings for fans that don't pursue the canon ending for the pair. Also, unlike the other gba games PoR and RD cut down possible lovers and just left it as one for each character for the most part if even that.

So don't hate that they made Ike gay, it's a great thing that they weren't afraid to make a manly gay main character that wasn't stereotypically gay.

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Alright just wanted to hear your opinion.

I'm a bit annoyed though that you automaticly assume I have something against gay people just because I don't see the pairing as a fact. Like I said it isn't unlikely, but its just not cannon.

Well i'm done here.

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