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No ZM, I was just trying to stop that crap unfolding again.

That's not for you to decide, though. I prefer to think everyone in this thread is mature enough to know when to reply or when to stay quiet.
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Why shouldn't I say it? Is it some sort of incredible crime to want to NOT see this same shit all over again?

And not to mention that it's happened on such a whim before, pretty much nulling that anyway.

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So what if it happens? If something goes out of line, the mods will handle it. It's not any more or less of a crime than liking yaoi, yuri, non-canon, and even incest pairings in a fictional universe.

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So what if it happens? We get another fucking flamewar, THE SAME ONE WE ALREADY HAD MANY TIMES! Why are you defending it? Do I actually have to drill it into your empty skull that flamewars aren't a good thing?

And no, it's way more of a "crime" than liking gay or non-canon pairings.

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God, were you people really arguing about whether or not I would've or should've replied to that one post? For the record, I was never going to respond to it whether CrashGordon told me to or not.

And Red Fox of Fire is right that this argument is ridiculous and should end.

Just because I'm a heavy supporter of IkexElincia and a hater of GeoffreyxElincia doesn't mean I'm going to go saying something to every single person that posts that they prefer the latter. I'm more mature than that guys. You don't need to remind me when to keep quiet, 'kay?

Oh, and I apologize if I'm continuing anything, Red Fox, but I really felt that I needed to say this.

Edited by Anacybele
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haar x lyre

meg x oscar

jill x kyza

fiona x mordecai

shinon x ena

ike x ranulf

geoffrey x mist

gareth x elincia

brom x laura

aran x calil

marcia x oliver

soren x vika

makalov x titania

heather x lethe

sigrun x naesela

tanith x sothe

skrirmir x mia

LOL A lot of these seem so random! Especially as romances!

Don't you wanna explain any of them? xD I am going to guess your intentions though!

haar x lyre = uhhhh he's lazy and she kind of is?

meg x oscar = he cooks, she eats! lol

jill x kyza = both dutiful peeps and uhm.. she gains appreciation for laguz?

fiona x mordecai = lol i dun even know. He is a gentle giant and wont' crush Fiona even if she's super frail xD

shinon x ena = ??? she makes him change his racist way somehow???

ike x ranulf = okay, I guess they are very friendly and Ranulf likes to take care of Ike because Ike's so naive

geoffrey x mist = ??? He is knightly and Mist is uh.. swept off her feet by it?

gareth x elincia = ??? he's just loyal and strong guy.. and she is impressed?

brom x laura = he wants to ditch his wife for a young pure thing? LOL

aran x calil = he reminds her of Geoffrey who she first had a crush on?

marcia x oliver = she knows how to put up with constant bs from her brother, so she'll be used to Oliver's bs? xD

soren x vika = ??? she's calm and deadpan so he can't react negatively against her and that eventually get to his heart?

makalov x titania = unlike that other doormat, she can whip him into shape?

heather x lethe = lol uhh.. she's into girlgirls and opens up Lethe's mind to women. Plus they won't be in danger of making branded together.

sigrun x naesela = uuhhh.. she is principled and he isn't really and it's opposites attract???

tanith x sothe = ???? She uh.. helps him get over his fear of heights after Tibarn almost drops him to his death? >___>

skrirmir x mia = they are both energetic and random and love fighting lol

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marcia x oliver = she knows how to put up with constant bs from her brother, so she'll be used to Oliver's bs? xD

Blasphemous lies! Burn the witch!

We all know it's for two possible reasons:

1. Just as all people, both men and women, are swept of their feet by Oliver's sheer beauty.

2. Marcia's tired of Makalov's crap and decided to take the Farina route and marry into money.

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Maybe others.

Got some nice pairs right there. :P

My favorites are:










Shinon/Rolf (I see it more one-sided in PoR for Rolf)

Shinon/Janaff (After their A Support as of PoR)







Zelgius/Sephiran, goddammit.

Heather/Mia, just because.

Edward/Leonardo, at least a small bit.

I'm divided on Jill/Haar. Not sure how much I support it, but I don't mind it.

Most of those are not in order, btw. Only the first two.

- As for flamewars, they are BOUND to happen in a fave pairing thread. See, not everyone can handle video game pairings in a mature manner. If everyone in the world liked the exact same things, unique wouldn't be in the dictionary. And as long as there is no flaming against gay pairings, in which Heather would probably shank you for that, anyway, I will be uninvolved in such arguments. Not saying I'd flip a lid or two and throw around profanity, but I don't take lightly to people saying two males or females can't be together or that nobody's ever gay.

Yes, some people don't know how to take others' opinions well. Personally, I despise Ike/Elincia, but I'm not about to go hunt down every supporter and flame them. Gonna flame? Flame the pair with other people who don't like it. I support Elincia/Geoffrey, and I will be using that fact to discuss it positively with other fans and not waste time arguing with its non-supporters when hell, I could talk to that person just fine with pairings aside.

