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Fave RD Couples?


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Oh, no, I didn't mean that meant she was more likely to love him that way instead because of that. I just mean she's had more time with him, and her affection for him is a bit different than with Ike. It's that affection that I see turning into a different kind of love, because she knows the ins and outs of his character (like in their C Support, she knew right away he'd be against her fighting without him nearby).

Well, I can't say much for real relationships, since the one I'm in now is my first. I never bothered with high school romances or anything, so I never dated while I was still in school. And far as I could tell, nobody in school with me would've lasted beyond college to the point of living together and marrying. Plus, the relationship I'm in now I was asked out for, and we were good friends, and I just had an instinct to say yes. We hadn't known each other too long, but we'd become close pretty quickly. And now I know my instinct was the right choice, because I'm perfectly content with the person I'm with. I had plenty of people ask me out before, but I turned all of them down. Something about being with them just didn't sit right with me, and some of them I'd also not long for too long and was a good friend to. Plus, as least I know that if I broke up with my girlfriend, we'd still be best friends if not practically confusing people by our attitudes with each other that we weren't dating anymore. Though my biggest relationship flaw is easily that I get jealous easy, but that only started after I realized a lot of other people liked her... >.>

I do know Lucia was raised with her as a sibling, but I feel like it wasn't really stated her relationship was the same with Geoffrey. Plus, I can see them as kids with him always trying to bodyguard her from everyone in that over-protective young boyfriend way, and I find it kind of cute. Especially considering Geoffrey is oh-so-serious, and him trying to be serious while looking like a cute kid... well... :P Plus, some childhood romances can be cute. Technically, I think Ike/Soren counts for that, too. I mean, they didn't grow up together, but they were friends as children, even if they were seperated for a while. We know Soren went looking for Ike, but we don't know how much time passed between the search and the finding, so they could've either grown up together with Soren finding him years ago, or he could've found him not too many years ago.

I think Boyd/Mist MIGHT count for a childhood friend romance. Might.

I'm not really into those pairings, either. Usually I have multiple reasons for that, though. I do like Seth/Eirika, though, too. ...But I like her with Tana, Forde and Lyon, too. Oh, and Innes... Well, derp.

I guess I also feel main characterxprincess/ main heroine pairs are too common for my liking. I'm usually one to venture out with other pairs and avoid main characters together. Like Micaiah and Sothe. I don't like them together in a romantic sense, but as a family sense, yes. I see the potential for Micaiah and Pelleas a lot easier. Hell, he was already named king, and it was a bit obvious, including with the foreshadowing thrown out by Izuka, that Micaiah would be queen. If they married, their positions wouldn't have changed - at least his wouldn't have. He gave the throne to her, but he wouldn't have to do that if he married her and she was queen. But, I think that pair is adorable, all in all.

Well, a lot of soldiers apparently didn't want Ike having the General position, as Bastian stated in PoR.

But I do seem to prefer the opposites of that. Sometimes it's fine with me, but I think opposites help in my choices in the event that there's the potential for comfort and sympathetic understanding. Plus, opposite personalities complete a whole personality. Oddly enough, I can compare and contrast Ike and Ranulf all day, and I still love them together. Though, I love Ranulf personally, so that affects it a bit. Then I've been told that in person, I'm similar to Ike. Well, that's one happy-go-lucky reason for me.

Bastian... She probably attended a circus with Lucia and Geoffrey as kids one day, and... you can guess the rest from there. :P That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

ACTUALLY, that's the first thing I love about Ike being a main character in FE. He's like... the only main character who isn't a noble (well, he became one, but unwillingly, and was not one at the start. In fact, the complete opposite, like Oscar the Mercenary and Kieran the Royal Knight. Ike the Mercenary and AllThoseOtherMainCharacters the Nobles).

