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Anrimited Bureyd Waksu

The Joker

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I'm taking down all my finished sprites. From now on, I'm just gonna post Works in Progress that I need help with.

I've always been cool with people using my work provided that THEY ASK MY PERMISSION TO DO SO.

but don't worry, you're really not missing anything. There are loads of people more talented than me.

Edited by The Joker
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Not bad, not bad. certainly better than most first attempts. Hair's looking alright

Few things:

  • The darkest shade of the blue straps is darker than the outline, which is a big no-no.
  • Did you pull Lloyd's clothes from a JPEG or something? The colours are all screwed up...
  • You've used two colours for the outline where you should only have one.

Actually, looking closer...

You probably saved this as a .BMP, which photobucket automatically converts to a JPG in order to conserve bandwidth--BMPs are huge by comparison. Best option would be to resave it as a PNG and upload it to photobucket again. JPG isn't a problem for most images but it screws up the colours and is horrific for spriting (basically you don't want to ever use JPG for spriting, period).

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At first glance, Guan Yu looks ok but...


Pink Circle. Random stray purple pixel of doom.

Orange Circle. Some shading weirdness. It needs to be cleaned up.

Grey Circle. Theres random blue in there and no real shading where his beard touches his clothes. Plus some strange white pixel weirdness happening in his beard.

Green Circles. Again with beard shading issues. On the circle on the right, theres too much chunky brown outline.

Clean him up and he'll be pretty great! Nice attempt!

Edited by Jon Snow
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Pink Circle. Random stray purple pixel of doom.

must be leftovers from Duessel's sprites. cleaned it up.

Orange Circle. Some shading weirdness. It needs to be cleaned up.

I tried to clean that up as best as I could

Grey Circle. Theres random blue in there and no real shading where his beard touches his clothes. Plus some strange white pixel weirdness happening in his beard.

traces from when I cropped Athos' beard. xD I tried fixing the shading but I'm not sure if I did a good enough job.

Green Circles. Again with beard shading issues. On the circle on the right, theres too much chunky brown outline.

Clean him up and he'll be pretty great! Nice attempt!

I think I got those covered now. I think...

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It does look much better!

However something is bugging me about his beard. The right (our right) side of it where it comes down from the side of his face doesnt look connected to the rest of his beard. O_o Im not sure if thats actually a part of his character design or not...*shrug*

Edited by Jon Snow
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that's actually a part of his design. ^^;

Well, from the reference picture I used, beard from his chin and the side of his head parted. What was just emphasized

was that the beard from his chin was really long. the other side still bugs me and I still dont know how to start with it.

I also made some changes with my first work and hopefully it made some improvements. xD

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Your FC has a nice design, but his head and body are very small. Put a mug from one of the GBA FE's next to it and you'll see what I mean. Also be careful with the shading - make sure you reference an official mug as you go. It's also to your benefit to smooth out your basic lines so they curve properly and aren't jagged. For example:


This will save you pain later.

In any case, good luck with finishing it! A first FC is always a challenge, but you'll only improve from here.

Edited by Astelaine
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Use only colors from FE8 or FE6/7 in a single splice. their levels of saturation are too different

Thanks. I'll keep that in mind but can you point out a specific work where I made that mistake? I'd like to correct thatif I could.

Your FC has a nice design, but his head and body are very small. Put a mug from one of the GBA FE's next to it and you'll see what I mean. Also be careful with the shading - make sure you reference an official mug as you go. It's also to your benefit to smooth out your basic lines so they curve properly and aren't jagged. For example:

This will save you pain later.

In any case, good luck with finishing it! A first FC is always a challenge, but you'll only improve from here.

Now that you mention it, his read really is small. Is there a way for me to enlarge his head without messing the pixels up?

Thanks for the tips

Edited by ninjamoeba
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Chop him up and fill in the blanks.

I'll try that the next time. I enlarged it on paint, then removed the excess colors.

I cleaned everything manually. x.x

Well, here's how it looks now. Is it still too small?


Is my other original character ok enough? No weird parts?

I appreciate the constructive crit.

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I'll try that the next time. I enlarged it on paint, then removed the excess colors.

I cleaned everything manually. x.x

Well, here's how it looks now. Is it still too small?


Is my other original character ok enough? No weird parts?

I appreciate the constructive crit.

Ear seems too big.

Other from that, what parts you've shaded are really pillowy. There had to be a light source and the turtle neck (or whatever you would call it) does not have one. Reference other sprites (Raven, Sain, and Oujay, to name a few) to see how the clothes covering his neck should be shaded. His face looks a bit overshaded as well (again, reference FE sprites), and the eyes need some highlight and stick out like a sore thumb (maybe try some anti-aliasing).

Good luck. :)

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Hey, I recognize that Vermillion up there. Aren't you a member of the DA spriter group? That mug is in the current contest. :o

yep, that's me.

Ear seems too big.

Other from that, what parts you've shaded are really pillowy. There had to be a light source and the turtle neck (or whatever you would call it) does not have one. Reference other sprites (Raven, Sain, and Oujay, to name a few) to see how the clothes covering his neck should be shaded. His face looks a bit overshaded as well (again, reference FE sprites), and the eyes need some highlight and stick out like a sore thumb (maybe try some anti-aliasing).

Good luck. :)

I'll see what I can do about that. Thanks.



just an update. I tried addressing what you guys said but I'm not sure I did a good job.

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bump for a small update on the Custom. Shading's still crappy so I just made more touches on the design.

I also changed the hair colors.

who's a good choice to reference for the hair shading? >.>


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T-t-triple post.

I'm not sure if this is allowed but I think in this case it is since it's an update.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

I've gone around and made a few changes to my other works. Some I've cleaned. Some I've finished.

I'm still open for crits to see if I'm doing a better job when I first started spriting.

dzdZ8.png changed the hair color. I dont know if it's better than red.

6sM2c.png I think i just need minor changes in the shading for this to be completely done. I referenced Zephiel because of the pose.

HWz1J.png another slightly finished work that needs little tweaking... probably.

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