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Your favorite character of each class?


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Lord: FE9 Ike (Not really my favorite, but main characters' late promotions bother me, tbh.)

Imperial Cavalry: Tough. I'm personally fond of Sain, Seth, Amelia, and others.

Myrmidon/Swordmaster/Trueblade: Joshua and Lloyd

Fighter/Warrior/Reaver: Nolan and Barst; don't care for most of the rest.

Armor Knight/General/Marshall: Oswin, DOHga, and Gatrie.

Soldier/Halberdier/Sentinal: Aran by default, as I don't really care for his competition.

Mercenary/Hero: Gerik and Harken.

Pegasus Knight/Falcon Knight/Seraph Knight: Marcia. I like most pegasi though.

Dracoknight: Haar, Minerva

Archer/Sniper: Norne, Noire

Crt Magician: Miriel, Pent, Ilyana.

Priest/Cleric/Monk/Bishop/Saint: Laura, Natasha.

Troubadour/Valkyrie:Again I like most of them, but I'll say Mist and Natasha (again).

Dark Mage/Sorcerer/Shaman: Sariya. See the Soldier entry for why.

Dancer/Bard: :Ninian:

Thief: Anna, Legault.

Bird laguz: Naesala.

DAGRON laguz/Manakete: Nasir.

Berserkers and beast laguz were omitted because I'm not fond of the classes as a whole.

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Lord: Hector/Celice/Ike

Paladins: Oifye/Marcus(FE7)/Seth


Magic Users: Canas/Erk/Nino/Pent/Lleu/Pelleas/Athos/Lilina/Azel/Sets/Soren/Lucius/Hugh




Bows:Rath/Midayle/Wolt(for all the haters out there...please don't judge)/Rebecca/Wil/Sue/Jamuka/Gordin/Louise/Innes/Neimi


there's too many! i can't name them all!

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This is gonna be a long list.

Lords: Sigurd, Hector

Swordfighter/Myrmridon/Swordmaster/Trueblade: Ayra, Lakche, Rutger

Swordfighter/Mercenary/Forrest/Hero: Skasaher, Harken

Axefighter/Fighter/Warrior/Reaver: Boyd

Bowfighter/Archer/Sniper/Marksman: Louise, Shinon

Soldier/Halberdier/Sentinel: Levail (lolalliedunits)

Brigand/Pirate/Berserker: Dart

Armor/Knight/General/Marshall: Oswin, Gatrie

Thief/Assassin/Rogue/Whisper: Matthew, Jaffar

Horses: Lex, Fin, Ethlin, Percival, Sain, Seth, Franz, Titania, Kieran, Geoffrey

Pegasus/Falcon/Seraph Knight: Florina, Vanessa

Dragon/Wyvern Tree: Miledy, Cormag, Jill

Mage/Bard/Mage Fighter/Mage Knight/Sage/Archsage: Levin, Sety, Lugh, Brunya, Nino, Lute, Soren, Calill

Priest/Cleric/Bishop/High Priest/Saint: Natasha

Troubadour/Valkyrie: Priscilla, Ursula

Shaman/Druid: Ray, Niime

Beast Laguz: Muarim

Bird Laguz: Tibarn

Dragon Laguz: LOL

Refresher Units: Sylvia

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Lord: Sigurd

Mercenary: Raven

Fighter: Johalva

Myrmidon: Ira

Thief/Assassin: Volke

Soldier: Nephenee

Armor: Gatrie

Pirate/Bandit: Geese

Dracoknight: Altenna

Pegasus: Florina

Sniper: Shinon

Axe: Lex

Bow: Dayan

Sword: Aless

Lance: Cuan

Mage: Levin

Light: Lucius

Dark: Sophia

Troubadour: L'archel

Cleric/priest: Serra

Lion: Giffca

Tiger: Muarim

Dragon/manakete: Fa

Heron/dancer/bard: Ninian

Hawk: Ulki

Raven: Naesala

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Hmm... one for how much I enjoy using them, one for the character.

Lord: Hector in each case.

Cavalier-type: ZealotOscar for use, Kieran for amazement.

Myrmidon: Oh crap, I don't use many of these. Stefan for usability, FE6 Karel for the loveliness.

Fighter: Barst for use (crikey, he's good), Bartre for awesome.

Mercenary: Dieck for use, Greil for awesome.

Berserker: Toss up between Gonzo and Largo for personality, so I'll give Gonzo use and Largo personality.

Pegasus Knight: I'm going to cheat and say Elincia for usability, and then Marcia for fun.