Of course I'd pay it mind. You're taking the time to explain it in a mature, agreeable fashion. This is what I LIKE to see. Interesting debates and discussions with people who dislike each other's preferred pair, but can discuss it without all the profanity and insults every other word. I've been to a lot of forums, and seeing this is a bit more rare. Especially since I only recently joined this site as of this post, and I stepped into this thread totally unaware of what would happen.

EDIT: Geez, I write a lot. D:

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Haha, I write a lot too, don't worry. It comes with being an author that writes long chapters. XD

I get jealous easily too. Especially since it seems like almost every guy I know has a girlfriend and every girl I know has a boyfriend and I'm left alone. I also have a habit of falling for guys that already have girlfriends...

Anyway, don't worry, what you say is understandable. You've got your views, and I've got mine. I'm personally not into yaoi or yuri at all and I've only ever been romantically interested in men.

And I agree, childhood romances can definitely be oh so cute. But, imo, not when the kids were raised as siblings. :/

Two of my Zelda OCs are childhood best friends and become lovers as adults (and even get married and have a daughter). They lived together as kids for a while, but only because the girl had no home before hand and the boy's mother let her stay with them because she needed food and a roof over her head. But to me, Geoffrey just felt more like a role model and big brother figure to Elincia. I find them cute that way, definitely. I was even thinking of doing a fanart of them as children. a ten-year-old or so Geoffrey giving toddler Elincia a piggy-back ride or something of that nature. Heh.

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Agreed. I get dissatisfied when my chapters aren't at least some 5000 words... e_e

I have fallen for/had a crush on plenty of taken people. Ah, lord.

I'm not INTO, either, technically. I go by character with character and give gender no regard. Especially because in real life, some people don't have a specific gender they can go by and are forced to pick one because of society. Almost like how Branded have to pass for being a beorc.

I would like to say I'm bi because I've previously liked men, but... nowadays, I'm only fangirling over fictional men and potentially being insane enough to fall for their personalties. In terms of real life, I've only ever really been exceptionally attracted to females, with a few male crushes. I do sometimes just go for saying I'm gay now, but as far as I'm concerned, I am my-girlfriend-sexual and nothing more. It's the whole sexuality debate too that gets me in arguments over pairings. Saying Ike/Ranulf or Ike/Soren sucks because it's gay just pisses me off. Not only does that NOT justify the claim of why it "sucks", but it makes any gay and/or bi person in the area react accordingly. Annnnd... in come the 1/4 pairing wars and 3/4 sexuality fights.

Sometimes I do feel that way. But again, I'm not sure Geoffery was raised in the same manner as Lucia was to her.

Actually, I had a pair of friends as a kid that my sister insisted I'd be with the boy (who I wasn't even as close to, for one thing), and they were like cousins to me. Suffice to say I haven't talked to said male friend in over a year (doesn't help he was sent to a correctional school).

See, that's adorable. ...Now try to think of Ashnard as a kid. Do it. DO IT.

All I see is a violent little boy hitting people with practice weapons and pretending to kill them...

...What the HELL did Almehda see in that guy?

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5000? Psh, I write chapters up to 14000 words long. Any longer, and I split them into parts or two different chapters all together. :P:

Yeah, if I think a character is clearly gay or lesbian, like Heather, I'd pair them up with someone of the same gender. I just don't know who I'd put Heather with, since no other female is hinted at all to be lesbian. Generally, I'm pretty straight, but I have no interest in having sex. My reasons are personal. I've never been sexually attracted to men anyway (though I do think some look or would look hot with their shirts off, hehe). Only romantically.

But yeah, I don't say Ike/Soren sucks just because it's a gay pairing. I just think the basis for it sucks. Fans seem to think a lot "Oh, they hugged, they must be gay!" or "they go away together in an A support! They must be gay!" It's stupid. Those things mean nothing. I'm not saying you're saying things like this, but I've been hugged by girls my age before. Doesn't mean we're lesbian. And their ending only states that they travel to distant lands together. Not that they are gay for one another. I've also seen men hug each other because they're just friends. It would be like me saying Ike and Elincia are in love because Ike took her hand and helped her out of her chair in the final cutscene in PoR. That's stupid too, because it only means that Ike at least cares about her, not that they're in love. Which is why I never use this instance as part of my findings.