To hell with flame wars.

Edited by You Know Shinon's God
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I'm sick of flamewars too. I despise Geoffrey/Elincia, Ike/Soren, and Ike/Mia, but I don't flame anyone who prefers those pairs either. It's rude and people are entitled to their own opinions. Besides, why would I choose to argue with others when talking with other IkexElincia fans is obviously a better idea? lol

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I'm sick of flamewars too. I despise Geoffrey/Elincia, Ike/Soren, and Ike/Mia, but I don't flame anyone who prefers those pairs either. It's rude and people are entitled to their own opinions. Besides, why would I choose to argue with others when talking with other IkexElincia fans is obviously a better idea? lol

Which is my point. :P I prefer talking to people about pairs who also agree with my pairing choices than arguing about pairings when all pairs are on based on preferences and views. In my case, a lot of the time when I like a pair, it tends to be over a personal view. I usually end up being able to relate to the pair. But, well, you know. Fandoms and all that. So, like, Ike/Elincia totally sucks, and Ike/Ranulf's totally canon. But, oh! Ike/Ranulf sucks and Ike/Elincia's totally canon! Time for a fight! With absolutely no hard evidence or anything to support any claims! Yup. The fights that go down in pairing wars. In fact, they generally amuse me. Especially with Ike involved, since he's totally oblivious and probably has no idea what a relationship even is. The only person he's not oblivious to is Aimee, and she stated outright in RD that if she didn't act so open about it, he'd never notice. ...She's right.

Dem amusing flame wars.

Until they just get ridiculous and warrant being absolute insanity.

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Especially with Ike involved, since he's totally oblivious and probably has no idea what a relationship even is. The only person he's not oblivious to is Aimee, and she stated outright in RD that if she didn't act so open about it, he'd never notice. ...She's right.

I agree with this. Ike doesn't seem to understand love. At least the romantic kind. He clearly cares about his family and friends, after all. But anyway, I believe that just because someone doesn't understand what a romantic relationship is doesn't mean that they can't still fall in love. They can, they just fail to realize it until they learn what that feeling is.

I created a character for a fic that goes through exactly that kind of experience. He grew up hated by everyone he knew except for his father and a single friend, whom was a guy. His mother was never in his life and his father never ever mentioned her. But a year before the actual events of the fic, this character rescues a girl. She gradually falls madly in love with him (not just because he's the hero that saved her, of course. There's much more to it than that). They become good friends, and the character starts getting this warm, fuzzy feeling inside when he's around this girl and talks to her, but he can't figure out what it is. It's love for her as well. But he doesn't know it, because he rarely was shown any love before this.

This is just my belief and demonstration of how a person that doesn't understand what romance is can still fall in love, though. You don't have to agree with me if you don't want to, of course.

I will say, however, that when debating, I don't present something without evidence to back it up. I'm a Fire Emblem theorist that has investigated deep into the idea of IkexElincia (for both my fics and to find ways that it could still possibly happen), after all. I also theorize about other topics related to the series besides pairings, like the pasts of characters whom we don't know much about outside of their lives in the games, or why some characters have the personalities they have and we're not told why. Also what could have happened to some characters after the events of the games they appear in. Those kinds of things.

Edited by Anacybele
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I think as far as Ike is concerned, there's only one "love". And yes, I can see that with Ike. I can't see him knowing anything about it until he actually feels it for himself. A big reason I see him returning Soren's affection is because Soren had told him how much he suffered, and he was, in PoR, avoiding Ike after the first spilling of his past. Generally, I see a lot of times when people are ignored, they tend to try getting closer to the one ignoring them, and it usually makes them desperate to be acknowledged again. In Ike's case, he was ready to pester Soren until he answered. Clearly, it worked. But that's Ike for you. Pesters people, he does... Pester Soren too much, Ike, and even you might get a Wind to the face...

Of course, again that's only one reason. And I'm not here to get into the loads of reasons why I like it.

Honestly, I can see Elincia having an affection for Ike during PoR, but they had aboslutely nothing as far as I could tell in RD. In fact, RD seemed to have less of Ike/Everyone except Ranulf. I feel like out of all of Ike's relationships, the only one they really gave focus to was Ranulf, with a little of Tibarn. Ranulf practically took over as secondary main character (like how Soren was always there whenever Ike was in PoR. Ranulf seems to have taken up that position in RD). Actually, that might be part of the reason I stopped being okay with Ike/Elincia. I actually used to not mind it, and then I just didn't care anymore, then some things... happened - yeah, it's got to do with the fandom, too - andI just stopped liking it altogether. Doesn't mean I won't acknowledge it or crack jokes, though (like, supporting it. I had one before of Ranulf spying on them in the last PoR cutscene and, well... shenanigans.).