Wyvern Rider: Miledy for use, Haar for being a badass.

Sniper: Duuuh, well I like the GBA sniper animations, but I don't think I actually care much for any of the archers. FE10 Shinon/Shinon again?

Genral: Oswin/Tauroneo (NB: Resolve General almost put Tauroneo ahead of Oswin for fun to use too)

Mage/Sage/Archsage: Levin. Levin. Levin.

Bishop: Ellen/Renault - Crazy luck and getting to do so much healing she promotes ages before anyone else makes Ellen very enjoyable.

Valkyre: Any Valk with canto, and then L'archel.

Thief: Asthol, for being a handsome devil. Utility-wise, any thief that joins early and doesn't get oneshot on the chapter they join is cool to me.

Laguz/Mamkute: Giffca, in both cases.

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Okay, for me.....

LORD : I choose Sigurd. He can kill and munch enemies by himself cool.gif. I like Hector, Ephraim, and Krom, too.

PALADIN : SETH! SETH! SETH! SIRIUS! SIRIUS! SIRIUS! Need I say more about that person?

CAVALIER : Kent, Hardin (FESD), Luke and Rody (FE12)

KNIGHT/GENERAL: Hmmm.....actually, i don't like this class. Maybe Draug and MU (FE12).

For General, reclass Sedgar (FESD). Look at that defense stat.

PEGASUS KNIGHT: Shiida, Catria (FE12) and Florina. Because Shiida has Wing Spear, Catria is a goddess, and Florina is the cute one.

FOOT HEALER : Lena (FESD) and Malicia (FE12).


ARCHER/SNIPER: Innes, Ryan (FE12), Wil, Rebecca, and Louise.

THIEF/ROGUE/ASSASSIN : Matthew and Gaia for the thief, Jaffar for the assassin.

MONK : Lucius and Artur

MAGE/SAGE: Lute, Pent, Nino, and Katarina.

MYRMIDON/ SWORDMASTER: MU Fem (FE12), Joshua and Marisa.



MOUNTED BOW : <3 WOLF <3 and Rath.


DANCER/BARD : Ninian, Leen, and Feena

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Lord: Sigurd for his ability to not suck

Cavalier-type: Hard to say when almost all games have 2-3 egually good canditates

Myrmidon: Navarre fanboy for life

Fighter: Garcia for being THE MAN

Mercenary: They are all the same...

Berserker: ...yeah I got nothing

Pegasus Knight: Shiida

Wyvern Rider: Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar

Sniper: Shinnon for not sucking that hard

General: Gilliam for that beard.

Mage/Sage/Archsage: Wendell because of the hat

Bishop: I have Rhys bias after the things he did in certain FE10 draft

Valkyre: Princilla I suppose

Thief: Sothe for purely gameplay focused reasons

Laguz/Mamkute: Volug.

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Lord:Ike :wub: (I really like Hector too, though)

Lance Knight/Blade Knight/Axe Knight/Bow Knight/Cavalier/Great Knight/Paladin/Gold Knight/Silver Knight: Sain XD


Pegasus Knight/Falcoknight:Marcia



Cleric/Bishop/High Priest:Natasha

Thief/Thief Fighter/Rogue/Assassin:Colm c: (but Volke's epic too)



Knight/General:....Gartrie, I guess?

Myrmidon/Swordmaster:can't decide between Edward, Mia, and Joshua





Wyvern Rider/Wyvern Lord:Cormag :wub:

Priest/Bishop/High Priest:Rhys


Beast Laguz:Ranulf

Bird Laguz:Janaaf

Dragon Laguz/Manakete:...Myrhh,I guess?

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Lord: Celice. Honorable mention for Leaf.

Horseknight: Matthis~

Myrmidon: Shanam for his lolz, never been too keen on myrmidons/SMs.

Knight: Lorenz the eyepatch MAN

Clergy: Lucius wub.gif

Mageknight/fighter: Miranda~ (even though Olwen/Eyrios are kinda objectively better but MEH)

Anima Magi: Hugh

Bandito: The Man whom Dagda Loved~

Horsebird: Tanith (though I never played the Tellius FEs. Became a favorite for no real reason)

Troubadour: L'arachel

Fighter: Cord, I like the concept of a high skill (and sorta defence in FE12) Fighter. Though Akaneia's hit formula makes skill just lolz.