All I see is a violent little boy hitting people with practice weapons and pretending to kill them...

...What the HELL did Almehda see in that guy?

I have no idea, lol. But I made a character kind of like that for my main FE fic. He's been bad since he was a kid. Seriously.

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I don't recall anything saying or hinting that Nephenee is a lesbian. And I'm not picking on Ike/Soren fans. I'm only picking on some of the reasoning they use. xP

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Well since this says fave RD couples, there aren't many pairing I can see happening or want to happen but this is mostly due to lack of character interaction besides interactions between main characters but I'll list what I thik could work.

Ike x random village girl (only outcome I can see for him for RD <_<).

Naesala x Leanne

Micaiah x Sothe (Heavily implied and end game character credits, of course I think I prefer Micaiha x Pellas but I just can't really see it happening).

Thats about all I can see happening for RD. <_< Now if this was for PoR I think I would have more pairings. XD

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Yeah, people seem to be more pairable in PoR because RD killed the support system. PoR made me love all the pairings I like right now, so yeah. Though, RD did make me like IkexElincia a little more after I played it. :P:

I mean, tall, handsome, and muscular mercenary hero and beautiful young queen? Just <3. I also thought Elincia saying "my noble Ike" in her part 4 endgame death quote was really cute too!

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I try thinking of "would someone read it if it's too long or short?", so I go from there. My longest chapter has been about 10000 words.

Yeah, well... I find sex to be a total turn off to dating. :P When I pair people off together, I'm by far not thinking about smut fanfics or RPs. Everytime I see "PWP" on a fanfic summary I'm like, "... :I How can you write that and live with yourself?"

See, yeah. That's not me. I hate when people assume the hug means they're together. Soren was bawling. Ike knew he needed comfort. And when I take that into consideration for the pair, I see it as developing it, not confirming it.

I think it's more that girls hug that way freely, and guys don't usually. It's not as normal a thing to see a hug just hugging another guy. I see the whole back slapping hugs and whatnot, but never a genuine, caring hug. Especially from people their age. That's usually what starts it, but I do look into their relationship a lot more than actions. I'm taking feelings into account much more. I can write a whole essay on why they should be together just going by dialogue and leaving out that hug. I mean, yeah, it's possible it could be a good reason. But it can't be the ONLY reason people give. Ike is also a very understanding and sympathetic person. So just using a hug alone isn't enough. And yes, they did leave together, but I think what gets most fans is that they left together and never came back,meaning they must have stayed and lived together until they died. And naturally, Soren would live a lot longer than Ike as a Branded. I can only assume he would have killed himself after Ike died, not because he was being an emo kid and was all alone and boo-hoo, but because he'd be alone without the only person who meant anything to him. The ending states "only person he trusted", so I can't imagine him having much else to live for if he left with Ike and Ike died. Plus, I can actually see him killing himself, not in a purely suicidal form, but in a friendship and family form, after all the Mercenaries died if he stayed with them and not Ike. They'd all be dead before him, and he'd again be alone. So I just see him going with everyone and being one of them in the end instead of that one guy who lived all alone for the rest of his days because he outlived everyone. Plus, basically everyone who even remotely had a connection to him were the Mercenaries, so... well... yeah.

Some reasons people leave for pairings are sometimes good, but they don't give anything besides WHAT happened. They don't look into it at all.

The ending actually said Soren lightly packed his things (like a call back to PoR when Ike says they both travel light) and left with the only person he ever trusted. I can tell it's the wording that caused some confusion.