Rescue Romance! ...Yeah, too much TVTropes seriously will affect your vocabulary. And that was a double reference. My GOD (Shinon) they were right.

Haha. Well, it's not a matter of not wanting to (can't help those wants, after all). I understand entirely. I just felt in Elincia's case that she'd known Geoffrey longer, so there was more affection there. She even mentioned in PoR if he and Lucia and Bastian were to die, she would never feel joy again, even if she had Ike and the others. And in chapter ten, she was extremely pleased to hear from Kieran that he was still alive. That right there had me guessing, but it's also his devotion to her that got me. I also feel that for Elincia, it was Ike's group that was there for her when she had nobody and nothing else, so naturally she'd be close to them. I do kind of support Elincia/Mist, but that's rather irrelevant.

Wow. You're a LOT like me with all that. I do the same thing all the time - in fact, I'm working on a Shinon central fanfic (Surprise, right?) about his past and his present feelings - why he feels the way he does and about what. I'm including things like, his relationship with Janaff (which he seems to open up to Janaff through supports in PoR, but later continues belitting laguz in RD) and that he might be mostly prejudice against the beast tribes for any reason; why he dislikes Ike so much, why he wants commandership and his admiration of Greil... It's all being based on things I looked into from his supports, his dialogue (what with reading between the lines. Again, like his outright cruel comments about the beast tribes, when he yet still neglected to speak of the other tribes so poorly), and his relationships.

I even now still look into a lot of things from both games to figure things out. Hell, in the end, I found it seemed as though Ike nearly FORGAVE Zelgius, and then turned the blame to Sephiran for his father's murder (regardless of Sephiran's statement about Zelgius seeming to have done that on his own accord). In terms of pairings, I go fishing for the kind of things. I feel like there's more investigating to do for some than others, as some are obvious (at least, some of the ones I like are, and did become canon pairs with A Supports, confirmed with the Epilogue. Not just Geoffrey/Elincia, though).

One thing about canon pairs that upset me was Zihark. The English version of PoR has him claiming his girlfriend "left him", but the original pretty much flat out states she died, which essentially makes way more sense in his personality. I also did want to know more about them together.

Also, Ena and Rajion. The only time you ever see Ena, she seems so dull and plain by personality. There's also not enough to speak of about Rajion's personality, and we don't know much about their past together. We only really know they were engaged and he left to Daein to protect his sister and nephew. When he died, that scene is the only thing we can confirm of their relationship from PoR.

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Haha. Well, it's not a matter of not wanting to (can't help those wants, after all). I understand entirely. I just felt in Elincia's case that she'd known Geoffrey longer, so there was more affection there. She even mentioned in PoR if he and Lucia and Bastian were to die, she would never feel joy again, even if she had Ike and the others. And in chapter ten, she was extremely pleased to hear from Kieran that he was still alive. That right there had me guessing, but it's also his devotion to her that got me. I also feel that for Elincia, it was Ike's group that was there for her when she had nobody and nothing else, so naturally she'd be close to them.

True, Elincia has known Geoffrey longer than Ike. But that really doesn't automatically mean she must be in love with him. Not saying she definitely isn't, of course, but I can tell you that she might not have been from personal experience. I knew my ex for about four years before he asked me to be his girl. But this other guy I had only met a few months before this also had affection for me, it turned out. I loved both of these guys. But I picked the one I knew longer because I thought it was more fair to him and that I had more affection for him. But later, I realized that the one I truly loved was the other guy.

Yes, I could've most certainly loved the first guy more instead. But I didn't. I lost my chance with the other guy though, because by the time I broke up with my ex, he'd already gotten himself a girlfriend of his own. And I eventually got over those feelings.

And personally, I find Geoffrey/Elincia to be creepy, rather, because the two were raised practically as siblings. I'm usually not into knightxprincess pairings either, unless it's SethxEirika for some reason (they're the sole exception so far, no joke). I've always found heroxprincess pairs like IkexElincia to be much much cuter. I also like pairing characters that can truly relate to one another, and Ike and Elincia can. They both lost their parents to murder/slaughter, they both had leadership thrust onto their shoulders prematurely, and they've both had people rebel against them or dislike them for their inexperience (Shinon and Gatrie in Ike's case, and a bunch of idiot Crimeans, including a nutcase duke, in Elincia's). They also share similar beliefs and ideas and want to reach the same goal, yet come from completely different lifestyles. Sure, Geoffrey could and most certainly would help Elincia reach hers. But Ike and Elincia would grow stronger together. I've always believed that. Geoffrey already has plenty of experience. I always saw his relationship with Elincia to be more brother and sister-like. That's how they were raised, after all, and I believe this is why Elincia holds him and Lucia so dearly. If I was that close to a sibling or two, I wouldn't feel any joy anymore if they died either. Bastian, I can't explain. We aren't even told how she met him, though, so yeah.

But this is just my view. Feel free to pay it no mind. xP

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