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Your favorite character of each class?


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I think it was my fault, truth be told.

Well I think Ana kinda started it by saying "why is everyone calling Micaiah a lord?" She didn't mean to start an argument I don't think, but that's what started it XD Anyone woulda done the exact same thing you did.

Also as long as this doesn't get back in track, it probably should still be closed anyway...

Edited by Freohr Datia
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I don't wanna contribute to more arguments in this thread, but can't you consider accepting Alm and Micaiah as other people's favorite lord if they wish so, for the sake of it?

I mean, this is already a very subjective and opinionated thread as it is, you're asking other people what they think their favorite character for each unit class, however there are many different names for similar classes and different translations, so people just merge a bunch of them together according to their criteria.

I know you don't think Micaiah is a lord for your reasons, but can't you let people do so? While you don't agree with she being a lord, at least you can admit that their assumption isn't baseless - she plays a major role in FE10, and has a few links to nobility throughtout the plot.

She's the actual Apostle of Begnion by blood, but decides to stay in Daein and becomes Queen there. So she's both tied to nobility by blood and ending.

Alm is also tied to nobility in his game as the plot thickens, the only thing he and Micaiah lack compared to the other Lords is a class named "Lord" to be/to promote to.

If you're wondering, it is later revealed that he's the son of Emperor Rudolph of Rigel

Celica also lacks a class with "Lord" on it, but if having a class named "Princess" is enough, even though her plot importance is about even with Alm's, won't you consider allowing other people to choose Alm or Micaiah as their favorite Lords?

Think about it, you're asking other people about their opinions. It's okay if you don't agree with them, but as long as they make enough sense, won't you let them pass? I'd be totally okay with your stance if people were going around saying characters like BELF or DOZLA or WENDY were their favorite lords, but as long as they make a little sense, can you let it pass? This is a thread about opinions after all.

Anyways, I won't talk about this again. If you disagree with my point then just do what you want. Why is this discussion still going anyways? Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

Dat Marth/Anna conversation was best and should be pinned though.

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Firstly, I was never intending to be a jerk about anything. Only enforce a rule that I made for a thread that I made. Since no one seems to want to respect that and everyone only wants to force their opinion on me, I guess this thread should be locked.

I'll never consider Micaiah to be a lord and I'll never agree that it makes sense to call her one. Alm, I don't know for sure. I've never played his game, so I can't say much other than by my standards so far, he's not a lord either.

End of story. I'm done with this. People can do whatever the hell they want. I no longer care.

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Firstly, I was never intending to be a jerk about anything. Only enforce a rule that I made for a thread that I made. Since no one seems to want to respect that and everyone only wants to force their opinion on me, I guess this thread should be locked.


Also I see you completely ignored my post ;~;

I know I already said I give up but for once I might finally listen to myself...

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You need to stop being a big baby, Anacybele, and I'm sorry to say that. Read back to my post. YOU are trying to force something onto everyone else. The others want to argue for their own opinion to not be discarded and overlooked, which is what YOU do as well. You're acting like a control freak. You can't control how people think.

We're not asking you to accept Micaiah as a lord. Can't you just accept that some people do and not become a big crybaby whenever someone argues with you?

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Also I see you completely ignored my post ;~;

I know I already said I give up but for once I might finally listen to myself...

No, I saw it. I just didn't agree with the part that said nobody was trying to force their opinion on me. Because it sure seems like they are.

EDIT: Seoyeon: WTF? I have no idea what you're talking about. Where am I being immature about anything? Where was I trying to control how people think? I was NOT trying to make anyone agree with my opinion at all. If it seemed like it, I'm sorry, but that wasn't my intention in the least bit.

Edited by Anacybele
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Firstly, I was never intending to be a jerk about anything. Only enforce a rule that I made for a thread that I made. Since no one seems to want to respect that and everyone only wants to force their opinion on me, I guess this thread should be locked.

I'll never consider Micaiah to be a lord and I'll never agree that it makes sense to call her one. Alm, I don't know for sure. I've never played his game, so I can't say much other than by my standards so far, he's not a lord either.

End of story. I'm done with this. People can do whatever the hell they want. I no longer care.