Pirate: Geese

Thief Treasure Hunter: Astol

Dark Magi: Salem

Mercenary: Ogma~

Lizardbird: Minerva

Soldier: Aran (again, never played Tellius FEs but meh)

Manakete: Bantu mostly for amusement factor, kinda wish there were more male playable manaketes. :/

HorseMAN: Wolf~

Dancer: Laylea

Can't say anything about the Laguz so I'll just leave the list as is.

... OH and Bow Skittles: Jeorge

Goes to show how much of an archer enthusiast I am. colon-e.gif

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my opinions let me show you them


CAVALIER is ROGER for 4 reasons:

1: he is sufficiently bro

2: he is sexy as hell

3: life or death

4: cavaliers as a whole are just so bland for me

MYRMAID is FIR because fuck myrfolk for the most part fir is one of very few i like


SOLDIER is why is this a thing there are literally four playable soldiers in the series but NEPHENEE I guess?



WYVERNBIRD is actually TRABANT oddly but that's because wyvernbirds are so meh (miredy could have taken this though)

ARCHER is RONAN of course


MAGE is ASVEL I GUESS because most other mages i either dislike personally (fuck you maharaj) or don't tend to use



TROUBADOUR is L'ARACHEL most defiantly

THIEF is LIFIS because 18 bld lifis

MANAKETE is MYRRH because mamkute sounds dumb

but oddly mamluke sounds amazing to me

what is my brain?

NOMAD is SHIN because weeeeeeeee

DANCER is LAYLEA because boobies

ok shitty laguz go to the end




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Lord: Micaiah, Ike, Marth, Lucina

Cavalier: Titania, Astrid, Oscar, Cain

Myrmidon: Edward, Mia, Lucia, Marissa

Fighter: Nolan, Boyd

Mercenary: dont like any of them maybe, Gerik? If I had to choose one

Pegasus Knight: Marcia, Caeda, Fiora, Palla, Vanessa, Tanith, Elincia, Sigrun, Syrene

Archer: Ryan, Rolf, Neimi

THWOMP: Gilliam

Soldier: Nephenee

Mage: Soren, Tormod, Calill, Pent, Linde

Cleric: Lena

Troubadour: Mist, L'Arachel

Thief: Colm, Leila

Manakete: Nagi

Nomad/Ranger: Rath, Wolf

Dancer: Tethys, Feena, Nils

Cats: Lethe

Tigre: Muraim

Bird: Reyson, Naesala

Dragon: lol none

Sexy Wolf Queen: Sexy Wolf Queen Nailah

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Lord: Ike, because Ike

Social Knight: Sain, he's hilarious


Fighter: Boyd, defiantely. Followed by CHUCK NOLAN

Soldier: Neph, because broken

Mercenary: Ogma, he's freaking awesome

Pegasus Knight: Florina, because moé

Wyvernknight: HAAR MAN, because HAAR MAN


Armor Knight: Doga. He is not invincible because of armor, but because he is Doga. And he's the only one I regularly use.

Mage: Merric, all the way


Cleric: Lena, because she's useful

Theif: Volke, definately

Beast Laguz: Ranulf, just, Ranulf

Bird laguz: Tibarn

Dragon: Fa and Nono *shot*

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Lord: Alm

Sword guy: Rutger

Axe guy: Barst

Soldier: Danved

Horse guy: Marcus

Pegasus: Fury

Wyvern: Miledy

Archer: Briggid

Armor: Doga

Magic guy: Canas

Healer: Priscilla

Thief: Volke

Refresher: Sylvia

Shifter: Ena

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Lord: Ike

Myrmidon/SM: Like I even need to say. :Joshua:

Archer/Sniper: Neimi

Fighter/Warrior: Boyd (though I never use fighters)

Mage/Sage: Soren!

Cleric: Natasha (I'd have said Serra, but Natasha can promote into a Valkyrie, which = super cool, and she marries Joshua, which = even super cooler; I don't do Bishops)

Troubadour/Valkyrie: Mariabell

Cavalier/Paladin: Astrid

Nomad/Horseman: Wolf

Thief/Assassin: Colm (we'll see if Guire ends up replacing him)

Mercenary/Hero: Sevr

Villager: Cliff

Dracoknight/master/lord/whatever: Jill

Pegasus/Falcon Knight: Marcia

Priest: Celica (I know, her version of the class is completely different to everyone else in every FE game - all the others are male and can't fight- but I just don't really like any of the 'proper' Priests, and Celica's weapon set is my favourite)

Monk: Artur

Knight/General: Wendy (but, like Fighters, Knights are a no-go for me, so I hacked Wendy into a Soldier with increased caps and a critical boost - essentially a Halberdier)

Soldier/Halberdier: Nephenee

Dark Mage/Sorcerer: Sallya

Dancer: Olivie

Bird: Vika

Beast: Lethe

Dragon: Kurthnaga

Honourable mentions: Amelia because she's one of my favourites but she's the only unit of her class; Norne was just behind Neimi; Ulki was almost my favourite bird due to his actual usefulness, but Vika is all Snow Whitey and wears short shorts, so she wins.

