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Hearts Mafia (Experimental)


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<Shinori> So.

<Shinori> Stop trying to lynch me

<Shinori> unless you want your whole team revealed

15:57<Shinori>: I'm not threatening other players.15:57<Shinori>: Lol.15:57<Delirium>: that is a lie15:57<Shinori>: I'm giving info to other players to have them not vote me.15:57<Shinori>: Oh really15:58<Shinori>: How is it a lie?15:58<Shinori>: Do you have logs that are 100% true?

15:55<Shinori>: Pssst15:56<Shinori>: You think that vote is smart?15:56<Shinori>: You have more reason to not vote me especially since i currently have nice info on you.15:56<Delirium>: ARe you going to threaten me now?15:56<Delirium>: oh wait you already did15:56<Delirium>: I'm fine with it15:56<Delirium>: thanks

Hoping this formatting works

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I admit I said those above things. So? I have info that info is beneficial to me as well as to other players. What is lynching me though going to do? Then you just lose your person to talk to for info? I have info and i can give you info if you are willing to trade with me. People chose to trade with me, they should have known what could happen when they told me the things they told me. I am free to use the info i learned against them, just like they could use the info they learned against me or other players. It's how a player chooses to play the game, just like you are trying to use the words i said to you to get a lynch against me. I could use the words X player has said to me to get them on my side. Or to get someone to not vote me.

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15:55<Shinori>: Pssst15:56<Shinori>: You think that vote is smart?15:56<Shinori>: You have more reason to not vote me especially since i currently have nice info on you.

Technically this part I stated You have more reason to not vote me. And that's true even without the fact that i have info on you specifically.

By the way reasoning for why blackmailing would actually be worthless has been stated in thread. One reason by me, second reason by BBM. Go back and read it and then answer why you think it even matters. Vague threats that won't be followed through wouldn't matter.

Interesting to know that you have an log from Scorri such as that. Why would she randomly tell you that I wonder.

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BBM didn't say i was blackmailing players. He said i knew alignment of players.

And that's because i do know about half the games alignment already. And I can make a good logical guess at the majority of the other players. Which is what I told BBM.

And Core is saying im blackmailing people because of his post with spoilers in it. He has something i said to him and something i stated to scorri. Which i still find it wierd that Scorri openly said something to him about it.

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But I'm not seeing how this "info" benefits anyone else. In the end, you truly only know about your own faction. Everything else is speculation basically. Plus, how do we know that the info you're giving out is honest or twisted a little? After all, I doubt that your own faction would want you revealing info about them. Also, I don't think "blackmailing" others will help out in this whole trust deal. In the end, I think that having an information broker of sorts like yourself is more detrimental than helpful.

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Just gonna state this.

Someone out there is trying to kill me, I'm sure multiple people are but that's beside the point. Someone specific is trying to get me killed but is trying to use a different factions kill. You should totes be wary of said person.

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But I'm not seeing how this "info" benefits anyone else. In the end, you truly only know about your own faction. Everything else is speculation basically. Plus, how do we know that the info you're giving out is honest or twisted a little? After all, I doubt that your own faction would want you revealing info about them. Also, I don't think "blackmailing" others will help out in this whole trust deal. In the end, I think that having an information broker of sorts like yourself is more detrimental than helpful.

In the end i truly know about half the games Guaranteed alignment. Because I found leaders during Cycle 0.

You don't but how do i know what info you are giving me is true or not either?

Who says I'm giving anything away about my faction? Not many people have asked me about this except for my alignment.


Tell me how Blackmailing in this game actually has benefits.

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Who would blatantly say that they are being blackmailed. Because it obviously means that someone has info against you that you don't want others to know.

And lol I think I learned something more from this small little conversation.

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>Claims if a person is trying to push for killing him he will give out info about person's faction

>Claims he's not blackmailing anyone

I'm not following this.

Also still not seeing how this is more beneficial than detrimental to other factions. It looks like others are agreeing with me if what you're saying is true about someone trying to get you killed.

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