That's usually what I see in Ike/Elincia's defense. He held her hand, he hugged Soren, he arrived together with Ranulf because, you know, the requirement to complete the chapter forces you to so the plot is saying they're naturally gay as they arrive together to save Skirmir from his idiocy (I joke about that, but never actually use it as a serious reason)... Ike is a polite person. He's nice to people. ...MOST people.

WARNING. BAD TERRITORY. I counter with Soren's death quote.

Maiden, they could always be bi. But personally, I don't think any of them are thinking about sexuality in the middle of war. ^^; I think love just happens gradually in such a case.

Nah, she's not making fun of Ike/Soren fans. 'Sides, I'm sure she'd expect me to go "FLAMEWAAAAAR" at that point. :P Because Ike/Soren makes me feel cuddly and warm...

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Soren wouldn't be entirely alone once all the mercenaries died. People forget about Stefan. Stefan invited Soren to live with him in the Branded village, and in their A support, Soren is interested in going there. I think this is the best thing for Soren, actually. I find his loyalty to Ike to be rather unhealthy. I mean, not that there's anything wrong with being loyal, it's just that Soren seems so attached to Ike that he never wants to do anything on his own and always wants Ike to be there to hold his hand (in a parent-child way. Not literally, of course). He acts like he'll automatically die without Ike, which isn't true.

If Soren goes to live with Stefan, he'll finally meet lots of people what will be his friend and not ignore him and leave him to starve. He can learn to be more open-minded and less of a cold-hearted douche that shuts everyone out.

I chose to have Soren live with Stefan while Ike traveled in my fanfiction. Soren returns alongside Boyd to visit Ike though.

Also, people forget that Ike can leave with Ranulf too. Ranulf's ending is entirely different if he gets an A support with Ike. I don't see the same number of fans assuming they must be gay too. It's always Ike and Soren. xP

Really, I like to just have Soren and Ranulf fight over Ike's friendship. Like in my fic, they fight over who's going to be best man in his wedding. lol

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I'm sick of flamewars too. I despise Geoffrey/Elincia, Ike/Soren, and Ike/Mia, but I don't flame anyone who prefers those pairs either. It's rude and people are entitled to their own opinions. Besides, why would I choose to argue with others when talking with other IkexElincia fans is obviously a better idea? lol



Isn't Nephenee a lesbian too? Heather x Nephenee OTP. I always thought Lucia was a lesbian too because in PoR she hits on one of the girls in her supports ^^'. And stop picking on SorenxIke OTP fans.

I...there doesnt seem to be too much evidence of that. There is ample grounds for speculation though. Its possible Neph like ladies...But it seemed to me that Neph hasnt thought TOO much about it. But her supports with Calill show that she may have thought about junk like that. Because shes embarrassed about her country ways. But that could be a more personal thing that came about not in the fear of not attracting mates. It could be just an insecurity.

As for Lucia, im not certain about her batting for Team Lady. She could be but she seems to take a shine to Bastian...

As for Heather, yeah shes definitely in Camp Vajayjay. :P:

SorenxThe Daein Throne! OTP!!!!!!!!!!

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As for Lucia, im not certain about her batting for Team Lady. She could be but she seems to take a shine to Bastian...

Liking Bastian doesn't exclude her from liking women, she could be bisexual.

If you don't think so, that's fine but I wanted to bring up that point.

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SorenxDaein Throne? I feel like, and always have felt like, that'd start ANOTHER war. Someone would find out he's the prince and be like, "AGHHHH KILL HIM BEFORE HE ENDS UP LIKE ASHNARD". And then the Greil Mercenaries step in in his defense, and then Crimea gets involved because Elincia wants to support her former company, and before you know it, we're back at war. Dammit, Ashnard, it's your fault again.

And yes. PROGRESS. People are evolving! Ashera, I hope you can see this!

Crash, I agree.

I don't forget Stefan, but he did upset me a lot with what he told Soren in PoR. He basically said the world is going to shun him. And they don't seem... compatible, I suppose.