Us? Force you? I don't see us forcing I see people entitled to their opinions wondering why your shoving your rules down their throats like your word is LAW, your ARROGANCE astounds me.

Sure you can consider Micaiah not to be a lord, Some of us to however consider her to be, nothing against you on that point.

And now your running with your tail between your legs and making yourself look even worse, lady I have a piece of advice for you, listen to other people and stop thinking that your opinion is the only one that matters. Good day

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EDIT: Seoyeon: WTF? I have no idea what you're talking about. Where am I being immature about anything? Where was I trying to control how people think? I was NOT trying to make anyone agree with my opinion at all. If it seemed like it, I'm sorry, but that wasn't my intention in the least bit.

Trying to change the thread's rules so Micaiah wouldn't be considered a Lord is a great place to start looking.

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Us? Force you? I don't see us forcing I see people entitled to their opinions wondering why your shoving your rules down their throats like your word is LAW, your ARROGANCE astounds me.


And now your running with your tail between your legs and making yourself look even worse, lady I have a piece of advice for you, listen to other people and stop thinking that your opinion is the only one that matters. Good day

Trying to avoid making this any worse than it already is is running with my tail between my legs? Even more lol.

And I never once said nor implied that I thought my opinion was the only one that matters. You people need to stop shoving words in my mouth.

Trying to change the thread's rules so Micaiah wouldn't be considered a Lord is a great place to start looking.

Wrong. I said Micaiah wouldn't be considered a lord FOR THE PURPOSE OF THIS THREAD. Not that she wouldn't be period.

Edited by Anacybele
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And I never once said nor implied that I thought my opinion was the only one that matters. You people need to stop shoving words in my mouth.

EDIT: For the purpose of this thread, Micaiah and Alm are not considered lords.

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Keywords: For the purpose of this thread. MY thread. Not someone else's thread. Only this one. People are free to list her as whatever the hell they like outside of this thread.

Edited by Anacybele
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Wrong. I said Micaiah wouldn't be considered a lord FOR THE PURPOSE OF THIS THREAD. Not that she wouldn't be period.

For the purpose of the thread or not, you tried to enforce your beliefs that Micaiah isn't a lord onto everyone posting in this thread by trying to make them not count Micaiah as a lord.

Just for this thread or not, you still tried to make people deny that Micaiah is a lord.

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I don't care that you don't think Micaiah and Alm are lords. That's fine. But what everyone's getting pissed off about is that you have the gall to try to force others to conform to your thread "rules".

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I don't care that you don't think Micaiah and Alm are lords. That's fine. But what everyone's getting pissed off about is that you have the gall to try to force others to conform to your thread "rules".

Aren't people allowed to make rules for threads they create as long as they're reasonable? I simply believed mine to be reasonable.

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Aren't people allowed to make rules for threads they create as long as they're reasonable? I simply believed mine to be reasonable.

If the majority of the people believe that Micaiah is a lord before you enforced your rule, you were being completely unreasonable.

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Aren't people allowed to make rules for threads they create as long as they're reasonable? I simply believed mine to be reasonable.

...and paid no attention to anybody who said they weren't except to whoop and holler that yes they were.

EDIT: also

Wrong. I said Micaiah wouldn't be considered a lord FOR THE PURPOSE OF THIS THREAD. Not that she wouldn't be period.

so why not?

Edited by Mr. Sparkles
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I don't see how, seeing as I'm not trying to change their opinion or anything. If I'm wrong, though, I apologize.

If people want to call Alm and Micaiah lords there is really no reason they shouldn't be able to in any thread, and here we are. I can get stuff like... not wanting people to call Ewan a myrmidon or something, but for units like Alm and Micaiah, some people view them as lords and saying "btw you can't do that here" is forcing your opinion on people. I really don't see any other way to point this out.

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Yes, but they're generally meant to be guidelines, not "you must do what I say".

Fine then. My mistake. I guess since there's no point in having my rule in because of this, I'll take it out.

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Fine then. My mistake. I guess since there's no point in having my rule in because of this, I'll take it out.



EDIT: btw that's not a potshot at you Anacybele, I'm glad that a resolution was made and that's it. Maybe now the thread can get back in order.

Edited by Jotaro Kujo
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