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Your favorite game outside of Fire Emblem?


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So, outside of our beloved FE series, what games are your favorites?

My favorite non-FE game is The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. <3

That game is just AMAZING. The most amazing Zelda ever! I'd never been so addicted to a game from this series since the first time I played Ocarina of Time (which I don't like so much anymore, actually). I love the story, the characters, there's a good balance between the amount of main story content and sidequests, the dungeons are all totally awesome (I can't choose a favorite!), the bosses were fun to fight, and Ghirahim is my favorite villain in the series after Vaati. He seemed creepy to me at first, but I grew to like him a lot, and this is saying something. I usually get turned off by feminine-looking guys like him. I also love the Wiimote controls where you swing it in the same fashion as Link swings his sword. It feels so awesome, like I really am using a sword!

My other favorite series are Smash Bros. and Mario. I can't really choose between the three, though I know I like them all better than Pokemon. :D

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The World Ends With You (TWEWY) is awesome.

Other games I like include the Ace Attorney series, Scribblenauts, Super Smash Brothers, and Mario series. I would put Xenoblade Chronicles on the list, but I only got the chance to play the first hour or so of it.

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Favorite game series of mine that isn't Fire Emblem [which is Number 2] is Sonic the Hedgehog, I have so many fond memories playing the games when I was younger and playing the newer ones of today, other various series I would rank in my top favs would be Castlevania, Megaman X, the Tales Of series, Final Fantasy, Pokemon, Ogre Battle, Paper Mario [and regular] and oh so many more.

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The Suikoden series, no contest. Largely forgotten/unknown, but with a vast, expansive lore that puts most other RPG series to shame. While most RPG series take place in separate worlds (Tales, Final Fantasy), or they have blocks where a couple of games are in the same world and some aren't (Atelier, Fire Emblem), the main Suikoden series from 1 through 5 are all in the same world, though focusing on different regions (the Elder Scrolls series follows a similar format). It's got a ton of unique gameplay elements, such as collecting 108 characters, building up a home base, and several styles of combat (traditional party-based, one-on-one duels, army battles). Story-wise, it's sort of like Fire Emblem, although the plot is usually more mature and complex than standard FE fare. Highly recommended for anyone who wants to sample an excellent RPG, but good luck finding any of the games legitimately (the best of them, Suikoden 2, is not on the PSN, and goes for around $70-$100 for a copy. Luckily, it is a PS1 game, and you know what that means...)

And oh, Tierkreis doesn't count.

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Tales Of series. Hands down. I play them way too much (especially Symphonia.)

FE is actually a close second.

My other favorites are Zelda, TWEWY, and Kingdom Hearts I want KH3 dammit.

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My favorite Games outside of FE: (NOT IN ORDER OF PREFERENCE)

1) Okamiden.

2) Golden Sun 1 and 3 (Long story on why I have not got 2 yet...)

3) Pokemon White, Platinum, Diamond, Ruby and Soulsilver.

4) Ace Attorney series.

5) Dragon Quest 6 and 9.

6) Professor Layton series (The 6th one will be Layton's last adventure, apparently)

7) Heroes of Ruin.

Yeah, No Mario or Zelda- coz I am NOT a keen fan of either series, but I prefer Mario to Zelda.

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Pokemon is the only series I enjoy more than FE. The Uncharted Series comes in third, Smash Bros comes in fourth, and Madden/NBA 2K/MLB The Show/NCAA Football come in fifth.

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Some of my favorite Series outside of FE:

- Metal Gear Series

- F-Zero Series

- Tales of Symphonia (Haven't played the others yet)

- Legend of Zelda Series

- Mario Series

- Smash Bros Series

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Shin Megami Tensei

Although only the main games, DDS, and Devil Summoner.

Also, Etrian Odyssey because yes.

Why didn't I read the title better?

Then again everyone knows of my Vehement Rage towards FE so it isn't exactly hard to have a series I like more than it.

Then again video games have a knack of being completely terrible lately.

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The Suikoden series, no contest. Largely forgotten/unknown, but with a vast, expansive lore that puts most other RPG series to shame. While most RPG series take place in separate worlds (Tales, Final Fantasy), or they have blocks where a couple of games are in the same world and some aren't (Atelier, Fire Emblem), the main Suikoden series from 1 through 5 are all in the same world, though focusing on different regions (the Elder Scrolls series follows a similar format). It's got a ton of unique gameplay elements, such as collecting 108 characters, building up a home base, and several styles of combat (traditional party-based, one-on-one duels, army battles). Story-wise, it's sort of like Fire Emblem, although the plot is usually more mature and complex than standard FE fare. Highly recommended for anyone who wants to sample an excellent RPG, but good luck finding any of the games legitimately (the best of them, Suikoden 2, is not on the PSN, and goes for around $70-$100 for a copy. Luckily, it is a PS1 game, and you know what that means...)

And oh, Tierkreis doesn't count.

Good someone else likes this series too.

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Legend of Zelda (OoT, Wind Waker, Minish Cap, Skyward Sword)

Soul Calibur 2

Paper Mario Thousand Year Door

Smash Bros. Melee

Samurai Warriors Chronicles

Kid Icarus Uprising.

Super Mario Sunshine

Star Fox Assault

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I've been a Zelda fan since A Link to the Past. I always liked how the games were in general. The aforementioned ALttP, as well as Ocarina of Time, Link's Awakening, Majora's Mask, the Oracle Games, and Skyward Sword are among my favorites. (Though I'll have to admit, I didn't enjoy Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks as I initially thought I would. They're not bad by themselves, but... I will also add that I've never played the CD-i Zeldas, thankfully.)

Next up is Valkyria Chronicles, which is sadly underappreciated on this side of the Pacific. So much so, that the third game was never released outside of Japan. Content-wise, it's like Fire Emblem meets *insert favorite World War 2 game of choice*. The characters, like most characters in the FE series, have varied personalities, which helps add to the enjoyment of the game. (The second game had events that were akin to support conversations though.) And as far as leveling goes, every unit level goes up at the same time as each other, depending on which class family you decide to give EXP to. And tanks, weapons, and armor are upgraded as long as you have enough money in your pocket. And the story is mostly like that of FEs in general, but with arguably some more effort put into its writing. The graphics are fantastic, and the game engine that produces them (which is called CANVAS) really should be in more games.

[spoiler=I will admit, however, that if there's one thing that bugged me about the VC series outside of VC3 not getting a Western release,]it's the fact that neither of the games go in depth with the "Darcsen Calamity" during their stories. It was brought up in 1, and given a passing mention in 2. But, as far as I've played, that's where it ends. But you'd think there'd be at least a handful of characters that would know that the reason why it's called the Darcsen Calamity in the first place is because their cities were unjustly invaded by the Valkyrur, who curbstomped them during their invasion, caused much of the destruction to said cities while doing so, and made the history books paint pictures that depicted the Darcsens as the culprit behind the events of the Darcsen Calamity, and depicted the real culprits behind the events as the people's saviors at the same time.

Aside from those two, I enjoy a Mario game from time to time, same thing with Kirby, Star Fox, Pokémon, Metroid, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Sonic (Though I haven't played, 4 ep1, Colors and Generations. And I felt the series was going downhill after Heroes was released, though I did play Secret Rings at one point.), Half-Life, Portal, Metal Gear, Team Fortress, and various others.

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