Actually, it's kind of possible. If you lose your most important person, well... not everyone can handle that. Much less so if you're a Naruto character. Soren did kind of say that, though, in their RD supports. Plus, if it's what he wants, ya can't really change his mind.

He did get better though. Ranulf pointed that out in RD, what with how he'd charmed his way into one of the higihest positions in the army. I knew being around Ike would pay off!

See, I think IKE should've visited THEM. It's really sad that he just up and left, potentially without a word to anyone (they'd probably have tried stopping him, minus one Greil Mercenary who would be most pleased~). And then he's gone forever and doesn't see them anymore. For all they know, he could've been hunted and killed by losers who couldn't let things go. People who think the same as that lady from Talrega in PoR who insisted she'd kill the Crimeans, and if she couldn't, her kids or grandkids would.

Speaking of, JillxIke. I kind of support it, derp.

Really? I always figured people assumed the same. I know he leaves with Ranulf, but I THINK the confusion there was that it never specified Ranulf left WITH him, just that he left. Soren's ending states he leaves with Ike. Of course, I've always loved The Wandering King title I gave Ranulf, should Skirmir die and he A Supports Ike... -snort- Yeah, Gallia, your king just ducked out. You all should've known better.


Hee. I love doing that. He's so close to both of them I can imagine it making them both jealous. Like whe Ranulf shows up at their door in RD and Soren would just stare and be like, "...:I Damn you."

"Ike, a visitor for you."

-staring at Ranulf with such distrust-

Ranulf: e_e Well, now's my chance, I guess...~

Soren: o.o

--Cat fight-- -...not literally, Ranulf-

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Liking Bastian doesn't exclude her from liking women, she could be bisexual.

If you don't think so, that's fine but I wanted to bring up that point.

Well Maiden was thinking Lucia was a lesbian which is quite different from being bi. She could be bi. Either way it doesnt matter to me. I think people may get that impression because of her devotion to Elincia. She could be Elinciasexual or just sees her a younger sister.

SorenxDaein Throne? I feel like, and always have felt like, that'd start ANOTHER war. Someone would find out he's the prince and be like, "AGHHHH KILL HIM BEFORE HE ENDS UP LIKE ASHNARD". And then the Greil Mercenaries step in in his defense, and then Crimea gets involved because Elincia wants to support her former company, and before you know it, we're back at war. Dammit, Ashnard, it's your fault again.

And yes. PROGRESS. People are evolving! Ashera, I hope you can see this!

Yes it would start another war because Soren would have to usurp the throne from Micaiah. Daein loves their "Maiden" and would be all "BUT SHES THE MAIDEN AND AMAZING!" and Soren's camp would be all "But hes the rightful heir of the throne!" Plus Goldoa would get involved due to Soren being half dragon. Almedha would be all "dhfjsdfgjdfsjhdffs MY SON!!!" And Kurthnaga being Goldoa's king, isnt as neutral as his father was. He'd be like "I fight for my family!" Ena would be all "RAJAION'S NEPHEW! communist.gif" It also helps that Soren looks quite a bit like Rajaion and not Ashnard. :P: Greil Mercenaries would be all involved because if Ike is gone, wouldnt Titania be in charge? And if Soren is still with them....Second in command....

Begnion would probably side with Micaiah though for obvious reasons. Crimea...may go with Team Soren. Gallia is Team Crimea so they go where ever Crimea goes more or less. The other Laguz kingdoms..its unclear but they may side with their fellow Laguz. Either way, it would be one fucking interesting war and a great story!


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Yeah, Ike should've at least came back to visit his friends and family. Maybe attend his sister's wedding if she gets the ending with Boyd. >.>

But I came up with a theory about why Ike just up and leaves, and people have told me that it makes sense. But I won't get into it because it's not relevant to the conversation at hand.

Yeah, maybe, but people are still aware that Ranulf can leave with Ike.