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Why do people call Micaiah a lord? She doesn't have the class, nor is she the main character of the game she appears in (that would be Ike).

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Because she's forced in literally every chapter she appears in, she promotes by storyline rather than by item, she has her own Seize chapters, she's never allowed to die or it's Game Over, she has a significant role in the plot of the entire game, because ?

What do you want here? How is Micaiah not a Lord?

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Because she's forced in literally every chapter she appears in, she promotes by storyline rather than by item, she has her own Seize chapters, she's never allowed to die or it's Game Over, she has a significant role in the plot of the entire game, because ?

What do you want here? How is Micaiah not a Lord?

Other characters fall in these categories too (though only for a certain amount of time). Sothe also has a story promotion. I don't see your point. Micaiah is only usable for like a fourth of the whole game, she does not have the actual lord class, and Ike has way more play time and a much more significant role. She is a main character/commanding character, but not a lord character. Much like Geoffrey, Elincia, Tibarn, etc.

I really should have put a note in the first post saying that Micaiah will not be considered a lord for the purpose of the thread...

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(though only for a certain amount of time).

Thanks for shooting your own argument in the foot, love. Note that fitting one of those categories (or fitting them temporarily) does not make a Lord, but Micaiah fits all of them all the time.

You want to argue playtime? Micaiah is in (and forced in) 10 + 3 + 2 chapters before the Tower. That's 15. Ike is in (and forced in) 11 + 2 chapters before the Tower. That's 13. Micaiah and Ike are both forced for the Tower. Micaiah is in more chapters, forced in all of them, plays an equal (if not greater) story role, and is actually on the box of the game.

I really should have put a note in the first post saying that Micaiah will not be considered a lord for the purpose of the thread...

Will you ever stop being childish? Every time I decide to myself "hey, let's get along with anacybele today" you go and say some daft shit like this.

EDIT: Follow-up question: are we /allowed/ to count Runan and Holmes as Lords? Or both Alm and Celica? Each pair has to share the spotlight for their entire game (not quite in trs; runan has more time iirc) but, much like Ike and Micaiah, they never share chapters.

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Thanks for shooting your own argument in the foot, love. Note that fitting one of those categories (or fitting them temporarily) does not make a Lord, but Micaiah fits all of them all the time.

lol. No, I wasn't shooting any argument down except for yours. Other characters may not be forced or have to stay alive ALL the time, but they still are, and that's what matters.

You want to argue playtime? Micaiah is in (and forced in) 10 + 3 + 2 chapters before the Tower. That's 15. Ike is in (and forced in) 11 + 2 chapters before the Tower. That's 13. Micaiah and Ike are both forced for the Tower. Micaiah is in more chapters, forced in all of them, plays an equal (if not greater) story role, and is actually on the box of the game.

Are you sure about that? If so, I admit to being wrong here. Still, Micaiah lacks the actual lord class, and that's the one thing that keeps her from being a lord. Ike has had the lord class though, so he still is one. And Micaiah being on the box of the game makes no sense to me. Ike is the one that has to defeat most of the major villains and he has a more significant role in the plot. So why is he not on the box?

Will you ever stop being childish? Every time I decide to myself "hey, let's get along with anacybele today" you go and say some daft shit like this.

Having an opinion is not childish.

EDIT: Follow-up question: are we /allowed/ to count Runan and Holmes as Lords? Or both Alm and Celica? Each pair has to share the spotlight for their entire game (not quite in trs; runan has more time iirc) but, much like Ike and Micaiah, they never share chapters.

TearRing Saga is not Fire Emblem, so no. This thread was meant to be about FE only.

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Just because a character does not have the class lord, doesnt mean they arent a lord. Hint: FE10 Ike doesnt have the lord class either. He's hero and vanguard.

But Ike had the lord class in FE9. So he still counts as a lord. And FE9 Ike and FE10 Ike are both still the same Ike.

To be a lord, you must have the lord class or something that's the equivalent of such. It's common sense. Light Mage/Light Sage/Light Priestess is moreso an equivalent of Mage/Sage/Archsage.

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