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Life is lame


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My life is pretty neat, but I just think it's lame, boring, etc. Wish it were more interesting.

It's affecting me to the point I can't even do my school work right because of the lack of inspiration/motivation to keep on forward. I even have a hard time just going to school.

Edited by Soul
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Well, I really like to play Smash Bros. And I have a group for that, but he haven't done anything for over a month because they tend to be busy or something. I'm often disposed but they can't alot of the times. :/

I do Taekwondo 3 times a week (well, I'm supposed to anyway. not really going because I don't feel like it).

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That would normally work, but I don't see anything for the future.

I mean, I'm not trying to sound pessimistic and all closed-up, but I really don't see anything bright in the future.

Edited by Soul
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You're in a rut. Go do something different than what you always do, like you know, underwater hockey. Or something you haven't done for a really long time. There's a whole world out there that's not just Brawl and Fire Emblem drafts, you know. Or even inside your PC, there's a whole world that's not just Brawl and Fire Emblem drafts.

But I think underwater hockey is your best bet.

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You can always do programming! :awesome:

Don't catch senioritus yet. You will be doing yourself a huge favor if you just hang in there. Get ahead of your classes and then put them into a headlock and strangle them.

There is very little I can say to help you. The only way to make life less boring and lame is to get up and find something to do.

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Oh boy have i been there so many times... this summer was particularly gruesome... Partly because i made myself fall into it... In anycase, when it happens during school days, i would usually just wish to be in school. At least I'd be doing something interesting instead of being home doing nothing (browsing the internet doesn't count because at one point or another you are just refreshing pages every ten seconds or so hoping for something new...). Plus school was were i saw my friends as i never really had much of a chance of going out (or more like i chose not to [partly anyway]) nor to hang out with them (they lived far away, asking my family was useless and pretty much out of the question anyway). In any case, I'd say find something else to do, perhaps a new video game, join a club at school or do some fun project for your self.

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I felt like this a while ago. Just graduated high school and I was like "Now what." I felt like I hit a dead end in life at 18. I was bored with everything. Know what I did?

I took Life by the horns and slammed its face to the fucking ground. Then jumped off of its head and punched Despair in the face midair. On the way down, I high fived Hope. Then I held Depression at gunpoint. I went out and did some things I'd never done, and I've felt great ever since.

Edited by Roosterofdoom
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I took Life by the horns and slammed its face to the fucking ground. Then jumped off of its head and punched Despair in the face midair. On the way down, I high fived Hope. Then I held Depression at gunpoint. I went out and did some things I'd never done, and I've felt great ever since.

Awesome, bro. You just inspired me to continue with my fanfiction. Thanks.

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Oh boy have i been there so many times... this summer was particularly gruesome... Partly because i made myself fall into it... In anycase, when it happens during school days, i would usually just wish to be in school. At least I'd be doing something interesting instead of being home doing nothing (browsing the internet doesn't count because at one point or another you are just refreshing pages every ten seconds or so hoping for something new...). Plus school was were i saw my friends as i never really had much of a chance of going out (or more like i chose not to [partly anyway]) nor to hang out with them (they lived far away, asking my family was useless and pretty much out of the question anyway). In any case, I'd say find something else to do, perhaps a new video game, join a club at school or do some fun project for your self.

This. Totally this. Happens even now.

And I'm kinda pessimistic too. Hoping for a bright future sounds too optimistic for comfort. When we expect something awesome, it usually just ends up inadequate. Might as well not hope. Same thing about dating(never been there, but I can assume) it probably bring you too much hope that you can get real close. Better off not hoping and just tagging along.

We need something that makes us feel we've achieved success in it. It can be something minute but man it feels awesome. Let's say you don't play that much of sports. When you start playing it and improve, it gives you loads of motivation. That's how I feel playing badminton anyway. 'Course it doesn't have to be sports, just anything you've never done before.

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I'm right there with you Soul. I have no motivation with anything. I normally really like basketball, but that's not fun right now since it's mostly just grinding. The date game could be fun, but I go to a private school with a small group of kids and I don't have the emotional energy right now to get involved in drama.(Which starts so quick at this small school)

What are we supposed to do with our lives? Video games are fun but sometimes I just feel stupid wasting a whole day on them. School carries no joy or sorrow when I do good or bad. I'm stuck in a bad cycle right now. I think I hit it because I had my first job this summer.

Sorry if it seems I attempted to hijack the thread, It's just comforting seeing someone with the same struggle.

And I'm kinda pessimistic too. Hoping for a bright future sounds too optimistic for comfort. When we expect something awesome, it usually just ends up inadequate. Might as well not hope. Same thing about dating(never been there, but I can assume) it probably bring you too much hope that you can get real close. Better off not hoping and just tagging along.


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All you gotta do to get out of this rut is do something you haven't done before. Learn something new. New things are entertaining since they're unknowns and you don't know what to expect. This could be anything really, but whatever it is, it'll give you that "I can't wait to wake up tomorrow!" kinda feeling. Get out of the box.

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I feel like if my life changed into one that had a lot more excitement in it and whatnot that would only mean more drama or more tragedy ;~;

And I also feel as if some people take lots of things in their life for granted and just want more more more. But...

I actually have things to aspire to still so I can't say that "I like my life boring and don't feel like changing it just now and I feel that people should be feeling the same" because my life probably really isn't as "boring" as I see it or define it as. I don't live in anyone else's shoes so I can't just think that they might only be taking things for granted...

I have fun with my friends here and I have fun trying to aspire becoming a volcanologist and if that fails then I am gonna try aiming for house design next =o (or I haven't looked into how good of a job that could be yet) so I still have stuff I feel that I can do.

So yeah that's sad if you don't like your life the way it is =[ I hope life can become exciting for you as long as it doesn't mean/become the bad things I come to expect out of an exciting life =3

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