And yes, having Soren and Ranulf fight is so much fun. :D:

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Florina, whether he had to usurp it or not, I think it'd start a war. And yeah, Alhmedha might go insane again if a war started over him. And if she tried taking him away, the Greil Mercenaries would all die from lack of planning intelliegence. Almehda, we are not surrendering him to you. Sorry.

Yeah, I had my suspicions as of PoR. He looked way too much like Kurthnaga and Rajion. And then Almedha shows up in RD... Yeahhhh. Doesn't help that Tibarn, in PoR, was saying he was saying the same things as his grandfather. "Oh, aren't you the clever you? That's just what the Dragon King always says!" Yeah, Tibby, that wasn't raising my suspicions at all. Nope. Not at all. ...Yeah, I called you Tibby. What are you gonna do? Huh? >:P

Well, Ike stayed until things "settled down". Meaning this could've happened before he left. Almehda could've reacted differently to finding out he's her child, acting upon that, told him the truth, and then, well... Yeah, Ike. You ain't goin' anywhere anytime soon.

As for Titania leading... I'd say it'd be a fight of who takes charge. Internal conflict in the midst of a war. Titania's always been second-in-command, but Mist should probably lead as Greil's next child. But Oscar was good enough to do so - he even took charge in chapter one of PoR, so we know he's capable. Then, there's the fact he's also been in the Knights... And then there's Shinon, who would probably be insistent he deserves it.

...FUCKING HELL. Anacybele, she says it'd be a great story. Why didn't I think of this sooner for my RP I wanted to put up? Hah-derp.

Yeah, that'd be NICE. He'd probably laugh at her later for crying, too, and laugh at Boyd for having to put up with it. Because he's Ike, and because he can. He has pointedly made fun of Mist before in PoR...

I personally think he dealt with too much at too young an age, but that's only part of my thoughts.

Surprising. I thought most people knew. =o

Indeed. Especially because Ranulf's the fun, joking guy and Soren is SO not. XD Ranulf'd be cracking jokes all day.'

Crash, WHAT. XD That was NOT what I was thinking at all, good sir. -flail-

Oh, dear. The topic turned into a conversation of hatesex.

I can see them getting along just fine, though. They'd act like a PERFECT married couple. If they don't already. Really, Shinon's hate seems to be mostly toward the best tribe, and he opened up a bit to Janaff, so I see it going from there. It would also be a lot of great character development for Shinon. Plus, I feel like a lot of people who don't like him now would like him if he finally accepted a laguz. I mean, it's true in his A Support he didn't say "sub-human". He was ABOUT to, but chose courtesy over it and stopped himself, saying "you guys". And I understand that he couldn't say laguz right away. He'd get weird looks galore and he'd probably never live it down. And it might seem like JUST a pride thing, but it gets annoying when people pester you about stuff like that; especially if it KEEPS going. So I really do understand where he's coming from there.

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Haha. Yeah, I'd thought of writing it too, but even though I write fics, I can only do one-shots, apparently. I've written lots of stories, and tried for plenty of FE pair ideas, but everything either got scrapped, I lost interest, or it got nowhere too fast.

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I've only ever written two one-shots out of all my many fics, lol. Just about all of my fics at least mention pairings though. Only a few actually focus heavily on them.

When it comes to FE, I mostly write Tellius fanfiction (which means most of the pairings I've written or mentioned are Tellius pairings). But I recently started an FE7 fic where Sain is the main character, so yeah.

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No. I did say in the past that I wasn't going to write a fic for FE7 or 8 until I beat them, but I figured I knew enough about Sain, Kent, Fiora, and the other characters that appear or have mentions in my fic to write it, so I started it. Plus, I love Sain too much not to write something about him! lol

But this is off topic, so I'll get back on topic. I think I might put some RhysxTitania hints and references in the next fic I write that they'll appear in. :3

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